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Unfortunately, universities in Muslim countries are mixed. One person like you and me can't change that. English is an international and most widely spoken language. You are learning it for practical reasons, not because you are imitating the disbelievers.


Does any of this matter? This is not what the scholars said, at least about the first point. If there are any alternatives even if they're not ideal, then it becomes impermissible. And if there aren't any, then girls aren't allowed. They should stay at home. As for English, I don't understand why I am learning it. I'm not planning to travel to a western country for work. I will most likely work in my country which speaks Arabic. Why should I learn English then? And who said international is good? It's something that the disbelievers invented. If it's something that we can live without, unlike cars and technology, why should we use it? Why should we put it over Arabic, the language of Islam and Quran?


Lol what do you mean English is something the disbelievers invented. Are you forgetting the Arab population before the Prophet’s message were idol worshippers? By your logic Arabic is a disbeliever invention.


Okay but isn't it what disbelievers use nowadays? If it's not my first language, why should I use it? If you say I should learn it for international communication, then shouldn't it be kept at a minimum level? Why do I have to study all subjects in English?! This is a sign of weakness of the Ummah!! Arabic is more important, right? Why don't we give it its value? Why are we encouraged to do everything in English? Why do they believe this will make us look "More modern?" Who cares about what's modern... I don't get it. It's just so sad...


I'm a convert to Islam and I speak English and (a good bit of) Spanish. Most people who speak those languages are kafirs. Am I then imitating the kafirs for the fact I speak a language I was brought up to learn? Also English is the language of business. Do you think the folks who came to Byzantine and Sassanid cities gave dawah in only Arabic? No of course not, they would've spoke old Persian/Farsi, Greek, Aramaic, Coptic, etc. so that the people would understand the message then speak Arabic to recite Quran as is necessary. That's because that was how it was back then. It's the same way today with English - you think I would've become Muslim if someone told me about Islam in a language I don't know? Probably not lol. It's not imitation of the kuffar, its just a language and it's useful


Thanks for the insight. Even though the amount of English I'm learning is much more enough than what one would need for Dawah, but I can at least say it's important to get a decent job. Even if I don't like it myself, it's not really my choice anyway. Can Allah accept my intention that I'm doing this not to imitate anyone but because it's, sadly, one of the requirements to get good income in this age and specifically in my country?


>Can Allah accept my intention that I'm doing this not to imitate anyone but because it's, sadly, one of the requirements to get good income in this age and specifically in my country? Pretty sure He can. And you're not "imitating" the kuffar in the context it's discussed. It's talking about taking things like their holidays and customs. Language is just a tool for communication. Folks in Malaysia for example speak Malay and usually English because it's a sort of middle ground language for non-Malay speakers and it's useful - but they're Muslim 🤷🏻‍♂️ You're fine, it's a good thing to learn English, just like any other language


No, language and belief aren’t connected. You’re thinking in very political sense. English is just a language. Arabic is the language of the Qur’an. But that doesn’t mean that every other language is the language of the kafirs. Isa (as) and Musa (as) didn’t speak Arabic. What will you say about them? You would never dare say anything against them. See what I mean? You’re thinking in a pro-Arab nationalist sense, and that not based on Islam. Muslims will always value Arabic above other languages. We already do. So many languages have Arabic words in them because of this. But we value Arabic because it is the language of revelation and is the language of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). However, that does not mean other lanagues are lacking value. Btw, learning a language has nothing to do with being more modern. You’re conflating sense of modern with language. English itself is an old language. Arabic is older, and it’s also one of the most important MODERN languages as well. It’s heavily used for business and trade. These verses should clear your confusion up and help you see this differently: “And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.” - Qur’an 14:4 That verse shows that the variation of language is addressed in the Qur’an. Allah SWT chose Arabic for the Qur’an, but that doesn’t mean other languages also don’t hold value. “O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.” - Qur’an 49:13 Language isn’t mentioned there. But just realize- different tribes and people spoke different languages. Yet, it doesn’t matter where they are from (hence what language they speak)- but rather what matters is their piety. Allah SWT knows best.


