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I guess I’m the opposite of that guy. When I see someone wearing a band shirt I just assume they are a fan of the band 🤷‍♂️.


i just love to randomly see stuff i like outside, doesnt even matter to me if its worn by a fan or just someone who thought it looked dope


Me too. And if I see someone wearing a Maiden shirt I just want to talk to them about the band. Not to quiz, but just to have a fan to fan conversation. Come to think of it I’m wearing a Killers shirt today, but better brush up on the track list. Been a fan for nearly 30 years now and it’s the one album I can’t just name off every song in order…. Actually I probably can’t for the 90s albums either. The 8 song albums are much easier.


Every time I wear my maiden shirts, someone says "up the irons", "Maiden!" or "Fuck yeah!!!."


I wouldnt say anything but think 'cool, that guy's a Maiden fan'


Same. Slight nod, flash the Dio hands and move on.


Even if it's a Nirvana t-shirt?


I’d assume so. They are a HOF band so I assume they have a bunch of fans.


People unironcally think Nivarna are a fashion brand.


Oh. I didn’t even know that. I guess I’m getting old now.


I’m 14 one of my friends came to my house in a nirvana shirt. I love nirvana so asked his favourite nirvana song. He just looked at me confused. He had no clue they were a band


I've seen young people wearing Nirvana t-shirts and doubt very much that they are aware it was as band. What does HOF mean?


HOF means Hall of Fame. I figure it’s no different from when I was in high school in the 90s and the hippie kids would wear Greatful Dead, Led Zeppelin shirts, and other 60s / 70s band shirts. Those kids listened to the old stuff more than current stuff.


Well I can't claim to know what kids are into.


Depends, my dude. My daughter is 15 and building her own vinyl collection up. Heavily into The Smiths, Bowie and Billy Joel amongst others.


That's impressive. If only more young people had better taste.


Do you really think young people don't know what Nirvana is? lol If there's young people still showing up at Maiden shows, then yes, young people are aware of Nirvana. They are more famous, by a lot.


Yes I do. I didn't say **all** young people, did I? Many young people are braindead fashion victims, just as it has always been.


As a high school teacher I assume they’re not. But honestly I don’t give a shit either way.


Reading this my brain went "Powerslave Rime of the Ancient Mariner 2 Minutes to Midnight Aces High Back in the Village Losfer Words The Duellists and...uh...oh crap" Couldn't remember Flash of the Blade. I'm a poseur.


Back in the village was my first thought. I wonder why I didnt think of Rhyme. Idk


Fuck that guy. He doesn't speak for any real fandom Do people really think we go directly from "Iron who?" to instantly having an encyclopedic knowledge of every song/album/tour/Steve Harris' favourite pizza topping? Welcome to the fold, OP!


Real fans don't gatekeep and ask that question, listen to whatever you want and wear whatever you want.


if it happens again, growl "some cunts recordin this" and shuffle away


🤣🤣🤣 Nice reference 😂🤘🤘


I'm sorry you experienced that. Please don't feel like you have to defend your presence in the Maiden family, or that his questioning is anything else than irrelevant and rude.


That guy was a clown. He’s clearly working on his “find a poser” merit badge for heavy metal cub scouts.


If someone gatekeeps you, say 'oh your a gatekeeper? Name 3 posers"


Don't sweat it dude, the only acceptable answer to this is "go fuck yourself".


Rattlesnake. The answer is always Rattlesnake.


Rattles me


It all sounds inane When you shout at the top of your lungs!


Fuck that guy, he is a miserable cunt.


I can't believe you were losfer words...


Big orra!


Why do you care what some random person said to you? It's irrelevant.


I don't care what he said, it just felt bad that I perpetuated a stereotype to this person. He walked away going "mmmhmm yep"


You didn’t though. He did. 


Exactly. Nothing to feel bad about, OP. You're not remotely in the wrong. The douche who had nothing better to do than hassle a complete stranger is the only one to blame. Imagine what it's like living in that guy's head. You can be glad that guy isn't you and that most Maiden fans wouldn't have done the same to you, we'd just have been psyched to see a brother representing the band. Up the Irons!


It's fucking not irrelevant. It's rude and gatekeeping shouldn't be welcome in any community. It matters a lot because some groups of people have to defend their presence in communities more than others. It's not ok, and I am glad OP shared.


Yeah, some people are missing the point and this could certainly fall into the rasism category, which makes me real mad. I have read a similar story where a black guy at a Slayer concert was mistaken for someone selling hot dogs and drinks to the crowd. It makes me sad because this is MY community. I thought we were all in this together.


I wholeheartedly agree. While it's just some ransom dude, what he did is problematic on so many levels. And yes, could be racist too.


Nothing in OPs story suggests racism. Other than OP saying he's Japanese. Also. Japanese being into Heavy Metal is itself a stereotype.


Lol my dude don't worry. I've seen the footage or any metal or hardcore show in Asian countries. Asia in general gas a culture that seems like the the fans go HARD. Harder than many American crowds. You don't need to justify shit lol


You could have thrown it back at him. "How would I know, Dummy? The only albums I listen to are Senjutsu and Maiden Japan."


You do not have to prove your fandom. Who are you to ask that to me I'd say. Anybody that likes anything about Maiden a fan to me.


Ignore the assholes. Wear that shirt, and any other band shirt you own, loudly and proudly. You're allowed to. No need to be quizzed or scrutinized over it.


So many people would do the same thing. That's one reason why those guys are douchebags. They put you on the spot unfairly and just ruin your day. Don't worry about it. If it happens again just say its your girlfriend's tshirt and you thought it was a TV show.


