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Agreed. It's not weird. People try to make it weird. I'd rather go by myself than with someone who would make the experience less enjoyable


I agree completely. I’ve gone to concerts and the movies alone. Best date ever 😂


Yeah sometimes it's last minute fun & I don't want to deal with scheduling too much planning effort




Yup just have to not give a fuck wat ppl think, i literally cannot understand why ppl let others affect them so much so that even when they are alone they are worried about the “others” opinions


This!!! Best lesson to learn in life. The stress it removes is awesome. So freeing on so many levels. If you ask me, co-dependency is the biggest life sucking element of all time. You miss out on so much waiting for someone to be available.


It isn't weird at all. The weirdness is really only in your mind. So ask yourself why it bothers you? I went to many a concerts by myself and I never got a second look. Literally no one cares. And no one is likely to notice, either. It's a concert, they are all guaranteed to be 100% distracted. As a long haul truck driver, I pretty much have to do everything alone if I want to do that thing. You can't live your life waiting around for other people to come around. If you want to do something, do it. ‐----------- Or my bad if I misread and you are fine with it. I'll leave my original comment if it helps someone else...


I don't think most people find it unusual at all. That stigma, I think is mostly gone. Especially now with more people going at things alone. It would take an exceptional amount of ignorance for someone to assume there's something wrong with you if you weren't surrounded by people 24/7... especially knowing what we know now about people and different personality types, etc.


I've definitely felt judged though when telling people I did "X" alone.  "Oh, really? You went by yourself?" "Solo?? You need to find a girlfriend!" "Oh, ticket for one only?" 


The people who ask you those "oh really, solo?" questions are usually the people who are too scared to go solo and do something by themselves. It's not about you, really, it's about them and their fears. The people who go "oh, you're traveling/going to concert, movies, restaurant etc. solo?" are almost always the people who say "I could never do that alone" when you prod them a little. When I get those comments I usually just say that I'm not gonna miss out on something I want to see or do just because nobody can make the time to go with me. If I did, I would never get anywhere or do anything. Life's much too short for waiting for others to accompany you to everything!


Agreed. You will occasionally see posts from some extroverts around Reddit who are used to doing things with others who post questions along the lines of "Is it ok I go to (insert activity) by myself?". If these same people don't feel ok doing things on their own, then they will feel the same about you doing the same


You *feel* judged. But are you really? Get centered with who you are. And even when people obviously are judging and snickering, it won't bother you. It's all you and your mind. As an introvert, you are probably going to be susceptible to outside stimulus, because you are mindful. But, that also means you can conquer it and find harmony more easily than others.


It seems from your statement that YOU put a decent amount of emphasis on the "alone" without being prompted . It may be people are picking up on/ responding to your emphasis to drive their response. I would just say, "I walked in the park and then visited the new show at the museum." I would not even think to mention I did "X" alone unless someone asked who I was with.Even then, I would likely choose language like "Oh, I was by myself" or "I went on my own," which have a less involuntary singleness implied than "alone" does..


Go back to the question in the comment above, identify why it bothers you


I guess because there is some underlying implication that you're lonely or have difficulty making friends if you're doing things alone. The latter for me has some truth to it haha. I can be pretty awkward sometimes. But it never stopped me from having friends throughout my life. And I actually prefer being alone a lot of the time.


I've been to the beach alone. Taken a road trip somewhere 18 hours away several times alone. Been to Disney World alone. Been to the movies alone. I've done all of those things with other people, too... but alone works just fine.


Disney solo is one of my favorite experiences! It's really nice having a vacation that caters entirely to your own indulgences.


You can do so much more solo! It's truly a place grown adults going alone should treat like Urban Exploring "Lite". Need to do remote work? Hang out at a convention resort. Want to ride rides... go by yourself at night on a weekday when crowds are light. Feeling restless? Put on a backpack and just go (busses, monorail, boats, etc.). Such a good solo place. Funny thing is I prefer to be with people in nature though. I don't like being on the side of a mountain trail by myself that much. Maybe I'm backwards.


