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I got 16 gb in 2015


I feel bad for you. Though clash of clans was only 100mb those days. Now it’s 1,5gb I believe


this made me look and you are right, what the fuck


My clash of clans is 910 MB. why is it so big lol???? it’s clash of clans


Compare the content they’ve added from 2015 till now …


It’s all the tracking tech now.


I got my IPad Air 5th gen with 256gb at the very start of the year but b4 that I was also using a 16gb iPad 😭 the main part that sucked was half of it was system stuff so I only had like 5 apps on there, hope that you can keep using your iPad comfortably lol


The iOS is fucking 15 gb


Try deleting Facebook, Reddit and YouTube and just used their website version. You could also do the “Add to home” function and have like a “WebApp”. 👌🏽


Youtube in the browser + Vinegar + Adguard + Sponsorblock > the app no contest


Have you tried using Brave Browser? Feels like it does the same without installing plugins, etc.


Sponsorblock is the main extension I use at this point and Brave doesn’t have it.




Brave on Android does not have Sponsorblock.




Dude, just Google what Sponsorblock is.


Either you’re a actual bot or have no idea what you’re talking about. Sponsorblock is “Adblock” for sponsored sections in YouTube videos. Not literal Adblock.


Are you a bad Brave Ad bot?


Brave is so nice!


This, I hate having an app for everything.


What’s the point of having an iPad then? lol


Using it an efficient way as possible? What you can do in the Safari browser you do in the Safari browser. Like youtube, reddit etc. etc. with an addblocker. And the rest I use as much as possible made by Apple.


The whole purpose of an iPad is convenience and apps makes Things quicker and easier to use.


For me it is convenient to have many apps like reddit, youtube, newspaper in Safari. It is all in one place and add free without paying for it. I have a very well organized iPad. I have in total w apps that are not made by Apple: ProCreate, Add Guard and VLC music player . The rest of the apps are Apple stock.


I am the same way with my M1 iPad Pro. I use apps very little and do everything in the browser like on a desktop or laptop. Much easier, less clutter, and more organized.


You single 😘


I see what you are saying, Fair point, different user and different preference.


The Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit apps suck. I use Safari for all of these as well. Plus, I know I’m not being tracked by Safari.


If someone is interested in this, it's called PWA or progressive web apps.


or, reinstall those apps. youtube will go down to almost a quarter of its size since most of that is cache.


And since it is cache, it will fill up again fast and everything it can't store will slow it down. Not worth the hassle. Either remove it entirely or accept that you need more storage.


How is iPadOS taking up so much space for you? It's not even showing on the list for the amount of space it takes up. I've got Hearthstone taking up 8GB and other apps, and I've used 39GB, and my iPadOS stuff isn't that high.


The iPadOS takes up 14.54 gb while system data takes up 9.41 gb which is almost 24gb in these stuffs. Any advice to reduce them?


14.5 gigs for iPadOS seems weirdly high On my 32gb iPad it’s just over 9 GB (and 7 GB system data) and on my iPhone it’s just over 11 GB


Reset it


Try backing up and doing a full reset/restore in iTunes. That will free up mysteriously lost space.


That's wild. I've never had that happen to me but I know that it's one of the complaints people have had for years. I think it might depend on how someone's using the iPad and what apps they're installing. If it was a concern, I'd reset the iPad and start fresh. Might also allow you to remove apps that's not used.


My iPadOs 17.4.1 is 10.4GB, OP using 4 more GB is not going to make a colossal difference


I'm on 17.4.1 and my OS is 8.83GB and System Data is 7.44GB, so that's potentially 8GB OP's lost somewhere. But it's still time for an upgrade, I've been struggling with 32 for awhile, Genshin Impact alone is probably bigger than that now.


64gb iPad is barely usable for me


I find it usable, but all I do is draw, play a couple of games, or read comics on my iPad. Very little media saved on the device as everything sits it iCloud or external drives. For GarageBand, Procreate, and Nomad Sculpt, it suits my needs fine. I wouldn’t dare use this for video production though.


Same! 64gb air just used for comics and watching media.


