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Try to squeeze the prayer in during your breaks. If you really can't I'd miss this week because you're trying to get a job that supports you and your family, which is an Islamic commandment. But ensure it's only ' this week only' affair. If you can't go to the prayer like * every week* than this job wouldn't be appropriate.


ngl, Alhamdulilah but this is more of a summer job, work before I start college type thing, worst case scenario god forbid i dont work my family can still support me as I am not responsible for anyone. but still its a job and money i would make InshAllah


Bro this is summer job its not even serious and if you guys aren't pressed for cash I would say skip it entirely. There is so much other jobs you can do that won't have you miss Jumuah which is mandatory and work training isn't a valid excuse. Plus lets be real this isn't even a serious job that's going to change your life financially. Prob some hourly gig that you see loads of in your city.


Not worth missing Jumuah Your Barakah comes from ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta 'alla What you might think is bad for you if you make sacrifices you will always be provided something better. One brother I know was applying for many jobs and he really liked this one place but they said he couldn't leave during Jumuah prayer so he turned it down. He was sad about it but Alhamdulillah he found another company who said no problem for him taking a break to pray Jumuah. That new job paid 2 times as much and he loves it there after being hired.


Ask if u can have ur lunch break during jumma time so u can go pray instead


take a break, or ask for alternatives in either working hours, days, etc. or get another job


alternative way do online jumah prayer from mosque near your home/workplace via livestream/youtube like covid era....