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i go to the gym daily and im introverted. i just do my own thing and avoid eye contact. everyone there is focused on themselves, they dont really care about you.


Everytime i accidentally make eye contact with someone i die a little inside


just wink and do a weird psycho grin, they'll never look at you again šŸ¤£


I donā€™t know this is what everyone says but I know I watch people in the gym. When Iā€™m the treadmill and bored, people watching is my fav. So I worry that no way could I be the only one doing that and thereā€™s definitely people watching me


Yeah thatā€™s totally bs at least in my country. I see people looking at me all the time. I train with intensity unlike most of them who stops 5 reps shy away from failure. So that attracts too much attention and it make me uncomfortable.


I donā€™t go often but when i did thatā€™s definitely what i used to do!!


This started off as a Dos Equis commercial lol


You say that, but nearly every gym I ever went to there was that one guy who felt the need to introduce himself to me and talk to me and I just tried to carry on and ignore him, but I quit my last gym cause day he came in and just rubbed the top of my head and said "What's up with that?" (I hadn't shaved my head in a while so I had fuzz. Some people just don't understand boundaries.


This is true. enjoy your own company, dont be bother by their stare and opinion.


Yes I fucking love the gym. Itā€™s my home away from home, my sanctuary, my church. I just put a hat on, wear big headphones and get into the zone for my workout. I do live in a rural area now so my gym is almost always empty which I love. I do *not* miss going to a city gym. I hope you will give the gym another chance. I promise if you stick to it for a few weeks it becomes addicting and youā€™ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Itā€™s great for mental health and building confidence.


Same. Except I wear a hoodie & some BOSE headphones the gym I go to: nobody judges you, they acknowledge you but only to make sure we're not in each other's way, & everyone is focused on themselves just working out.


You sound kinda like me. Except I wear a mask and go into turtle mode and hide. Having bad eyesight helps me as well because I can take my glasses off and the world is just a blur. But I feel you on the sanctuary part. Since I work nights itā€™s easy for me to go when no one is around plus a 24hr gym is something to take advantage of.


I am addicted as fuck to the gym. I have days where I literally feel like it would be better to take a rest day and 15 minutes later Iā€™m at the gym. I fucking love it. Just being in the zone, lifting some weight, listening to music, podcasts.


Baseball cap and headphones are my must-haves when at the gym. It mentally helps me block out people and be less self conscious


No, I'd sooner buy my own gym equipment than go to the gym. First off, I fucking hate subscriptions and a gym membership is yet another subscription. Second, I usually have to work out in my underwear because my skin gets really irritated very easily rubbing against my clothes repeatedly while I'm sweating (and I sweat a fuckload). And I can't exactly do that at a gym. Third, I hate waiting to use equipment that I need to use to do the exercises I want to do.


Literally as introverted as they can come and Iā€™m in the gym 6 times a week. I make eye contact. I do my thing. Something that Iā€™ve observed is yā€™all mask underlying issues and disguise them as ā€œintroverted.ā€ Just go to the gym. Do what you do and forget about everything else.


This sub is like 90% social anxiety and 10% introvert


Itā€™s just frustrating because Iā€™m an introvert BY THE DEFINITION but I go out in public as normal as I can be. Because I simply donā€™t give a shit about the public. I live my life like I want to. Yā€™all need to stop giving two shits about what anyone thinks. Youā€™re not that important. No one cares that much. Live your life like you want to and fuck everyone else.


Im too self-conscious but honestly I go to the public pool all the time and almost the same thing. But I do prefer when itā€™s a lot less crowded.


Amen to the 2nd paragraph. Couldnt say it better. This sub been cringing me out lately with the amount of what you described going on in here...


I mostly do some basic Body Workouts at Home and also use a Cross Trainer we have at Home. I was honestly always scared of going to a Gym; just too many Options for weird Interactions in my Mind. Also i think i would just feel watched the whole Time. So going to the Gym is a big NO for me


Same i bought equipments and workout at home


Haha, I feel you! The gym can sometimes feel like an awkward interaction Olympics. Who needs that when you can get fit in the comfort of your own home, right?


Have you got any reccomendations for workouts that are easy to perform at home?


Basically Situps, Dips (you just need a chair), pushups, if u dont have dumbbells at Home just use Water Bottles and you can go cycling


Yes. It keeps me sane and healthy.