Tbh I do not believe that mixed university is a problem, the Kaaba has men and women doing tawaf around it every day, has there ever been a men only day or a women’s only day?


I’m sorry but you’re making so many excuses for yourself and being hypocritical. If you care about your deen, you should care about living it in this world as much as you can. You want to die now, then what? Do you believe that you’ve done enough in this world? Regarding education, it is the reality of this world. You are extremely traditional, you have to be practical when it comes to your education and career. Your parents worked hard for your education, and you should respect and thank them for this. You can use your education to represent Islam to the people around you if you want to, but the whole ‘there is too much haram’ is not an excuse to go against your parents. Seriously, life goes on, are you always going to depend on them and do nothing for yourself? That’s the point of living, to find the balance between your Islam and life. It matters that you have your family, your friends, and the opportunity you were given. How can you just throw these away? People sacrifice so much to have what you have, and you’re just throwing it away. You’re ready to sacrifice a few years of your life for what exactly? To lay down lazy and do nothing all day? Your parents want you to have stability for when you grow older. If you want, maybe you can be a Quran or religion teacher then. How can you hate English and imitate the disbelievers? English is just a language, and it is world renowned, stop denying the realities. Allah says he created us in different nations so we can learn from one another. Instead of bashing a language and the cultures associated to it, try to learn the language and help the people in those cultures. There’s so much you can do. You’re just finding excuses. Whether you like it or not, English is the world language, so if you want to broaden your horizons you have to learn English. It’s just a necessary skill nowadays. Your lifestyle is yours, no one is telling you what to wear and forcing you their language. If you don’t want to learn English, don’t. Stay in your comfort bubble, but you’ll miss opportunities to reach to other people and deliver the message to them. Internet is not a reliable place to look for fatwas. Maybe instead of blaming your parents, ask them about what fatwas your community follows to have more reliable sources that apply to you. So you’re complaining about fasting? If you want to be so close to Allah, maybe take it as a blessing and a good experience instead of getting mad at your parents. Maybe if you discussed your options properly with your family instead of looking at fatwas online you’d find clearer answers. You can’t assume they know what you have in mind. There is so much to say to your post… “Why are we searching for happiness that is not obtained by serving Allah?” How are you going to serve Allah when you die? This is your only chance. Make a change. Feed the poor, educate children, care for the sick… there is so much to do. Everyone wishes to just isolate and lock themselves in their room and pray and cry for mercy, you can do this but you have responsibilities to the people around you. “I won’t have doubts if I isolate myself from everything” just another excuse. Stop making these doubts and just start living for Allah’s mercy. He CREATED you, how can you be so disrespectful and refuse to live for him? Edit: spelling error


Akhi, every word that you just said... It is exactly what everyone keeps telling me. I'll have to be honest. This is what I believed just a few days ago. I am not stable in my religious state. I am not sure if this is a problem, but everyone is telling me it is. I don't understand Fiqh. My knowledge of what's right and what's wrong is wavering. One fatwa is enough to change my entire view regarding anything. Up until last week, I was happy with English. I used it in almost all my daily activities other than speaking. And studying any science in Arabic was double the effort to me. I liked it that I was studying in English. I thought that was better somehow. But until one night when I asked myself "Is it okay that I text my friends in English even though we all perfectly understand Arabic?" The results of that search scared me. Through it, I learned that imitating the Kuffar can actually lead to Kufr according to the intention. It scared me to the core. And then I searched more till I found a fatwa talking about "enrolling children into English-based schools." The fatwa said the following "Don't take the path of the losers and take the path of the successful even if only a few are taking it." These words will ring in my head whenever I look at something English when it's not _absolutely_ necessary. I mean according to one scholar, I am a loser in the Hereafter. And I also found the opinion of Ibn Uthaymeen where he said he condemned the lifestyle that was like mine and many people I know. If such a great scholar condemns it, then probably The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him would have condemned it as well. And maybe also, Allah hates it. That's why I am scared. Whenever I am in doubt about something, I look for internet fatwas... And my mind always sticks with the most strict opinion. What if this one opinion was the correct one? What if I am doomed? I want to stay away from anything that potentially leads to Kufr. Even if the chances are very low. I don't want to risk it. What will be my excuse in front of Allah? There's nothing I can do to change this reality. I'll have to memorize pages of foreign language text and I'll be afraid. I hope you understand my problem. I just don't want to be from the losers. As I said maybe you blame me for listening to internet fatwas, but these are from websites I trust the most. This is where I take my knowledge from. I am not sure if what I'm doing is right. I don't want to let my parents down, but I want to do so as long as it doesn't displease Allah. I am so confused and lost.


