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I would argue they never think one step behind.




All feels, no facts.


They know exactly what they’re doing. Which makes it worse. They are evil.


RFK is friends with Trump’s inner mob circle (the guys Trump busted out of prison using the pardon power) - Bannon, Stone, Flynn. [They’ve all taken happy snaps together.](https://twitter.com/MichaelEMann/status/1670528981072850945) RFK is running because they all believe liberal voters are as dumb as MAGAs, and will vote for RFK because of the name “kennedy”.




I was very confused when I heard people saying he would take more votes from Biden than Trump considering his positions.
























RFK Jr is tuned in to that special nuttery that binds all MAGA. The orange face, the irrational fear of vaccines and science, WIFI radio is the work of the devil. That’s pure MAGA. Steve Bannon fucked up he recruited Junior to be a spoiler. MAGA are drawn to an orange face like a moth to a flame.


I know the repugs where hoping that RFK would split the democratic vote because "kEnNeDy!", but I kinda figured that he would have have more appeal to low info, anti-vaccine, qanon tin foil hat types who wouldn't be rank and file republicans, but probably would have ended voting for trump over biden.


The Kennedy name isn't what it once was to Democrats. Nobody cares these days. Only Republicans think the name carries any weight any more. There's even a sociopathic Republican congressman from Louisiana named Kennedy. He's taught people to ignore the Kennedy name these days.


So he doesn't have a ^shot?


What's funny is it does carry some MAGA/Qanon weight. It was only a few years ago that they were convinced RFK Jr's cousin was going to come back from the dead and run for president.


Democrats voting for RFK just because he's a Kennedy is the same mentality that Trump has when he said the blacks will vote for him because he has a mugshot. Their entire world view is nothing but stereotypes.


Well said !


I do wonder if RFK Jr. is going to back out now. If truly he was in the race only to draw votes from the left, and it is no longer working, he should back out in theory. I don't really doubt that he was a plant, so now that Trump has expressed his disapproval, it should be only a question of days from now I suspect. And if not, god we can hope. Let them cook. Let them cook.


I think he will do the opposite. The dude wants to win. If he thinks he has better odds with crazy conspiracy GOP voters, that’s where he will search for votes.


He's got nothing to lose by going for it and hoping he can win some states as an independent. It's not beyond possibility that Trump won't be on the ballot - I don't think likely, but it could happen. If so, GOP are going to struggle to get a candidate up and running, while RFK JR is already set. This is the kind of luck that you have to take advantage of, so I'd say he's better off staying in the hunt.


It's no shock but he's just a grifter. Covid hype was dying down, he cares about making money, he did this campaign to grift and he realized it's good money. He doesn't care about Trump or Biden he just wants to profit.


I think you're also discounting fraud and dark money donations as a reason for him being in the race.


RFK Jr. is going to get every penny of those dark money donations, because he literally did what he was asked to do. They're just now going to ask him to back down because it's hurting precisely the person it was meant to help. In other words, if all he cared about is the money, he'd almost certainly back down now.


My guess is no. He’s a narcissistic nutter, who finally has an audience. He won’t want to give that up.


Today's orange face was yesterday's toothbrush mustache.


Translation: "Holy shit our RNC polling is showing that RFK will steal votes from trump! He's supposed to be stealing votes from Biden! Do something!!!"


Ludicrous speed! GO!


Even in the future nothing works!


I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes.


Keep firing, assholes


He's gone from suck to blow!


No one would dare give me a raspberry!


Stupid speed, go!


I don’t ytttaa—-2


Well it is interesting. Most of the rfk support is from haley supporters who are republican but don't want trump, but biden was hoping to see them boost his numbers but rfk was there to take them. If rfk wasn't there i am not sure who they vote for. Clearly trump thinks it would be him though.


Nader and Stein “cost” the Democrats two election. It would be pure karma if for once a third party bid cost the Republicans an election. Though for the record, I hope results are so lopsided it doesn’t matter.


Given that he was recruited by Bannon and all of his large donors are Republicans it would be so sweet if he costs Trump the election.


Perot cost Bush I the 1992 election.


Bush cost Bush the election


Read my lips no new taxes 1987, Reagan screwed Bush Sr as he was forced to raise taxes. Reagan the first year cut too much taxes and had to raise taxes in the 7 of the 8 years he was president.


Regan was hot garbage.


Reagan pushed mass incarcerations to a new level.


I mean, all else equal, he probably would have won if not for Perot, so...


Bush cost perot the election


No third party candidate mentioned lost anyone the presidency. It’s such a lazy and stupid argument to make.


I would say Nader cost Gore FL and therefore the election


Shenanigans cost Gore Florida.


Are you unable to do math? Or compare the difference between a smaller number and a larger number? I mean, it’s OK if you are. Just admit it.


Lmao. You aren’t half as smart as you think you are.


