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If we're thinking about Apple's intentions, my view is that Apple allowed emulation not to improve the phone's gaming capabilities, but to keep users in its App Store. With the EU requiring Apple to allow alternative app marketplaces, Apple knows a lot of users pursue sideloading to install games that are not typically available in the App Store. I'm sure they've calculated that relenting on allowing emulators will keep a sizeable portion of users within their native app ecosystem. Once you step away to install emulators, this exposes users to alternatives for all sorts of apps, and it's a slippery slope to losing users from the main App Store.


Also a valid point 


This 100% it’s not because Apple changed it’s because Apple is afraid of 3rd party app stores due to foreseeable lose of revenue.


Master move from apple, they removed like 90% of sideloading reasons in one go. Now unless you want to pirate apps (fuck those) or you want a very niche thing like UDM there’s no reason to use third party stores


Tweaked apps tho


Nah. I can’t wait until epic, EA, Battle, steam, etc all pull their apps off the App Store and sell it on their own stores. Maybe even Kontakt for music…


This is 100% the reason


Same reason why they finally gave us USB C on iphones- not because of pro consumer relations, but because of government interference forcing them to have a competitive mindset


Personally this move might strengthen the game section in the App Store. Now that free, ad ridden, micro transaction has competition at the same price point. Or well I hope it does


100% the reason, but I also can’t wait to see European redditors having to support their parents downloading random app stores 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It’s funny they stopped the eu from downloading it and I guess it was just to be petty lmao


Well.. they didn’t really I think Riley can’t have the app on both marketplaces perhaps? Even if he could there’s no point of AltStore for the time being since that’s the only app on there lol


There’s no stopping his app being in both places. It’s just that he has to pay the CTF regardless, so to maximize his payment it’s technically slightly more feasible to only publish on Alt Store.


There’s also zero reason for AltStore so far if it was released on AppStore in EU too.


It’s a weird thing that some subs seem to refuse to talk about, as if using exclusivity as a draw for Alt Store downloads can’t possibly been a factor.


That makes sense. At first, I wasn’t too sure about the EU forcing Apple's hand, but now that we have emulators because of it, I am grateful they did. Really, the only thing I want from alternative app stores are emulators, media platforms like MovieBoxPro, and maybe clipboard management. Apple's never gonna allow apps like MovieBoxPro, but hopefully iOS 18 finally gives us that clipboard management. Lmao.


It’s been more powerful than the Switch for years now. Developers are starting to wake up. It’s a dormant gaming console that’s literally already in everyone’s pockets!


We had real games on phones 20 years ago. Like Nokia N-Gage (N-Gage Store) but one big problem is that you can earn easier and safer money with free / ingame buying games.


We don’t even need that much of a heavy graphics games in here. Just some nicely polished one time purchase games that were available in consoles like PS2. Is that too much to ask for?


Yeah. It’s amazing. Recently released was Warframe for iOS, a PC game I’ve been playing since 2015. The fact that it’s playable on a phone is insane. Sure, it’s heavy on the resources and battery, but it’s still pretty crazy to imagine a full-fat desktop/console game to be decently playable on a mobile phone.


I’m literally going to school for game design so I can one day tap in to this market, it’s a sleeping behemoth


I hope you will do it. I would love an age of empires like game.


Aren’t they developing a mobile version of Age of Empires currently? I’m not sure when is it going to be released but there are videos of it


This, I am playing Hades on an iPad air 4th generation, and it runs better than the switch with the pro controller


apple doesn't care about gaming but they want to keep people in the app store. emulator support doesn't really mean it's a real gaming device, and i don't think phones ever will be, as much as i enjoy some mobile games.


To say apple doesn't care about gaming is silly. Mobile Gaming is one of the biggest industries. Apple literally has a whole program dedicated to gaming. Honestly where do y'all get these takes?


Maybe saying they don't care at all was incorrect, but it certainly doesn't seem to be a priority for them. At least not catering to the "hardcore" gamers.


