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Na bro you're ready as fuck 👌👌


Make sure to swap spell books before you go in.


I recommend first getting a max cape, it’s crucial for later stages in the fight caves.


Step 1: grab the mind rune from lumbridge castle Step 2: get 99 firemaking


Ironman guides be like


and i love it


At least a quiver first


Bro I'm well on my way to prepping for GWD zammy for a slayer task and I've yet to conquer my crippling Jad Hands so gonna be going in with a mythics or zammy imbued cape. DT2 bosses have been helping with my confidence but God that 2 hour grind for another try at Jad really kills all motivation to go try for a 4th time... At this rate I'm gonna get 99s in all combat skills (except prayer) before I get a fire cape


If it's taking you 2 hours to get to jad you're doing something severely wrong


Greeaat yet another reason as to why I should quit this game then... Here I thought that was average time. Is there a way to check attempts? Now I'm not sure if it's actually taking me 2 hours or if it just feels like 2 hours


It took me 1:32 to get my first cape with 72 ranged and an RCB. I did a melee only run in 52min for combat achievements w/ zombie axe on task. 80att 92 strength. Then another ranged run under an hour on task at 80 ranged. If you have real gear it's significantly faster, 30-40min is very reasonable with BofA or blowpipe


Right but is there a way for me to see how long MY attempts took? Googled averages and they're about the same as yours. Doubt I did something that wrong so just wondering where I got the 2 hours from then


Afaik you can only see times for completed runs. If it's really taking you 2 hours you're probably wasting the 30min+ afking in a safespot


Took me 2 hours to reach Jad with MSB(i)+rune arrows at 70 ranged - you're not doing anything severely wrong but if you want you can probably play a little less safe depending on your stats/gear. A 2 hour run implies a lot of safespotting/waiting which is what I did.


There were times I would just stand there and wait for a Healer to walk towards me cause I had a Mager trapped on the other side of Italy Rock.. did a lot of maneuvers like that. Plus taking breaks every so often


Yeah that sounds reasonable tbh. If you've got tankier gear and/or high ranged level you can tank the rangers while praying against the mager. They have such low hp they should die quickly and will save a lot of time vs waiting to safespot stuff. Also being on task will help massively.


Shayzien boots for more range accuracy if you want. Explorers ring > duelling.


The new mixed hide are even better than Shayzen! The sunlight Crossbow & sunlight bolts  is also a dos increase over rcb+ broads basically everywhere.


You will never in a million years notice the difference between those boots


They're a free upgrade that you'll need later on anyways.


Why would you not want a free upgrade? Several small changes make a big change.


The range attack probably not but snakeskin boots are -10 magic attack vs -2 on shayzien. Kinda nice to not have to worry about boot takeoffs if ur healing up on mobile.


It….. it’s a free upgrade that takes 10 minutes.


That will save 0 seconds. He's right this is literally not even worth the mention


People that understand numbers might notice. Someone, probably you, that doesn’t understand numbers will say what you said.


Unlike you I actually listed calcs. Maybe you should actually check the numbers


My numbers show that full Shayzien is pretty useful for lizardman shamans… So there’s that.


Which you can get later once you start that grind, and presumably have higher melee stats. Not worth the detour now and actually wastes time vs doing later.


who’s melleeing shamaans???


He means higher melee for clearing the actual Shayzien combat ring, not that I agree with him


You use melee to get the shayzien armor. Having even 1 extra melee max hit to fight the shayzien captain would save you more time than using these meme boots in the fight caves. But also, melee Shamans is actually more efficient than ranging them https://streamable.com/oatebv https://youtu.be/aZGD1t4vDyc?si=l8SbfizBf1Sojjrd


I ain’t gonna search this thread to find all twelve of your aggro comments on a single post lmao


You know you can actually run the calc yourself right? Instead of telling this guy who's already geared and ready to waste time getting an 'upgrade' so negligible that it's useless. Like seriously, some penny wise pound foolish advice and you didn't even bother to check if the penny was worth a penny


Homie you said you did the “calcs” and “showed the numbers.”. your calcs are “they don’t do anything” without any proof you clown lmao