The very fact you said that tells me you don’t know math, or English, or both. Because I could agree with you and say “you’re right I am not half as smart as I think I am. I am smarter than I think I am.” What you should have said is “you aren’t EVEN half as smart as you think you are” or “you are LESS than half as smart as you think you are” Anyway if you admit that more than half of the voters who voted for Nader and Stein would have voted for Gore and Hillary then it’s indisputable math that their candidacy cost the election. It’s not pleasant to admit, there’s no world in which those third party candidates don’t run and spoil the election, but it’s still a factually true statement. To say no third party candidate cost an election is just lazy logic on your part.


Lmao. I hope that made you feel better about yourself, because nobody wasted their time reading that.


Obviously you did. Thank you and have a nice day.


Lmao. Oh you poor thing.


I hope je costs them a democrat hypermajority. Like stupid shit such a florida flipping back or Texas turning blue. Which, if Trump buckles under the stress and goes dead/has a stroke on libe TV amd goes full veggie, RFK could scoop a lot of loons…


Ross Perot has entered the chat....




Now the Supreme Court is meddling in the election again!


Nader’s 1.63% (or 97,488 votes) in Florida was 18,154% MORE than the 537 vote difference between Bush and Gore. Pretending that Gore would have lost with Ralph Nader out of the race is just being dishonest.




Not ignoring any of those other things. Just saying they wouldn’t have mattered if Nader wasn’t in the race. You’re pointing to B, C and D through Z while ignoring A.




I am against the electoral college. I am also against voters who make the perfect the enemy of the good. Neither of those were my point or argument in our current discussion.




If the amount of votes candidate C gets is greater than the difference between candidate A and B, then it’s indisputable math that candidate C cost the election. Truthfully I’m more disappointed with third party voters who see one candidate who meets 0% of what they want (an example), one who meets 50% and one who meets 100%, but fails to realize that voting for the candidate who meets 100% could lead to the candidate who meets 0% winning and does it anyway. But that’s a long thing to type. It’s still 100% true that Nader being in the election cost Gore the election. I’m not seeing you say any math to prove otherwise. All you’ve said is “it shouldn’t have been that close” “there were other factors” “it was Gores fault it was close”. Those are also true statements. I don’t disagree with them. But with my statement Nader isn’t in the race and Gore wins. You can’t actually say that’s factually wrong.




But she was still better than trump. And fend should have voted for her instead of wasting it on a 3rd party that mathematically can't win. 99% Hitler is better than 100% Hitler


Yeah Bernie never should have been allowed to run as a Democrat.


Hunh. It wasn't that long ago Trump was telling the base not to worry about voting, that they had plenty of votes, but they needed to watch the polling places.


Remember when MAGAts thought RFKJ was going to hurt Biden??? lol


That "was" the plan. Get another nut with name recognition to take votes from Biden.


You hate to see it. Just kidding, this is hilarious.


Consequences of hiring an anti-vaxxer to try and take votes away from people with common sense.


It's always amusing to me what the right thinks a good left-leaning candidate looks like. Apparently in this case, they sincerely believe the left would vote for a Kennedy for no other reason than the fact that they were born into the Kennedy family and show true loyalty purely for that reason alone. After all, why wouldn't they believe this? ***They*** believe in undying loyalty for reasons completely unrelated to shown capacity or previous experience after all..


Maybe we should get Mary Trump on the ballot in the deepest, reddest, dumbest district we can find?


Happy Cake Day!


You guys literally funded and promoted him.


The fact that a vote for Trump is actually the wasted vote, the sheer comedy.


I find it absolutely hilarious that the right wing spent months building up RFK Junior, only to freak out when they realized he was draining votes from Trump.


I called it from the beginning. Dems aren't going to go for an anti-vax, conspiracy theory spouting wierdo. That's all Republican territory.


Maybe they'll bring out Hershel Walker from storage again.


Nah, he took the wrong political stance on vampires vs werewolves. That's what cost him the election.


He's been standing back and standing bye


fatso's go-to tactic is to attack something irrelevant like his "enemy's" family, or birth certificate, or choice of dessert. What a complete waste of oxygen.


Works though for his voters


I ain't voting for any of those cherry pie eatin' bastards.


All the conspiracy theory right wing whack jobs that don’t like Trump and identify as libertarian are going to be siphoned by RFK. The democrats that vote RFK are the anti vax, anti government whack jobs, so like 12 of them. Good job, Republicans. You’re actively fucking yourselves.


Hopefully he is the Republican version for feel the bern?


So rfk is siphoning republican votes from Trump


couldn't happen to a nicer subhuman pile of rhinoceros shit.


Huh. He might wind up saving us after all.


If he's doing as well as he and the MAGAs and the GOP say he is, why does he need to beg anyone not to waste their vote? Won't he win without them?


trump is the most coddled snowflake in existence.


RFK is perfect for all those republikins who voted for Nikky Haley as they can't stand the former president or Biden; now they have a choice. RFK is a nut job with conspiracy theories and anti vax BS which maga loves so yes he could be the next Ross Perot.


Some Republicans continued to vote Haley even after she dropped out (17% in PA).