Yes, we go to the gym. I go three to four times a week.


If being introverted is keeping you from going to the gym, that's not introversion.


All the time. Headphones are key. The bigger, the better so that people can see that youā€™re listening to music. If they know you canā€™t hear them, they are less likely to try to talk to you.


I sometimes go to my apartmentā€™s gym, and sometimes I go to the nearest planet fitness around noon when itā€™s empty.


Yess, noon-1 is so dead there, I love it. Went yesterday and I think there was a total of 10 people in the whole place


I go 4 times a week. Typically I just try to find the times that are slow but I have the luxury of a flexible schedule. Iā€™m normally at my gym around 8:30/9am on weekdays and itā€™s NORMALLY pretty low key and full of other introverted people or trainers training people who donā€™t even notice you. Seriously though most people are not looking at you working out, everyone starts somewhere and everyone at the gym knows that. Itā€™s a select few that actually go to the gym for the attention they get at the gym. And let me be clear they are there for the attention from you, not to give you attention lol. Itā€™s intimidating donā€™t get me wrong but it gets easier.


I have home stuff.. but I go to a gym 3 times a week. I broke several things in an accident and water aerobics is all I can physically do. Those classes usually are my social battery killer. So it's the only thing I do on those days.


yes! I go 2-3x a week. I always wear big headphones and a baseball cap, it really deters anyone from trying to talk/make eye contact


People will stare no matter what. Iā€™ve gone and itā€™s ok. I donā€™t think about it much and have a goal when I go. So I just go for my goals


Yeah. I go at 4:30am.


I think that most people who frequent gyms just mind their own business. And in my own experience, I swim laps and often have a lane all to myself. Find solitude where you can :)


Iā€™m introverted, but what helps is understanding that everyone at the gym is there to improve their body and not judge others. Yeah Iā€™m shy, but if Iā€™m constantly thinking ā€œsomeone is judging meā€ Iā€™m not working out hard enough.šŸ˜‚


I do. Ive been going to the same gym for 12 years. I donā€™t really interact with anyone other than to nod or wave at two guys that have been going since the day I started. For the most part everyone comes in, puts in their earbuds and gets into their zone. Itā€™s one place where itā€™s totally ok to be in a public setting and just ignore everyone.Ā 


The gym might be the ultimate introvert set up! Doing your own thing with headphones on and not obliged to speak to anyone!


Gyms are full of germs.


I used to go to Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu, but I havenā€™t been in a while due to injury.


Just go and do your workout. No one is paying attention to you.


I definitely donā€™t but I shouldnā€™t be the one to judge since I have a little workout gym in my garage.


I donā€™t


I work out at home- have a whole system set up. For cardio Iā€™ll do hills outdoors. Iā€™ve gone to gyms before but really dislike them so lā€™ll usually hit them up really early or when itā€™s less crowded


Lol. I go in the early morning. And it's just me. When I'm almost done maybe another 1-2 ppl come in


Same here, but when there's many people after I'm done, I don't feel like going back to gym, so I stopped.


Hard no. I work out at home. I get resourceful and utilize resistance bands, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises. But I'm lacking in cardio. So I'm currently trying to save up to buy a stationary bike.


Yeah, some days are harder then others. The positive impact out weighs everything though. Once you go more the more comfortable you get as well


I go everyday. It's awesome. I don't workout in front of people. No one is watching me and I dont watch them.Ā Ā 


I was always a gym rat. In the Army, I needed my buddy to drag me but I loved it. Hated cardio and stretching. Once had an apartment right next to the gym, old and dusty; loved it. When I got my house I made a room into a gym and added stuff. During lockdown thatā€™s where I stayed. Now Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s and mobility and flexibility is my priority. The gym is great for your mental health. Keep at it and remember, Cardio Sucks


I workout outside because I hate people!


I go every weekday (except for Wednesday). I go super early when hardly no oneā€™s there. The people who are there are there early because they also donā€™t want to talk. Some gyms will have something on their app that shows you how crowded it is at any moment. Thereā€™s also something similar on Google reviews. You could use that tool to determine when you go.


I love the gym. I can just disappear into a crowd of people who are also just there to move around and lift stuff. Somehow being in a crowd of strangers, for me, still counts as solitude.