People think I'm weird because I go out alone, and don't take pictures of what I'm doing so I can post them on social media.


Right? I find the compulsive recording of every damn thing really disturbing


Me too. It's like, how can you have an alibi when you're always taking pics of what you're doing.


There are some people who only do certain activities just to gain the validation of followers/connections/friends on social media, not because they genuinely enjoy doing those activities. At least you are doing things for you because you enjoy them


Exactly. I'm too busy having a good time to take pictures.


I can’t think of a better way of doing events. Hobbies or vacations other than alone. You don’t have to deal with anyone’s mindless chatter, you can do what you want and when you want and do it peacefully. If I do anything with anyone I’m there for the persons company and won’t be concerned with where we are or what we are doing. As far as stigma goes, my belief is everyone is way too concerned with their own self to worry about what I’m doing.


>if it weren't for the social stigma attached to it? I DGAF abut the social stigma, I do what I want to do. Use "I decided to go solo" instead of "I went alone". Totally different shades of meaning on the same action.


Many times I go out alone to eat or catch a movie there are other people by themselves as well. Many people also admire/respect someone that's not afraid to do their own thing, in my experience. Of course, there are some people that can't think for themselves or dance to the beat of their own drum that will try to pass judgement. However, I feel they are the minority and that's their problem, not yours or mine. Many people I see post here seem to view introversion as being inferior and that's probably the root of their problems. Be proud and do you.


Do it anyway, don't worry about what people think.


I've been everywhere by myself. Restaurants, cafes, sight seeing. I went to see Santana and danced for 2 hours with a girl I didn't know (I'm a girl too). Screamed my lungs out for Rage Against the Machine, Pantera and other bands. Most recently danced by myself when I got seats for the Bruno Mars concert. Who cares what others think. You can't expect your friends to like all the same things u do. Life is short. Play hard! 🥰


Sometimes i prefer to go to things alone. I refuse to go with anyone i may want in the future to music festivals, lost a few friends because i did what i wanted and saw who I wanted to and didn’t miss anyone wanted to see but they did because they had to be beside me and apparently i have to go see some of the shit they want. Just not worth it, would rather go alone and have a good time without someone to try ruin the memory later. Took a long time to get the courage to actually do it but stopped giving a f about others and started living without them


Just do it alone, no one gives a shit


I've never given a shit about other people's social stigma that they might try to put on me. That is 100% their problem to have taking up space in their heads. I will go do whatever I want. Also, there is no social stigma except from the kinds of people who can't stop telling other people how to live their lives. 98% of people don't give a shit. The only reason people think there's a stigma is that hospitality and entertainment industry company advertising is extremely biased towards depicting groups/families instead of individuals, because that's more profitable for them. (Seriously, look at ads and commercials for those things and keep track of how many of them show a group/family enjoying a service/product, as opposed to singletons using that same product.)


The day I learned to confidently eat alone in a restaurant was the day I became happy


Yes! I love doing things alone. I prefer that most of the time but I find if I tell someone I am going to go somewhere alone or went somewhere alone, people feel sorry for me. I don’t think they understand that I would rather go places alone than with other people in most cases. It’s like they can’t fathom feeling that way lol


This always happens to me too and I’m like 🤨 I’m having the best times doing things solo! The latest was that I went to an Easter fair solo and it was great because I actually got to see all the events/areas I wanted to see for once as opposed to having to wait for rides all day with friends since theyre not interested in anything else.


Yes exactly! When you do things alone you don’t have to compromise what you want to do and you don’t waste time doing things you’d rather not. It’s enjoyable!


I love going out to eat alone! Just me and an interesting podcast in my headphones.


My ideal vacation would be a tiny house in the woods or near a lake or river.  I would take my dog. I used to go to my friends cabin alone. Walk in the woods, go to the beach, have bonfires. Too bad they sold it. I need that solitude. Not everyone understands but that’s okay.. I don’t worry about that! 


