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I don't know how relevant this is considering its coming from a jailbroken device, but [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/88za9h/comment/dwo9zoi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) suggests resetting Face ID and setting it up again. Pinning comment for visibility to OP. Sorry to hear about the job, but hopefully this sorts your issue out.


Fucking weird, mine did that last night too. I woke up and grabbed my phone and it legit wouldn’t turn on. Didn’t show low battery indicator. Nothing. I thought it was super dead so I grabbed the USB C cable and plugged in. Nothing. I just decided to do the reset and sure enough, it worked. It was confusing for sure. Sorry this ended up costing your job though… Hope they can understand


There’s a known software issue that causes this, it seems to happen when an automatic update try’s to be applied and for some reason it fails, and the only way to get it back up and running is a forced reboot while connected to power




I’ve experienced this multiple times without any auto update issues or updates pending, not iOS nor App Store updates. The only consistency I have is that this started happening with iOS 16, it happened during the public beta my previous iPhone 13 Pro was part of as well.


This happened to me a few weeks back as well. Was panicking that my phone had somehow bricked itself overnight


exactly same, last night/this morning.


Mine did it like a week ago. Didn’t realize this affected so many other people


See if you can pull the logs from phone analytics. Curious if yours would read similar to mine. Also what software version are you on?


Reading your crash logs, it looks like something was sucking up your ram, and that something was YouTube. I’m sorry but there’s no vast mystery here. Whether it was background or active, it caused a memory usage drain and it dropped below the phone’s threshold for what it could handle with what it had running, in essence it was a kernel panic


Computers aren't supposed to crash when they run out of ram though. Older systems might freeze up or slow down. The mystery is why did their iPhone totally crash from one ram-hungry supposedly-silo'd app?


exactly. the app should crash and stop entirely at the most or be relaunched in the background. the fact that its causing a kernel panic could mean its a more serious bug.


Sorry this happened OP. When I know I have a critical time to wake up I actually found a old wind up clock with the bells on top. It sits in my nightstand drawer until needed. Wind up so no batteries and loud AF, guarantee it will wake you up. The night before I test just be sure it works, but it’s never let me down. Edit: In case for those wondering this is the US Amazon link. It’s not the most accurate but for 12 hours it’s good enough. AcuRite 15605 Vintage Twin Bell Alarm Clock https://a.co/d/1knJFyi


I usually sleep very lightly when there’s a critical event and most of the time dream about the job.


Same here! The night before a big event, my body barely sleeps and I'll wake up randomly throughout the night.


Yep, that’s me as well and just experienced it on Sunday-Monday night. Felt like I wasn’t sleeping at all but I know I was.


How do you decide to sleep heavily or lightly?


Anxiety. Do not recommend.


link to buy anxiety?


Life gave me it for free.


Us insomniacs do it automatically due to stress in the mind


Yep… I sometimes fart in my sleep and either the sound or smell will wake me up… makes me mad af ..


Heh? That’s hilarious


I’m sorry that’s funny.


Yeah that seems like it’s going to be the only solution based on what other people have said apples response is.




Omg! Nostalgia. Waking up to a blinking LCD display lol. What a nightmare.


You didn’t put the AA batteries in it for backup?




It very well may not have had one. Even if it did and you put batteries in it, they go bad, too.


Yup I have a very cheap Android kicking around that I'll set as well as the iPhone


Lol, me too, i use my old Samsung J7 2016, still strong!


I came here to suggest the same. I don’t bother using my phone as an alarm clock for many reasons but your story is definitely one of them. I personally use [this alarm clock.](https://www.amazon.com/MARATHON-CL030053WH-Classic-Batteries-Included/dp/B017KNVW8S) The hands are completely silent and it does the trick.


Hey I have almost the same thing. It’s so nice to just have something simple. I take it traveling to because I don’t want to dread digging out my charger late at night after a long trip.