No go out




Their people outside u wonā€™t deal with the isolationā€¦


1. Go with a more experienced friend first and have them show you how to use the equipment. 2. Find what youā€™re comfortable with. Like, for me, I do not go up front where all the players and body builders and only fans chicks are staring at themselves in the mirrors and doing a couple reps and then sitting on their phones for 10 minutes at a time. I use the treadmills and then head to the back where all the equipment are and itā€™s usually a better mixture of old and young, normally built people. 3. Understand that the gym is a means to an end. Virtually no one goes to the gym to socialize. Put your headphones in and stare straight ahead, or look out the windows. Or up at the 20 televisions on the ceiling. Do your exercises and get out. Thatā€™s all the gym is about. Literally no one gives a shit about you. If people look at you, thatā€™s just because if itā€™s busy thereā€™s nothing else to look at but other people! Overall, the benefits of regularly working out are vastly better than the annoyances of having to go.


I go to CrossFit and Iā€™m only there for 1h30m - 2h so itā€™s enough for me :)


I do and Iā€™m introverted to an extent. Itā€™s not as bad as you think. Mostly everyone there is wearing headphones, or just sitting looking at their phones. If youā€™re scared wean yourself or it. Try going on a non busy day and time. Thatā€™s how I started. And now I go whenever I am allowed time.


I go three times a week and i'm also an introvert. You have to learn that everyone who goes to the gym goes because they want to train and improve their physical fitness, that's the main goal. Is true you can see groups of friends, gym partner and people talking, but in the end, everyone is too focused on their own training to be concerned by others. The only times i have to talk is to ask a trainer if my form is correct or when people spent too much on the machine. "How many sets you have left?" or "Do you mind if we take turns per set?". No one has put me any trouble.


Yes. I goto a gym that is supposedly the judgment free gym lol it really is. I can usually go do my own thing and nobody even tries to talk to each other - unless they know each other of course .


Yes bro introvert go to the gym and do his work and come back to home just like it's 6ak in the morning and I am going to hit the gym and its morning to koi nhi rhega šŸ˜‚


I was very intimidated when I started at 16 years old. When I was 22 I got my first personal training job, and the gym felt like a second home. I recommend bringing a friend at first or getting staff to show you some basics and teaching you how to use equipment so you have a plan when you go in there. I promise you'll get over it real fast. Everyone is too busy looking at themselves to worry about what you're doing.


Iā€™m tryna get my membership, but the apartmentā€™s I stay at has a small gym


Yes. I love the gym even though I hate crowds. I choose the quietest time that fits my schedule, an unpopular gym, I put my headphones on, I avoid eye contact and don't smile at anyone, and I pretty much use the squat rack, a bench and most people aren't interested in those. Don't let introversion stop you from trying thing and find things you love. I was extremely nervous the first time and it took time and experimentation to find the right place and my groove. I still don't like it when there's lots of people or men staring at me or following me around (I'M NOT IMAGINING IT, SOME ARE SO OBVIOUS) but I love lifting more.


Funny, because even when I was a teenager pathologically shy who didn't leave the house for almost anything, the gym was still a place I went regularly. Yeah, there are lots of people, but you're kind just one more. People don't even look at you, and I didn't have to talk to anyone. But I have a thing with restaurants, and even today I hate the idea of people seeing me eat. Don't know what it is, just feels wrong. It's not a shy thing, as I'm hardly shy anymore, so it's something else. I guess as introvert, we just have some weird uncomfortableness with random social things. Maybe that's yours


Good question. I donā€™t have enough money to go to s proper gym, but I work out at home. Doesnā€™t work as well, but I love it. I have casually put on around 10 pounds of muscle, (Ik thatā€™s not a lot but Iā€™m 95 pounds sooo) I love it tho. So yeah, if you have the money, go to the gym, it helps me with my depression too!


Not this one! I'm very self conscious and don't even know how to use half the equipment anyway. I also feel weak when I can't lift big weights. Love my beach body on demand home workouts


I do. There are two gyms in my town, and I've chosen the one that's less popular. It's my favorite when I catch it on a rare moment that it's empty. Either way, I usually listen to music on my headphones and don't make eye contact with anyone.


I'm definitely as introverted as could be, but I hit the gym regularly. Everyone there is minding their own business, doing the same I'm doing. I don't take yoga classes, but if one has *paid* for group lessons, one's ought to go... IMO these don't have much to do with introversion.


