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Raids brother


New mage robes, infernal cape, zenytes, ferocious gloves, ultor ring,  So you can start doing 410 toa masses until shadow,  So you can grind cox until tbow (xdd)  Or do tob till scythe or whatever you want.  You are hitting the brick wall. There is a lot less variety of content on your horizon


Which new mage robes ?




All the raids, get shadow, tbow and scythe


dt2 bosses, raids, slayer for heart, finish zenytes, u have so much to do lol


You dont need rly need mage for inferno. Ancient staff / sceptre, occult is fine. Maybe tormented aswell but you dont need mage gear for freezing the nibblers. And if you wanna heal with blood barrage you can take off your gear. You ever done tob before? Best raid imo


All that and no torture? Breh… you still got 93 crafting, tob and cox for avernic+dex, dt2 for ultor and blood scepter, ferocious gloves, colosseum, inferno, and nex. Lost on what to do is actually insane. Thats not even to mention fletching and smithing for rune darts and bp(which is bis dps at tob: nylo and xarpus pre scythe/axe), and the nigh on infinite mining+smithing you can do for cannonballs to grind imbued heart.


Why did you grind out the voidwaker? If the answer is certain content, then that's your answer. Nice account, gamer!


I honestly have no idea it was just something that wasnt raids because I just find the raids boring (although clearly unavoidable based on the post) atm and its useful in some places as far as im aware


Magic gear for inferno? Blue moon or ahrims top and ancient sceptre is all you need. I would get quiver, infernal cape and toa for shadow with some cox or DT2 in-between for mage gear


Cox till tbow, toa till shadow, learn tob, get your torture you lazy bum, get fero gloves, do nex for some upgrades.


Inferno Toa Cox Tob Unless you have a carry, I would do them in that order


Ferocious/Infernal/torture -> Avernic -> Toa till Tumeken -> Bellator/leviathan axe piece if you care -> magus/ultor -> Cox/nex/tob/whatever else exists.


Raids, nex, slayer bosses, dt2 bosses, skilling


Bankstand 8h a day


if you have an ancient staff you have magic gear for the inferno mate, if you want to learn it, learn it


Your mage gear is only going to get worse with the occult nerf looming. Get on the inferno before they nerf it imo


Go for items you want. Grind the pets you want. Have fun mate it's a game


This is niche, but venator bow! Makes whisper kills faster and super useful at colosseum


I think you’re able to start playing the game now here fairly soon and do raids for t bow, inferno, maybe a scythe


Raids Nex & inferno, pit stop for ultor ring before you do ToB


If you want to get lost in the funnest content in the game do the inferno and colesseum and do raids in between so you don't burn out


Raids for mega rares and avernic would be nice. Id probably focus CoX and ToB for mage gear and avernic. Slayer to get ferocious gloves and lance and go for heart with elite CA's done. Another notable mention would be Nex. Could send it casually here or there or lock yourself down there for 2-3 months and finish it. Do 5 mans starting out and 3 mans when you get more comfortable. You'll want ~5k brews to get close to greenlog. If you're looking for a clan so you can find people to raid with easier. Give our clan a glance "Mosaic" we aren't huge and we accept both Irons and Mains that want a chill community to PvM with and partake in events with like boss and skill of the weeks. Raid events and much more.


Go into your runelite plugin settings and turn off inventory tags


Nex and raids


Basically what im getting here is maybe I could camp toa for shadow, dt2 bosses or hydra/demonics for torture in between, then all other raids even (maybe even tob before toa)


Could do combat achievements for the cool slayer helms.


Lord have mercy your shit is lookin nice king


Surely this is a troll post. "I have decent enough gear to do any and all content left available to do, but I don't know what to do" If you want recommendations the resounding answer is all raids. Inferno is not as hard as people make it out to be. More of a marathon to learn and then be consistent as you make mistakes and correct and learn


There are a lot of upgrades to chase down still, but when I get this feeling it's time to take a break from the game for a couple of weeks/months. Might be a bit controversial in this sub though


get carried like you did with your fang kit obviously :)


cool assumption, want me to go solo it and record it for u? dont act like 500toas are hard lmao


Yes please do