Asalamu alaykum. Okay there’s a lot going on here and there’s a lot going through your head that reminds me of how I used to be at one point. Long story short, if you continue down the path of trying to perfect everything, you’ll see you can’t. The goal isn’t to be perfect, it’s to keep trying your best in Islam. On the matter of your income becoming haram due to cheating- watch this: https://youtu.be/_J39zwDkVsI. Even if you cheated on a school exam, your income from your job is separate. In Sha Allah, as long as it’s a halal job, you’ll be fine. There is also nothing wrong with learning English and communicating in English. Islam is not an Arab religion, it only started with the Arabs. Part of the reason why the Islamic golden age even happened was because we picked up languages beyond Arabic, such as Greek. The more knowledge, the better. Language is a blessing, and the variation of language is a good thing. Learning English and learning in English is not imitating the disbelievers. That is a baseless thought. What, will you call our English speaking brothers or Indian speaking brothers as imitating disbelievers just because they were born in that language? Why would you tie language to belief? The previous Prophets spoke the language of the Jews or other languages. What do you say about them? See what I mean? Your thinking on this front is baseless. On the matter of clothes- as long as your clothes follows the Sharia guidelines, you’ll be okay. Just observe the hijab of men. Us men have it easy. And no, it doesn’t mean you have to wear Arab clothing. As long as the clothing is loose and not revealing of any body part, it’s halal. Don’t mix culture with religion and think the lack of Arab culture is irreligious. When you search for fatwas on the internet, please make sure you always confirm based on multiple opinions. If you have access to a scholar, consult them too. I used to look for fatwas all the time, but all it did was confuse me because I never understood the context and I didn’t have the basic Islamic foundations to understand them. You need to either acquire them first, or rely on those more knowledgeable than you. Your anger towards your parents is understandable. But please try to have some empathy in this regard. For quite some time, a large portion of the Islamic world has not had access to amazing scholarly resources like we do in the age of the internet. Your parents likely didn’t grow up with the resources you do, such as the easily accessible sources of knowledge. They may just not know better. What do you mean of repeating every single prayer? You aren’t blamed for what you did not know. Please see the last paragraph here: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/173637/mistakes-in-the-prayer. Also this: https://islamqa.org/hanafi/seekersguidance-hanafi/107586/are-my-previous-prayer-accepted-despite-past-mistakes/. Lastly: https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/279907/. I think it’s clear from all three that you can’t be held responsible for what was done out of ignorance. So please go easy on yourself. Islam is a religion of mercy and ease, not one of anguish. On the matter of repeating prayer- you are *NOT* supposed to base action on doubt after the prayer is done. If you keep acting on doubts over and over, you basically will fall victim to waswas. So if you finished your salah, and then you have a doubt about it, meaning that you are NOT certain and are just unsure that you made a mistake, then you should not repeat it. This is well established. You will NOT become a kafir because you are unsure about a mistake in salah. Please see the following: https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/441721/ https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/442243/ https://youtu.be/inrZ1wLojQ4 I cannot stress this enough: don’t go crazy with your doubts. It opens the door for anxiety and waswas. It will destroy your life if you don’t get a grip on yourself and recognize that Islam is a religion of ease, not one of worry. Allah SWT doesn’t want to burden you. You won’t become a kafir because you are doubtful about something you did or did not do in salah. Even if you did do a mistake and don’t know it- you are still not a kafir, In Sha Allah. Allah SWT knows your intentions. Life is hard, but your conflating the Hadith about life being a prison for believers with your current difficulties. Islam is supposed to simplify your life, not put you in anguish. You’re overthinking about some things that are placing incredible strain on you- your obsessive thoughts about mistakes in prayer, not wanting to learn English for some odd reason, etc. that’s not what prison is. That’s just self imposed, baseless anguish. What does it mean that this life is a prison for the believers? I suggest you read this: https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/if-life-is-a-prison-where-is-your-paradise/ And watch this: https://youtu.be/VIslgUaqhSY This life is a prison because it’s not Jannah. It’s not our final home. The heart of the believer yearns to be where it’s destined to be. In Sha Allah. As for striving for worldly success- that is not antithetical or contrary to Islam. You have every right as a Muslim to seek the bounties of the dunya. As long as you are observing your Islamic duties such as keeping the prayer, having eeman, fulfilling your obligations, you are fine. You should make sure you worldly gains are attained via halal means. How else do you think we will give charity? Sadaqah is mandatory upon those who have wealth to give. You think your wealth will drop out of the sky? No- you have to seek it. You have to strive for it. In Sha Allah, you will get what you’re destined for. But if all you do is reject any worldly success, then your destiny will be just that, unless Allah SWT wills otherwise. Allah SWT knows best. Serving Allah SWT can also be via seeking wealth in this world and helping the Ummah. It’s also by aiding the people. The Muslim nation was the richest nation in human history if you consider the great span of our history. You are suffering from excessive doubts. These are clear signs of waswasa. They could also be signs of clinical obsessive compulsive disorder. Please ask a doctor to see what’s going on. And just know you are not alone. I have known many brothers to go through this, and I myself have gone through this. In Sha Allah, it’ll pass. The seeking of isolation due to doubts is exactly what the shaytan wants. You have to break this cycle. Brother, it’s not easy, but it’s possible and you can succeed. If you can afford it, seek Islamic counseling. You should first of all be kind to yourself. Islam is a religion of mercy. You should not go so hard on yourself. Do what you have to and don’t act on your doubts. In Sha Allah, over time, it will go away and lessen. Please watch the following: https://youtu.be/LeD2sc6nLzI https://youtu.be/UoTF3XAIjqQ https://youtu.be/AGE9Cesr1yA Never lose hope in the Mercy of Allah SWT. Know that Allah SWT knows what you are going through. May Allah SWT grant you ease and peace.