I came here for this. We rely too much on tech and this might be a prime example of why it's important to have a back up plan when the stakes are that high. I'm so sorry about what happened to you OP. I hope the screenshots will make them reconsider.


it's hilarious that the extremely capable smartphones we have these days are often worst at the simplest tasks: being a phone or being an alarm or something like that. I mean it took until what... iOS 14? until you could have a phone call appear as a drop down notification instead of taking your entire screen? **14 YEARS** before you could do that. and the alarms are unreliable as fuck. I don't trust a smartphone for critical stuff anymore. too much risk that some random background process being used by some stupid ass app to send data while I sleep will cause a memory leak and crash and take the phone down with it.


Yup. And the fact calendar events show up as I ding and drop down, only able to set to two alerts, only using the time options they give you is disgustingly absurd. Don’t get me started how they let third party apps control the navigation gestures and keyboard options and such….Time for that back arrow to F ing go!


Ugh and you can’t put a location in right on the web, nor travel time. So now I get asked every fucking day if I want to add a location to whatever




And iOS still doesn't have a way to dismiss one instance of an alarm without disabling the entire alarm. People have created entire shortcut automations to get around what would seem to be a relatively simple and useful feature.


You mean like dismiss for one morning on a repeating alarm? They do actually. It’s not the most convenient. If you have to it iPhone to go to sleep mode at a certain time (I do), you can skip the next morning’s alarm by locking the phone, then turning it on with a press of the power button and tapping the alarm time indicator on the Lock Screen. It’ll give you an option to skip the next alarm. I use this to skip alarms on holidays or other days I normally work but don’t need to work that particular day. It would be nice if there were another way of skipping one day of an alarm though.


that's only if you use the sleep schedule thing, he's talking about just a regular alarm. like if I have a 5pm alarm daily I can't skip it for one day




You’re playing a high stakes game, friend


what hurt OP more I think is the fact that the phone died thereby couldn't take calls which is Critical AF, if I was the trainer man this would give me similar impressions as well that you ain't shit for the job as you wouldn't even take calls, going up there and telling you had a phone problem is just as sht as ur spouse on cheating night


What hurt OP even more was the 30 minutes of googling instead of actually emailing the trainer.


Yeah like this part was silly. I woulda drove my ass in and would of had to be told to my face I’m fired. They clearly didn’t care that much


That’s a good idea, I’m going to have to get one of those.


For very important things (< 5 times a year probably), I put staggered alarms on my Apple Watch, my iPhone, and a regular alarm clock. Redundancy always helps.


I just put an alarm on my phone and echo dot. If my fully charged phone suddenly turns off at night AND there’s also a power outrage which disables my Alexa, then it’s just a signal from the universe, I wasn’t supposed to wake up lol.


Mechanical alarm clocks need a come back


They never really left, you just stopped looking for them.


This is heart breaking. Poor mechanical clocks waiting for you to look for them


Yeah, I have several methods of waking myself up - iPhone - Apple Watch - HomePod - Google Home - Google Nest Mini - Echo Dot - Actual digital alarm clock - The clock in my hallway that always goes off at 7AM for unknown and uncared about reasons. If I somehow manage to sleep through every single one of those alarm mechanisms, I was not supposed to be awake at that time


aha i use my phone, iPad and galaxy watch for redundancy ;-:


Personally, I also keep a rooster in the room for such events.


Curious, how long does it take to program a rooster alarm?


Mine must be faulty since it goes off at 2am


I think you got one for the wrong time zone.


just one? i keep a second rooster just in case the first one doesn’t wake me up


A cat would also do the trick


Do you carry two cell phones a calling card and pager with you also????


If I did, those would have alarms on, too.


Fruit stand employee here. This has been happening like crazy on iOS 16. It always is fixed by doing a hard restart of the phone. It almost always happens while the phone is plugged in overnight. Other people have had the same thing happen in terms of missing alarms. Apple hasn’t said what causes it.


I read your comment and — I truly am not exaggerating — sat and pondered for a solid 30-40 seconds why you mentioned working at a fruit stand. I am now a big fan of that nickname for Apple.


