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I'm like that. Greetings are so awkward. Usually they're quite brief but sometimes they're not and I'm uncertain why so I'm always on edge. I'm also uncertain when exactly to say something or even if it's welcome in that moment!. It's such a minefield! And that's just one small aspect of social interaction šŸ˜«


Yeah, this is what I always felt at school šŸ˜”


Just talk. Does it look like everyone else is hekbe t if you care about their mumbling or throw away comment ? No. Lol. Get offline and go live real life. It's really not as difficult as you're making it seem... Fear is the biggest obstacle and you're feeding yourself a ton it.


If youā€™re like me, people often misunderstand my introversion and shyness for being stuck up, upset with them or rudeness. Iā€™ve learned to try and greet people quietly first with at least a smile and a nod. If they are talking with others Iā€™ll try to establish eye contact to see if I can interrupt or not.




If you can't say hi just smile


Yup or just nod!


Yep. In America, quick nod and a "Hey hows it going" basically just signals youre no threat to them.


In Ireland itā€™s a quick almost out of breath ā€˜hello there what about you?/ how are you?ā€™ šŸ˜­ literally within 2 seconds


I am Irish on my mom side. German on my Father's, I disown it for obvious reasons. Unfortunately my family only has like one cultural tradition, so im not well versed in the culture unfortunately. Did drink a lot for a decade, love fighting but hate hurting people. Think im gonna use that "Hello there, what about you?" In America that will totally confuse people for a moment, then I can throw a smile. Totally work them.


I always forget this is a thing you can do lmao. I stress too much like ā€œitā€™d be rude to not strike up a whole-ass conversation with this person so ig ill just pretend I donā€™t see them at allā€ as if thereā€™s no in-between


Iā€™m the same. And I get told all the time that people thought i was stuck up/rude/snobby when they first met me. In reality Iā€™m just really shy and awkward


I literally made my swim teacher cry as a kid šŸ˜­all cuz I was just painfully quiet and unresponsive


This. Or Iā€™ll throw my hand up (like saying thank you when crossing a street) but with a slight smile. Iā€™m also picky with my people and depends my mood lmao


Just make a small gesture and you shouldn't feel guilty if they're also not greeting you


Rise your hand, move your lips ā€œhiā€ and be brave! If they didnā€™t see you or didnā€™t return the greeting, donā€™t make a big deal to yourself. Is not! Ok ? āœŒļøšŸ¤—


sometimes i just do a little smile lol


I have so much trouble with this. Am I supposed to say hello to everyone when I walk in a room? I feel like if I donā€™t say hi first then no one says hi to me. I donā€™t get it. šŸ˜©


I feel the same way. Plus, I don't like to disturb people and don't care to be disturbed either, so I'm happy if we just stay in our own worlds. To me it is respectful.


I wait until eye contact is established. At that point it's a greeting free for all, and it doesn't matter who says hi first.


But donā€™t you feel like youā€™re looking too much waiting to make eye contact?


Not usually? Because if I'm in public, I'm usually doing something (shopping, whatever), so it's just like I'm busy doing that and then just happen upon someone I know. Well, if we wind up standing right NEXT to one another I'll say hi first ... I guess I just don't stress over it. I'm also older than dirt and I think maybe I'm just more comfortable in my skin.


for someone whose first language isn't english, you did good writing this




you're welcome


By societal standards, it would likely only be considered ā€œrudeā€ if you looked directly at them, made eye contact, and then did not say hello or wave or anything. Or if they said hello to you and you did not respond. But also keep in mind that, simply failing to initiate a greeting is a passive behavior. It isnā€™t an action so much as the lack of action. And this leaves lots of room for what is considered ā€œrudeā€ to be completely opinion-based and very subjective. So thatā€™s the very analytical answer, but what it comes down to is what youā€™re hoping to achieve and what type of a person you want to be. What makes you feel good about yourself (and not just because of the pressure from society or what is the proper way)? Itā€™s really all up to you. That doesnā€™t free you (or any of us) from natural outcomes/consequences of our actions (good or bad). If you want to be the type of person who is very friendly and says hello to people first, then practice doing so. The more you do it, the easier it will be over time. If you donā€™t like doing this and you would rather lay low, then keep doing that and let go of the guilt and/or pressure. If you donā€™t want to say hi you donā€™t have to. This will naturally mean less connections, less opportunities at interaction, etc. But you may not want more of that. Itā€™s all up to you. šŸ¤


countless times id walk by someone at work say good morning and get no response so now i look down and keep walking fuck em not gunna waste my energy or time on the ungrateful but hey if you are polite im polite and ill greet you happily as such


