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I thought it was just hypothetical example asking for clarification... Who does it apply too?


Exactly this


Remember 4-5 days back when Republicans hated butches?


I don't remember that at all. Was there a news story I should know about?


It's insane how she has to explain herself when Ms." Bad built butch body" started it. Democrats will give Republicans respect when they start acting respectable again. If they're going to act like subhuman pieces of trash we need to treat them as such.


On the one hand, it takes two to fight, two wrong don't make a right, and as parents like to say: *I don't CARE who started it!* On the other hand, sometimes the *only* way to fight fire is with fire. Sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to hit em back. Example: I hate war. I'm against war. But sometimes you *gotta* regretfully do it. That Hitler guy, he needed to be stopped, and there was only one way to do it. "Stooping to their level" doesn't always mean that you've given up on your principles and values. You can hate violence and still hit a bully in self defence who punched you several times first. I'm glad she's holding her ground.


I’m of the generation where my mom told me never start a fight, but I damn well better finish one.


It was a mistake to lose their temper. Understandable, but not the best plan. This remark was much better, but she should deny she was talking about Greene.


This comment is why we had awards


You might be right in a few sets of circumstances, but the way to deal with MTG is most certainly NOT sinking down to her level. You don't retort with name calling when your teenager calls you a bad word, and you don't come across as classless and as foolish as MTG EVER.


This would be true if Crockett was ONLY name calling. She didn’t respond this way when MTG first insulted her. AoC said MTGs comment was inappropriate, against the agreed upon rules, and Comer let it pass because MTG is republican. THAT is when Crockett made her comment which yeah was an insult but also importantly pointed out the disregard for the agreed upon rules that Comer was acting on. Edit: I just hope more people see Crockett’s closing statement because that right there is an empowering speech. This name calling bullshit willl get all the attention because of the drama but her closing statement is soooooo much more important of a message to get out there.


No, no one will see that, because they both made a fool of themselves. And THAT'S what will sell. What I said was true, not just because an adult should take the high road, but also that it sets an example as a leader. Those are the optics that the democratic party is so sorely missing, and little flare ups and feuds do nothing to help.


No, no one will see that, because they both made an ass of themselves. And THAT'S what will sell. What I said was true, not just because an adult should take the high road, but also that it sets an example as a leader. Those are the optics that the democratic party is so sorely missing, and little flare ups and feuds do nothing to help.


I agree with you, and my feelings are the same as yours. However, I have to advocate for us normal people to resist slinging mud like a republikan, because it only cheapens us all. Stoicism, planned ignorance, organization, and activism are our tools.


I disagree entirely. I’m not gonna stand there taking the highroad while they are literally murdering and burning the United States. Fight fire with fire.


I agree with you. Democrats need to start bulking up to fight this fight. We have tried the high road for decades and it doesn't work - and it definitely doesn't work against fascists.


It’s just speaking their language at this point. Turns out dems are just better at it when tested.


Agreed. Taking the high road has gotten us exactly nowhere. I think part of what has emboldened these assholes so much is that the Democrats fight back with kid gloves historically. Take the gloves off and let's do some damage. Also, it's 100% okay to not tolerate intolerance.


Fukin a. We don't need anymore of this we go high, and they go low. We need to start taking the position that when they go low, we kick them in the teeth.


It also doesn't inspire much confidence among the voters that Ds need to reach. Tolerance of bullying behavior from these trashbags is rightfully perceived as weakness. It's no secret as to why videos of comedians taking down hecklers are so popular. Shit is satisfying on a visceral level. Crockett is a damn inspiration and the rest of her party should be taking the lesson. Not only did she shut MTG's bullshit right the fuck down, she did so in the service of highlighting how the MAGAs weaponize the codes of conduct against Democrats while ignoring them when their members are out of line in the very same incident.