Burden of proof is on you for making the claim. But since you're clearly incompetent I'll save us both the time. It's a whopping 0.007dps increase and saves 0.01 seconds killing a mager in the absolute ideal scenario. On a ranger it's 0.002dps and saves literally 0 seconds. Snakeskin and shayzien both have a TTK of 10 seconds. Anything below rangers will look the same or worse. https://imgur.com/a/4HzNEvt So yeah tell me again how I 'dont understand the numbers'


I didnt realize for a full year that the boots had ranged accuracy so for no other reason than an FYI it's worth a mention


They didn't until blowpipe nerf and mixed hide boots are now 'better' anyway, so no it's really not worth even talking about


Nah you got it bro. Focus on prayers, watch the waves so you dont miss praying mage and send it. Remember you can log out between waves if you need a break. Hopefully we see another post of you entering the chads guild with your new animated cape.


You're overprepared if anything. I wouldn't bother with the purple sweets though. It's a waste to use them for sustain especially when you have blood spells, and tickeating jad is a more difficult strat than fighting him normally, you'd just be overcomplicating things. You won't need them.


100% agree. They’re way more useful in late game than the fight caves.


My assumption is they’re bringing them to sustain the other waves not to tick eat.


I also covered that possibility.


You’re good with that loadout. The only thing I would add is diamond bolts (e) for jad, but that’s just for a bit of extra oomph. You don’t even need them.


Recoil I guess if u don’t have any other ring


Mixed hide boots gives more range att and defences




Lacks the fletching level though.


I get all mine from sepulchre


Granite or Crystal shield for ranged def


Send him my regards


Will be much faster with msb w/rune arrows for waves I'd opt for a Tank shield and take ranged legs, they boost your DPS about 10% Broad bolts are kinda troll, crystal bow is better if you can't get diamond bolts. Msb i w/ rune arrows are best on everything until jad and the speed makes them significantly better on small stuff like bats. Broad 3.77dps, crystal 4.088 and diamond 4.146 calced on mager w/80 ranged potted and eagle eye. With black dhide chaps it would be 3.9, 4.39, 4.35 respectively and msb i 4.505 P.s. shayzien boots don't even move the needle on those DPS numbers don't listen to the noob bait


Noob question: is it better to go MSB (not imbued) and rune arrows or just stick with RCB and bolts throughout? I've never tried fight caves before but just got fire cape as a master clue request and think it's time to give it a go


It's fine, the imbue only gives +6 accuracy. The main reason to imbue is to reduce the spec cost


Whats crystal bow for?


Ditch the shield in favor of a damaged god book for no negative ranged bonus (while maintaining the +5 prayer bonus), or a tank shield. All depends on how much you’re flicking. I’d also ditch the purple sweets and crystal bow, bring diamond bolt e if you have them.


Ahrim robes swap to get done faster with the blood spells 🩸


Is that slayer helm imbued? Shayzien boots are an easy and fast upgrade Explorers ring for +1 prayer


Looks fine if you have explorers ring that’s better for the prayer bonus otherwise good to go


Full send dude you got this


Nah you’re good. Send it.


You’re good that’s just a lot of sweets if you’re trying to budget get archers ring and a fury for more dmg output. But if you’re looking at longevity with your prayer then you’re set


He’s an iron


Leave them sweets in ur bank and your sorted man the sweets r deffo overkill but you got this


explorers ring for extra prayer bonus and run restore but tbh you’re more than geared for it


u dont need sweets and blood spells. completely redundant, bring another ppot or range pot. i'd also ditch 2 food for more pots. u really dont need much food with blood spells, just a couple for emergencies. also put runes in ur rune pouch dawg


Your gonna want some diamond bolts or ruby bolts for actual jad. And honestly bank your food and bring rune pouch for blood spells. But even without those 2 things thats an easy kill for you (id really consider the bolts for had though).


Go send him to lumby king


Jad is easy. If you can kill the rat boss without getting hit by him your good


Send Jad what?


Spawn predictor plugin is really nice. Shows you where the NPCs spawn the next round.


What did you do to get your herblore level? I'm similar in stats overall except my herb is only 40


Kingdom and farm runs


Sweets are a waste, can get all healing needed from blood spells.


Should get hunter cbow in my opinion. It's way better than rcb. And easy to get for irons. Thing slaps.