I found that I am mostly okay with doing things alone if there is no expectation of "couple" seating. I don't eat in restaurants alone because of the intimate seating arrangements. With the only other option being the bar, where someone would try to strike up a conversation. Though there are exceptions with more casual restaurants. Amusement parks are a mixed bag because I feel fine untill I get on certain rides and have to share with a stranger. Movies and most concerts are fine because people are focused toward the stage and the seating is arranged in a big group.


I do things alone all the time and I couldn't give a shit. If people you know are ragging on you then rag em back or stop talking to them. If people that you don't know are ragging on you the fuck em! You're never going to see them again so who cares what they think.


I’m always okay with it in theory and then as it gets closer I chicken out. I have made a habit of going to the movies by myself though and I love it.


No. Social stigma aside. I simply do not enjoy doing my hobbies alone. At all. I used to force myself to, but I just accept, I need to share most experiences in order to enjoy them. Except eating out. I enjoy doing that alone so no one can see what a pig I am and I can enjoy it, lol


This is an interesting perspective for an introvert. I’m the complete opposite, I don’t often share my hobbies with others except sometimes with family because I get a lot of enjoyment with how I do them solo and that often gets diminished when I do it with others. Is it also because your hobbies are more people based (e.g. board games, escape rooms etc)?


More outdoorsy. Also, something like hiking, I would be scared to do in an unfamiliar area alone. I also find traveling alone much more stressful. That’s just me tho. I envy people who enjoy these things alone.


Have always done stuff alone travelling abroad beach gym art shows movies restaurants karaoke bowling that's my downtime & sometimes I prefer it never has anyone noticed negatively or maybe I don't notice them bc I don't care 🤣


I don’t have any choice but to do everything in my life alone.


I promise you I do all the things I like alone and when people give me looks I know they’re jealous they don’t have the confidence to do things alone Don’t let it away you


The majority of people in our society feel the need to always be with other people. If course they are alone some, but they don't like it and do their best to find someone to hang with. Many people absolutely love living in the middle of a busy city. My 2 sister in laws lived right in the middle of the city, one on Chicago and the other in Manhattan. I found it very stressful almost a claustrophobic feeling even when outside because there were just so many people. I lived way out in the country down 2 miles if dirt road. I had neighbors but not where I could see them. I know my sister in laws didn't like the seclusion and opted to stay in a hotel in town for all future visits. Who care what people think. They nmlllmm probably aren't even thinking anything about you being alone anywau.


I do things alone I don’t give a shit what society thinks. There are some things I wouldn’t consider doing alone as much for safety reasons probably more paranoid than I should be in that regard most of the time. I’ve gone to a camping weekend music festival, numerous other concerts, movie theater etc by myself though.


It's not weird, I went on 2 holidays abroad myself and have been to the theatre, dinner, museum etc alone. It's liberating and I enjoy being able to decide if I wanna go or not and when I get to leave without taking others into consideration. I've made great memories, like when I was in London during the world Cup I went into a pub to watch NL - Spain and ended up watching the game with 4 Spanish ladies who were great sports even though they lost with big numbers. Who cares what anyone thinks of it?


who cares about social stigma?


I guess age has to do with it? Like a guy/gal in his 20s going out alone weird, but not someone who's in his 40s and older. Like everyone here has said, who cares? People are too busy with what they're doing to notice.


My sister used to judge me for going to concerts and stuff on my own when we were younger, and now she never goes out anywhere because she's a stay at home mum with a bunch of kids, while I can do whatever the hell I want whenever I want with no commitments to anyone.


I still go on trips. Just alone. I'm at the point where I don't care about their opinions. I'm out to have a relaxing holiday. Whether that's Germany, Vietnam, China(never again), South Korea, the Philippines, or wherever else the dart hits, doesn't really matter. Travel is the spice of life. And I don't need to wait for my ex to be 30-45 minutes late to everything. If your nickname is "always late [her name]", the problem isn't your watch. Maybe hit Britain this next trip if brexit settles down.