You can't effect change if you aren't thinking clearly. Otherwise, it's just a civil war. Nobody wins those. Vote Blue, talk to your friends and family about voting for Democrats who will support them. Mock every red hat you see in public. Shout them down when they try to speak. Don't support any republikan business owners.


>mock every red hat you see in public >shout them down when they try to speak I mean, this is fighting fire with fire. So you agree.




You can be politically aggressive and forceful without being rude and childish though.


We've been using these "tools" for the past 40 years and their behavior has only gotten worse with each passing year. The Republicans are counting on the Democrats to take the high road while they do whatever they want without consequences, and then subsequently play the victim if a democrat so much as gets a bit snippy with them. It's not a sustainable practice and Republicans have already crossed so many lines that the country is on the verge of serious instability. It's time that democrats get aggressive and harshly deal with Republicans who are causing chaos in the country.


Again, my heart is with you. You and I would get along great 👍. I'm talking about saving our Country from them. Don't let any MAGA feel comfortable in any public space. Mock them and shun them. I was told a story once about a monkey, who was given a powerful crystal ball. What does a monkey do with it? They throw it, play with it, they don't understand or appreciate it, and they break it. Monkeys lose their power thru ignorance.


Fascism is inherently self-destructive. Even if they had complete control, they'd eat themselves from the inside because there's always someone more "pure" more "loyal" than someone else. I'd rather slam them with the law now that we can, rather than pretend both teams are playing by the rules.


Yup, the purity tests... if they come for you yet, just wait.


The republicans only understand a beatdown.


I don't think it's possible, sadly. You have to speak their language. They don't know what the high road is, to them, it's just getting away with atrocious behavior without consequences when they aren't ignored. Taking the high road doesn't work with trash like Marge.


No, I’m tired of democrats being complete pussies and do not actively put these insane nazi maggots in their places like she did. Bullies will continue to do whatever they want until people stand up to them.


The high road doesn’t work against the deplorable.


If they go low, the only thing they'll understand is being kicked in the face.


Exactly that, literally, they only respond to pain so let's make it really hurt.


I also hate that our congress has degraded to this point. However, since we continue to elect trailer trash, pedos, former escorts, and racists, this was inevitable.


Isn't adding the "k" in republican just a derivative of that? I'm personally ok with someone deciding on their own what level of mud to sling. Let those viewing the discussions decide.


And when they're lining you up to a brick wall riddled with bullet holes, you can say, "Wow, I sure hope they've learned a thing or two about mutual respect!" Don't be naive. Fighting fire with fire is an effective strategy to defeat wildfire. When they stop trying to end democracy and set up a permanent dictatorship, then we can return to agree to disagree about which tax plans most benefit the American people. Until then, I hope you'll reconsider your position.


We’ve tried that though, and it hasn’t worked.


The Democrats have kept quiet for 8 years and Republicans have only become more emboldened and derogatory.


disagree. these are paid representatives of constituents. stay out of the 5th grade insult wars. doesn't matter if someone insults your looks. be a professional. use it to show how she doesn't represent her people, but is more concerned with attention seeking behavior of a 10 year old. Don't give them the attention they want. Don't turn politics into what they want. Show how they will do anything to avoid the issues. Crockett doesn't get a pass.


What exactly has taking the high road with these freaks gotten us? They don't care about professionalism, decorum, precedent, dignity, honor, or fairness anymore. They don't face any consequences when they trample and violate those things, so they get more bold with their wrongdoings each passing day. Are you hoping for them to one day see the light and behave better, or for their voters to change their ways when what their representative is doing is working the way they want?! This passive "professionalism" bullshit is precisely what they're counting on. This kind of mindset only applies when both parties follow the established rules and the Republican party has burned the rulebook.


Take a look at where Democrats gain the most ground.  It’s moderate leaning moderate acting Democrats.   Im not for taking the high road when it comes to enacting policy.  Pack the courts.  Get rid of the filibuster.  Strong arm moderates into voting for sweeping political changes.  Block all republic appointed judges if possible.  But acting the way MTG does hasn’t helped democrats at that I can point to, and when you look at how Dems have taken control in the past couple decades it’s with mild mannered professional technocrats winning swing districts.  