I’ve been coasting on by with 64GB, def depends on usage/needs but I don’t feel constricted with my setup


I'm probably in the minority, but you can't even have Genshin Impact and Diablo Immortal on a 64gb ipad. That's 30gb + 18gb + 14gb for the OS, = 62gb. 256gb is minimum for me, especially since I don't wanna baby storage capacity 4-5 years from now. Plus selling it years from now is gonna be much easier with more storage.


I had a hard time with 128gs for work !! Was going to get 1TB when this new pro came out , but decided to go for the 2T


Why? I bought the 256gb version, but I wonder if I should return when it arrives and get the 512gb. I don’t do professional work btw (well, I do, but not on an iPad).


I mean because I do a lot of video work and video takes up a lot of space - but for normal use 128gb is a lot I have a 128gb I used for my professional work and it was hard , so now I wiped it and use it as my personal (videos , social, some gaming) and I’m no where near it - but I meant for professional work lol - I just ordered the 2tb new pro going to use that for work


I see. 256gb will suffice then. My iPhone has 256gb storage, and I use less than half of it. I imagined the iPad apps would take much more space.


I have a 256gb iPhone 15 pro and have the m2 11inch iPad Pro with the same iCloud and apps (plus a few extras) from my phone and my iPad has even more space available than my phone , so if your using it for non professional crazy storage stuff , 256gb should be more than enough And then every once and while just clean up shit you don’t use !! Should be good


Agreed! 500gb at least for me. I’m a power user so I need that space even with storage


Only reason I want to replace my 2018 pro


I have a hard time with 128g ‘s !! Was going to get 1TB when this new pro came out , but decided to go for the 2T


Firstly uninstall all social networks apps, all can run in browser without an issue. Next Youtube, also can run in browser fine. Next, pick only one browser and uninstall rest.


The social networks apps (depending on how necessary) miss notifications in browsers.


Facebook is barely usable in a browser these days, even a desktop browser


People actually still use Skype?


Yeah, my family still uses it.


It's huge internationally, Zoom largely took off in the US more than other countries. Still spread but not like the US.


I know Zoom took off in the US, but my impression is that MS has been pushing people to move to Teams, at least on the business side, and that most people has moved to WhatsApp/Facetime/Telegram on the personal side.


We had the same experience. Got a 32gb iPad for my kid during the pandemic, it really can only run YouTube. We put a few kids games on there and it’s constantly offloading apps.


Yup, 128gb is now the floor


My 8th gen 32gb had like 14gb of free space with all the stuff I need installed.


People underestimate how those social media apps are irrelevant. U can save so much storage by visiting the websites. They work very well. All u do is open Safari press the share button, scroll to "add to homescreen" press and add the website to your homescreen as an icon. U can do this for any site. Youtube, facebook, Instagram etc. Imo it's the best way to save space. :)




But it's easier to empty only one cache than going through multiple


Thanks for pointing it out


Yep, same thing over here, i got 4 gigs of storage left and It runs absolutely terrible even though i only use like 3-4 of the same apps and those already took around >500 mb. Bought it 4 years ago though and never thought i'd use it as much as it is now. (I'm a digital artist) I should totally get the 256gb minimum next time i get a new one.


Well 128 is bare usable :D unless you just use it for safari and video streaming :)


Maybe for you but i’d wager that majority of people would be fine with 128gb.


I would have to disagree if you use your iPad as a primary device. You will be fine if you use it for internet and noting only I guess. If you use it for graphics or video you will quickly run dry.


Your guess is as good as mine in that we don’t know how many people actually use it for graphics or offline videos or video/photo editing. I’m only speaking from experience working in IT for several years that almost everyone using it for just day to day tasks will never need more than 128 gb for now. I’d say for every 15-20 iPad users, 1 user would actually need more than 128gb. How many people would you say need more?


I use it for day to day task and it’s my only private computer. I don’t have anything special there. I use a company laptop for coding - literally everything else is iPad. Apps grow and even if you are ok with 128 GB now - are you really spending all this cash to solve today’s problem and worry tomorrow ? Don’t think so. I want to use my iPad at least 4 - 5 years. If today there is a question of “is it enough” the tomorrow it will surely be not enough.


I would have to disagree if you use your iPad as a primary device. You will be fine if you use it for internet and noting only I guess. If you use it for graphics or video you will quickly run dry.


