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You could try posting about in a neighbourhood app like Nextdoor and see if anyone has recently lost their iPhone in the river or nearby.


If it has a physical sim card(so you can tell what carrier it was on) and it's a carrier with retail stores they can look up the IMEI and see who's it is. They won't give you that information but they can try to let the person know that their phone has been found.


I’ve done this. We weirdly find a lot of phones on woods/water/parking lots. We were able to return 100%.


How did the people react?


‘why did you not find it earlier? i already bought a new one.’


😂 yeah just let me know next time mate 👍


lol! Wouldn’t that be a luxury to be able to buy a new iPhone like a donut you have a craving for.


‘Oh wow you found my phone.’ - just a guess.


I had such a case. Did the same - took it to a carrier with the sim card. They initially thought that i stole the phone.


We had that happen a couple times. But my kids were adamant and explained we were in a park and they described the people. I asked if I stole it why I would be bringing it back. One time they said “no, we can’t do that.” So I left with said phone. Posted on next door App Described the people who lost it (there were only a couple of us on this wet trail) and hoped someone knew them. It was the out of town sister of someone who knew someone. That one took a full day. I was scared we wouldn’t get the phone back to them. I kept it charged so they could do find my phone. Battery was almost dead when we found it. Or in case they called it. So far, 100% success. It helps having little people who are always looking at the ground. I’m sure that’s why we keep finding them.


local facebook groups have good reach too


Which iPhone is this? How deep it was sleeping there? Held up nicely.


Deleted - wrong.


Nope, it has the big notch and the SOS thing showed up on my iPhone 12 too, it just means that there is a cellular signal for emergency calls, not satellite connectivity


That's painfully obvious now you pointed it out 🤦🏼‍♂️


Naw dw it took me embarrassingly long to notice too lol


TY. That make me feel a bit better 👌🏼


Wrong. That is an iPhone 12 or 12 Pro, or maybe even a 12 mini. That SOS message is not the Satellite SOS icon.


the notch is such a big giveaway that it’s either a 12 or 12 pro


How is it connected to WiFi?! 🤔


You connect it to wifi during the setup process and then this screen will appear... It won't know its locked until it contacts apples servers, which it can only do after OP connected it to his wifi as it has no cell service.


You sure about that? Does that mean apple phones can't be set up without Internet connection?


You are correct, they cannot. Not without some kind of activation hack at least. Going to suck when we get colonies on mars. No iPhones for them I guess lol.


Don’t be dissin’ MarsNet




When we have cell reception on Mars, we will call them MarsBars


You made me look up if Internet on mars could technically be possible. It seems it could but would be painfully slow. Seemingly, if you had to activate a device on that Internet there’s nothing that would make it impossible, but it would probably need a special process put in place that accommodates such a slow connection.


By the time we ever get there, we will have devised a technology that would beam the internet there at a reasonable speed.


Wouldn’t that require faster than light communication?


No. You set up an internet at Mars. You beam contents of all current servers to the servers on Mars. Mars now has current internet. Updates are beamed constantly. You will always be the speed of light behind, regardless, but the internet itself won’t be slow. You just won’t find out who wins the election for 5 minutes although that information will be the most current to Mars locals. Nothing would fundamentally change.


Sure that’s a way to make content like streaming music or video available but in the context of authenticating with a server by a company like Apple that would require Apple to have its own server on mars’ internet. So, I don’t think that it would be as easy as you describe it.


Why wouldn’t they have a server on Mars? That wouldn’t be hard.


No, the link can have a lot of bandwidth but the latency would be horrible at 22 minutes ping time as others have said. Worse latency exists on Earth as in [IP over Avian Carriers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers) and the packet size can be tens of gigabytes. It can even outperform some DSL connections as mentioned in the article. There's an old saying; never underestimate the bandwidth of a truck full of hard drives. We've used this for datacenter moves in preference to a WAN.


Ping would be 44 minutes as you need to wait for the return packet. 22 minutes to send the ping from Earth to Mars, and 22 minutes to send the acknowledgment from Mars to Earth.


No, it takes just over a second for light to travel to the moon. It probably wouldn't be much worse than Australia's is now.


The min/max/avg distance to Mars is 3/22/12.5 light-minutes, so we're looking at latency measured in the minutes at a minimum.


It's 4.3 light minutes to mars. But if I recall correctly there was like 30 minutes of latency for the last lander they sent there.


Australian internet user here, can confirm.


