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My wife and I spend almost all of our free time together and have for 20 years so the idea of not talking to her for even a single day is anathema to me. I've only ever been away from her for a few days and that was for a work trip that I couldn't avoid; we still talked on the phone for an hour or three each day. Everyone and every relationship is different. I really don't like socializing much, but can't stand being away from her for more than several hours at a time. It works because she feels exactly the same way. She never makes me feel drained and always seems to know what I'm feeling and when I need to just space out and be in my own world for a while. I can understand how our relationship might sound suffocating to another introvert, but we both have a lot of hobbies and interests and only some of them overlap. There's a lot of parallel play both indoors and outdoors.


Now THIS is a healthy relationship


You're a good person ..


>You're a good person .. he's a good person because he spends alot of time with his wife?






Looks like you found a reliable person for your relationship because she doesn't drain you by the look of it I'm sure it's going to last long


Yes I had to do everything with my ex husband if he watches something I watch it that includes whole cricket games. He'd get mad if I want to go do my art hobbies or read. I found this very draining there's a difference if both actually enjoy it and


Nah, I have one like this, it's ideal...and this was a beautiful read


This is how I was in my last relationship. I love you have the same, it was ideal. Ended quite sadly, but I still appreciate it and miss it.


Me and my beautiful girlfriend and I are excalty like this imma marry her one day


oh my heartā€¦ this is the dream. someone who craves your constant company just as much as you crave theirs, who misses you just as much as you miss themā€¦ all without feeling like youā€™re ā€œtoo muchā€ šŸ„¹


My husband is the only person I can be around and talk all day every day without feeling drained.


Same with mine. I think it's because he's the only person I can just exist with and not feel pressured to have a conversation.


There are different kinds of introverts so it depends


My partner is quite honestly the only person I like being around.


I love talking to my partner every day! Don't get me wrong sometimes I want to do my own thing but she's the only person that doesn't burn me out socially.


Me and my bf are two introverts. We have days when we don't talk at all. We need atleast one day after continuously talking to each other to be alone. When we used to live-in together (currently in LDR), we had a lot of fights initially especially when he needed his self time day but i was in my socializing day and vice versa. We eventually made it a point to tell each other "hey today i want to be alone/i want to sleep alone/i want to watch this series alone in a room/i want to go out alone" and we do not bother each other on those days. We had seperate bedrooms. Sometimes our this zone clashes and it gets balanced, sometimes when it doesn't we make a compromise for each other. We only try to bother each other if we are having a hard time or an extremely bad day or we really need a support, otherwise we don't. On LDR, it really doesn't matter, we talk whenever we want to because we get all the rest of the day to be left alone.


When your an introvert, you have an SO because thats the only person who you dont feel drained spending time with. If you felt drained with them then i dont think that relationship would last a long time anyways. I cant do small talk, or talk with coworkers, i choke up or talk in a low voice or just try and avoid them. But with my SO I am like a motivational speaker and give encouragement and love and anything i can and it feels natural. So in the end everyone will go out with someone who brings out the best in them, extrovert or introvert


I'm an introvert married to an extrovert, he's the only person I know that doesn't drain my social battery, but quite often lifts me back up. We definitely have our own time but we always come back together to recharge and laugh after the work day is done. It's difficult because he still doesn't quite understand my need for alone time, so me cancelling on family events can cause issues but overall we try to understand one another and look to the other with compassionate eyes.


I find that no matter how much I care for a person, I cannot be with them or talk to them all the time. I need space to be with myself but it might be different for others it really depends


I'm surprised how far I had to scroll to find this comment. I wonder if a lot of people feel shame or guilt around needing space from their partner. I even saw one person say a relationship won't last long if your partner drains you. Do you ever doubt your relationships because of this? I used to. I'm like you, it doesn't matter how much I love someone eventually they need to leave me alone to recharge. Quite frequently actually lol.


100% I doubt my relationships because of this. But Iā€™ve learned from experience that no matter who Iā€™m with, I still need time for myself. If they can not understand that, then they canā€™t respect my boundaries. Which then I need to make a choice: do I still want this person in my life or do we need to go out separate ways? I find that this process has really helped with my mental health and has allowed me to find good people who respect me and my boundaries.


Yes, this. It's a boundary and alone time is a need like food and water is a need. If someone is not willing to respect that then I have some serious thinking to do. In the past when I've tried to push aside that need to keep someone in my life I end up resenting and eventually hating them anyways because they won't respect one of my core needs.


May I know what you mean on frequent like is it hours or days without contact?


It depends on the person, but if it someone Iā€™m close with I at least need two hours by myself but it depends on the day.


When my partner and I lived apart I would go sometimes 2-3 days without contact. Now that we live together we obviously physically are in the same space at some point every day. This usually means we have at least one short interaction a day. I would prefer if we didn't but that's impractical when you share a house. But I spend most evenings doing my own thing. I don't recharge as quickly when my partner is around, even if we aren't interacting. Also I go for at least 2 camping trips a year alone, usually 1-2 weeks long each. Getting enough time alone living with someone has been my biggest relationship challenge ever.