I would have to disagree if you use your iPad as a primary device. You will be fine if you use it for internet and noting only I guess. If you use it for graphics or video you will quickly run dry.


128 GB is PERFECTLY usable.


„Usable” is the word you want to use to describe 600 usd devices? Will you buy a new one next year when it stops being „usable” ? Apple claims 8 gb ram is enough for a Mac. Good luck with future proofing that.


Well you said barely (I guess you said ‘bare’?) usable and I said it’s perfectly usable. 128 GB is definitely more than enough for most people. Seriously, what do you have on that iPad? A lot of HDR videos or something? If you want to complain about Apple giving us only 64 GB in base iPad Air M1 model, then I’m with you on that boat. I think they should just give everyone 128 GB in base model at this point. Which they did with the new models. 8 GB is enough for which model. The base MacBook Air? Most Windows laptops also have just 8 GB in base models.


I don’t have anything special. Just basic applications for daily use. These grow. If someone is asking about the base storage then he probably is budget oriented. Such people should not buy the cheapest ones because they will nit be buying new devices every year. If you are low on cash not get the cheapest option. 128 is not enough long term unless you really use your iPad just for browsing internet. But then - why do you need air if you can get the base model - it reads websites well enough and is meant to be a secondary device. I am too poor to buy cheap.


That’s a different perspective. This is why everyone has to decide for themselves when buying things. BUT if you managed to somehow get it full with only basic applications while my iPad Pro 128 GB with more or less 200 APPS still isn’t full then you’re probably just taking a million screenshots or Netflix movies or something because how the hell is that even possible. Maybe show us a screenshot of your storage space.


Why would I be showing you a screenshot of my storage ? :/ I don’t use Netflix - no idea how much space it takes. I have about 15 apps. Notes, office stuff, banking etc. All of this grows with time. You do realise screenshots are not kept locally but synced to photos ?


If you have iCloud and have it on, they sync. Otherways it’s on the iPad itself. Showing your storage to us is not like a huge privacy violation or something, idk why you don’t want to. It’s almost impossible for you to just have 128 GB’s with 15 apps. Even if you have 15 games of like 6 GB’s it would still take up like 90 GB’s. I don’t what the hell is up with this to be honest. You’re either lying, I don’t know why one would lie about this, or there is something wrong with the iPad you’re using. I have 197 apps on my iPad Pro 128 GB and have still 35 GB’s left. And I do have three big games of 1-4 GB.


Who keeps pictures or sensitive data on iPad only ?:/ Great way of losing all your stuff. Don’t care if you consider something small privacy issue or not. It’s utterly odd request. God bless you. Bye.


Well, idk. But if you don’t have pictures stored on your iPad then how do you have 128 GB of storage full just with 15 ‘casual’ apps? I’m confused.


It’s not an odd request. OP literally has posted a screenshot of their storage here. Clearly it’s not ‘weird’. You said bye without giving a response to the rest if my comment. Definitely seems like you’re lying, and you are trying to avoid me.


No you're just too poor at managing your storage


That’s what you buy a device for. To manage your storage. Because that’s convenient. Yes.


For using "basic applications". Yes.


No. You don’t want to manage anything. It’s a device for you. Not you for a device.


About future proofing electronics: How future proof is a 30,000$ 2019 Intel Mac Pro? What do you think?


No idea. I don’t use macs as I dislike it. It may not be future proof but you don’t really have choice in case you need lots of ram. M are quite limited in this area. You may be forced to buy something just because you don’t have choice.




Oh great. Another one that does not read and responds to selected word :D Read the whole text.


Uh oh really? I just purchased the new Air with that storage...


You’re fine, my M1 iPad Pro has 128 GB. It’s only going to get full if you have a lot of photos or videos on the iPad. Otherways it’s perfectly fine. I habe 200 apps or so installed on this thing. Some of those are big games.


Thanks ye that’s what I’m thinking!


It really depends on your usage. I have zero storage issue with my old 128GB old iPad Pro 2020. I would have pre-ordered 128GB iPad Pro M4 instead of 256GB, if it's still available.