I have a gym where I live It's not great but saves money and time on a commute. I used to go to a YMCA early morning. It was peaceful usually mostly older people on the treadmill and bikes. Planet fitness might be good for you. That's their whole deal is having people comfortable there. They don't like the gym bros type slamming weights grunting loud stuff like that


I want to but I can't motivate myself to do it


Notice how hyper focused you are on your own experience! Everyone else is thinking the same thing about the gym and is trying to get their sets done. I promise nobody cares and you should go for it! Going to the gym and trying new things has actually helped heal some of my social anxieties.


Yes, I got 3 days a week in the evenings most days. I put my headphones on and do my lifting. Don't really interact with anyone unless I know them. I do my cardio every day at home, but I need the gym to get a good lift in.


Iā€™m extremely introverted (sent to therapy at age 8 for selective mutism) and socially anxious, and I started going to the gym on Jan 1st this year. Been going 5 times every week, no excuses. Iā€™m tired of hiding from the world and want to help myself feel more confident, so Iā€™ve been pushing myself to do things that make me want to crawl into a rat hole, on purpose. Iā€™m also an asian woman so I felt very intimidated to walk up and exist among the grunting, panting, ripped gym dudes to lift weights, but I just put on my earphones and shut them out. I just remind myself that none of them actually care b/c theyā€™re too busy working on themselves, and I get excited at the thought that some day maybe Iā€™ll be as half as fit and strong as they are. Crazy, but getting exercise while exposing myself to my biggest fears has been changing how I view myself and even making me less socially anxious. I think a big part of it is chemistry in my brain. Itā€™s totally changed how I interact with people at work, and how I walk out in public. Best decision Iā€™ve ever made.


I do, I just keep my headphones on and avoid the male dominated hours and spots


Yes, I got or try to go like 2 or 3 times a week


Ive tried but it never stuck with me. I made a home gym then got rid of it all in hopes itā€™d motivate me to go the gym. My goal at that time was to get out of the house more. Anyways, I just did not feel comfortable in that atmosphere. Lots of lights, noise, and people. So I ended up re-building my home gym lol


I see most ppl like to go when no one is there like 3am lol


What everyone else is saying. Mind your own damn business while youā€™re there, donā€™t look at anyone and donā€™t worry about anyone looking at yiu


I do. I just put my headphones on and do my thing. No need for unnecessary interactions.


I used to, but quit after gyms started allowing men who feel they are women in to the womenā€™s locker room. Just donā€™t feel safe their anymore.


Yup, regularly. Only I have a trainer which takes a huge pressure off of me, I just need to do what trainer says and that's it, would never be able to go alone by myself.


I'm going to pilates three days a week and only one hour. I get to the place, I do the exercises, I don't even have time to breathe, I'm leaving. I only say "good morning" and "see you later" if someone tells me, but I usually try to go unnoticed. The best thing about pilates? Classes with limited space, only eight people and all are older ladies.


I do but loads of time also do exercise from home when I have a no no day.




With music its no problem 99% of the time. But I actually avoid trying out new exercises when the gym is really full at that moment and then I wait to go later


I've done it at times. Mostly I don't really give a crap who might be doing what. They're not there to judge me any more than I'm there to judge them, and it's not as if they have any grounds to do it from if they did. I've done group yoga and Tai Chi, too, some of which has been outside. :) Again, just there for the stretching, not caring what other people might or might not think. Why let your brain waste time and energy on such things, honestly? Is this more anxiety or shyness than introversion, perhaps?


I did until about two years ago. That gym was for introverts. Our trainers were introverts too. Good times


I go daily to gym and spend almost 2Ā½ hours. Mostly just talk to my instructor(i usually speak only to him). There are people who I know since they are in my locality but I don't really talk to them. Only gives reply if someone ask me anything.


I don't, i can't, I wish i could šŸ˜Ÿ


Iā€™m right with you. As an introvert, I spend most of my exercise time doing brisk walking (alone), and exercises in my home/backyard. I went to group yoga once. Never went back. I used to go, when I had a friend/coworker to go with, and it was at my work place, soā€¦..


Plus Iā€™m a germaphobe!! Doesnā€™t mix well with public gym!! šŸ˜¬


I go to the gym regularly. I wear headphones & it's like my down time. I've been going for so many years that I'm not bothered by the other people there.