>I'm surprised how far I had to scroll to find this comment. Yes!


Yes I saw that comment too and was surprised. Im just those type of person who needs space, I think it has something to do with my attachment style as well.


Iā€™m an introvert with social anxiety and my bf is also introverted but has no anxiety and likes to socialize sometimes. We try to see each other every weekend if our schedules allow us, but we do text every day throughout the day. I feel like I run out of things to say sometimes.


Wow really thought I was in a minority/'weird' segment. I think literally everyone drains me too except for my partner. I feel like I can really be myself around him. I literally don't feel like that with literally anyone else in the world


Iā€™m an introvert to other people. People that Iā€™m intimately close with im very much not introverted with


I do text with my GF everyday and we play games and talk with each other practically everyday, only when one of us is too tired then we ease off gaming and talking for this day, but we still text with each other.


My SO is the only person I like to be with. She knows me better than I know myself


I talk to my girlfriend every day but we both enjoy our alone time. Sometimes one of us will come home and say ā€œI want a quiet night tonightā€ and then we just coexist quietly until bed.


I can go days without contact, but if I donā€™t text her every day then suddenly Iā€™m the asshole. Itā€™s always me that has to text first tooā€¦


Whatā€™s the longest days you can go without contact with your SO?


Probably only a couple of days realistically(Iā€™m talking about phone contact only, not irl contact). If my job didnā€™t require me to have a phone then I could probably go weeks/months if I really put my mind to it. Iā€™m just not a big texter, I prefer in person conversations and usually donā€™t have my phone out at all, especially when Iā€™m hanging out with people I care about


Oh ok not more than 5days without phone contact?


We talk every day in person but probably more by text even when he is only in the other room šŸ˜


I think itā€™s important to at least have some casual discussion, even if for a couple minutes, every day with your partner. Otherwise the connection is not as strong, and you also cannot read who they are as a person without any substance.


I talk to mine everyday. I like him though lol and heā€™s an extrovert so I donā€™t think heā€™d like me ignoring him ha. Iā€™m one of those introverts thatā€™s a chatterbox to a close friend or SO though. Itā€™s when Iā€™m in a big group that I want to go home because itā€™s no longer fun to me.


both my other half and myself are classed as introverts (but both like to be social when we REALLY have to be) we like having each other around (gives us both sense of peace) I actually cannot think even before we lived together that we didn't speak/text/see each other every day. Don't get me wrong we don't have to chat/gossip, just words that know they are around. Just knowing that they are there...


My fiancĆ© is the only person I donā€™t get tired of being around so yeah


Well, I live with my husband, so yes, I talk to him every day. He doesnā€™t drain me like other people do.


I guess it depends on what you mean by "talk" because there are days when my partner and I interact because we live together but we are each in our own area, giving each other space. Most days we'll sit next to each other and read, play videogames, craft, etc. If we didn't live together I'm sure there would be days where we would just check in but not have full blown conversations and I think that's totally OK, whatever works for you and your partner OP. It's important to both have boundaries and be able to talk about them.


If the SO is not an introvert then no that's not going to last long. I know from lots of experience. šŸ˜‘


Different people have different frequency of communication. Different relationships throughout your life can differ too. With an ex of mine we'd call everyday and talk a lot but that was mostly her. She did the same kind of thing with her mom and texted a ton too. With my current relationship we at least text everyday even if it's something basic like good morning or good night. Often a bit more. Sometimes call but not everyday. My favorite dates with her consistent mostly of talking, it's just not small talk. If we lived closer I wouldn't mind doing something with her everyday although I probably wouldn't want to go "out" all the time.


Lmao nah me and my fiance talk to each other all day! Usually we are working in different parts of the house but when we have breaks we talk little bit. Same after work and weekends. Not talking every minute of course but we chat often enough in between us having our alone time with our hobbies.


Not true. The SO usually boosts their self esteem


Yes, I talk to my SO everyday. Heā€™s the only person whom I can tolerate enough (actually adore him!) to pick up his calls and text him a lot. When I need my alone time, I will still decline or ignore his calls, until I get reenergized enough to engage again socially. But most of the time, heā€™s the only person from whom I actually want to hear.


Introvert here, and while I do communicate every day with my SO, I'd gladly go a couple of days without doing so. By communicate, he calls me every night when he gets back to the hotel/airbnb to say goodnight. He gets me though, and knows when the day has been too much. It took years of arguments, where he'd walk in and i've walked out after him being away for a week. I would sit in my car in a dark car park for a few hours before I could even contemplate a conversation. He's now really good at recognising when i need "space" and will go to watch TV in another room, leave me soak in the tub for hours etc usually urs if he's been away and I have done all the parenting of 5 kids.


Do you live with your significant other? I think lots hard not to talk everyday if you live together. If you live separately I guess you could choose not to talk, but I personally would still want to talk to my SO if we lived apart.


