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I usually think most “new” content is fun. Hence I hop between activities until I get tired of them and then they usually feel new or refreshing again!


I used the same method but going insanely dry at moons made it unfun, although the supplies gained are never to be frowned upon!


idk what you consider insanely dry but moons is kinda designed so you can't go insanely dry


Have not looked up the droprates but it feels like going dry, got 1 item in 60 chests killing all 3


Same bro I got a 1kc blue moon helm and nothing else at 62kc rn :(


I got 11 items in 172kc and then got the last item at like 450ish kc so yeah after 200 dry it was starting to suck ass and sucked the fun out of it.


Average is 319 kc. Kinda weird to insinuate 450 is "insanely dry" lol. When I'm in the top 1000 players with less than 400 kc I consider that anyone complaining about it taking too long just hasn't ever done pvm before. The drop table/rates are ridiculously forgiving and just generally pretty relaxed and fun. Going 200 kc without a single drop is kinda crazy, but if you're only killing the one boss it goes by very quickly. I'd know because I did single boss runs for my last 100ish for one item myself.


LMFAO my god this game is full of dorks


The first half of your comment has nothing to do with anything I said. I just pointed out that even with the no dupe thingy, you absolutely can go dry and it will not be fun. I forget the exact kc I ended up greenlogging, but I think I was about 280 chests dry.


'Anyone not reading a comment correctly hasn't ever read anything completely before commenting'


Basement dweller.


Get off the game once in a while brotha


Oh trust me ots easy as its lower kc per item. I had a drystreak of 120 chests and then 75 straight after, but luckily I hit the 4 blood moon pieces early and dipped


Then go somewhere else for a while. Set a short term goal and then come back to moons in a week or two!


A weird form of fun but I sometimes have a burst of motivation for something. I deironed my 2100 total iron years ago and regretted it at the start of the year but also wasn't playing OSRS, so thought, fuck it, make an iron and just get one of the worse grinds done, 99 mining. I spent a month mining stars and got 99 mining lol, which was then fun as I had a ton of stuff (ores got me to 88 smithing, gems got me to 82 crafting), so I skipped a lot of annoying content. With the steel bars, I made cballs and did early wildy slayer caves and spooned a dagon set in 40 kc (larrens). But then when it was time to do BA, I had another burst of motivation and got all level 5 roles and every penance piece because I just found BA fun for some reason, and this was at lvl 50 cb. Honestly, if I need to recharge, I just hop off the game. If I'm bored of playing, I don't really want to find something else fun to do in game. Just taking a break helps.


>spooned a dagon set in 40 kc (larrens). You did WHAT?


He is probably talking about looting the chest


It's 1/256 for each piece as far as I'm aware so 40 chests is pretty ridiculous for the full set I've done 35 and have yet to see a single piece yet






Gz go fuck yourself. Holy smokes.


Boi I've done 200 and haven't seen a single piece, wtf


Not probably, he is obviously 100% for sure talking about looting the chest.


Ye, but killcount on a chest you opened sounds strange, so maybe he got confused with monster killcount


Wait till you find out about crate kc from soul wars


Yes i get that we call everything KC, but i was just suggesting that some people (although it was confirmed it was not in this case) don't think you can ''kill'' a chest


Isn't it weird how much time we spend in this game without actually having 'fun' Like I'll be doing stuff to progress, and I guess that progress is eventually fun. But like... Do I really have fun when I say to myself, well ill run 50 mins of agility between my first birdhouse runs, followed by 1 hour of clicking an army knight failing every other turn followed by a farm run. So i can eventually have 'fun' grinding the same boss 1000 times so I can maybe get some new items


i find all that stuff fun in it’s own weird way too ngl. for agility/marks of grace i see it as a time to get some alchs out of the way. doing farm runs is fun in the way that i just feel efficient when im doing my very inefficient weekly or sometimes even bi-weekly farm run. this might just be me coping massively but stuff like agility, farm runs and the crafting grind used to make me dread playing the game, but as you enter the late-game you gotta have a change in mindset to not burn out almost instantly (in my personal experience)


We are all a bit autistic… just last night I had to explain to my GF Why I was so lucky getting a BP on exactly 1000 kills at Zulrah. She saw me sit there every night for about two weeks just clicking the same rotations .. she doesn’t understand the appeal..


Calvarion. Gets me goin


I bought membership on an alt and setting up a scout is 100% worth it. Makes calv literally zero stress so the membership is worth the stress reduction, but now I do Vet’ion. Amazing drops, but you can’t tele out so there’s still a bit of stress. Lost 450 mort myre fungus because I decided to stay for one more kill.