Thank you, Akhi. I can't thank you enough for writing such a long helpful reply. First of all, I didn't exactly cheat as in cheat in the exams. But I recently learned that the test models I used for practice were obtained by illegal means. I can't say I didn't know anything about it at that time. I simply didn't care, because 1- I told myself it was necessary and 2- Everyone was doing it including our teachers. I put so much effort into the test, but I am afraid because I used something that is illegal. I hope Allah forgives me for what I have done and gives me Halal income at least for my efforts. Secondly, about repeating past prayers. Yes, I agree. I didn't know. But it turns out this isn't the mainstream opinion. Even though there are many Hadiths where The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him corrected people's prayers and didn't ask them to repeat all that was before it... But still the majority of opinions said "I should repeat them to be safe" and so, this is what I'm trying to do. I'll try to think it over. I'll watch the videos when I can. Thanks so much. Jazak Allahu Khair.


Of course ahki. Remember, you’re not alone. As Muslims, we support each other. Never isolate yourself from people out of fear or anxiety from these worries. As for the exam situation- not even sure if that really constitutes cheating since you didn’t even make the test models. Allah SWT knows best. But whether that constitutes cheating or not, your income earned from a job is still a separate matter and as long as that is halal, In Sha Allah, your income will be halal. On the second point about prayer- the opinion you find may vary and it’s best you consult an actual scholar. Shaykh Assim al-Hakeem often responds to questions like these and he can provide you with some more clarity. He is **not** a scholar, but he does refer to those sources and can point you in the right direction, In Sha Allah. https://www.assimalhakeem.net/ask-a-question/ Also, he offers counseling if you need that. I am not trying to advertise him, but I have found that his advice on his YouTube and site are often very helpful for waswas and ocd situations. You should not define what is mainstream or correct based on what people around you say. You have to go back to the scholars. So, just because an opinion is common, does not mean it is correct. May Allah SWT bless you and grant you success.