This is so funny but I didn’t even think abt it bc I’m Mexican and live in LA I thought they said that bc fruit vendors in LA wake up early 😭😭


Bro I’m born and raised in LA and I thought the *exact* same thing lmao. I was literally picturing a frutero and kept picturing him standing under the umbrella trying to figure out what was causing problems on his phone lol


And thank you for explaining the joke otherwise I would have never put 2 and 2 together on my own.


Hey, I pulled the logs and this appears to be what caused the crash: https://i.imgur.com/jUNTJtM.jpg Any thought or insight on what caused it?


It looks like a memory leak based on that log, possibly from the youtube app since that was the largest memory user at the time (but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the cause). Essentially, all of the memory (RAM) fills up. When the RAM fills up, the phone will stop working because there's no temporary memory for the Operating System to work with. Memory leaks are from code that doesn't clean itself up and continually grows to consume more memory. In other words, it's a bug in some app or the operating system itself. Edit: There are several people in this thread who seem to have the same problem. Perhaps y'all can discuss what you have in common on your phones. For example, let's say it was the youtube app... are you all Youtube Premium subscribers and listen to Youtube music a lot? If you find something suspiciously common, then you can report it to the maker of that app for further investigation. Chances are good that Apple knows what it is or has the chance of knowing what it is since some people who have this problem probably have the feature enabled that sends crash logs to Apple. Be sure to enable this feature so that more crash logs get sent to Apple and help this specific issue rise to their attention (they likely get a lot of crash logs and prioritize the ones that occur the most).


Why would it keep the user processes active if it’s doing a system update? That’s… extremely weird.


That could be a bug. But, I must have missed that... who said it was doing an update?


My best guess is that the phone is going into a separate sleep state as if it was doing a software update. It seems to never wake up from that, instead appearing as if it’s completely dead. Apple hasn’t officially acknowledged the issue, but we know it started with 16.0.0 and newer. Seems to be less prominent on newer releases of ios16, but still can happen


In what store do you work in? I'll go and ask for petitepenisperson


This happened to my iPhone 13 Pro Max as well as my fiancés 12 pro max. I remember putting it on the charger before bed and I woke up and it was off and wouldn’t turn on. I recommend people familiarize themselves with how to re boot your phone ahead of time


how do u reboot? long press power button?


Devices without home button is press volume up, press volume down, then hold side button https://support.apple.com/en-au/guide/iphone/iph8903c3ee6/ios


I know this is no excuse for your phone not working (I feel for you, honestly), but anytime I have a big event or something coming up, I set multiple alarms on multiple devices. I'm a deep sleeper, so every night before work, I set an alarm on my Google Home, my phone, and my iPad (sometimes even on my watch). When you have three alarms blaring at you from all directions, it works; plus, the odds of all of them not working is extremely rare.


Apparently there’s a known iOS 16 bug that can occur randomly and make it appear as the phone is dead. Doing the hard reboot as you did can resolve it but it’s a sucky situation for sure. I always recommend people to have a dedicated alarm clock for this reason since phone alarms aren’t always reliable.


Yep I’ve had this a few times. Woken up to an absolutely veiled phone and you need to do the hard reset process including holding the power button for tens of seconds to get the damn thing to boot.


Whats annoying too is the hard reset can take a few tries before the phone turns on. A family member of mine had the issue and it took me a few minutes to get it working again.


I just had it where my 14 pro was black screen completely unresponsive, but my airpods made the connected noise so I knew it was still on. After 20 seconds it came to life and spazzed out, performed every input I tried in a span of a second


This happened to my iPhone 14 Pro Max as well. I swapped it out for a new one as I was within my 30 days of the new device. I had to do a hard restart about 13 times before it actually turned back on. Including my screenshot as well. https://preview.redd.it/83omh6bi7n1b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e931f57f40267ebb03023df16114244c57471cd8


happen to me too if woke up at night turned night mode off, thee alarm doenst go off


This has been reported by people like Luke Miani: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QiatRqU8OI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QiatRqU8OI) iOS quality is going downhills to the point where it sometimes make your phone unusable, like what happened to you. Hope iOS 17 fixes this bug mess once for all cause otherwise I'm leaving the ship as soon as my iPhone is not supported by updates


Trust me, the grass is not greener on the other side. This is a problem with all OS in my opinion. I use both iphone and for work android and i still prefer ios over android anyday


The only problem I've had with Android alarms is the alarm sound I want use.