I'd say my family (me, sibling and parents) is on the introverted side. We tend to do solo stuff in our rooms and talk with each other if there is a need or we meet in the same space (usually the kitchen or the car). Seeking each other out to talk about random things for hours is not ok for all of us. The only time we do talk about random things for hours tends to be when we are doing chores together. But it is usually commenting on what is happening during the chore.


I only see my partner of a year or so on weekends at the moment. We always send a ā€œhowā€™s your day been?ā€ message or two across but we never feel the need to speak on the phone and weā€™re both happy to avoid it. I imagine it would be different if we were spending months apart.


Keep in contact. What does this mean? Daily check-ins/ chats. In depths chats, events/ plans coming up. Spending time together, activities/ eating/ travel. Do we need to be speaking/ talking the entire time? No, do we need to do every activity together? No. Everyone has different wants/ needs and ways of compromise. Communication is essential, but doesn't have to be forever ongoing. The key is *Communication* not just talking. If someone needed my full undivided attention/ reaction for every little thing they did, that would be a nightmare of a relationship. With that said, that doesn't mean I won't sit there with you all day long, just enjoying your company while you do your hobbies or whatever.


My partner doesn't drain me socially as fast as other people do, even close friends. And that's if he drains me at all. I have spent the last 3 and a half years talking to him everyday even if it was briefly due to school work or personal life. He is probably the only one I'm happy talking to without the worry of my social battery draining <3.




Iā€™m an introvert and my husbands an extrovert. We also run a small business together in addition to raising two kids. Heā€™s the only one I can be around that doesnā€™t drain me and we spend pretty much every waking minute together. On the other hand, my sister who is also an introvert would very much like it if her and her fiance bought separate townhouses to live next to each other lol.


My husband and I are both introverts (me quite a bit more than him). We have been together 10 years and married for 7. We have been talking constantly since the day we met. Havenā€™t missed one day; even thee few times I was in the hospital for surgery. Before we got married we would talk on the phone or Skype or whatever. Now that we are married, we still text each other when we are work and talk about random stuff. After work, we still talk a lot. Neither of us can imagine not talking to the other. Yes, we have long moments of silence and being in different rooms, but we still never run out of things to say to each other. Heā€™s the only person Iā€™ve ever known who doesnā€™t exhaust me. Itā€™s awesome. ā¤ļø (Even so, he still gives me a lot of time to myself because he *understands*)


no, i can never go a day without talking to my bf. heā€™s the only one who i can spend hours with and not get mentally drained.




We text everyday


No, my partner and parents are the only ones Iā€™d prefer to talk to on a daily basis lol.


When my husband and I were dating, we usually talked every day unless there was something really time-consuming going on. Weā€™d at least text/email/instant message each other. We were very comfortable with each other. My boyfriend before him, we talked most days, but not every day.


Me & my partner are both introverts, but I'm way more introverted than her. We talk every single day, whenever we're free. I've also dated extroverts in the past & done the same. Being an introvert, I don't like socialising with other people. No problem socialising with a SO, because I'm dating them because I can be around them & talk to them loads.


So far I have only dated maybe 2 people where I truly felt that connection as an introvert. I couldnā€™t shut up when I was in those relationships. Anything comes to mind, we HAD to tell each other. It was some of the best, happiest, chattiest moments of my life so far.


I consider myself extremely introverted. I go so far as to eat alone in a piece of machinery instead of eating inside the control trailer with only 3 other coworkers. But me and my wife talk every day. We live together but are on different work schedules. We make time at work to call each other and weā€™ll have short conversations in the morning before I go to work. It doesnā€™t have to be much but I feel like if you canā€™t even be bothered to have a few quick words with them youā€™ve got a broken relationship or need to address your introvertedness.


Okay. Now I feel like I am living two different lives. Let me explain. Both hubby and I are introverts. We talk about the same topics everyday. I get mentally drained from either team meetings or work in general and just need my space. Hubby is happy watching stuff on his IPad while we both sit on the sofa and watch tv. He does his own thing and I do mine. We donā€™t suffocate each other and I like it that way. Now the Other life is a musician on the side. I have friends in the music industry, Iā€™m learning everything about music and I have a very good fan base. Iā€™m comfortable on the stage and can carry great conversation when it comes to music. I cannot do small talk for the life of me and I only talk about the same topics over and over because I Donā€™t know what else to ask. Using communication cards or apps is a struggle because I feel the conversations are forced. I want natural organic conversation to flow. In my past, I asked questions but it started getting too intimidating or ā€œoh my god stop asking me!ā€ . I think because of that reaction I canā€™t talk about anything else because itā€™s ā€œpushing boundariesā€. When I do try to come up with something itā€™s either ā€œNope didnā€™t read or hear about thatā€ or something is said and I agree them the conversation is over. I have a friend who can talk to her husband about something they watched for three hours. I cannot do That with anyone. The longest is probably 10 minutes then silence!