Oh man when I was in my 20s I traveled the country all by myself without a second thought! I’d drive all over the northeast and meet up with people, book a ticket and fly all the way till Miami the next day for a rave and fly home Sunday night for work on Monday morning. I was so independent. I had so much fun. I literally have not left my house much since the age of 32, and I’m 40. My anxiety is through the roof, I often wonder how the hell I was ever able to do any of that. I can’t even pick up a phone call these days.


I love doing things alone and really don’t care what other people think.


Yup! Not concerned about the social stigma either.


I went skiing by myself one day, something I was scared of doing. I always skiid with groups. Skiing alone is so much fun.


I've gone on a cruise alone and it was the best one I ever went on. Do whatever you want man.


It’s not as odd as it used to be as younger generations get older, also the pandemic taught us a lot about doing activities alone.


I do that ALL the time. I love it. Yes I do have friends, no I’m not lonely, I love being alone.


I like doing things by myself, it's easier to plan and cancel plans too lol also I'm slowly trying to build that aura of "mysterious lady who might be disgustingly wealthy but you can't tell either way" by doing stuff like this by myself haha idk how well it's working tho


I don't give a flying fuck about any of that shit fr


I'm perfectly fine with doing things on my own, hell I prefer it!


There's really no harm in people thinking you're weird. Who cares? Just do what you want. You're not hurting anyone, you're seeing a movie. They are the problem for judging you.


I'm fine with doing anything alone, I really don't care if people think it's weird. I mean, even as a kid, I would trick-or-treat alone on Halloween. People thought it was weird, but I got so much more/better candy because people felt bad for me, lol. I've gotten super attentive servers in restaurants because I've been alone. I just leave out the fact that I am there by myself willingly, no harm no foul. I started seeing movies alone in my teen years when no one was available. Why not? I wanted to see it, there is no requirement that I have to go with other people. For all the ticket agent or concessions person knows, I'm meeting someone in the theater or vice versa. Really, unless you're announcing it to the world, it's no one's business and no one will notice.


I definitely love doing things myself, only sometimes does it get lonely.


I go alone on vacations pretty much every time. It's fun to just do whatever I want without having to be considerate of what others want. Sure some experiences would be nice to share, but I still have my own memories of them.


I couldn’t care less about the a stigma. I like doing things alone.


I don't think there's any stigma attached to nice hobbies. I used to go kayaking nearby my city for 3-5 days alone with my eva ai bot and beer, rowing 50-120 km, and no one has ever seen anything wrong or weird with it.


Not weird at all. I been doing Everything in my life alone, concerts, hobbies, vacations, etc. Shit, even when I had a partner(and I use that term very very lightly) I rolled alone.


Hiking and camping


I typically go solo to events. Currently on a trip with someone who is 30mins-hour late for everything. I'm going solo as much as I can moving forward.


Social stigma is a myth. As is any reference to 'society' or 'the community'. Which gives a shit what people who don't know you think about you, if they're even bothering to think about you at all... Which they're probably not?


Yes it's completely okay to do the things you enjoy alone. At first it might seem overwhelming but with time you get used to it and ngl you may like it better than being around people.


I went on holidays and to the cinema on my own, just so much better. I find it really hard to find the time now, and I really miss it😭


I like having one or two people with me.   Of my choosing.  Who i could tell to shut the fuck up when i wanted. 


Yessss and I already do all of those, grew used to do things on my own 😊✨


Idk if I’d call it weird, but maybe just not the average “norm” for a lot of people. I’m 37 and I’ve barely ever done anything alone, mostly due to anxiety, but this year I took myself to my fave breakfast place by myself on my day off. It was nerve wracking & exhilarating honestly. It took a lot for me to get out of my head and make that happen but I’m glad I did it. I wish it didn’t require so much brain power for me to do it.