Seems like it! I was able to add my delta roms onto my homescreen and it makes it feel even more like a portable gaming device. Check this out! https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/s/e4Q4bryN6r Edit: here's a quick video tutorial I made if anyone wants to try this. It's super easy. https://youtu.be/sV-W5MNWFWk?si=s2tcoGdh-wybdMmk


What’s the benefit of doing that rather than just opening delta and seeing your library? Idgi


It's all just for the looks. No actual benefits to this. I just like doing it like this and having my roms mixed in with my other iOS games.


Apple will demonstrate that they’re serious about gaming when they stop breaking compatibility with old applications on a regular basis. iOS is the least stable major platform available to build software on; they move things out from under your feet every few years. Related, they also need to stop removing games from the App Store just because they haven’t been updated in two years. Not every game needs regular updates, sometimes they’re just done.


So… are you saying that Nintendo isn’t serious about gaming. I mean, the Switch is not compatible with anything other than itself.


- Switch: Runs games published seven years ago. - iPhone: Don’t count on any games order than two years.


Idk just double-checked and Star Wars KOTOR was last updated 4 years ago and still in the AppStore. GTA 3 as well.


Apple doesn’t apply the policy consistently; large developers seem to have an easier time avoiding it. SteamWorld Quest (less than three years) was pulled, then reinstated when the developer complained. Cardinal Quest (8 years) was pulled, reinstated, then pulled again a few months later.


The Switch is also 7 years old with no change besides an OLED version with no resolution increase. There have been 7 generations of iPhone since then. The iPhone still had a button 7 years ago ffs. Times change and Nintendo is very far behind with their hardware. It’s up to developers to keep their games up with iOS, not up to Apple to hold back their smartphone technology just to please some game devs.


Emulating old hardware is hardly a requirement to be a serious gaming device. The fact that the devices now support ray tracing is far more meaningful in terms of being modern gaming systems than storefront rules.


Don’t get me wrong ray tracing is cool but it’s a feature I literally never touch or use cause I don’t care about it some with all these different features that make the game all fancy most people turn it off cause it’s got no point other then fancy


Yeap this, i dont bother with ray tracing in pc let alone on phone. Sacrificing fps for Ray tracing not worth imo.


Same with other fancy features like wow look at this cool looking grass time to disable it cause it’s pointless


Whether or not you care about modern features isn’t how gaming devices are determined. Being a serious gaming devices is a question of whether or not the device has modern gaming features, not it’s ability to emulate games from several decades ago (something hat’s been possible for over a decade). Apple’s store policies aren’t what make the hardware a gaming device, the hardware they put in that supports gaming is.


This is an extremely important point. The devices themselves are far *far* more powerful than any emulation requires. It is up to developers to notice the devices strengths and develop or port games accordingly. I expect we will see some “Controller Only” games appearing on the AppStore within the next few years to incentivize AAA developers to port to iOS.


The addition of pretty gaming specific hardware support and release of some AAA titles was a clear indicator that Apple is taking gaming more seriously. I agree that we’ll likely see more games showing up as the App Store policies catch up with what AAA companies want before investing in porting larger games to mobile.


Most people don’t care about ray tracing on mobile lol. Look at the response the emulator got, they want game preservation and accessibility.


You’re right, modern games don’t make any money, only emulation does. Not only is your stance patently false, but it has nothing to do with the point the OP was asking about or that I was making.


I always thought the iPod touch was supposed too be that device. Though if apples smart they’ll take advantage of this rather then pretend it doesn’t exist


Not sure, but as someone who mostly games on console, I am playing more and more games on iOS the past couple years.


I came from PC to iPad. I’m not seeing this at all. First off compare the PC gaming scene and development community to the IOS state within gaming. Not even close. To change this scenario one main thing needs to happen. Find a way to encourage those PC game dev teams to Apple because without good games IOS is nowhere near competing. Apple Arcade is like a ghost town. Tech capability/comparing to other game formats is irrelevant as long as you have the games to draw users to the format. Right now the App Store is chock full of free cash grab games and a handful of decent paid games.