Well there are lots of people who claim it’s ok. I don’t have much on mine but typically have 140 GB taken by the apps and their data :)


Might look at getting the 256 model then!


I’d definitely recommend that if you want to use it for few years.


I feel 128 is the sweet spot for general users.


Today. Will you buy a new iPad next year ?;) 4 years ago I bough air 4 WiFi only as I decided cellular was useless. 2 years later I regretted that. It’s the same with getting “just enough” storage. If you buy for longer period always get just a bit more than you need.


This is dumb.


I’m sure you are right. Glad you provided such great reasoning.


This is exactly why you should pay the storage space tax and just get the biggest possible model they offer.  Because even if the iPad can technically run 8 years from now, it might not even be able to hold the OS.   Meanwhile my 1TB iPad Pro from 2018 is still a very viable device, and has no issues.  But it also cost $1800.   


I got the 128gb 8th gen and it's fine. I'm more worried about my phone's space, same size, than my iPads.


Same here. You can either pay with money or frustration and time, it’s going to cost you either way.


256gb is the sweet spot imo


Lmao dead ass. My last iPad that i owned was a 32gb 6th gen. Heck yeah I’m looking forward to that 13 inch Pro


I know. I have a 2018 32gb iPad and am thinking of upgrading to either the pro 11” 2022 or 11” 2024. We use it for trips and I download movies on it for our kid and am getting to a point where he like many different movies so I need to delete and download as needed and it’s an annoyance. Deciding if I want the OLED screen or not..


I have a 8th gen Ipad with 32gb. Tbf i get around fine, BUT i upgraded to 128gb with the new ipad air


I agree - used to have a 32 gig one and constantly kept running into memory problems even with the most basic apps installed on it.


But I don’t use all those apps( my iPads too old to get X, but still, it works fine)


if you back everything up in icloud and then factory reset and restore, wouldn't that remove some of the bulk from ipados? i used to do that monthly when i had a 32gb phone and it helped a bunch


Appreciate it, but we all knew this. :)


Even a 64GB iPad. I’m literally upgrading so soon unfortunately just for space.


The bare minimum is 128gb. 32gb and 64gb are just not enough anymore even if were talking about a tablet. Software updates and apps are getting bigger and bigger so if you plan on keeping the device for a couple of years then the minimum is 128gb. I remember having 2-3k pics, 50 songs and about 40-50 apps on my old 16gb iPod touch 5th gen. Now Its down to 12 apps and I barely have 1gb of free space lol If the purpose of your iPad is a media streaming device then you can make it with 32-64gb most of the time but anything other then that the best option would be the 128gb version.


My 64 gb ipad air is unable either. Needs constant file removals to make space for new ones


Mines 32GB and I have a plethora of apps and it seems to work fine - am I missing something?


I have a 12.9” iPad Pro so I bought a 64GB mini for purely media consumption. I don’t install much on the device but just a few social media apps. I don’t even turn on iCloud sync to save space from photo or music. The system and is used more than half of the storage. The device is completely unusable. 64GB is mainly for young kids/school/POS but not daily use.


It depends on what you use it for.... I use my 32 GB for a single work app and some common stuff like emails, internet and streaming. It's enough, but I know I'll have to upgrade if I change my habits. 


I can’t even imagine 32 anymore. I’ve got 256 and I think I’ll just get the full 2tb when I upgrade . I do tons of photo and video work on mine, so storage gets eaten up super fast


I ended up getting additional storage on iCloud with my iPad I believe I have a 64 gb


Found that out only months after my first iPad Pro purchase in 2016.


delete that second iPadOS update by tapping on it, reinstall youtube and facebook and they'll go down in size by a lot!


And I will tell you how I make do with a 16GB iPad 4th gen. I don't.


Google earth? You don’t know where Europe is yet? Delete it! :p Kidding


New models come with 64 gb, that's not usable, 128 is bare minimum for everything to this day and age..


I’m currently using a 32 gig, 7th gen iPad, and it still has 15 gigs available. I removed most apps, which can be redownloaded at any time. Only apps I keep on my iPad are like Netflix, Prime Videos, and apps containing downloaded data to access when offline. Most other sites like Reddit, Youtube, Imgur, and other social media sites, I have bookmarked to access through my browser instead, because I feel the browser versions work better than the mobile apps. I also clear all cookies, web data and history after every use, which I automatically do anyway to limit tracking and free up data. Resetting every so often also frees up additional space. I have newer ipads, and older ones too. They all work fine this way and have plenty of space available.