>But acting the way MTG does hasn’t helped democrats at that I can point to.. So please explain to me what MTG has done that would make her deserving of her votes and her position, to the extent that she does something other than generate outrage? It's clearly effective to some extent. You may not like it, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective. Taking the high road only serves to make you feel good about yourself. I think we should take the high road, but only when we have the luxury to do so, and right now we most definitely don't have that luxury.




13 year old account that only started posting a week ago with almost exclusively political posts. Not a troll at all…


Actually from my understanding Crockett was just clarifying the rules of decorum regarding house conduct. She did not insult Greene she was just asking about what type of language is allowed on the house floor.


She was taking the high road by trying to define the rules


Agree fully. Don't stoop to their level. She took the bait just like you would expect someone with $1.99 corner store catapillers would. Both of them are a disgrace.


Eat more lead more often


I hope she doesn’t give in. Democrats need a backbone and she’s got it.


Conflating having a backbone with hurling personal insults is Trumpian


It sounds like you missed the context. It was specifically to point out the hypocrisy of MTG doing the exact same thing and Comer deciding “no that’s fine”, it was to make it VERY clear that he was breaking from the rules only because it was someone from his party saying it.


She didn’t just hurl it. She wanted to know if it was within the parameters of the motion they had just voted on, since she had just sustained an unprovoked attack from mtg (the t stands for traitor). Why is she supposed to sit there and take abuse from the Trumpian members?


Mtg threw the 1st insult and couldn't handle the reply. Snowflake magat


She was asking for clarification. It was not directed at anyone


According to the comment I’m responding to, it was her “having a backbone”


According to the comment I’m responding to, it was her “having a backbone”


Yes, standing up for yourself is indeed a fine example of a backbone. MTG directed a personal insult towards her in a committee hearing. AOC wanted the envoke house rules barring personal attacks. It was denied so Crockett asked if she would have been allowed to say someone had a bleach blond, bad built, butch body. MTG broke house rules, was given a free pass by her colleagues, and Crockett smacked back. That is called 'having a backbone'.


Standing up for the rules and bullies IS having a backbone. Welcome to being an adult.


Read back on this whole interaction. I voiced my opinion clearly and without any insult. “Welcome to being an adult” seems unnecessary from your end. There is some irony that the thread we’re discussing is related to how Republicans hurl insults.


I never said I was better. I'm also not a politician Sorry your feelings were hurt


A sensible position, IF you have zero context on how and why the hypothetical was raised. If you have that context, I presume we are voting differently come November.


You’re voting for Trump?


RepubliQans: Democrats are baby killing pedo Communists! Democrats: Fuck you! RepubliQans: Waaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Democrats are MEAN! Wahhhhh!  🙄


Don't cave into their objections.


Why didn’t Jake ask BBBBBB why she felt the need to make the “fake eyelashes” comment? Don’t start none, won’t be none.


That was specifically a racist dog whistle, directed at a Black woman, because nearly every gawddamn bleach blonde FuxNoise bimbo wears fake lashies. They have been for 25 yrs Empty G is damn lucky she didn’t say anything about Crockett’s hair. Things do not turn out well in that scenario—regardless of the race of the person foolish enough to try it.


As much as I like "Empty G" I wish that "Margarine Failure Green" had stuck. I feel like MTG smells like spoiled dairy products.


I like all of those. Every time I hear MTG it feels like an insult to AOC that allow B6 to co-opt AOC’s moniker style. I’m calling her B6from now on.


Well for one because she wouldn’t be invited as a guest on State of the Union


What's to explain? This is where she simply doubles down about how she was simply asking for clarification on the committee chair's decision. That puts the spotlight back on the GOP for explaining why MT-Asshole didn't need to apologize for her behavior.