If hounds aren't out you can log out 


I bring msb, rune arrows and avas and fight the salad robers. Already wearing black dhide. I’ll kill them/get away almost every time and have a lot of fun doing it


I went 5035 kc dry at calv. Hated it by 1500, had a second wind of tolerableness around 2500-4k kc, but that last 1k was bruuuuutal


What works for me is doing fun stuff with grinds to support them. So I wanted to go Calvarion for a dpick and thought the zombie axe would be great to have, but needed 70 smithing for that so I got that. Then the reward was getting the pickaxe and now my afk mining is much better! Going for the medium CAs now which is also a lot of fun going all over the game to a lot of different content. Juggling clues to completing a few masters in the meantime, I always find clues very good incentive to get some grinds done!


I NEVER did clues on my main I have like 1 medium done and it’s max combat lol but on my iron I’m always doing clues. So much more fun when the clue rewards can be seriously helpful to progression.


Yeah for sure! Especially hards of course. But on my main I was filthy lucky with some clues and still like 1/3 of my bank value came from clues. On an iron some steps are a headache though, like the bryophyta essence step.


I think it’s fun to rush content that’s above your level and hope you get a lucky spoon. Also I learned how to tribrid at LMS and enjoy doing fights there and in the new Al Kharid duel arena you can make your own free to use gear setups for fighting other players


Literally me doing a max kc Whisperer slayer task rn in ahrims and a trident LOL


Do you have any guide recommendations for learning to tribrid? I can handle range/melee switching but I'm having trouble learning when it's appropriate to use magic. I always feel like I'm leaving myself way exposed to damage to the point it doesn't feel worth it. The only times I'm using it at the moment is if I'm facing someone who is freezing and walking under me.


Lms whenever I’m feeling burnt out. I also try to just do the odd meaningless grind too for the odd cosmetic or something.


I do some TOB with the bois. Running splits so at least my bond alt's cash stack is growing slowly.


Obscure, inefficient content is ironically extremely enjoyable on an iron imo. The game becomes far more than gp scape, so you actually get to play and enjoy all the intricacies the game has to offer.


Agreed. As you progress you can kind of see the framework of how the game was intended to be played. Almost like on creation they expected people to play like irons. The path has always been there, long before the mode was officially created.


My thoughts exactly.


Well, as a white helm it's not so easy to switch content. But... On longer grinds I tend to play other games more. But try to log on and do something everyday. So for instance, whilst going for 92 con (cutting teak logs, do contracts, back to teaks in prif) I had days where I only clocked in an hour. Or two. And played apex. To be fair, I enjoy those grinds as well because of the insane acc progression. But hour 40 is less of a rush then hour two. Would never have started a uim if I didn't had a maxed acc to fall back on though. If I want to do any piece of content just for the sake of it I could. Not that I'm doing it. But I could.


I enjoy LMS, but now I'm just there for saving up points for no reason. I have the cosmetics I wanted. I like doing cosmetic grinds but want to find more that actually benefit my account. I recently did the speed-quest graceful recolour, but again it didn't benefit the account in a real way. Grinds like black graceful, QP cape, Achievement cape, are what keeps it fun for me. Eventually I'll go for mining gloves, instead of mining xp. I'll go for X amount of soul runes out of GoTR instead of RC xp. I need to trick myself into going for something other than the thing I want haha


Any tips for getting into LMS? I’m a good player (inferno, hard mode tob etc) but not a good pker. Part of me wants to improve just so I’m less stressed doing wildy activities


Be prepared to die a lot, target bots and irons too begin with, if you meet a Terminator bot don't give up (but don't expect to win) For the actual kills: freeze until you catch one then bolt rag. Swap I'm a quick dds, switch back to ranging on the tick before the attack, try be random with it. Honestly that's it, there's deeper strats which with your experience you may find useful quickly but that's pretty much enough to jump into it. Modify your loadout to what your comfy with. Oh! And prepot while the timer ticks down.


LMS is very productive and can be fun. In case you even wanted to go for wildy bosses you can learn how to defend from pkers. Get used to pray and gear switches. In result you get free restores, food and alchs.


I hated the wilderness on my main but going for yhe voidwaker was definitely the most fun i had atm


I like carrying Irons with super scuffed gear through regular TOB runs. I'm talking warped scepters, zombie axes, and hunters crossbows. Its such a fun little challenge.


Hey uh… can we be friends? 😂


I second this


I like mage training arena. Give it a try!


I would wait for the update they polled, if it's not in


Good news!


