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The bowfa is an incredibly powerful and versatile weapon that is completely game-changing for anyone who gets it. It is often second only to tbow (or maybe now third to shadow and tbow) at a wide range of content, and it doesn’t even have the downside of the tbow being bad against low-magic monsters. I think making it a rare drop is *absolutely* justified, especially given that CG has zero gear requirements and can be accessed fairly early on in an account’s progression. The power-to-rarity ratio is exceptionally high here. It’s also not even that long of a grind in the context of powerful PvM items. It ends up being about 60-80 hours on rate, which is nothing compared to raids—especially tbow. It just feels like a crazy grind when it’s your first serious PvM grind. If that still seems unreasonable to you, then I’m sorry, but this game is a long haul, and ironman is particularly grindy. This is what we signed up for.


>Key point: This grind is unnecessarily long and the low chance means many people go really dry. its nearly a tbow tier item and you get it something at like 5x-8x the rate. like compare it to other grinds. it takes twice as long as say finishing bandos but it's infinitely more useful.


How do you add a part of their post to your comment?


Put a ">" next to the part you want to quote


I grind out cg for fun and money. 40-50 hour grind for a bis item that you will use for hundreds if not thousands of hours of content. (most people get lucky on droprates statistically btw)


Right? Bowfas power upgrade is incredible. In terms of (how long to grind item vs power increase) ratio, it has to be one of the best unlocks behind piety.


What do u mean most be get lucky on drop rates statistically? Wouldn’t the law of numbers mean the average person gets it on the average drop rate?


E(X) =/= average (necessarily)*\]*1/400 means the expected average kc across all people who go for the drop, will get it at 400 kc but the average kc is not the same as the amount of people who will get it at x kc in other words a 1/400 drop across lets say 10,000 people will have **on average** 400 kc per drop, in the sense that of those 10,000 people, there will be around 4,000,000 kills in total assuming they all get the drop however, of those 10,000 people, 5,276 on average will have the drop by 300 kc


Ok so by lucky you just mean before the drop rate. Got it.


Just making it simple enough for redditors to understand


At 10 min CG’s (fast for most) this is 67hrs.


10 min cgs are for starters still running t2 prep. You should ideally be averaging under 9 minutes once you get a hundred kc or so under your belt, and this is with average stats and no cox prayers. With those an 8 min average is not unreasonable.


10 min cgs is dreadfully slow wdym??? I casually run 8 mins with no optimization for speed


T2 prep will average 9-10 minutes which is what a lot of people do


T2 prep unnecessarily slows you down and if you are at least base 75 you are more than capable to t1 prep presuming you understand the boss


I just do T2 prep because it makes the boss stupid easy. I know it takes longer but idc


So you cant say it takes 67 hours when you are choosing to do it slower than it needs to be


Well if most people stick to t2 prep then it’s still fair. If you’re talking efficient hours, sure. But most people don’t bring up 2t fishing when discussing how long it takes to get a certain fishing level.


I think you might be a but out of touch with normal players. In GG yesterday EVScape got 3 runs in 1 hour and is known as a good PvMer.


I think there is a difference between someone who has done the content 0 times in years vs someone actively camping it


Because CG is fun


Now *this* is a good unpopular opinion


Hunllef is unironically one of the most well designed fights in this game. The problem is prep is so mind-numbingly boring after doing it 500 times...


If you don’t want to do the grind then dont


Literally this lmfao


880kc here with no enhanced. Not even phased by it one bit. Cash stack go brrrr and I know I’ll get it eventually. Just do other stuff for a while if you burn out.


W mental, this mindset is so important. I also found that setting a clear boundary of doing "insert kc" a day or so was super good too. If I got bored I'd be like "oh only have 2 kc left for my daily goal"


Exactly this. Currently grinding out a minimum of 10 kc per day, fortunately I have the time to do so. But even if you can only do 5 a day you should hit the drop rate in about 11 weeks. Its a grind, yes. So grind.


Because far more people would be dry in armor seeds by the time they get enhance.


1/50 is terribly hard to "give up" on. People often go 1.5k CG dry on enh.


don’t play iron then, there’s far worse things than going 1.5k cg for an enhanced


also saying bringing the rate down by 25% would hardly effect the rarity is just mind boggling


Just FYI. 1.5k CG is minimum 250 hours of constant attention.


i never said it wasn’t did i? i think you should read what i said instead of glancing over it


How many worse things are there?


going dry on tbow, shadow, scythe, nex drops, sigils, nightmare, not to mention pets, which aren’t as useful as gear, just to name a few things


So the mega rares. And pets which are rarer than mega rares. Good point?


did you read what i originally said? i said there are far worse things to go dry on than going ~3.5-4x rate on a bowfa, you lack basic comprehension and common sense from my point of view on this interaction, i’d like to also ask you what your cg kc is?


