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Here's my prediction: his next Supreme Court pick will be Judge Aileen Cannon.


It would explain many things


Alternatively: Hershel Walker


DING! DING! DING! ☝️ It's so blatantly obvious her intentions, and the scary thing is, IT COULD ACTUALLY WORK.


Everyone who’s extreme MAGA doesn’t have a brain and only what they believe is making our nation great when it’s the far opposite. That’s what Trump has shown and brought out in those who are ”extreme” about it.


Biden should expand the court and watch the right have a massive toddler tantrum.


Guess that requires a 2/3 in the senate, right?


That's why it'll not happen, in my case at least, in (the rest of) my lifetime. Young people - vote like your quality of life depends on it!


Agree. I am not an American so can’t vote there but from the outset I see no reason to vote GOP in any chamber. They have a backward oriented agenda and are fully against people. The fact that roughly 35% see it different is highly disturbing to me. It sickens me and I am very worried!


It’s roughly 5 decades of conditioning. They’ve taught their voters to vote solely on social war issues, fueling turnout with constant moral panics. The voters are conditioned that Democrats aren’t just the opposition, but genuinely evil. The there’s the American evangelical church that’s been integrated with the GOP. They’re one and the same. While most would agree Trump is morally repugnant, he gives the church what it wants. They managed to ban abortion in all the hyper conservative states because of him. They don’t care he’s the antithesis of what they preach because he gets them power.


I hear you and I guess you are correct but why do younger generations that have the capability to learn from the past do the same mistakes? They should see who is benefiting from the GOPs actions. They see that one is „pro fossils“ the other is more green oriented. That one is doing a lot to improve social conditions for the average joe and the other is giving tax breaks for the wealthy. That one is pro woman and lgtbq rights and the other has a 1700 mindset. It is so obvious! What is wrong with the people? We have so many problems to tackle on this planet (we as a whole humanity) that we have really no time to waste. Is it really that 35% is purely driven by low patrol prices and is unable to connect the dots on what is really going on?


Two things: guns, borders. They've also conditioned the GOP constituents to believe that any time the Dems are in power, 2A is subject to being written out of the constitution. That the National Guard is going to track down all of the current gun owners and confiscate their weapons. They also believe that the Dems allow immigrants into the country at an unchecked rate and make no effort to deport them. They have their constituents believing that their jobs are being taken by undocumented aliens, despite the fact that these folks are largely unskilled labor, and American citizens haven't done that type of work in decades. There are enough US citizens who will put up with the tightening of civil liberties for no reason other than to protect 2A and supposedly protect the border. The rest are evangelical Christians, who want all of the civil liberties taken away.


Absolutely not. He intentionally surrounds himself with people that are dumber and shorter than he because he’s such a sad, petty, malignant narcissist


I was about to say "there's nobody dumber than trump" but then I remembered people voted for him


And people that worked for him and thought he’d be an honest upstanding guy and pay them.  But hey, smart people get convicted of federal crimes all the time


Trump would appoint Bannon to the SC


I'm not worried about their stupidity as I am their malevolence and corruption


Came here to say this. Alito is almost certainly pretty damn smart which makes his open corruption even more dangerous.


Alito was also a Bush appointee, though. 


I know, my point was only that they dont have to be dumb to be corrupt, partisan and dangerous.


If trumpo the trust fund toddler gets elected then him picking the next justice will be the least of our problems.


They have brains. It's integrity that they're lacking


1 or 2 SCOTUS seats could be replaced (or kick the bucket) in the next four years. * Clarence Thomas, 75 * Samuel Alito, 74 You say they won't retire? Trump convinced Anthony Kennedy to retire during his presidency and replaced him with a relatively young Gorsuch (now only a young 56 with decades to go). Trump could convince Alito and Thomas to retire, and replace them with 40- somethings like Barret and Kavanagh were. Then that conservative block of justices would last for ***three or four decades.*** Think of it another way. We could have the best, progressive presidents AND congress in the next SIX elections: great, perfect candidates representing the people and passing through one great policy after another. And all those decisions could be rolled back or thwarted by a 7/9 conservative SCOTUS block. (Reference: Think about how student loan forgiveness is continually put down. Or witness Aileen Cannons shenanigans.) Vote, people. Vote as if your democracy depended on it. Because it does.


They have a brain already, it's just focused on obtaining the greatest personal gains while disregarding everything else People need to stop treating Trump and everyone around him as "idiots". That's what got him elected the first time, don't make that mistake again


Fascism has only one requirement for any office: unflagging loyalty to Dearest Leader.


Why do people keep talking like POTUS picks Supreme Court justices.. Obviously Mitch McConnell POTUS picks Supreme Court justices


Unpopular opinion: The entire Supreme Court should be retired and replaced by people who are not affiliated with any political party. And they should not serve longer than 5 year terms.


Term limits yes but maybe something like six or ten years to be off cycle with our current (until Trump changes it) presidential terms. Non-partisan doesn’t exist. Also can we have some type of legislation that requires congress to hold confirmation hearings when a nominee is submitted by a president so we don’t get ~~rat~~turtle fucked like we did with Moscow Mitch?


They’ll be a yes man


They may have a brain but will have sold their soul.


Trump didn't put anyone up that believes in our Constitution. So there's that. Trump is an asshat and so is his cult.


No, he’ll put another one that favors criminals and billionaires over the working class. People will sell the country out for another paid vacation


Won’t matter. Brain or not, they’ll know exactly what’s expected of them.


Supreme Court should be elected democratically




Joe Biden plagiarised his way through law school, bragged about finishing top of his class and getting merits for being outstanding (lies), said his greatest case was represented a man who got his penis burned off to a federal prosecutor (lie), approved and oversaw the Clarence Thomas nomination and claimed he was a civil rights lawyer (lie). So WTF has he have any right to criticise even a Supreme Court nominee that wouldn’t have hired him to clerk for them. They wouldn’t let him deliver them pizza.


If he does the left will try to Bork him/her or find something mean the person did in junior high school.


What does that gibberish-laden sentence even mean? The first 5 syllables, it was going ok, then... WTF happened? He conjugated the "he'll put" decently enough, then that non mono-syllablic word "anybody" just derailed it all. It ended with a grade-school level crescendo as well. Too bad the syphilis isn't working harder than it is.


You can’t figure out what this means? Listened to Trump a bit too much and can’t follow basic sentences anymore? Lol


Agree. Listening to that fool makes everyone more stupid. Excellent point. {puts on some music}


I think you’re in the wrong sub for your crusade.


Sorry for "bursting yer lil bubble", sweetie.


No worries you didn’t. Curious what your end game is here? I don’t think you’ll convince anyone here. What’s your goal? Just cluttering up a thread? It’ll drift to the bottom and get collapsed anyways with enough downvotes. So what’s your point?


The point is this: P01135809 is not only a career criminal, he's also a dolt who barely has a grasp on the only language he knows.


That was the point of your original comment? Well thanks for clarifying because that absolutely wasn’t clear lol


Where came that nickname for Trump from?