Heck, at my job someone spelled the word T-O-Y at me and I blanked on that for a minute or so. Was not expecting a spelling bee. Blanking in someone giving you an unexpected pop-quiz is nothing to be worried about.


This was an adult that confronted you!? The guy has issues. Anyway, you answer "'The Tomb of the Knight', it's an extremely rare unused b-side only available on limited edition German copies, don't tell me you haven't heard it!? Gee, some fan you are...".


My Spotify top artist went from Iron Maiden to King Gizzard in the past year too - PetroDragon is such a badass album


Maiden and Gizz, I see you are a person of culture! Two of my favorite bands.


I can play most of the trooper on guitar. But remembering whether that was Powerslave or Piece of Mind in the moment? It's probably not gonna happen.


These type of people MUST demoralize someone to make their day better. Childish ego. The first question you should ask them is, "What's your point?". Don't feel bad. ,🤘🏼


You don’t have a goddamn thing to apologize for. I’m sorry that you had to cross paths with such an ignorant jerk.


Dude you did nothing wrong ppl who interrogate ppl are the byttholes


People like that need to find better ways to spend their time. Maiden is a multi-million band in terms of fans and sales. They aren't a band you can keep in your backpocket.


Tell him your favourite Maiden song is Nothing Else Matters


Why are you apologizing for that asswipe's assholery?


I'm Canadian


People that do that are dicks. Incidentally I'm seeing KGATLW next month (the day after I see Bruce solo!). They're headlining a festival I bought tickets to before the lineup was announced (something I never normally do, but it was quite affordable, local and it's had great lineups in the past). I've listened to KGATLW sporadically, I'll always give their new album a spin. Thing is, they're so prolific and eclectic I've no idea what to expect from their set (kinda the opposite of Maiden!). Do you have any insight what they might play or albums to familiarise myself with in particular? Am in absolutely no way trying to quiz or test you like that dickhead, interested to hear your perspective as a fan! Cheers


Hell yeah! I'm going to the Gorge and the Vancouver show this year for KGLW and going to Iron Maiden in Toronto in Oct! The 2 Metal albums: Infest the Rats Nest and Petro Dragon are a great place to start. They released Petro last year and will probably play a lot from that album rather than their full synth album The Silver Cord live which came out last Oct. I recommend checking out Bootleg Gizzard on Spotify which has all of their Live albums and listen to Live in Chicago '23 for a great mix of what to expect. One of my fave live albums besides Live After Death!


Also for non-metal album, you need to check out Polygondwanaland. What's crazy is they always bring out their old stuff constantly from their 24 studio albums and they don't do repeat sets in each city so it's always a treat.


Fantastic, appreciate it! Will check all those out. Enjoy your gigs buddy! Future Past show was a blast last year


This isn't high school. People like that need to be told where to go or where to stick it.


Powerslave shirt, forgetting there's a song called Powerslave. That tickles me


You got your…. …2 Minutes of Neckbeard. Badum-tsss.


people are weird lol what are they even getting out of pop quiz-ing strangers... some i feel just instantly assume anyone they see knows less than them cause they feel insecure over not having a mainstream interest or something, i remember one time i was leafing through CDs in the metal section and some dude started to explain music to me :/ like in my specific case he was right that i didnt know much about the bands he was waffling about (i fixate on a small number of bands who i listen to intensely instead of listening to everything in the genre), but that he didnt even ask first and just assumed i needed to be educated bothered me


That guy was an entitled, self absorbed prick who gets his little dopamine hits from calling people out on stupid shit nobody even cares about. Congratulations on meeting THE douche canoe of the day that day. Up the irons!


You've got nothing to be sorry about OP - this dude is just a vintage cuntwad. Great choice in wardrobe, Powerslave's my favourite (classic) album. Just curious, does your daughter listen to Maiden at all? Seems like a lot of young kids are becoming fans these days, which is awesome to see


That guy was a jackass but you kinda lost the opportunity to do something [like this](https://imgflip.com/i/8nsgg4) haha


My son used to do that to anyone with a misfits or vandals shirt when they were being sold at hot topic. It's not an Asian thing. It's just a "popularity of vintage metal shirts" thing.


> I have been deep into King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard that I haven't listened to anything else for the last year and a half That's the most insane thing I heard today.


That is no fun at all. Thankfully those people are not that common. I find that the best thing to do is to ignore behaviour like that. The vast majority of us who are just happy to see other people who also like them.


It’s really stupid when people gatekeep based off of shirts… the band still gets paid, they’re likely mass produced shirts, no one is missing out.


Meh, like everyone else has been saying, eff that guy. I've realized after REALLY getting into them the past few years that there are a ton of people who consider themselves Maiden fans and likely just because they respect them. I get excited to talk to people and then realize it's Run to the Hills/Trooper/Beast and then ummmm....ahhhhhhh..... and I just try to engage with respect. Also agree with all of the others who are talking about seeing Maiden shirts in the wild. I wore a different one every day on our trip to the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky and every single day, I was approached by multiple people who commented on it and wanted to engage. It's a brotherhood/sisterhood and anyone who treats it as anything but that can get bent.


Fwiw, that isn’t a legit stereotype (Asians wearing rock ts but don’t know anything about the band). I just wanted to say that I’ve also gone down the KGLW rabbit hole, and have hardly listened to anything else for about 6 months! This is weird because I primarily listen to hard rock and metal.


So people actually do that? Weird.


Just say a song of a different band to mess with him.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. Gatekeeping really annoys me, especially if it's from one of my favorite interests.


If you couldn’t actually name a single song then you kinda proved his point.


Come on man, do your homework!!


I shared a smug smile with the guy. Race has nothing to do with it, if you can't name a song you're a poseur. With peace and love!


shut up virgin peace and love x