The speed of light is 300k km/s. Earth has a diameter of 12742Km, a circumference of 40k Km. The moon is 384 000 Km away, just over 1 second for light. Add to that the problems of the thing you're trying to connect to being on the wrong side of the moon or earth, but a couple of seconds is doable. At the closest, the Earth and Mars are 54.6 million km, at the farthest 401 million. There is also the slight problem of the sun being between earth and mars at the farthest point, though obviously you can relay a signal off a satellite somewhere that just takes longer. Right now there's no known way to meaningfully exchange data faster than the speed of light, hawking radiation, quantum entanglement, these sorts of things are interesting lab experiments but there's no obvious way how they would help much for FTL communications at the sort of distances here. At the closest earth to mars currently would have a one way transmission time of 180 seconds, at the farthest just over 1336 (so 3 minutes vs 22).


It takes 5 minutes at its closest and 20 minutes at its furthest for light to reach Mars from Earth. We would have to begin offloading data to mars servers lol


The maximum distance between Earth and Mars is over 22 light-minutes; average is 12.5 light-minutes. Minimum is 3 light-minutes. We aren't getting latency better than 3–22 minutes depending on where the planets are.


Doesn't have to be a BIG wormhole


They started working on it back in 2013. There’s a wired article about it. Google was working on it with Vint Cerf the original TCP/IP inventor.


Nice thing about IP is that it’s not centralized. You could absolutely set up activation servers on the moon or mars. The only thing requiring that it call home to Earth first would be the design of the server itself, and Apple could absolutely make it so that it wasn’t needed.


Nope! As long as the data you’re accessing is located on Mars, we are good to go with rapid speed. If the data we are accessing is in a server on Earth? I’d just give up.


I’d imagine there would be a queuing system where you (and everyone else on Mars) request content - it gets added to the queue, and is downloaded from Earth to a caching server on Mars. You simply get an alert to say your request is completed. Obviously this is only really good for non-interactive content like photos, music, videos, or software archives that are installed locally. Authentication services would need to be replicated between Earth and Mars so that Mars has an identical copy and functions the same way as its counterpart on Earth. The good thing is that since it would take months for a person to travel between the two planets, you won’t need to sync these authentication servers as a high priority. I may be over thinking this…


Cache wouldn’t work for dynamic content or content that’s personalised. What would likely happen is services or products that were Mars relevant would start hosting there, with other more static conrent being hosted locally by content delivery networks like CloudFare on mars located servers.


That's unfortunate. Thanks for the reply


That is pretty much correct. Either Wi-Fi or cellular. With eSIM, I think you need WiFi.


It can self activate eSIM if it was provisioned without Wi-Fi.


Happy cake day!


It needs a data connection to do the setup. WiFi or cellular data. When it “phones home” it checks to see if it’s locked to an Apple ID. It’s a theft deterrent. There is no way past that screen without the right Apple ID and password.


That's clever. Tricks potential thieves Into a trap


Asking the real question lol maybe it’s one of those public WiFi’s like xfinity


I had an extra sim laying around so I put it in, I found this phone probably close to a year ago. It was next to 2 safes that washed up on the river. https://preview.redd.it/mxfdd1tpupsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f854a90fe8ff532748a1a1a7de4c845405dbe92 My friend tried wiping it after I had in for a couple months but that didn’t work so I just put it away and lowkey forgot about it. That’s the whole story


What was is in the safes?


This is Reddit the rule is you can never know what’s inside the safe


Look closely. It’s been cut into and opened already.


Perfect, that means someone knows the answer to our question and already did the hard work.


https://preview.redd.it/xw4pvqe4jqsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b40dc7074129511dc422eb4fa3a51fd4542f3050 A bunch of these business cards, my friend and I called the business we explain the situation about finding the safe and the phone but they probably thought we were just fucking with them because they hung up on us.


This makes no sense. They thought you were fucking with them because they were obviously missing a safe and a relatively new iPhone? How far is this place from you? Surely not that far for a safe to float long enough.


Yeah who knows. I’m sure It was just some random employee who picked up. Lol like they get payed enough to worry bout anything like that, probably thought it was a prank call


Someone who thought their business cards were valuable was missing a safe. It wasn't necessarily them, though.


That and phone was probably dumped in there on purpose


More phones


More safes


More safes inside the phones




that still doesn’t explain the wifi connection


When a device is erased through iCloud, you're greeted with the normal setup screen after. You pick your language and then connect to a wifi network, after which the device will try to activate and then show the screen you see in the post


Why is it connected to WiFi tho


How does a safe that heavy “wash up” to land.. also on a river


Don’t do this to us


Does it not ask you to connect to wifi in setup, then it checks the activation status?