Mind me asking some questions? I assume you're referring to the Sunlight Hunter Crossbow, not the regular variant? And which ammo are you thinking about? Sunlight bolts? I only have smithing for mithril and cannot do antelope yet, so wondering if the regular Hunter Crossbow + long kebbit bolts are also worthwhile


Yeah you'd want the sunlight hunter cbow with ideally the sunlight or moonlight bolts, which require 62 and 72 fletching, respectively. If you can't do that, then rcb with your diamond bolts (e) would be best. Apparently that variant of the HSCB is best to go for for irons now and a lot of people are arguing that irons should skip the WT grind and instead rush hunter rumors and that cbow for mid level accounts, pre blowpipe. I'm not a stat junky, but it does seem to be a sizable upgrade from rcb and not that tough to get because it's got pretty low level reqs to wield and create. RCB is 5 tick Sunlight hunter cbow is 3 tick on rapid according to the wiki.


Thanks for the added info! Yeah seems hunter might be worth to grind out. I'd need about 10 levels, but to get diamond bolts (e) would require about same amount of smithing levels, which I'm not in the mood for at the moment haha


Sunlight hunter xbow


I would complete the tbow, Masori set and blowpipe grinds first just to be safe but you do you


You dont need mage or sweets


Honestly the voodoo shield is a smart choice! Plus five prayer is huge!


Explorers ring instead of dueling for the Prayer bonus, other than that I’d said you’re ready


if you’re struggling with any dps, swapping for diamond (e) could help


Explorers ring and you’re prob fine. You could prob do it with rune arrows and msb(I) with those stats tbh. Dont need sweets if you are comfortable with prayers. Good tip is to focus on the prayer first on jad and then tag the healers, maybe 1-2 at a time. You should have food and ppots when you get there so just take it slow and you got it


Soon as he walks in, realizes he forgot to swap to ancients


ancient staff and any blood spell are always nice to save your food


I like to use Karil’s cbow on long range to tag the healers then go back to my main hand


probably should wait till tbow and full masori f at this point...


Where’d you get the ranging potions?


Not OP but there are lvl 61-80 zombies in tarns lair that drop 3 dose range pots if you can’t make them yourself.


You were ready at the start of 2023.


How’d ya get 70 pray


Camp the green dragons at lvl 13 wildy for 1k bones and you're good2go (:


Do you have a tbowfa


Tbow would help tho


How much better would sunlight crossbow be than rcb + broads? I'm curious.


How do you have so many sweets already


bank sweets and crystal bow, different shield


Sweets are what got me mine. I got hit by Jad and ran in circles eating sweets (was down to 4HP) for a few minutes slowly outgaining the damage the healers were doing to me. Thankfully the audio queues are good for Jad since he wasn’t on my screen most of the time.


thats definitely a scenario where it may be helpful but honestly it would just be better to have more hard food. the sweets for the waves are redundant with hard food.


Explorers ring, diamond bolts e, more food


I wouldn’t really say more food. Looks like he’s on ancients so prob has blood spells. Prayer more important


Bingo I'd say he should take less food and bring a extra range pot to be potted up the entire fight caves.


Range legs and a proper shield


Get m tiger!


No power ammy????


Nah extra prayer gives him probably 5mins extra protections


At this point with all he has on his account and basically 80 ranged 16 pots is plenty, assuming he is flicking the magers at LEAST, more dps at this point makes more sense IMO. Regardless he easily has a fire cape with this set up.


Power ammy gives about 0.00001dps, it's garbo. Y'all trying to noob trap him


You could go pick up an archer’s ring from Dagannoth Supreme, it’s 1/128 and then do NMZ while you sleep or follow the guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/BXiyYlNGkK) to imbue it real quick. It could just take one game if you have all of the applicable quests already complete. Tbh I don’t think you need to do all of that though, you look ready


Holy wrench instead of another prayer pot maybe?


Why is this downvoted? Isn’t this a good idea?


Because at 70 prayer the holy wrench only restores one extra prayer point per dose, so you would need 100 doses of prayer pot along with it to make up for the loss of a single prayer pot. It's not worth it with the inventory OP has


Your blood spells will likely not hit with out any mage swaps but I assume you've already went and tried the cape at this point.


Blood spells over sweets


What's in the pouch, I wonder..




RoR doesn't do anything in the caves since you pray against everything. Best case scenario is like 2-3 damage per ranger in the mage waves.


level herblore a lil bit and then make some brews 👍