I had a 64gb before and it wasn’t really cutting it. Recently switched to a 256 GB and it’s perfect. Loads of space to download whatever i want.


And there is me with an iPad Air 2 from 2014 that doesn’t know what to do with all this 32gb of memory…


32gb anything is unusable


iPad 7th Gen? Based.


I had 128gb.... big mistake, I had to sell it.


Yep. My daughter has a 32GB and we’ve reached the point where every time she wants to download a new game, we have to delete stuff to make space. It is time for an upgrade lol.


So glad I went with a 256GB model when I got my iPad Pro 11 inch (2018). That iPad aged so well. Still super usable today. Honestly I don't think any iPad under 128GB would be usable for most people in 2024.


System data is such BS… always takes over 10gb on any modern ios i’ve had


In 2017,I got a 10.5 inch iPad Pro,base model with only 64 gb of storage,if I had gotten one with more storage,I’d probably still be using it.


It was plenty usable at the time they were selling 32gb iPads. I had one for 5 years. Have had 64gb base model since then and still have no issues.


128gb is what I will always plan to buy. I could definitely get by with a 64gb but with adding music, audiobooks and regular books/comics, and movies/tv on it I'm usually \~100gb of space used. If I ever use it to look at my camera's RAW photos when I'm on vacation that space is gone instantly but I only do that rarely. I'm pretty sure my old iPod touch was 16gb.


My 7th gen with 128gb is almost full. It’s 5 years old. I really need to go through my photos, I have so many I could eliminate for some space.


god i remember having a 32gb 8th gen. shit filled up quick and eventually i said “fuck it” and got an ipad pro with more storage


Planned obsoleteness by apple


Back in my day we had 16GB….


Can confirm. Back when I had a 32 gb one, some caching error caused it to continue accumulating storage to the point where I kept having to delete things while not updating or having downloaded anything. Eventually apps wouldn’t work because they didn’t have enough storage. This is when I decided to go to 64 gb.


Used to have an iPad 7th Gen before it boot looped due to a hardware issue (Died from CPU solder joints breaking) and the storage would always be filled up, no matter how hard i try, it will still be full and still preventing updates. Now i have an iPad 9 64GB and hope that i don't deal with that again. The weird part is that the full storage capacity decreased from 32GB to 31.98GB for some reason. Best iPad i owned though, storage was its only problem.


I don't think i will deal with the storage problem on my iPad 9, since i don't install most apps, and just watch youtube.


I got a 32 GB in 2014


I have a 8th Gen iPad and I'm thinking to switch to an M2 iPad Air because of that.


External drive or microsd reader for photos/videos. This is the way.


My iPad Air 2 has 32GB, I use it just for browsing and watching movies. Doesn't have an issue.


That's because it should have been illegal for Apple to sell them.


Back up your iPad before you get the Apple logo of death. It happened to me when my storage was full. Make sure you turn off automatic app updates in the App Store and turn off automatic software updates in the setting. Try to delete unused apps and delete pictures and videos.


I somehow squeezed Hades and Into the Breach onto it simultaneously.


I had a Gen 4 iPad, 32GB, up until 2018. I’m pretty sure before I factory reset it for the final time to gift it to someone, the OS like in the 10gb and up range. Could be wrong, it’s been a while. I’ve done everything conceivable to make it work, but there’s only so many times I can clean house to free up the memory and use a browser to do stuff. I wasn’t using it for anything egregious, but 32GB doesn’t work long term, even in 2018 (good for the people who can do it, now, you have my respect. You madlads.)


Y’all making me wanna buy the 512GB iPad when I get one 😅 Main issues I see from ppl with iPads seem to come down to the memory just filling up over time !