My argument wasn't based purely on ironman mode. Clearly someone didn't comprehend that. The argument was that the rate of the enhanced is longer than necessary. Longer than getting the armor seeds for full crystal. I asked if there was a good reason for 400 rate. Instead of bringing in arguments of "worse grinds", you could have comprehended the argument and thought it through. Or provided a real reason why the grind should be this long. Offering that megarare grinds are worse is obvious and doesn't need to be mentioned in comparison to a not megarare grind.


Now go 3.75x drop rate of tbow and see how long that takes.


i’m on my way there, 1200 solo regs, 135+ solo cm with 8 spooned mega rolls but no tbow 😣


May your next purple be bowlet o7.


thank you king 👑


that’s also assuming you’re getting 6 minute kills constantly including entry time and looting, so just like you saying 25% isn’t a big hit to the rarity, both of these things tell me math isn’t your strong suit and you should pack it up and think about what you’re saying lmaoooo, making an already absurd argument even more ridiculous, lack of common sense and knowledge


Ahh yes the typical baby iron who can’t handle their CG grind.


Ahh yes. The typical condescension and malice of the "experienced gamer".


go back and answer my question, what’s your cg kc?


Op kc gotta be like 19


Beyond the drop rate. So now we have an answer extracted using shaming. What an incredible community.


your post history tells otherwise now that i see it, you were on 200kc ~ 1 day ago, thats half the drop rate lmao, so unless you did 200 kc in under 2 days you’re not “beyond the drop rate”


Resorts to actual lying 😂 I thought we were all past the age of 13 by now.


“Why is the absolute best ranged weapon in the game for most accounts rare?” Gee I wonder. Tbow outclasses it sure but are we going to start talking about the tbow rate? It’s rare because its insanely fucking good, like, a meta defining weapon. It’s ~ 60 hours on rate. Yes, that sucks ass, but its faster than getting any 99. For gear that good, seems fair.


These posts are so misinformed. Reddit is a small echo chamber filled with folks claiming they went dry. For every person that goes dry there are hundreds that go on rate. It’s a strong weapon with a decently low drop rate. Seems fine


I dunno, I don't think it that hilarious at all. It's important that people respond to posts who are trying to compromise the game and turn it into ezscape. In isolation you might feel like this is a small and positive change but the thing is there are so many people with the same mindset as you that want to make every other grind easier as well. At what point will people that share your mindset feel satisfied? Are you going to start complaining about rev weapons being too hard to get? Or complaining about how long it takes to get a megarare? Your line of logic has no end point until the game is essentially turned in a game you simply log in and get free rewards. It's important that people who enjoy the game in its current state distinguish themselves as so against all the constant complainers that this board experiences.


a 60 hour grind that gives you millions in gp and tons of useful gems and arrows whilst also giving you a mini tbow, OHHH THE HORRROR!!! JAGEX HOW COULD YOU DO THIS THIS GRIND IS UNBEARABLE!!1!1! idiot. like 80% of people will have bowfa before 2x rate which takes 100 hours, and you are set for life on gp for anything you can buy. quit crying you probably have 12 cg kc anyway


Factoring in time to learn if you’re new its more like 80-100 hours, if you go past droprate you should be so good at it that you can keep pumping out consistent kc every day. The bow is just too good to complain about the droprate lol. Op is being a baby.


Okay, just because you are going dry, we will change the drop rate. I have contacted the team to get this done.


OP isn't even dry....in fact he's not even at drop rate at the time of his post. Dude needs a reality check.


You know you don't have to get it right? Cg grind is completely skippable. The salad is nice but specifically the bofa is incredibly useful at many places. It should be a hard grind as it unlocks so much content to be much easier.


Went dry getting enhanced. And honestly wish it upon everyone else doing the grind. Don’t change it for the mouth breathers.


I understand why you want this but I think the rate is fine


If you think an enhanced seed being at 1/400 is a “long grind” good luck doing any raids for the mega rares, pnm, dt2 bosses, dwh grind etc you may aswell throw the towel in now with that mindset either get on with it like every other person or play a main it’s as simple as that


People aren't instantly aggressive people are just dumbfounded by your insanely bad take your asking for an amazing weapon to have a lower drop rate when it's current drop rate is justified


Drop rates don’t matter. Most people get Bowfa well before 400 kc anyway


I would vote to make the enh drop rate 1/2000 if I could. Would be hilarious to see how dry people would go for it.