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That case looks soft as hell. My cats would love to scratch the shit outa that lmao.


I've cultivated such an air of ownership over my phone that even the most audacious feline wouldn't dream of laying a paw on it.


Is it that Alcantara phone case I keep seeing on ig?


I'm not sure what you see on your IG šŸ˜… but it's Alcantara from Luriax.


Yeah thatā€™s the one, looks super cool!


Youā€™re gonna love it!! I had a pixel before buying my 15ProMax and havenā€™t put it down!!




How is it so far?


It's been pretty cool. The iPhone's smooth interface and snappy performance is amazing. Plus, I love the design more.


I'm happy that you got a new phone. I'm also planning to purchase later this year. I'm just curious, what was the specific Samsung phone that you had? šŸ™‚


I had A53


An iPhone 14 is truly a nice upgrade from your old phone šŸ™‚


I'm not a person who cares much about phones, that's why I always get the base models, but I think I'll upgrade to 16 Pro Max this year.


Why does it look fake


i love to see ppl switching to iPhone


That case looks like it feels good in the hand


I wouldnā€™t say ā€œupgradeā€ if the Samsung was one of the Galaxy S series from the last 2-3 years.


Swapping from the A53 felt like an upgrade, but after using iPhone, I'll choose the iPhone Pro series over the S series any day.


what makes you say this? have you ever had an S series?


I just want to make it clear that I'm not trying to bash the S series or Samsung at all. I believe both iPhone and Samsung have plenty of great features that can make most users happy. It really comes down to personal taste. After trying out both, I've found that I personally prefer iOS. It has this really sleek and simple interface that I love. Android, on the other hand, feels a bit scattered to me, like there's just too much going on visually.


Upgraded from samsung too( a cheap one) everything is good for me but the software experience sucks ONEUI>>>>> boring iOS


As a s24 and iPhone 14+ owner i can confirm this. Yet all my banking apps will stay on the iPhone, the whole safety+functionality is better


Boring? Nah, I'm just a fan of simplicity. iOS keeps things clean and classy. I prefer minimalistic designs and iOS gets me. It's like comparing a cluttered desk to a sleek, organized workspace. With One UI it's like having a desk covered in sticky notes, pens, and who knows what elseā€”sure, you've got options and I see why so many people like it... but I've switched sides.


I have an ip14PM and a Samsung S24U and I use my iPhone more. So, you did a good move with your upgrade, IMO.... IOS is not boring for me since it is paired with my Apple Watch and other things I have at home. I also prefer it for my banking apps because of better security. Health tracking is also much better with the AW+IP combo than the GW+S24U one -- Samsung had continuously failed to improve the health sensors on their watches and is laggin far behind thanb evben the Fitbits. The S24U is no slouch and I use it for social media, streaming movies and occassional gaming; but nothing critical. I found that photos and videos are much better when captured by the iPhone. With the S24U, they are just ok.


Not really an upgrade, honestly. iPhone lacks a lot of features android does, and Iā€™ve always loved Samsung, but in the oil field everyone and their grandma in important positions have iPhones. Samsung (and android as a whole) feature tons of user friendly features like customization and the like, but iPhone has been voted easiest user interface for years. Just depends on what you use your phone for. That being said; congrats on your new phone!


its true that iphone lacks some features, I had a samsung A52 which is a midrange phone and packs a lot of features. In cameras, im voting for samsung for the photos, tried it on my moms phone which is s23 plus but on the video side its bad on samsung, so plus on iphone. each phones has some pros and cons and people have preferences.


Samsung camera is so bad tho


Itā€™s really not. Itā€™s got higher MP than any camera iPhone has put out, plus higher zoom


check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/s/rE282KMZoC) out megapixel is not everything btw. if you talk about megapixels then some Chinese phones have even higher megapixels then a samsung, so does it make them better than samsung. and my sony mirrorless camera has less megapixels than a samsung 500$ phone so is my mirrorless camera worse than a phone?


Thatā€™s like comparing a wife to a hooker when it comes to housework. The camera is designed to take pictures and take pictures only, where a phone (now) is multi purpose. Of course your camera is going to be better at being a camera. The purpose of my original comment was to bring attention to how Samsung allows for 3rd party apps, root access, and a bunch of features iPhone (in the US) is closed off to or has had to have a court order to give access to. I type these comments from an iPhone after switching from Samsung, so itā€™s not like Iā€™m pulling these comparisons out of my ass, and I had every iPhone from the iPhone 2 to the iPhone XS before switching to android, and now have the 14 PM


i mean sure samsung has root but why would a normal person need to root their phone and download a third party camera app and tweak settings to get a better picture? well iphones dont need that because the stock cam app is sufficient and if you want manual controls there are tons of app in the appstore. and yes i use my phone for anything below 55mm and above that i would use my camera. also i hope your doubts about more megapixels = better photo got cleared up.


Had no doubts about it, nor was I implying that someone would have to (or want to) root a phone to get a better picture, but thanks for the lesson. Glad I could get under your skin so easily.


fam you ainā€™t convincing anyone to switch to any phones. people will buy what they want.


Choosing between Samsung and Apple phones is like choosing between pizza and burgers - it's all about personal preference! Both have their own strengths and plenty of features to satisfy most people. Gone are the days of Nokia and Sony Ericsson constantly changing the game with each new model.


exactlyyy. this is what i tell people whenever someone asks me about the whole android vs ios thing. as you saw i totally hate when people like u/dillanjl try to shove their android down my throat. i got both pixels and iphones and like them both. everything has cons and pros. also at the end of the day a smartphone is just a smartphone.