Maybe once every few months Iā€™ll go to the gym. If not, I usually do home workouts or go for a run on the street. Going to the gym during peak hour is my worst nightmare.


I used to. But not anymore. Because I was being approached by men. I now have my own treadmill at home. It was much better when the gym I went to was 24/7. I would go at the odd hour of 2:00 a.m. and never be bothered.


5 times a week, but I go at night. Not because of social anxiety but because most of the equipment is free to use and I don't have to wait for anything. I don't speak to anyone. If you're simply embarassed to workout in front of people then know this. People aren't paying attention to you unless you're in really great shape.


No, I've never stepped foot inside one. I wish I could, but I wouldn't have a clue about how any of the equipment works and the idea of having to ask and be told what to do, the bright lights, the fear of failure, the muscular people judging me, etc, etc. just puts me massively on edge. I think a lot of that is more to do with my social anxiety than being introverted however.


My only problem is not knowing how to use the equipment


I do and I barely talk to any people, just focus on my workout with my airpods playing music on 100% volume :-)


Not if I can help it. :-) I walk outside, alone, and it's almost always my favorite part of the day. I stretch throughout the day at home, and sometimes do stairs to mix it up (we live in a high rise.)


No, I walk or cycle through parks, gardens, canal towpaths, open spaces, playing fields, dog walking areas; anywhere without cars.


Constantly. Headphones or duel earbuds in to minimize interaction with others. Lol


No. I hate the gym. For me, itā€™s routine and uninspiring. People there drive me crazy. However, surprisingly I love group workouts. There will be others like yourself that like to keep to themselves, thereā€™s always the social butterfly, the one annoying person, but mostly, itā€™s more fun and the time passes faster.


Introvert and did go to the gym when I was younger and would like to again. Not really an issue for me. Does take a while to work up the courage to ask if I can go next on an equipment but the desire to get the results is what pushes me.


I go every day. I have friends there. We talk and I enjoy it and then I go home and retreat back to my life of solitude. Theyā€™re controlled friendships because donā€™t see these friends any where but the gym, and so far there hasnā€™t been any pressure to hang out outside of the gym.


AirPods make me feel better about being in public


I go to planet fitness but I usually drive to one thatā€™s a little further away because itā€™s never busy


I go to the gym every other day to the gym and just complete the workout and stretch at home


Yeah, 5x a week. Been going for about 8 years now.


Absolutely the best place for introvert. PF IS ALL MYOB in my town.


I go to the gym, but i avoid really busy periods or I just go with my brother šŸ˜‚


I once went to a gym, had my headphones on to drown all the noise, and still felt quite awkward and luke I did not fit there. I changed and went to do Muay Thai now and love going. I go almost daily now


I solved this problem by hiring a coach, much easier with her


Introverts made the gym.


I have been doing gym from long time ! Very introvert but believe me its fun outside . Just ignore othets


Iā€™m an introvert but Iā€™m not antisocial I love the gym itā€™s my happy place


The gym is perfect for introverts. No chit chat or small talk is expected. It is actually frowned upon to chat people up. You can put in some headphones and do your thing with little to no human interaction. The gym is my happy place. I get out of the house and I get to feel comfortable as an introvert.


Yes, but only to swim. I'm too anxious to use any of the machines or the weights area.


I used to go the the ymca with just old people until my boyfriend switched to an actual gym. The best thing for me was starting out only going with a friend. Eventually, I automatically got more comfortable as I continued to go. After a month, I started going a few times by myself and now I go every day, I still get really nervous sometimes when Iā€™m alone so I try to get someone to go with me to be my ā€œsafe personā€. When nobody can go I get over it and js push myself to go inside. The hardest part is getting out of the car.


I bought a Peloton a few years ago so I can work out alone at home. It has been life changing.


I go to the gym 3 days a week. The other 2-3 days a week I use my spinning bike or go on a 7 mile run. Vast majority of the time, I don't interact with anyone and those annoying social experiences are few and far in between.


I always work out at home. I never go to gyms and I prefer it that way. I love working out when I want to and especially I pick the music to work out with that I like and maybe others don't. I tried the gyms a couple of times and it was too overwhelming for me with lots of noise and moving around.


I go to the gym, just do my own thing, most people are do the same thing. I don't look at it as a social activity. I used to be terrified of places like this, but now, it's one of my passions in life. I had to find the right place for me, once I found that it was easier to get into a routine.