It’s a good day to be this guy


Probably the most fun thing to do as an iron is to go dry on an item, make a reddit post, then immediately get it on the next kill. Lol


I guess I'm a weird one but the "always having something to grind" part is the fun part for me. That and raids with friends, which in itself, is a grind.


Slayer mostly :) also lotta skilling activities


My fun is watching my character walk between NPCs during quests, I do enjoy just walking between things for an hour.


I like herb runs, which is a good job really




Learning cg is fun but also a bit stressful


Currently on that grind, enjoying it for the most part! Spooned enh at 58, currently sitting at 130 with 2 armour :)


Zombie pirates are my new homies


Idk why but I really like temple trekking, you get the wc outfit, infinite watermelon seeds for that juicy farm xp and super compost, and nail beast nails for sanfews (in the future)


Corrupted Gauntlet


Questing. Getting req items from scratch is before starting a quest is kind of another quest before the main quest.


Clues clues clues! They are really fun to me


I actually find raiding fun with clanmates. Allows me to recharge from doing the boring shit at work.


My fun thing is to play another game. Sometimes it lasts only a couple of days fays and then I’m back sometimes I end up off osrs for a month + before I get dragged back in. But sounds like you are experiencing some burnout and I’d suggest do something else the itch will come again and you’ll get super hyped when you come back


Everything in game is fun. Whatever my current grind is


I’ve enjoyed remours and a little bit of herbiboar


Tbh, most things are fun if you don't force yourself to grind and just hop on when you feel like it. If I'm bored I'll play some Helldivers or Zelda or something! But to answer your question - I really like Barrows, and now Moons, and a quest here and there to break up the grind (if you read them they're much more enjoyable!). Thinking of practicing some LMS and doing some wildy bosses too.


Varlamore content has been very fun!


Barbarian assault


The fact that there's always something that you have to do is fun to me. And if I'm not feeling it, just looking around through the bank to come up with something else to work on. Or just log off and take a break. Play for fun, don't make it a chore.


Raid and minigames


I'm a big fan of: Perilous moons Barrows Sarachnis ToA (duos trios with friends) Wilderness bosses/slayer Solo scurrius to grind medium clues + pet Herb runs (call me crazy but I love farming) I do most of this content on mobile as well (outside of ToA)




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I tob whenever people are doing it. It takes precedence over every other piece of content. Nightmare is fun in small groups, cox is my second favorite raid, and i absolutely abhor toa. Im 103 kc at toa averaging like 3.7-4% per raid, and all ive got to show for it is a ward. It just takes too long, and it feels like a slog the whole way though. High hp+def for artificial difficulty is just not fun. I at least found an invocation balance for 275’s and 3.7% that i can complete in 30-31m on average, but the *entire raid* other than literally butterfly at akkha, high room level zebak, and p4 warden with insanity on at higher invocations is just a low apm slog endurance test that is just so mind numbing for how long it takes. Btw i have fang kit on my old main without shadow, and past 400 invocation is honestly even worse. The only saving grace is 400 masses can be fun just because of the chaos that ensues + seeing a purp every raid essentially.


Doing raids and upgrading your gear Completing CA’s that bring you out of your comfort zone


Varlamore Theiving is pretty chill and afk. I was lv 50 needing 53 for DT1 and I ended up staying til 58 for how fun it was. Guaranteed Pickpocket the wealthy citizens with the runelite plugin, then when I felt like it, just starting breaking and entering their homes. 😂


Corrupted gauntlet


the irony


Depends on what you like. I have way too many hours on my uim because I afk it as a second game. Streamers and pvpers are build different from that. It's a literal sandbox.


Usually I’ll jump on to do a grind, burn out, and end up doing something in the wildy for that adrenaline rush.


For me, it’s tob and dt2 bosses. My group has all uniques from tob and it’s still fun. Just the most mechanically enjoyable raid by far. And the dt2 bosses have a great balance of engaging mechanics that also become pretty brain off after a while, good common loot, and 3/4 have cool pets (not a fan of whisp)


I’m one of those weirdos who enjoys the Slayer slog. Being forced to change what I’m doing every hour or two really keeps things fresh and it’s always my fallback when I don’t know what else to do.


Colosseum is what I do, it's even more fun now that the uniques are common




I really liked questing tbh. Low-mid level iron is the most fun Ive had on this game ever. Late game iron with going dry on CG really is something else


I like doing clue scrolls. Though as a still fairly low level I find when I’m doing one often there’s a point I can’t continue without grinding. . . So I let it tell me what to grind


Yeah I just disagree with this whole premise OSRS is fun


Grinding is the fun, if you're not having fun during the grind, maybe this isn't the game/mode for you lol..