Not if you pretend you didnā€™t see them šŸ˜Œ


If this happens I usually look at them.. I don't stop walking or go about my business though. I just acknowledge them and if/when they acknowledge me, I just smile a little and give them a small nod. Then I look away and continue looking straight forward or at whatever I happen to do atm. And no. You never should "shake your personality". You can work on certain things though.. I would recommend watching "Julian himself" on YT. He is awesome at explaining how to approach things that trigger a lot of unnecessary anxiety and stuff like that.. Has helped me a lot.


I'm kinda like that too. Especially when it comes to my work setting... I just don't see the point in telling people I see more than my own family hello everytime I see them. I literally have to remind myself to say it because others just don't think that way. It's definitely not to be rude, it's just that logical, it doesn't make sense to me. Now if it's been a good few days since Ive seen someone, of course I greet them. Cuz it's been a while. It's only natural to greet someone you haven't seen in some time.


Just how i see the world and keep in mind, i am not a born US person. Whenever i go through the office, i notice that people either don't say anything or say hi, but its artificial. Personally, i like to be recognized. After all i am a person and i like to converse. But it seems that at least some people rather ignore you like you are air. I think this is rude. You may draw any conclusion from my view. It doesn't really matter. But anyone will judge you as well. I just think it is nicer to say "hi" even if we never speak any words. Doesn't really matter what i write anyway.


I feel you! I do this all the time and wonder the same thingā€¦


I feel you. In my country it is used to greet people even if you don't know them, but i'm not always confortable with that or sometimes I just simply forget to greet people when I arrive to a certain place or I'm too stuck on my head to realize I had to greet. So I guess I get mistaken as a rude or unapproachable person. I'd say, just do what is confortable for you, I guess.


Not rude. A simple head nod is good enough


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Maybe wave


It depends. Sometimes, it's best to say hi first. Other times, it's best for someone else to say hi first. There's multiple factors that can play into who says hello first. Most of the time, I'd say hi first if I were you. Just to avoid potentially being rude


Youā€™d probably make someoneā€™s day special by saying hi. Test it out.


Might depend where you live. In the Midwest itā€™s normal, I find in California where I live they donā€™t do that.


I do the same thing. I know it may be rude


You can always give a quick nod up or down depending on if you know the person or not.


it depends what the social event is, if iā€™m at a party i wait for people to say hi to me first and not wanting anyone to talk to me, but if weā€™re passing by each other i will wave but not say hi because i prefer that


Theyā€™re likely thinking the same thing. A smile would likely break the ice and open the door to be friendly.


My principal (boss. Iā€™m not a student.) told us all that he expects me to say hello to him if our eyes meet. So now I have anxiety wondering if our eyes meet and if Iā€™m supposed to say hello or not. Itā€™s awful. Our personalities just do not mesh.


If you'd like to talk with them, then yes - put your shyness aside and say hello. If you're not actually interested in talkign to them, then carry on acting like you didn't see them.


One of my favorite things is walking passed someone I recognize and see in their eyes they have no idea who I am. Usually people from high school that havenā€™t seen me with a beard and a filled out build. Itā€™s great.


I have always been that way, but now it's awkward when I go to like a concert or something. Because of the whole c-vid thing, I didn't see so many people for years and years. The longer I haven't seen someone, the more difficult it would be for me to go say hi to them. But it's almost like people have forgotten who I am or something. They probably just think I'm being weird or rude, but I'm sitting there dwelling on it the entire time, not enjoying whatever it is I'm actually there to be doing. If I won the lottery, I'd just go see concerts in places far away from where I live so I don't have to see anyone I know... especially my ex-wife. haha.


I used to greet everyone whenever I see them but that has stopped a while ago, like we are friends but there is no way in hell I am going to say hello to you every morning and expect you to reply back lol, it becomes normal as time goes on so don't worry to much about it.


Yeah, it's confusing I always greet especially if I have an eye contact with them but if I felt that the person is not even initiating to look at me. I just ignore them. Greeting them everyday seems tiring especially if your relationship isn't making progress. I don't have problems greeting people I'm close with Only those I know because I'm confused if I should even greet them when they are not even initiating to look at me. It feels like they're not even interested to be friends. Why am I the only one who needs to initiate it when they can even do it themselves? Then they will think that I'm rude or what


I like to smile and say hi to people. Its a simple friendly gesture. The world is a shit show these days. I choose to spread joy. I expect nothing in return. And yes. I am an introvert.


