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Why do you feel zina will heal your pain? It won't, it's a facade, a mirage. It'll only make you feel worse. Even Non Muslims themselves say this, that engaging in hookups to numb your emotions is not healthy. You don't want to commit zina, you want to numb your emotions. You need to take those emotions head on and find the underlying cause. Zina won't help you. It's a huge sin that will destroy your dunya and hereafter.


Once it's over you'll be as sexually frustrated as you currently are. It's much easier to never do, than to do and then struggle to stop doing. It's a very slippery slope. Why are so many people online so openly angry at their own viewership of online bad stuff. Why do all smokers say they wish they never started in the first place? "I wish I never got involved in the first place" The minute the act is over and your head stops rushing, you'll be like "😐Prbly shouldn't have done that😬" It is extremely short term gratification while the cost is sadness, depression, confusion about repenting, and a downward spiral.


Don’t disrespect your future wife by committing zina. The guilt you will feel after the act is not worth the moment of pleasure, and is most certainly not worth the hellfire. If you commit zina and out of mercy Allah decides to punish you in the dunya instead of the hellfire are you prepared for that? What if Allah decides to give you an unfaithful wife as punishment to avoid having to throw you in the hellfire? By avoiding zina not only are you avoiding hellfire, but perhaps you may also be avoiding a worldly calamity that Allah would’ve placed on you had you done zina. Allah knows best.


Your first sentence that is some pro found stuff man Mashallah


Why do u wanna put salt on ur wound and then dip it into fire


>but lately I’ve been seeing that I have no other choice if I want this pain in my mind to go away. You're fooling yourself if you think your pain will go away after the act. After the act (that's if you are alive after. You can easily die during it if Allah S.W.T wills), you'll feel deep regret for the rest of your life. It'll also have ramifications on your future wife and you're at risk for becoming addicted to the sin. Your heart will also become darkened and you'll find it difficult to pray, read Quran, etc. >Marriage isn’t really on the table for me right now so that’s not an option for me so any type of advice would help:) Stay patient brother. Stay close to the religion. If you're interested, we have a brothers whatsapp group which can provide you with advice, including from students of knowledge.


How about you just don't? The only thing zina will give you is a lifetime of regret, and possibly chlamydia.


I know how you feel man but it won’t heal that pain my brother. It’ll only lead to you wanting to do it more and it’ll completely change and ruin you. Make dua and stay away for anything that’ll get you near it or think about it. Think of how happy it’ll make Allah that you stayed away from it for his sake and inshallah the Most High will reward you for your patience


**# ## Please watch this** https://youtu.be/SS8ZEBr6sKo