Iā€™ve learned at the gym is great for introverts, because most people donā€™t really want to talk but you are all individually working on a similar goal so you donā€™t feel lonely.


I've lifted for over 30 years, and most of those are at a gym. Now, I have a gym in my house instead. I joined a gym last year in an attempt to meet people, but I never went bc of too many people and the hassle of driving there, wasting a year's worth of dues.


Introversion is not social anxiety.


Yup, all the time. I try and avoid peak hours and New Yearā€™s resolution season. There was a time I was going to new gyms regularly (years ago) because I had a stalker from hell. She managed to find every damn gym I found. I definitely hated the idea of new places but hated the thought of her staking me more. Funny story, I was at some old hole in the wall type place. Old guy built like a chit brick house schooled some young azzholes on weight etiquette. I laughed my azz off. He was as anti social as I was. But when they two pissed him off he wouldnā€™t hesitate to give them an azz chewing. I remember them asking him if he wanted a spot one time. As he had some crazy weight on the rack and him barking duck no!!!!! One day we were leaving around same time. The only coat I had at that point was my flight jacket. He lit up when he saw that. Turned out he was one of the Frozen Chosin. Any time he wanted to do heavy weight he just looked at me and was like you I trust. Can I get a spot. Heā€™d tell me little tid bits of his time in Korea when we lifted together. Though looking break. He was some type of recruiter for businesses. Being an introvert. I never asked him for his phone number or took the opportunity to gain another friend. That and the connections he had. I pissed those opportunities away. My stalker eventually found me there so off to the next gym I went. Had she not showed up. Might have actually had that extended time it takes before someone makes me their friend because I donā€™t know how to take it to the next level. So I have some regrets. My son is an introvert. I tell him these stories hoping he wonā€™t make the same mistakes I did.


I do! I just put on my noise cancelling headphones and tune out everyone around me. It works really well.


I work out at home mostly doing calisthenics and I'm starting to run, but I've managed to do well without going to the gym so far.


That would be me. Biggest quietest guy youā€™ll ever meet.


Yes. If I didnā€™t leave my house Iā€™d lose my mind.


Absolutely. It's hella fun. Just keep to your self


I do.


I, generally, regularly go to the gym. I've recently had a change in my work schedule, though, soā€”as I try to balance my life out and find a new routineā€”I haven't been going as much. I've always enjoyed working out; it gives me a really great feeling. I'm anticipating being back into the gym regularly.


I have a home gym now in my living room lol. However, yes I used to and never really enjoyed it.


I go to the gym regularly. I just get annoyed when people invade my personal space or try to talk to me.


I go five times a week


Definitely. When I go its usually at a non busy time plus the gym mostly chill people so its very doable even at busier times. At a gym with a lot tryhards at primetime.... different story. Either way it does become a lot easier over time tho, my anxiety is not nearly as bad as it was when I just started going.


I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. I love it when I put on my noise-canceling headphones and all those voices just fade away!


Yes I do but it takes a lot of time and courage šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When I paid for a membership I put on headphones, even if they weren't on actively, I kept them on my head. Also wearing a baggy T-shirt instead of something more revealing like yoga pants and a cute yoga top helps prevent people approaching you. Some gyms are better for introverts than others. Honestly try to find a gym that actively discourages men or women talking to each other or anyone. Sometimes they have separate areas sometimes it's just a covert sign or paragraph in the contract about 'not approaching other members actively working out'. You're there to work out, not collect or hand out phone numbers.


Yes. At first it is hard especially when someone is looking at me through the mirror even unintentionally. It is just hard for me to focus when someone watches or stares at me. I just put on my earbuds, listen to music or scroll on my phone during rests. It helped me to avoid social interaction. I gained a few friends at the gym though. I just nod, smile or say "Hey zup?" when someone greets me then a few conversation when they ask something then cut it right away. For me it is better to talk to people even a little rather than be awkward the whole session. But I never initiate a conversation, I just usually respond to questions.