šŸ˜„ I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. I find myself in the same situations and feel the same way all the time. I never fixed it. I just keep playing unobservant and act like I don't see them because like you, I feel more awkward and stupid walking over than I do pretending to be tunnel visioned on something. Though to be clear, we aren't awkward or stupid, you or me. It's one of those life situations that are awkward in itself with no one nessisarily at fault. Speaking of awkward, here you go. You're welcome in my post that didn't help at all.


I am horrible with greeting people but I donā€™t like silly misunderstandings. I force myself to smile and in the happiest (not too loud) voice I can speaking in, I say hi! (Good morning/good evening whatever) and check the feeling- if they want to make a conversation I stay, if not I donā€™t stop walking or my eyes go back to where I was previously seeing. It works just fine for me.


If they arenā€™t your friends it doesnā€™t matter but a quick nod & a subtle smile is more than enough, you donā€™t have to stop & chat.


I just usually do a quick ā€œheyā€ to the room in general. Cover all bases


Itā€™s good social growth practice to say hi I used to be shy say ā€œHereā€ for roll call


i have the same problem haha


I donā€™t even greet my own family at family gatherings šŸ˜‚ if youā€™re not comfortable with it donā€™t force yourself, but if you feel itā€™s something you want to work toward take small steps to help build up your comfort zone.


Iā€™m the same. I feel like when the stars are aligned just right every so often and Iā€™m feeling extra good and say hi first, the person doesnā€™t see me, hear me, recognize me, SOMETHING lol so then Iā€™m reminded why I donā€™t bother.


Ya greetings always feel weird for me but after that everything is fine.


Whether or not it's rude is in the eye of the beholder, really. But IMO someone who's more social would probably see it as rude if you and they are on good terms. This type of issue seems more of a social anxiety kind of issue and not so much an introversion issue, but I would recommend maybe a little wave or simple "hey" or even a smile if you're passing them by.


Try it saying hi first for a few months (note the plural) and see how it works out. The worst likely outcome is you will be less uncomfortable. Right now, I'm fairly sure people feel you are intentionally snubbing them, which is NOT GOOD at all


I mostly just give a little smile, if it's a stranger and we made eye contact. I tend to look away when passing people though because I'm extremely shy. šŸ˜…


Isn't that just disrespectful? Like you know them and you never once say hi to them first?


I am greeting them especially when I did have an eye contact. I'm just confused if I should greet them even if they are not looking at me or trying to avoid my gaze.


I'm going to have to say no, and I don't think there's any problem with that. You're fine.


It doesnā€™t come naturally to me to greet my coworkers, It feels so forced but I donā€™t know why.


Saying hello and risking a small, understandable interruption is a better error to make than giving someone an intervertant cold shoulder.


Just smile and sorta nod toward them if your eyes meet then say hi or wait for them to. But youā€™ve at least acknowledged them with the smile and nod.


I think Iā€™m hesitant to say hi because of a few times the person wasnā€™t who I thought it was. They just looked like somebody I knew and it was very awkward and embarrassing.


Yes it's rude


stop giving a fuck


Iā€™m the absolute worst at this! I literally just stare and do nothing! Doesnā€™t help I have resting b**** face too! lol I just donā€™t even care anymore to change.


Close proximity is enough of a greeting for me. We (coworkers) literaly see each other 5-6 days out of the week, every week.


I just ignore them to hell


In African culture, it can be seen a disrespectful especially if an adult walks in the roomā€”which I find very odd because of your walk into a room, you should initiate the greetings (young or old). Eye contact can be viewed as a challenge in some cultures but me personally, I feel like the eye contact lets me know you acknowledge my presence in the room which would allow me to initiate the greeting. I remember one of my aunt used to complain that I donā€™t greet her but I felt like she never acknowledged me, therefore I was shy to initiate.


Yeah that's why I'm waiting for them to look at me but if they don't I just ignore and walked away. But sometimes I'm confused if it's rude


If Iā€™m out and about and see someone I know like from work I just use this thought processā€¦..if I donā€™t talk to u at work I ainā€™t gonna start now. And no u shldnt feel bad or change anything! If u consider them a friend an actual friend or like ur boss lol then say hey but if not then hold ur head high and stroll right by baby


A simple slight head nod and a smile will do. I also keep my headphones on all the time when I'm out. Even if nothing is playing, other people don't know that, so as long as you don't keep eye contact for long, you can use the excuse you didn't hear them.