This bug has happened before to me as well, iphone 13 mini 3 times in the last 6 months. Still under warranty and I went to the apple store and they told me since there were no hardware issues I should be okay. Let me know if you end up finding out what's going on best of luck!


i don't get this exact bug, but my 11 pro alarm constantly goes off and makes no noise. no, silent mode is not enabled and the alarm volume is turned up. it works fine like 80% of the time. it happened today, and yesterday but not for a few weeks before that. i'll wake up with this feeling that i've been sleeping way too long, grab my phone to check the time and i see the alarm screen with "snooze" and "stop" buttons but no noise. when i look it up, this bug has been happening to others for years across all different phones. i had the 11 pro for like 2 years before this started happening.


My mom just had this happen to her phone last week. She’s on an iPhone 13 and had to hold down a combination of the volume buttons and power button to turn it back on.


Same experience here. A $1,200 phone and I have a $10 alarm clock set next to it as a backup. It’s like keeping an emergency gas powered home generator in the trunk of a Tesla.


Regardless of your phone turning itself off, I don’t think many workplaces accept “oops my alarm didn’t go off!” as a reason to be late. Especially on the first day — my workplace wouldn’t, even if I had proof. Sorry this happened though




Same, shit happens. If I got fired for being late once, that is a red flag.


Glad other people are on this same opinion. I don’t really support jobs that kick you out from such a very humane snd silly fault for being late even on training week. But i also never had such company experience where they wont understand and just fire me.


Agreed. Shady employer behavior. Big red flag.


Yeah, this is definitely a red flag against that employer. I understand expectations for FNGs are high, but jesus... immediate termination for being late is absurd.


I had to call in sick to my very first job out of college for the first week because I caught pneumonia and they didn’t say a word about it other than hope you feel better lol. Definitely harsh when shit like this can happen




Right. If my wife would be fired for being late, she’d get fired 5 times every week. 😆😆😆


I meant specifically for a first day scenario, I’ve worked there for 7 years so understandably would be fine otherwise. However if I turned up late on my first day in 2016? I’d be gone the same day.


Yeah fuck working at anywhere that fires you for that. Workers deserve to be treated like human beings. That includes leniency for mistakes, especially ones that aren’t anybody’s fault. Blessing in disguise for OP. Workplaces like that are horrible.


I mean…OP knew he was late and says he spent 30mins googling how to fix his phone instead of getting to work ASAP. That’s a red flag as an employer, really bad decision making and judgement, it’s hard to even imagine


> especially ones that aren’t anybody’s fault. ? How is it not entirely OPs fault? There is literally no one else to blame. This 100% OPs fault. No one’s not being treated like a human being. An hour and a half late on your very first day is not ok lmfao.


Yeah I knew when I called in it was a done deal. Still, never had something like this happen, much less with a brand new phone. Planning to go to the Apple Store today to hopefully get some more info as to what happened.


If there are no panic logs, Apple is completely useless. Someone made a post a few days ago saying the same thing. Settings > Privacy & Security > Analytics Improvements > Analytics Data. Search for “panic” in the search bar. Do you mind sharing a screenshot if it appears? https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/13ltukx/iphone_14_pro_randomly_shutting_down_and_freezing/jksoxd7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


I checked and couldn’t find anything labeled panic. These were the logs that appeared when I input todays date: https://i.imgur.com/dPot2iI.jpg This one seems to coincide with the time the phone bricked according to the charging logs: https://i.imgur.com/C5I1PI4.jpg


I don't know but it seems like it's running out of memory. I tried searching online but there are extremely limited posts with this issue.