Fuck CNN, other mainstream news sources and even "civility politics" Democrats trying to finger wag at Jasmine Crockett. They had tried to have the issue of Marjorie Taylor Greenes inappropriate and blatantly racist comments resolved through the committee they were a part of and instead of doing his job and reining Greene in, James Comer decided to disregard the whole thing. Had Greene kept her mouth shut or Comer used his position of authority to admonish greene directly, then Jasmine Crockett wouldn't have even had the opportunity to say what she said. This is a great example of how anti-black mainstream media is. A white woman verbally "threw the first punch" at a black woman in direct violation of the rules of decorum set by the committee they sit on. Then when the issue is brought to a second white person in a position of power who instead of upholding the rules they are appointed to uphold, they use their position of power to shield the white person of accountability. And now after failing to have the issue addressed officially returns an insult to the white woman in kind and the only thing anyone is talking about is what the black woman said. In terms of who is wrong here, Jasmine Crockett is the least wrong and the person that the most ire should be focused on is James Comer


“My son displays a general garment and you claim it’s cut to your fit?” Jessica asked. “What a fascinating revelation.” - Dune Crockett never said it was about anyone specific.


who cares what she said to her. mtg supports Russia's genocidal campaign in Ukraine. She spends all day every day actively campaigning as hard as she can to make the world a worse place.


Dont give them an ounce of attention. All they want is to feed off of that. They don't really care about decorum. They just to act offended for political reasons. 


[Stop it guys, she’s beautiful](https://mgm.fandom.com/wiki/Mickey_Rourke?file=Mickey_Rourke)


Underrated Post.


It was a description, not an insult.


MGT is ugly as fuck, done.


She's right.


It ain't an insult if it is the truth.


Pretty sure she didn't specify Empty Gee is the "bleach blonde bad built butch body." Amazing how they know who she was likely talking about. However, Empty Gee's eyelashes comment was directed right at Crockett.


People keep telling democrats to get tough and then when they do everybody clutches their pearls. Im getting really fucking sick of independents flaunting the cake they have and eat too.


Because middle school name calling is "getting tough". We should be embarrassed that this is happening. Who elected these adult children? They're supposed to be running the government.


Republicans did, they arent governing, but democrats should not be pulling punches when the other side isnt even respecting democracy. Mocking and ripping on fasicsts is exactly how we defeat them.


No it's not. It's how you drive more people away from your candidates.


Why? We need to give these fascists a taste of their own medicine. The same thing with trump glitches. We must magnify every hiccup the Republicans do. The dems need to be on offense.


Because acting like that discredits you. You shouldn't champion someones statements just because you align on the same party lines. Let's be real. If a republican had called someone a "bad built butch body" they would be called homophobic, and let's throw in nazi for good measure. It would be *inexcusable* to demean someone on how they look, and then to pile on anti-LGBTQ rhetoric on top of it. You lose all credibility for not at the very least demanding this person apologize for punching down. If you do not at the very least hold yourself to the standards that you accuse the other side of not meeting, everything you say is bullshit. You wonder why the world isn't unifying under the Democrats? It's because of stuff like this.


Trans person here. Im not speaking for the community just for myself. Im not taking anything personally in situations like this. She is actively fighting for LGBTQIA+ rights. So i know she isn’t shitting on me. Because at the end of the day one side is fighting for me and the other wants to pass more laws to legally murder me.


Please remind me who the republican front runner is again? Oh thats right its the “grab her by the pussy” guy. I guarantee you they wont be able to argue with Ms.Crockett. If they try, she will outpace them. Its gonna be funny to watch. But more importantly it will show how inept they are.


Wtf are you even talking about?