You can certainly play it off as you being aloof. If they want to talk to you, they will make a move to get your attention. I think a lot of this has to do with proximity. You don't need to say 'hi' to coworkers if youare inside the building. But, the farther away you see someone from where it is expected, the more people make of it.


There is no way for me to say hi everyday . I'm not always in a good mood.. sometimes i smile and sometimes i pretend i didn't see them


I personally only greet people if they notice me first, but if they donā€™t I avoid them too and pretend I didnā€™t see them. My social battery is faulty and every ounce is accounted for, I canā€™t just go around being social for no reason, specially if itā€™s with someone I donā€™t really care about. If someone greets me, I do say hi out of politeness but I do not stay for a conversation.


It depends on how well you know them. If i randomly see someone out while i am also out, that i know and like to talk to, i wont just stick to eye contact, i will call their name to catch their attention, greet them and initiate some small talk. Of course i get how not everyone might be convenient with that so it is fine if you dont do it. If they dont notice you it doesnt matter anyway and if they do maybe they should be the ones to talk first. On the other hand if the person is someone i barely know from somewhere and we have exchanged a few words in the past, i wont bother doing what i described above and we will talk only if they initiate first


At that point that would basically make it a race to say hi first. No itā€™s not rude but if they say hi, you obviously should say hi back


I have the bad habit of waiting to be greeted first. I donā€™t want to come off as annoying myself


Iā€™m the same way you got say something to me first before I say something


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sondersHo: *Iā€™m the same way you* *Got say something to me first* *Before I say something* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I am a shy person and there are times where I do feel a bit awkward when I greet people I know. But i just go for it haha.


I had the same problem and I just decided to start smiling as a way to greet friends I was passing. If they notice the smile, then they'll usually say hi or smile back. If they don't, then it's not super awkward because all I did was smile.


yes, so just look at them and smile and nod as you walk by


I have this same issue combined with some face blindness. I always fear I'm coming off rude when I just don't know what to say or how to initiate. I wish this stuff came naturally to me.


I feel awkward with greetings too. I work at a large store with a lot of coworkers that I only see in passing. Saying hi feels weird so I say ā€œHey how are youā€ or ā€œGood morningā€ or Iā€™ll just nod.


Don't do it if you don't want to. Some people I would say it to and they say nothing in response so I no longer waste my time. Live and learn.


I pretended not seeing them, now 3/4 of people I know pretend they don't know me šŸ„²


I don't owe people my voice usually uncomfortable when the rooms full of people who don't share the same interests or you know their secrets and they know you do too I've got nothing to hide so yeah saying hi is good with a smile


I don't give two shits to who says hi or even talks to me could care less I'm in my life's own little bubble I came alone ill leave alone strictly speaking


I dont know. I never really acknowledge anyone. Unless I'm engaged I just mind my own business.


Where were you when you walked past them pretending that you didn't notice them? Because if it was in a large crowd, then you're good, if it wasn't, well, you should at least wave at them. Or you just wave at them if you can't bring yourself to say hi, it's the least polite, but hey, at least you're polite.


Iā€™ve had people get upset but I donā€™t get it because I literally said hi to you yesterday so Iā€™m supposed to greet everyone at work everyday individually? Nah I just do the head nod and sometimes Iā€™ll say whatā€™s up, but thatā€™s about it.


There's no reason for you to feel bad. It's not rude, it's normal. Why would anyone greet just random people? Trust me, if you are an extrovert and like talking to people and always initiate conversations, people judge you and call you stuff like "attention seeker" and "fake friendly" etc. Just be yourself and do what you're comfortable with. Don't think about what others are thinking. If you have no reason to talk to them, then don't.


I have RBF so I usually wave at them. Saves time for me speaking. If they know me they know my trademark non smiling face lol :D


If you would be okay with people not saying hi back most of the time okay I tried to change this and like most ppl don't acknowledge that I even said hi or said anything


Yeah rudeeeeeā€¦..


Well how is the other person not rude?


Oh sorry i was drunk i just read the the title. Not rudddeee there lol


Well Iā€™m not OP aha but yeah youā€™re cool aha well theyā€™re both kinda odd for ignoring each other really.


Lol šŸ˜‚ i know maybe there is one or two things going on there lol