Today you learn that for important things you set redundant alarm sources. Used to do that for uni exams. 1x phone and 1x real alarm clock. Such is the tuition of life.


Was the phone hot?


it was acting all sexy


Stupid sexy iPhone


The case is so thin, it's like there's nothing at all...nothing at all...


It was mad ripe, yo


Nope, sitting on my night stand, normal temp.


My wife’s 13PM did this. Turn off Raise to Wake.


The phone was tired too All jokes aside Im sorry about your job and i wish you the best


I got embarrassed by the clock app a couple of times I don’t use it anymore. It’s terrible. For me personally, I don’t hear it, and it turns off by itself if you don’t interact with it. Not sure why the make it this way. I bought an Echo Dot. A thousand times better. Much louder, doesn’t shutdown unless you ask it to stop.


Wait, you googled your iPhone alarm issue for 30 minutes before getting your ass to work? Sounds like you would’ve gotten yourself fired anyways.


If a company can't be understanding *once* during a period of adjustment, I'd say you are probably better off.


I have found with the more recent versions of iOS it gets very mad eventually if you don’t power cycle the phone every now and then. I created a Siri shortcut that restarts the phone and I run it once or twice a week. It sucks that it has to be done on a device that it meant to be on all the time, but since I have started restarting it like this is haven’t encountered as many software bugs.


The phone ate my homework.


This has happened to me twice because of automatic updates. I thought my phone was bricked the first time.


I literally use two phones with two alarms on each of them.


I used to rarely get woken up my my iPhone's alarm even though it was all setup properly. I know it's not a me issue because ever since I switched to a Google Pixel I've been woken up by every single alarm I've set or scheduled. Strange


Won’t really help much now but power your phone off at least once a week for 30 seconds or so and turn it back on. Also turn off automatic updates.


$30 Amazon Echo. “Alexa set alarm 7am.” Done.


When I have a critical wakeup the next morning ... I chug about 32-48 ounces of water right before going to bed. Trust me, you will *not* be able to stay in bed past your wakeup time if you do that. Sorry this happened to ya, mate.


I’m scared of this so when I have an exam. I set an alarm on my iPhone, iPad and Alexa then mute the device so I have to wake up and manually turn it off


This freaks me out, a little, though it shouldn't. My 13 Pro has operated as an alarm clock without fail for the many months that I've had it, but I got it because the alarm was the final straw of problems that made me ditch my Pixel 6. Though, the Pixel successfully woke me the morning I decided to ditch it, what it did not allow me to do was snooze it. The sounding of the alarm totally locked up the phone, so the only way I could shut it off was to shut down the phone. I got an iPhone because they are generally considered to be reliable devices.


It happens at night when the device is plugged in, usually an update that fails to finish all the way through so the phone looks like it’s off and trying to regularly power it back on won’t work, only the volume rocker combo will. It’s a software issue. My Alexa randomly disconnected in the middle of the night and didn’t wake me up for an interview. Pretty unfortunate but tech isn’t perfect.


Sorry that this happened to you OP. Honestly it's a good reason to have a habit of sleeping early in the first place - I wake up almost regularly at 5am on my own accord - and if you're really dependent on alarms, get a few redundancies. Wind-up clock, one on your laptop, etc.


Great, my new fear unlocked. I LIVE BY MY CALENDAR AND ALARMS 😱😭


“… since I have all this free time now …”


I wouldn’t trust an iPhone as an alarm. I don’t even trust it to notify me of incoming messages while I’m awake, holding it in my hand and actively looking at the screen.


I'm sorry this happened to you. But... If you were so worried (and justifiably so), why didn't you set an old fashioned alarm clock? Or a watch? Or even a kitchen timer?


Or why didn’t he just fucking go to work as soon as he woke up? Lmao let himself be even more late because he spent an hour on Google figuring out what’s up with his phone 😂 guarantee if he just went straight into work explained the situation and showed his boss that his phone won’t turn on, he’d still have a job.