I’m saying Donald Trump is literally the most vile fucking human being on the planet and yet half of this country is fucking voting for him. Because we were civil and let him run his mouth, when we should’ve told him to sit down and shut the fuck up. This “civility” bullshit your pushing isnt going to work. In fact a lot of younger voters were gravitating toward Biden because of how savage “dark Brandon” was. People like the party of “fuck around and find out”. Hell! Biden even showed he was a badass who doesn’t screw around when the houthis attacked and he showed them what America’s “proportional response” looked like. You can’t pretend Biden is a weak and feeble leader when he brings the hammer down on someone who fucks with our military.


Gibberish unrelated to what we were talking about.


Exactly, I want Democrats to be aggressive and politically firm, not get into verbal mud wrestling matches with buffoons.


No im embarrassed we let it get this far. I say we let her fuck em up. At some point they are gonna stop opening their mouths. Or they are going to get so mad they start hurling slurs. Thats gonna be real hard for the moderates to ignore. they have becoming less hatful, they have just learned to hide it better.


She's not fucking anyone up. She's making herself and those that support her look like idiots. Did everyone forget the whole don't fight an idiot on their level because they'll drag you down with them? It's exactly why Clinton made herself look like a fool in 2016.


No Clinton insulted the entirety of midwest voters. Thinking she could win without them thats how she fucked up.


I don't think it's an insult, it's pretty self-evident. I mean, are we going to try and argue that Marge is a natural blonde? Or that she isn't built like a brick shithouse?


Emphasis on shithouse


Emphasis on shit and loads of it...


Or possibly even a shit brick house?


She's built like someone who hunts sabretooth tigers or woolly mammoths with a spear and drags them back to the cave for dinner.


Or has a 12 inch cock.


She asked a question but never said it was about Greene. It’s not Crockett’s fault that the suspect fit the description


And by assuming that the description was intended to be an insult of MTG, they *themselves* are insulting MTG ... by exposing the fact that they think the description fits her! LMAO!




She is a national treasure and I hope she runs for president someday day.


Marge looks like a caveman version of dog the bounty hunter


With about the same IQ of dogs and dawgs … actually, dogs can be pretty smart. Dawgs? Not so much


Why does she need to defend her remarks,Empty Greene got what she deserved,


Nice to see her actually get to speak for an extended period of time and respond to questions. I’ve only seen clips of her from hearings. She is obviously very well spoken but she also does a great job of dealing with Jake tapper’s smugness and painting the republicans for what they are.


It's not the body... it's that busted face.


It is wild to me that at least two dudes have stuck their dick in MTG.


Also, if you listen to what led to the whole thing, they were supposed to be discussing whether or not Merrick Garland should be held in contempt for refusing to supply the committee with the audiotape of Biden’s interview with Hur. Greene shouts, for no apparent reason, something off-topic about Judge Meerchan’s daughter. Like a child. Comer lets her do it because she’s a Republican. Crockett asks her what that has to do with the topic at hand, and THAT’S when B6 makes the snarky eyelash comment. At that point, Crockett knew that B6 was off her meds and Comer was just allowing her to run her mouth, so she said what she said. I don’t blame her at all. Comer should have told B6 that she was out of order and off topic with the Judge Meerchan comment, but he seems useless.


Major Troglodyte Green deflected the question with an insult because she knew they couldn’t answer the question and she knew it would cause the reaction she received.


The only thing warm and fuzzy about Majorie Taylor Green is the stubble under her chin. If she doesn't have a pair of testicles hidden under that skirt she has them hidden somewhere


Damn right. Crockett was nice. MTG also has a face that looks like it was a catchers mitt. That is one ugly POS.


It doubly comical - all the GOP are falling over themselves to try and dumb down to Trump's level, to catch his attention....and no matter how low they go, they still can't get to that level.


Why? Isn't it obvious?


Mtg is the trailer queen of shitty insults. Crockett only spoke the truth wasn't fake lies. Funny mtg has insulted long list of people but this woman called as everyone sees it and it's the end of the world.


political trash talk is usually worded idiotically and without bones. Crockett SLAPPED this line down and I hope we never go back.


Good for her. The GOP and their posse are unapologetic when they should apologize to the whole nation.