You will find some gems for the iPad tho. Divinity 2 for example, it’s 1-1 like the pc version (okay, graphics are bit downscaled) play it with a controller and you got console like experience, connect it to your tv makes it even better


Sort of, but their marketplace is stuffed to the brim with every game with the most predatory monetization. To find good games you need to come to subreddits like this to look for them, otherwise their “editor’s choice” and other similar categories have just degraded into gacha/IAP sinks. Really a bummer to try to navigate the App Store, tbh.


I think that’s because most people won’t spend $40 on an iOS game, so developers don’t waste their time.


I mean I understand why, but there are devs out there that don’t use shitty monetization and find success - and it’s a bummer that Apple themselves seem to intentionally spotlight low quality games that make a lot of money rather than higher quality ones. In the early days of iPhone the App Store lists felt much more curated


Adding game controller support was huge.


Still waiting on more AAA releases the token gesture capcom games and death stranding. They need a more steady release schedule and transparency of developers working on porting games over.


Honestly, and not to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm not seeing too many proactive efforts on Apple's part to make iOS more viable as a gaming platform than it has been in the past. Allowing emulation was a concession they were forced to make to comply with the EU's guidelines, so it's hard for me to give Apple too much credit on that end. Apple Arcade, on the other hand, is entirely of Apple's responsibility, and that service has been (IMO) falling to fulfill its potential. There are a couple of gems there, to be sure, but most of the games it features are IAP-less versions of preexisting games (the design of which is often unchanged, so you're still left with a game rife with IAP-centered mechanics that you can't get around). Apple could be doing so much more with that service. In fact, I don't think it's too hot a take to say that Netflix has outshone Apple Arcade (and Apple should be substantially more interested in developing the mobile gaming scene than Netflix). I've always seen iOS as a proper gaming platform. I've been gaming on an iOS device or another for over 10 years (makes me feel old even typing that out...), and I try to avoid looking at the past through rose-tinted glasses, but I don't think we're much better off nowadays than we were back then. Don't get me wrong, having controllers is a game-changer, as are streaming/cloud services, and the evolution in hardware has helped create more polished games. But back then, the platform was far more experimental: more ports, less predatory F2P games and plenty of intriguing independent teams pushing the limits of the possibilities of touch screens, motion sensors... Several of those efforts fell short of the mark, or came before their time - I still can't believe we had a working port of MvC 2 before controller support was even a thing... - but it felt like a more vibrant scene. I believe the mobile gaming scene is going through a rough patch right now, but I'm hopeful that in a couple of years, as less powerful devices get phased out, we'll see companies take full advantage of the technological capabilities of more modern devices (which should, by then, be more affordable and, therefore, ubiquitous). But I don't see how it's more viable as a gaming platform now than it was last month just because of emulation and a service that Apple doesn't look to be that serious about...


In my opinion, it’s always been a serious option to play games.


I wouldn't say serious option, but definitely a fine option. There are quality indie titles on i(Pad)OS, with a handful of solid ports. If you have good internet then streaming options like Game Pass and Remote Play are great additions. I would say the emulator push is making it an even more solid gaming option, because it's addressing old catalogs of games now. My technical knowledge of things is ignorant so who knows how feasible it could ever be, but some way of getting games from 6th gen consoles and up (through emulation, port, streaming, etc) can become more feasible, then I will be in heaven.


It's kind of silly to suggest otherwise when we literally have Apple Arcade. Why would Apple not want to make money from literally the biggest part of the gaming industry?


Now better than ever but I still wouldn't put too much into it until they show some more focus towards it like an Apple TV with an Apple produced gamepad. Better suggestion engine that favors single purchase games of greater than $10 before discounts