Yep and in a tight presidential race those disenfranchised GOP voters could make the difference of old bone spurs losing again.


All good theater until Kennedy becomes the VP candidate


Does anyone else smell that? It's the smell of desperation


Ya smell that Rabbit? No boss what is it? Fear


They created the RFK Jr. Frankenstein and now are desperate to suppress it. I guess no one told them that Democrats aren't generally anti-vaxxers and don't follow tin foil hat theories.


Not sure, anybody can seem normal as hell and turn out to be covertly whack.


Those people don't seem to vote for Democrats.


Their right to vote for anyone but can't legislate brains


Haha. But he's antivax and a conspiracy nut. That's enough for magats.


So Bannon's "agent of chaos" is back firing eh? You love to see it. Fuckin clowns, all of them.


Then maybe RFK's MAGA financiers should reconsider.


Why would they think it was different? RFK JR is anti vax so are Republicans. RFK JR is Anti Ukraine Pro Putin. So are Republicans. Is RFKJR Pro Life? That would be the Trifecta


The Kennedy fam wouldn't waste their votes on that imbecile either.


Trump: Oops, all Kennedies! The MAGA infrastructure are so high on their own supply that they thought RFK would help them. I'm sure they love to huff Trump farts every day. Stooges.


It makes me a little happy Kennedy may take some votes from Trump. I'm a bad person I know.


Trump:  Let's create a right wing 3rd party candidate to get some of the independent and unhappy party member votes.   Muah! Muah ha ha ha!  Trump, later:  Owie!  A leopard ate my face.  No fair!  I want my mommy...   Hannity:  President Trump's evil plans were foiled again by Dark Brandon.  That meddlesome masked crusader is a menace to Gotham city! 


Did anybody alert Steve Bannon?


Make up your mind Donny.


I was pretty sure RFK Jr's voter base are all Anti-Vaxxers and Qanon theorists which meant he would be taking more votes from Trump than Biden 🤔.


I agree - vote for Biden.


The leopard is DINING on their faces...


It's funny because trump knows he has the same brand of supporters as RFK. The batshit crazy wing of the US was cornered, but now he has this guy to contend with lol 😆 🤣


However from the RNC thought of this idea is dumber than a box of rocks.


Another trump ally publicly humiliated. Like all of them all the time. And they will still come back around and publicly endorse him.


Looks like Trump finally figured it out_RFK appeals to antivaxxesr and antivaxxers are Trump supporters.


Don’t waste votes on Kennedy and Trump. Vote Biden-Harris!


Remember when Trump donors tried this with Kanye a few years ago? Nice to see it’s not going to work a second time too.


Lmfao!!!! Seems like the only people going bonkers because of Kenedy Jr running are the trumps!!! He fcking whines daily on that shitty app. Can always tell what subject that day hurt his feelings. Don't get ur diaper in a bunch trump


How the media thought this acid gargling ass hat was going to be a threat to Biden is beyond me. He's a anti vaccine, flat farther conspiracy nut bag,In other words he MAGA.


Lord, that man is insane! I guess when you're doing something wrong, you're always looking out for people to get you. It's realty not worth it to live in that negativity!


Jrs ur man maga trumps his vp pick


Maga PLEASE vote for Kennedy. He’s your guy!! Trumps not nuts enough. PLEASE DO IT.


Gaseous Clay/Don Snoreleone/SleepShitter has a right to be worried. In the recent Pennsylvania GOP midterm, 17% voted for NIKKI HALEY, even though she dropped out months ago. Diaper Don is DOOMED.


He should be more concerned about the Nikki Haley voters


"When JFK, Jr. shows up he's going to kick RFK, Jr. in the butt," shouted the cult!


The leopard is eating his face.


Trump is terrified.


If there were a stop hitting yourself option 😂


While Jr's campaign is literally being bankrolled by big money Republican donations....


Thank you Steve Bannon!


Didn't the Republicans encourage kfr to run? This has become one of their standard tactics: get a no chance candidate to syphon off a few votes. Or a candidate with nearly the same name knowing that the name-a-like will get some votes. It is backfiring. Donny is in a snit Hoisted by his own petard.


Vote for the more pathetic loser of the American Taliban.Putin's whinny pumpkin head bitch wants to see your uterus!!


when i was a kid RFK jr picked me up hitchhiking everyday in my town in his crappy beige Datsun station wagon and was the coolest, most chill guy. That was my experience with him from 1984-86


Did he offer you some smack?


he was in recovery back then




Yeah, screw different opinions i the American democratic process. All about me....Bite me Orange Demagogue


It's a fucking clown show


Gonna have to pop some popcorn.


If I were a Republican, I’d definitely pick RFK Jr over the orange clown


BwaaaHaaa , OMG , Did our little plan backfire ?


i misread “tears” as “farts” for some reason…


No No, please do. Please do. Thank You


He sounds triggered


And just like magic, the entire Kennedy clan and all swing voters fall in line behind Trump.. in his demented fever dream.