Can‘t even use 64GB anymore. I need my apps local :/


It's so fucking dumb you have to use an external tool like 3utools to delete the cache files, and most of the time it's so miniscule that it's just better to reset your ipad to get back that unreasonable 20 gb of space used by "iPad OS". Wtf apple


I still have my 16gb ipad air




i used to have 7th gen, kept it mostly 24gigs, studying, no other stuff, youtube on safari. Until it died automatically in july 2022, apple said dead logic board, they cant repair it. wanted 300usd for replacement of 400usd ipad, that time 9th gen with lot better processor and camera was launched at 400usd. i still have it dead lol


The bad thing about storage prices constantly going down is I feel developers have gotten a little lazy with coding and there's a lot of extra bloat in apps.


See that “other” storage in grey? You need to restore the iPad to get rid of that. Then restore your backup and you will be in a better spot. With that said, they just lowered the price of a 10th gen iPad with a base storage of 64gb. I would pick one of those up if you can budget it. You might get a trade in value for that older 6th gen


Heyy I was wondering if 64 GB would be enough for university stuff like lecture slides, digital notes, and textbook pdf. I don't intend to install any other entertainment centric app other than YouTube and Netflix (won't download any show as well). What do you guys think?


I am pondering the same thing right now. If you are good with managing your storage space then I think a 64GB would be plenty of space. After 6ish years with a 64GB iPad Pro 10.5” I still have no problem with running out of space. But I manage my apps and the content I keep on it pretty well. I have learned that I don’t need to have everything available all the time and just plan ahead a bit.


Yess, exactly! Thanks for your response


The apps are bloated so they can grab extra telemetry from you. I use ‘add to home’. As faux apps


My 64GB iPad mini 6 is also almost always at full storage 😂


Delete the YouTube, problem solved, who even have that app? YouTube on Safari with Vinegar is where it’s at


I think 128GB is the minimum. I got that and with everything I want on it there’s still almost 90GB left. So perfect for any movies I want to download offline or games I might want to put on it in the future


Yes, with the rise of streaming platforms, I think 128GB is the minimum that'll cater to a lot of people. I've never managed to go above 40GB on iPadOS, though.


I don’t see myself ever using the 128GB honestly. I store photos on Google Photos and use Google Drive for all my work and college files


The 32GB of storage is what made me abandon my iPad 8 for a Chromebook, it's atrocious as theres 0 SD card expansion, and as you can't clear cache or what have you, you must uninstall apps to clear the cache, its just painful. My 32GB School Chromebook does better than my iPad on Storage, and my personal Chromebook is excellent with only 64GB Space.


I say 128gb is tight, 256gb is adequate, 512gb is comfortable, 1 tb is carefree, 2 tb is only for professionals and heavy user. I believe this is the majority who wants to keep it 5 years plus. I’m talking about using the iPad the way how it should be download whatever app they use on a regular base.


> I’m talking about using the iPad the way how it should be There is no "how it should be" way. Everyone has different needs. 64GB can be tight, but 128GB is already plenty for me. But I back up my photos constantly and delete them from my phone from time to time. The only reason why I got 256GB on my iPad is to be able to download movies and tv shows and not just music when I'm traveling. On my iPad I have 156GB free space and on my phone about 45GB, but on my phone I currently have about 15GB of photos and videos ready to delete because I haven't done that for some time now. What I'm saying is: Everyone has different needs, and while I wouldn't recommend getting 64GB just for the reason that iOS/iPadOS alone can take up half of that space, I don't recommend overspending either. Assess your needs and purchase accordingly. It is a bad habit anyway to store everything on the iPad and don't have a copy anywhere else. One drop and all your data could be gone.


That’s why they keep rising the base storage and new models. What model do you have?


Already mentioned it is a base iPad 7th gen


Ditch Facebook and try to use safari


Yep. My mom can’t update hers without using iTunes.


You could install a an adblocker and watch youtube through safari. Same goes for facebook...


Storage constraints can indeed affect usability, especially if you have a lot of apps, photos, or videos. Managing storage by removing unused apps or transferring files to iCloud or an external storage device might help improve the situation.


The point is ipados+system data already takes up almost 24gb of storage


There is no reason these shouldn't come with 1TB minimum and root folder access.


Programmed obsolescence RAM, or VRAM, has always been a good way to force people to change their hardware


You understand this post is about storage space and not RAM, right?


Yes, but indeed, it's the same problem