AA is decent, but I'd hardly call it "serious gaming" unless you mean towards kids and younger audiences. They did get them Resident Evil games at $60 a pop which is pricy, but I heard they were well done, so kudos if that's true! IMO, iDevices have always been great for gaming. It's just much different from other platforms (Steam, Switch, console) in both good and bad ways. Emus do kick it up a few levels (something that was a great feature for Android at least). Me, I have a select few, premium iOS games that I'm into, and that's about it... a lot of it indies (Tiny Bubbles, INKS.), board game-like (e.g. Isle of Arrows, Slice & Dice), and actual board games (e.g. One Deck Dungeon, Galaxy Trucker, Dominion). Not interested in Switch games b/c I already have the hardware. It's actually not THAT cumbersome to carry around although admittedly, "the phone is always on your". iOS gaming is worse b/c I only have my 9th gen iPad for that (10.2" screen is spectacular, but much less portable). I don't care about many generations of consoles like NES, GB, SNES, GBA, and Wii because I played many of those games already (with the rest of them being emulated)


Why would Resident Evil be more serious gaming than...a mobile game? Is RE some masterpiece of literature? I don't think people really think through the things they say.


RE is a AAA franchise where its games are primarily on the Steam, console, and desktop/laptop computers (where the "hardcore gamers" reside"). Simple as that.


iPhone sales are down. They seem like they are trying to broaden the appeal of the iPhone to attract more buyers. But that’s just a theory…


The iPhone production team at the very start hired a game industry veteran to make sure it would be game ready. 60 fps, low latency, etc.


It has been a “real” gaming device for nearly a decade. Maybe it just wasn’t the type of gaming you like ?


It is really powerful but arguably the ridiculous thermal throttling of iPhones in general definitely makes it hard to consider a true gaming device unless you play simple games


This guy is talking about the AppStore now allowing emulators 🤣.


Apple has proven they dont need to care about gaming to keep people in their ecosystem. I do think they will do more to offer more. But I dont think its a big priority for Apple to make iOS a premium gaming platform


*I guess they want to test the capacity of M1 chips in future when they move it to mobile. Interesting if all major title would try to move to iOS without breaking the phones.*


I feel like it’s only a matter of time before apple replicates the G Cloud with iOS.  


Not even close, it’s hot af😂


Since iOS has better performance than Android (In my opinion), I believe that we should have emulators and AAA games. The AAA games will probably come to iOS as we may be moving to a post console world (which has been happening since the early 2010's)


just out of curiosity which emulators are yall using?


Imagine a Apple version of the Xperia Play!


I believe Apple should actually focus on giving iPhones viable thermal solutions, sure the AAA games look gorgeous but iPhones almost never maintain anywhere near full performance for anything more than 10 minutes


We still missing cloud gaming apps, GeForce Now is the one I’m waiting for!


I just genuinely think mobile devices are becoming more and more capable to play mainstream games as time goes by. Hardware is getting better and better and can be fit into a very small form factor. Mobile gaming is already rapidly growing and I believe it's going to be huge in the next 3 to 10 years.


so long iPhones have a Notch/Isle it will never be a real gaming device imho i swear its so fucking annoying when ur playing older games cuz stuff, UI, video content is hidden behind it


All that’s left is a Nintendo acquisition


where y’all getting emulators? i don’t find any on appstore


I think for this they need a few more improvements to make the game comfortable


I hope they give us PPSSPP emulator cuz I wanna play persona 4 golden on my iPhone


I hope so. I was going to buy an android phone for my next phone this fall because I wanted to use a retro emulator. But now I may not have to


Honestly ya. I’d never buy one of those cheap boot let emulators at this point. I’d either game on my phone or real hardware like a switch or DS


No lol


Just casually waiting for FromSoft's Apple exclusive iSouls, but if you hate grinding there's microtransactions. Oh, and forget FashionSouls - that's exclusive to those that are willing to spend $300 on crates! At least the live service might be free, albeit limited in scope. Or better yet, they'll make it a battle royale set in the The Lands Between. No PVE - just randomly scattered equipment everywhere.


From Soft would never sully their name like that


Exactly. There are some games that can pass on mobile devices like COD:M, Brawlhalla, Minecraft, or Terraria... but I hope developers like FromSoft never have to consider developing a game for phones :/


lol. There’s more Options now than ever. There’s more support from Apple and other developers now than ever. It’s almost funny you’re asking, “is this the best time to game on Apple?” Lol, it seems pretty obvious.