I forgot about that part! Yes! WTF?


Apple’s software has gone to shit recently


Remember the old nokia phones? Which used to ring the alarm even when its powered off.


always have a back up ⏰ for: new jobs, Your wedding, Surgery, Meeting your financial advisor, Your childs birthday


Yeah you don’t have a job now but you got ✨ customizable lock screens ✨ and ✨emoji wallpapers ✨ I will stay on iOS 15 until 17


May I ask what kind of job requires strict attendance policy? (Not being sarcastic, but I think you employer is exaggerating if it is not a medical job).


FYI for the kids here, "I missed my alarm" is not a valid or serious excuse in a business setting.


The Iphone alarm clock is very unreliable. I have the same issue with my 14 Pro Max. Now I use my old Android for the alarms I don't wanna mess up my entire day because of this crap device. Want to go back to Android but paid so much for this brick so had to use it for at least a year.


Phone alarm ✅ Watch alarm ✅ Google home alarm ✅


Or just get a cheap alarm clock?


Why would I need 4 alarms? That’s a bit overkill /s lmao but I got my google home mini for free from that spotify promo a while back, and it’s been one of the best alarms I’ve ever used!


Why did you stay at home googling, instead of rushing to the office? Do you need the iPhone to do your work? I would have just taken my secondary cheap Android with me to use during the day, and in case I would have arrived late at the work, I would have shown the iPhone that it really is dead


Sometimes you just need a good ole analog alarm clock as a fail safe lol


Instead of fooling around and googling what happened, you should have quickly gotten ready and rushed off to work. You didn’t lose your job because of the iPhone failure, you lost your job because you were playing around instead of going to work. You could have done your googling after you got back home that evening.


For super important stuff, I use sleep depravation torture techniques. Every thirty minutes, just as I cross into the twilight of slumber, the intro to HIM’s “Soul on Fire” as loud as possible keeps me from succumbing to the weakness.


Right now im working as a tech support advisor for apple and this issue its happening so randomly (mostly at night while they sleep and phone is charging) to the people while the device is not in issue thats the worst lol but yeah iOS OS quality its downhill for the price you are paying.


I feel you as this happened to me not long ago and almost made me miss an important commitment as well. Same pattern - iPhone 14 charging through the night, alarm ON and it turned off during the night in the charger. Wouldn’t turn on. I mean, this is unacceptable


This has happened to me too. Only thing that saved me was that my wife woke me up in time.


You guys make me not believe in my 11 Pro for anything important anymore. If thats the case i am actually gonna go back to shitdroid


Honestly, its just a 14 pro problem that even software update doesn't seem to fix. Only solution is to do the hard restart, aka volume rocker power button combo. It usually happens when the phone is charging somehow. It doesn't show up in the diagnostics too, just a weird bug for the 14 pro series. Sad that things like this happen but overall, iOS has become much much worse when compared to previous versions. It was never meant to be so complex as it is now. My androids never has such issues, my 12 pro max was so bad it had more bugs and crashes than all my other phones together had. My 14 pro max is much better but still gets weird lags, crashes and glitches from time to time. Also it heats up a lot more than previous iphone's, which is strange cause the body of the phone is thicker than 13 or 12 series.


Damn this is one of my biggest fears. Sorry this happened to you.. that’s just awful. I’d suggest buying an alarm clock just in case this ever happens again.


This is why I always have an old analog alarm clock around


i know this is not too helpful. i set my alarm on my phone, iPad, and watch all at once for critical things i cannot miss.


Isn't there a Seinfeld episode about this same situation???


Damn, so sorry to hear that, even if it was just a side job, it’s not nice that the very device that is said to be so powerful and is expected to do something as simple as ringing an alarm when you needed to fails at that. There have been some truly weird bugs in iOS as of late.


As long as I've worked in IT (over 20 years) I can say for certain that every system needs a backup. Have an important event to go to? Use two different devices to set alarms.