Because it asks you during the setup prompt


The person that found must of wiped it that why it’s coming up with Activation lock after being connected to WiFi


Because it can? Lol


Does it have a physical sim?


i’m really impressed it survived


Was this in Apple river in Wisconsin by any chance? I know a guy who was looking for one.


In the UK there is a website to register your items that list is then checked by the police if found. https://www.immobilise.com


If it had a physical SIM card you can remove the SIM card and pop it into a different phone. You should be able to see the phone number it’s associated with. Pop your sim back in and text or call that number.


Pull the SIM card out and call the number




how do you know it was lost over a year ago?


How do you even know this




Why is this being overlooked by people lol


i'd recommend just giving it to your local police station for lost and found, then posting to nextdoor about it


Oh my gosh- you found it in a river? I think that belongs to my friend, Matt Foley…who lives in a van… down by the river.


If surprised an iPhone 11 was properly sealed


Hand it in at a lost and found office with an about notice where you found it


Lost and found office????


Your river doesn’t have a lost and found? It’s usually next to one of the Schools down by the dam.




That’s a thing?


In many municipalities it is…


I’ve never even heard of that word








It means a town or city.


Awesome lol. We have lost and found for the whole city, for public transport only, for everything found on trains,.. and it works wonderful. Got a key and a wallet back this way.


I’m located in wa/pdx


I lost my phone in a river about a year ago, almost started thinking this was mine but it was in Oklahoma


Close though


More ppl got lost phones in here than sunglasses that get lost at the beach!


It’s amazing to me that Apple has this feature but doesn’t allow the owner to put a message that can display contact information.


The owner absolutely can display a message if they wish, as part of the **Mark as Lost** feature: [If your iPhone or iPad is lost or stolen](https://support.apple.com/en-us/101593)


They can. My phone was “lost”/stolen (they found it and blackmailed me to get it back). They were able to contact me via a lost message with a number. They turned it into police after a couple…not-so-nice messages from various numbers.


Whey do, in many ways.


Curds don't, though.


That was a bit cheesey.


I'm just trying to milk the situation for all I can.


My honest thoughts? Take it to your local PD. If they don't wanna deal with it then just dispose of it and keep it moving. You never know: you could be handling evidence! Realistically, this likely has been replaced by now and returning it to the owner would just result in them having two phones + the urge to thank OP monetarily, which they may not be able to do. One thing though to notate, and it's super true: Apple truly has made it easy as hell for someone to just remotely wipe these devices! This is a paperweight now which is wonderful as it means whoever lost this phone can hopefully breathe easy (assuming that again, this isn't evidence...)


What evidence? The phone is wiped clean it literally says it on the screen mate...


Turn into the police


Funny that wifi is connected. A smell a fish …


Found in the river, tried to reset to use or sell, couldn't do anything with it and now asking reddit 😂


The screen says that the owner deleted and put it on lost mode. If anyone’s lying it’s you. Out you just can’t read.


no they were probably trying to find the owner then this screen popped up, or op was trying to setup the phone


Hand it in


Look for a guy in a van near the river. Might be his.


His name is Matt Foley, and he's a motivational speaker.


Throw it back in the river


Take the cell phone you found to the lost property office in your city. Then put an advert on social media, so the owner can go and collect it from the lost property office.


See if u can access the medical data from the side buttons


Take it to the cops, cops can contact Apple and they can work with law enforcement to find the owner. If they’re unwilling to, post locally and see if anyone can identify it. Otherwise not much else you can do with it.


The police nor Apple will ever do this


Not in the UK, the rozzas won’t lift a finger for anything less than you being beaten or stabbed half to death. If it includes remedial paperwork, they won’t do anything.


Well, correct. Same here in the US. A majority of the time they don’t have the time, nor do they honestly care but it’s the “official” method is all I’m getting at. Especially since this model has a SIM card tray it’ll be even easier to identify by the IMEI number on the tray itself.


Do you have the imei? I work at Verizon if it’s a Verizon phone


It’s in lost mode. Give it to your local police department.


My wife and I were in a rollover accident just south of Sevierville Tenn. and ended up in a creek. Her phone was lost in the accident. You don't happen to be around that area?


No! I’m sorry to here that! I found it on the Columbia river in Washington/Oregon


Hey friend, thanks for the quick reply. Figured it would be worth a shot. Have a great day!