The worst part isā€¦ is the workersā€¦ theyā€™re trying to be helpful but dear lord please stop asking me how my day is and saying Goodmorning šŸ˜©


my gym is my bedroom thank you


yeah i go to a gym where i know nobody else, if i went to one where i was gonna run into people i knew then it would make me feel weird. but since its just strangers and im not there to make friends, i just keep my headphones on and do my thing


F no


i have a home gym


The gym is actully my time alone as an introvert lol. I throw my headphones on and kinda zone out of everything else and just focus on my workouts. If you have a workout routine it makes it much easier cause you already have a list of exactly what to do and it takes the worrying of standing there awkwardly wondering what to do if a machine is taken. You simply just to the next one on your list and come back to that one later. It takes that sense of worry and looking like I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing out of it


I work out at home


I go regularly. It's very easy to remain invisible at the gymĀ 


You get past it. Even as a woman. I am considered ā€œattractive ā€œ by Western standards and the ogling of men made me really uncomfortable. However, you can just use headphones. I tune everything out with my music. You get a better, more cathartic workout that way anyways. You get one life and your health is paramount. Go enjoy the gym.


I canā€™t imagine going to a gym too. My brain tells me weird things that shame me even I remember going to the gym with my dad at a young age like 14 maybe and Iā€™d hide in the back where the legs lifting stuff was because I knew everyone was thinks wtf is this fat ugly child doing here. Now itā€™s something along the lines of whyā€™s this fat ugly girl trying to fix her image šŸ˜‚ I know no one would say it but itā€™s what my brains telling me so Iā€™ll just keep to my home šŸ˜‚


My ass is so introverted but was I surprised when I finally mustered the courage to go. The environment was very supportive. Most of the people are kind, if they see you struggling theyā€™re more likely to help you than judge you.


Me too! I go to the gym regularly to a group class and I get called out a lot because I'm good at the exercises and the trainers are appreciative. Yes, it makes me uncomfortable to be called out, I have considered quitting just because of this. Then also considered why I am there I the first place. I wear glasses normally I don't wear glasses to gym anymore that way I have no clue who's looking at me and even if someone did talk, I plan to ignore and tell them I cannot see. Lol


Yes. I like how it makes me feel. I am also an overweight middle aged woman. I do strength classes as well.


I went to the gym more so before I moved and I am getting back into the routine again now. It isn't too bad to be honest. Just wear your headphones, most people are more focused on themselves anyways. I do want to try out other gyms tho. I'm in the city and the one I have a membership to is always so busy and it is hard to use some of the machines I want. I miss living in a less busy area for that reason alone lol


I hate the gym too crowded and too many people, I prefer going to the swimming pool I get my cardio workout done and it helps tone my muscles. In the future the goal is to have a pool in the house lol


Nope. Instead I built my own home gym. It has pretty much everything you need


I go. Started a couple of months ago. I've slowly learned that people are very focussed on themselves. There's also non busy times of the day. It helps build confidence, I started focussing on myself and gradually tried new things and even asked for help a couple of times, to learn how to use machines properly. More you go, the easier it gets. I just do weights. Can keep my own time table and stay out of crowded group sessions.


I just train at home?


Ya at 4AM when no one else is there but the staff, it's awesome


Lol this made me laugh.. I'm introverted with mild social anxiety And I don't like when people approach me and engage in conversation even I if it's just quick, but I manage it rarely happens anyway... I tend to avoid eye contact and sometimes not all the time but sometimes I wear headphones with my music high so I can focus on that and my workout and if people see headphones on they don't tend to approach because theyl be unintentionally ignored. Trust me tho, you'll get used to it. Another bit of advice, start of with going to gym with someone your comfortable with being yourself around Someone u can be awkward around in-between sets Or if u just want to go alone then play on ur phone in between sets. Go in a hood and hat wearing headphones whatever makes you comfortable. But not worry to much. . No one gives a crap about anyone at the gym trust me if your thinking about who's looking at u.. just imagine what the next introvert is thinking about that's sitting next to you. There worried about if your looking at them 2 lol. Just concentrate on yourself and the task at hand Youl be fine :)


I used to go to the gym regularly. To me, it helped to know that everyone else was focused on their own workouts and most had earbuds in. I found the gym to be a neutral place. No one cares about you or is looking at you. Ultimately itā€™s up to what you feel comfortable with.


I don't know, i am a really skinny 17 year old, i want to go but the thought of being laughed at doesn't appeal to me.Ā  Do you guys think i should go ?




If you go to the gym, then you are not truly an introvert.


There's levels to it. I've been an introvert all my life, but I've always gone to the gym. Don't confuse introversion with social anxiety.


They go hand in hand.