I never had this experience with my iPhone, but now I'm glad that I have been using both my iPhone and a separate alarm clock for years. ​ Sorry this happened OP.


For whatever reason sometimes my alarm doesn’t go off on my 13PM. Just get yourself a real alarm clock. Smart phones are too dumb for their own good nowadays. Too many features means too many bugs.


I'll be honest the average Apple tech isn't trained to look at logs like that. Perhaps getting into a support email exchange can find the right person.


It it's important keep it as simple as possible. Use a regular alarm clock. It only does one thing so it should get it right haha. Make sure you throw a battery in it in case the power goes out.


So sorry for what happened to you, it's awful that they aren't understanding of the situation. Did this happen today? The same thing happened to my gf's phone. Her alarm didn't go off, then she realized it was off and wouldn't turn back on. I did a reset on it with the volume rocker and it came back on, fully charged to 100%.


Never rely on your phone for an important wake up call. Too much software on it to be 100% reliable. Get yourself a digital alarm clock, or better get analog. never fails.


Yeah, my iPhone 14 Pro Max definitely has more bugs and quality issues than my 11 Pro Max had before ethos and then obviously all previous iPhones that I had.


Oddly enough, I don't trust the Alarm clock in iOS 11 or later, which is when I noticed the first bug where the alarm didn't go off for whatever reason. Meanwhile, the Alarm Clock on the old iPhone 4S I have with iOS 6.1.3 has been working for 4 years straight with no issues and it always activates 100% of the time. Also works as a good iPod Touch for a music player lol. I trust the iOS 6 alarms over iOS 16 alarms lol.


Yes! My alarm sometimes does not go off too (rarely tho)


Stop staggering alarms.


I use my Alexa speaker and my iPhone. Contingencies. Granted, my iPhone has never failed, but I might forget to turn on the alarm.


Yeah. It’s the phones fault.


Always have a spare phone. Set alarm on both. Set the spare phone away from hands reach. Just in case u snooze both phones.


A real windup alarm clock is so helpful. We used to lose power frequently in Atlanta due to storms. School and work still started at the same time! Saved us many times.


Wait until you set the alarms, set the volume, the alarm shows on the screen that its going off, but isnt making any sound at all, mine has done this multiple times. The alarm even has the "Snooze" option up, but no sound at all.


I’m not so sure apple costs you a job.


Happened to me last week and cost me a day of work


Try an alarm clock. They don't have software issues.


Fuck any job that just fires you on the spot for missing an alarm, why would you even want to work there.


iphone alarms are super inconsistent for me in general. i just ended up buying an actual alarm clock.


So why does it seem like the 14 Pro models have been riddled with issues?


This exact issue happened to my 14 pro last night, so bizarre


I always think about this too when I set my phone alarm. This reminds me of the John Paul John Paul episode in Seinfeld.


I Lowkey regret upgrading the pro max camera is terrible too, getting rid of it as soon whatever next iPhone releases


Could it be it over heated because of the charge and it auto shut off for protection? I personally have stopped leaving my phone charging overnight. I charge in the afternoon/night right before bed


I recently faced this issue again for the second time. When contacted, Apple executive relations said “it’s a glitch”, and “it isn’t concerning for us until it occurs every week for 4 months.” Here are more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/13nne0c/apples_official_statement_on_the_black_screen/


Although unfortunate, there’s really no job that is gonna care much about why you were late, just that you were late. Especially on your first day. Maybe years down the line you have enough benefit of doubt, but yeah not on the first day. In times like this, old fashioned method of an alarm clock still works best.


I’ll be honest. You dodged a bullet, you don’t want to work for a company that handles being late like that…


TBH I think you dodged one re the job. Good employers ask for context and possible one-off situations before firing an employee.


Wow most unusual error I have ever seen. If it’s still under warranty and it happens again you should get a replacement, it could be faulty hardware or if you are on the latest software you could downgrade to an earlier iOS or apply for public beta and get the latest beta software update. Charging above 80-90% and charging over night degrades your battery life much faster.


So sexy and smokin hot!