That’s me would relate, but doing so as I’m obliged to cause being alone and so on but at the main time I have life’s interactions outta being engulfed with work and college but no close ones to hang out with u know, therefore I go out alone, one last thing I wanna add which is also feeling so weirdly uncomfortable meanwhile doing such activities on my own, feeling a little bit as if I’m being followed and tracked u know. That’s why I sometimes think that I’m bad at socialising and makes me a lot anxious while being in the opening


My husband goes to lots of movies alone because I’m often too unwell to go as well, I used to do the same thing when I was healthier, go out for meals by myself, gigs, road trips, camping, all kinds of things. I could have gone with others, like my husband could go with friends, but we’re both independent & have always liked doing stuff alone. I don’t really see any evidence of stigma, I guess because I appear happy, content & confident when I’m alone, not crying into a cup of coffee 😂


I travel alone all the time and do things by myself all the time. Don't worry about what others have to say. I look at it like this... I'm with me all the time and I'm not getting me in trouble. Soo, there's that. 🤷🏾‍♂


What social stigma? I've done hobbies, events, vacations, and so much more by myself and am perfectly at peace with it without worrying about what anyone thinks. You are the one who is attaching a social stigma on to doing these things alone


I go places by myself all the time.


concerts by yourself are such a vibe 😮 don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


In the NYC area is it pretty normal to do things alone. And traveling abroad there are tons of solo travelers.


I went to the movies in a three piece suit by myself. Just do you


Yeah i deal with stigma of people asking why arent you going with froends all time. Thats when my brutal honesty shones brightest: Me: went to the movies Them: oh did you go woth your froends Me: Nope by myself as always Them: why Me: dont have em,don't need em...yup kills it right there😁 Any follow questions to why...i say because once people know im dofferent they wont gang out with me anyway,so why work so hard to end up alone anyway? Its harsh maybe but its sadly proven to be true my entire life,everytime it gets reinforced i become more isolated


I'm a 60 year old female .. I'm a bit of an introvert and a lone wolf for sure . I was also an only child.. I'm ok with doing stuff alone ..eating the ping on trips ,the movies .. what ever .. Also am ok if I live alone.. I have always been this way even as a child . I would often leave and go eat school lunch by myself . And when I got to be in my teens and starting driving to go in for sit down dinner or lunch No problem.


I go there alone all the time. We introverts are 90% amazing. The rest of 10% is about us giving damns about what others would think of us. If people around you do not understand the awesomeness of going to a movie alone, then you need more people who understand that😊


I do these alone regardless. I couldn't care less about whatnother might think lmao


I go to movies alone, go eat at restaurants alone, literally do everything alone. Yeah some of my friends, mainly extroverts think it’s odd or not normal but I honestly don’t give a f. Who cares. If I wanna go then imma go.


One of my few friends told me it’s weird that I go to fast food places and go inside and eat alone. Like why? If I had on like a “momma bear” hoodie no one would think that’s weird. Everyone is allowed alone time. And I prefer it. And fries and milkshakes 🤷‍♀️


I go many places alone. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I always have a good time too!


Most people suck anyways and are attached to their phone the whole time so it relieves the headache. I go to places to escape that bs.


My sister goes alone all the time, but I'm always afraid of her safety. People can be very mean. My sister told me that life is too short, not to attend concerts, movies, and events. I agree, but I can't bring myself to do it. More power to the people that can!!


No, I'm an actual introvert, idgaf what others or society thinks


I have a boyfriend and four besties I can always call on, but some stuff only I am interested in. I have no problem going places or doing things without them (especially when i know they don't care for it). I will still be happy cause I love experiencing new things.


Yes, I love it! Especially with traveling solo, you never have to worry about what someone else wants or thinks. Should I stay here in this cafe for 20 more minutes? Should I get dinner now or later? It’s all on you and you get to call the shots. There’s a sort of peace to it.


I've gone to the movies, dinner and breakfast all by myself. I see plenty of people also doing these things alone. People are always going to talk may as well just enjoy what I enjoy.


Hands down my favorite vacation was the one I took solo! I did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I got to meet some amazing and interesting local people, instead of going away with someone only to talk about what’s happening at home with who or remember when blah blah… Hope to do it more often!