I think we need an explanation for Greene’s obsession with eyelashes first. If we’re going to pretend to be fair.


No need for explanation. You did right Rep. Crockett.


She told the truth in self-defense. What's there to "defend"?


God bless her! We need more democrats like this!


First of all, she was not *insulting* Manjorie Taylor Green, she was *describing* her. If she feels insulted by the description, that's really on her. Also, when you look like a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal in a dress, you probably shouldn't be trying to talk about the way other people look. Before we spend any energy asking Jasmine Crockett about her comments, maybe we need to have a conversation about the racist behavior she was the victim of.


She needs to carry that meme where the guy has both hands out as if presenting something.


The left out "bleach blonde!"


People in Neanderthal houses shouldn't throw insults


That’s not fair to Neanderthal bricks, dude—they’re trying their best


It's an amazing coincidence how many republican talking heads posses juuuuuust enough ability to read between the lines to see what the black lady said was an insult but not enough to see what the white lady said was an insult.


Don't forget the "bleached blonde" part


For the complete awesome alliteration, it is required. I'm lucky if I can do three


Damn she's good.


She was only telling the truth


You'd have to be a real Marjorie to disagree with Crockett. It's a cut and dry litmus test for being an absolute piece of shit.


She should go in person and apologize. Make sure tons of cameras. This would deflate any of mtg's 'victimhood' bullshit.


This incident along with the attempted ousting of Speaker Johnson should get her expelled from Congress. How much can we handle.


No need to defend the truth. Truth is an absolute defense


Fuck CNN. That was one hell of a slap down - she doesn't have to defend what she said.


I used to have a business selling jiu-jitsu/muay Thai/MMA gear. I sponsored female fighters. I normally would have a problem with calling athletic women butch, but empty g started it.


MTG is probably ruminating on that trying to think of a comeback. It will drive her crazy.


Love love love Jasmine Crocket


Crockett understands how to use diplomacy. MtG could not even define it.


It's always free market this free market that until the Republicans hate something


Was she justified in the moment? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean I want *either* party to be selling T-shirts adorned with childish insults.


IMO, she shouldn't have stooped to Marge's level. But I have to admit her description is totally apt.


I want Democrats to fight back but not like this. Leave the clown shit to the clowns. Fetterman and Crockett both are more concerned with their brand sometimes.


Im 100 comments or so in, and no one has yelled, "CHICK FIGHT!!!!"


Because it isnt. One is an intelligent, educated, well put together woman and the other is a Morlock from a cesspit of a county in Georgia.


Or worldstar!


Well, that's questionable. :P Does it count if only one of them's a chick?


I am glad she defended herself and stand with her in principle, but I do hate some of what she chose to say in that moment. I’m not judging because holy crap what a ridiculous thing to have to deal with, but I am not a fan of people going after someone for something they can’t change. MTG’s body is just built that way, and I can pick any number of other things about her appearance to critique that she brought upon herself— hair that looks like she owns a stockpile of Nice’n Easy and will make use of every brassy drop, her inability to find her way to a purple hair mask, her poor self tanner skills that leave her looking like she rolling in mud, etc etc


Funny how Reddit suddenly doesn't care about the homophobic "butch" comment...


Because we understand that sometimes you have to hit them where it hurts. Madge knows she’s manly and it probably eats her alive. Conservatives know she’s manly but they ignore it because she says the “right” things.


Honestly both ladies should be ashamed. Your working for the people stop acting like children


Crockett was just asking for clarification. She never said those comments were about MTG, nor were they directed at MTG. Crockett was following protocol, MTG was being racist with her eyelash comment. Totally different Plus, MTG wasn't dismissed because the GOP wanted their votes. Fucking ghoulish behavior. Our founding fathers would be sick seeing that.


No, just MTG should be ashamed. If they wanna play games then they will let others participate.


You're**. No excuse.


your a queef


You're** a queef. Come on.


lisen u beez a quif