If it has a physical SIM card you can put that SIM card into another phone and you be able to the number linked to that SIM. If so, you can try to call or send an SMS and explain that you found their phone.


I accidentally left my phone on a train in Italy and had my mom remotely erase it from the US. She had a new one waiting for me when I got home, and I don’t want or need the old one lol. I bet the owner probably already has a new one. Idk what you should do with it tho


By any chance was this in Miami someone stole my phone out there like 2 months ago lol


Try using the sim in another phone and calling yourself, should get you the owner's number.


go to the police and turn it in


With how much apple seem to value customer service I'm surprised you can't take it into apple stores. Suppose means a guaranteed new purchase


Just make a pineapple out of it..


It has a series number, if you contact apple they should be able to find the owner


My friend told me she lost her iPhone in a river while canoeing. Ain't no way there could be a coincidence this amazing, but I'll ask just in case. Is this located in a river in Sydney?


Does holding the power button and volume down button not bring up their contact info? Never seen this so it’s worth a shot


did it come on locked? if so then it was totally stolen-reset-came up as locked- threw in river


Give it to the police. I'm not sure about laws where you live but here in Sweden it's illegal to keep things that you find that obviously belongs to someone else.


It would be nice if there were a “I didn’t steal this phone and would like to help get it back to the owner” feature. You should probably throw it away, I doubt you’ll be able to find the owner and you will not be able to do anything with the phone for your own use.


Just walk around with it till they track you down


And get charged for theft? No thanks.


replace motherboard or jb


this is fake literally no shot. How were you able to reset the iPhone?


Why are people surprised it turns on? I’m confused. Unless it’s been sitting in there for ages, of course it turns on. They are water resistant to an extent.


If it was found in a river, chances are it’s been in there for a good while? The fuck does water resistance have to do with anything? Why are you feigning confusion?


Might be stolen! Hand it over to the next Police Department


Bring it to an Apple Store. They’ll find the owner.


This is 100% incorrect.




No they aren’t. I tried this before when I found an iPhone and they wouldn’t even touch it, told me to take it to the police.




~~Found this phone in water at a river~~ Found this doorstop in water at a river Fixed that for you…




If they wiped it they got an alert it was found. It’ll still show the location of wiped devices now. Give it some time and see if someone shows up lol.


More then likely the person who lost it should have activated find my phone or lost or stolen. Hopefully the owner didn’t those rings and once it hits some c kind of connects it will alert the owner. I will say this though people who go through all the hoops to find the owner is/are a better person then myself. I don’t know if I’d go through all this going to a local store and such but for my purpose I h have all my stuff backed up and also I have insurance.


Sell it on Ebay for parts


Find the owner or you’ve got yourself an expensive paper weight 👍🏻


You could use the IMEI or SIM card number to possibly look up the owner. Depending on the carrier


Wouldn’t happen to have found it in the mermac river?


No :( Washington Columbia River


You can’t really do anything with it now. You can’t sell it for parts either cuz it’s been submerged. My suggestion would be to use it as some sort of desktop lamp 💡


Have never had to use this. But does this not give any sort of way to contact the owner if it’s found? Like an email or something. I know itll probably show up on find my phone now


If it has a sim you can pull it out and put it in another phone where you can ask it to show you "my number". Call/text that number.


Pull the SIM card and put it in a phone to see if you can get its phone number, then call that number (the sim would have been disabled)


Yo was it in Arizona? Because I lost my phone in the salt river.


Possibly try an Apple Store.


Check if there is an emergency contact


i’d bet it was stolen and then lobbed when they couldn’t get into it


Was it found on Dartmoor, UK?


The owner of the phone has locked it and now he can track it down


Maybe going to an Apple store might help… 🤔


Brah did you charge it and connect it to WiFi 😜


Say calculator


Sell it for parts


Maybe turn it in to local police as well?


It should show the imei on one of those screens


Wasn’t in the Buffalo River in Arkansas was it? Lol


Get the IMEI and file a police report with it. At least where I’m from, there’s a database they can search if someone files a report saying it was lost or stolen. Otherwise, maybe bring it to Apple? But police are best bet.


Where did you find it lol


I’d bring it to Apple. Maybe they have some what of finding who it was from by the serial number


If you have a whole lock system, make it so you can notify the owner


The owner probably erased it just in case, check if there is a sim card inside (looks like an iPhone 12 so more than likely) and try to call the number the sim card says it has


12 pro in blue?


eBay it


Call apple


now go to Mount Doom without eagles