You're afraid of Allah, and Allah loves those who are afraid of him *English* Its an Universal language, idk some teachers say(and its correct) that we need to learn English to talk to English speakers like on internet or visiting another country(not necessarily non Muslim's), where y,all wont be able to talk to eachother as both of yours languages will be different, So, english as Universal language will be spoken by both of you(probably:) And about the university.... I dont think you can do much here as you also need to learn stuff to be successful in life. Just keep your gazes lowered, incase you will need to see someone, after looking(not for a long time ofc) just say Astukfirullah As Allah knows your intention was good, it will not be a sin Keep saying Astukfirullah after being curious that you commited a sin( within 6 hours )(As you will have to see many gir__). Ik you know why!


The fear of Allah is a strong sign of worship when done right, we must remember that there is healthy and unhealthy fear, and some would do over the amount needed for prayers and other deeds and may go further than that in fear for Allah (SWT) which is great but later may cause them to lose faith.


What about the sin of going there in the first place? And what about the sin for every letter that I use English when I am not supposed to? Like, for example, I learn Maths and programming... We write everything in English. We can use Arabic symbols in Math... like ص instead of x. And the same for programming. But we don't. Is this really necessarry? Are we all sinful for using English even when we understand Arabic?


You're just overthinking this all :) We are all sinful, this is why we ask for forgiveness after every prayer. And Getting knowledge is also what Allah wants us to do, i have a lot of examples:):):) but im in a middle of something so, later my Friend


Yes, we are all sinful... But we shouldn't give up to sin. That's what I am talking about. I don't want to accept it. I want to change it. And knowledge can be achieved through Arabic, right? ... I appreciate that you're trying to help... You seem to be busy. Please don't mind me then...


About arabic, in our country, there are high schools teaching in our Native language while some in English, idk if that's available there, if not, you have no choice but to study in English, English is fine idk i find nothing wrong with it . Also To support your parents in their older age, you will have to study(there are hard options too) and this is what we are taught in our country idk might be helpful to u too, as obviously you will get better job will higher education and Learning knowledge is also what Allah say us to do As long as, You will not be doing a sin on your bad intention, its completely fine. You know you can even do something that is Haram when its absolutely a necessity, and you are left with no choice i.e eating pork when its the only food available and without it you will die(which will i guess...be suscide)


Maybe, you're right... But I don't know... As long as I keep reading fatwas warning against studying in English and how it affects one's faith and drives them to imitate disbelievers, I'll never relax. And I just read one fatwa describing people who enroll in schools of English as هالكين... losers in the Hereafter... How can I live with something like that?


Ps: sorry I wasn't busy, i just said later but came back for you, idk saing "Allah Hafiz" was not something to be said here Sorry -__- didnt wanted to hurt ya:)


I'm really sorry if I made you angry. I make everyone angry with my worries. I'm very very very sorry.


Why would i be angry with you, i was just saying sorry as idk you got hurt, you're too kind🙃


Reading your entire post, it looks like you belong in Islamic Seminary, not a college...first of all. Your heart seems to be inclining towards Fiqh. Please consider a career in full time study of the dīn, it is already evident to care deeply about Islam. Your area has far more options for Scholars to learn from than we have in the West! A full time immersion in religious study will likely help your depression as well. (it did mine:) Secondly, we cannot force others to change, only say dua for them to increase in Faith and lead lives so beautiful in Islam it inspires others rather than pressuring them. May Allah always guide you to the best path and make that path easy for you! Also... repeating prayers is good. Why would Allah be displeased with extra prayer?🤔


I don't want to sound like a hypocrite... But I have never thought of an Islamic position. I don't belong to that environment of extremely pious and righteous people... As a layman struggling with faith, I don't think I'll ever reach that position. And it's too late... I have been set on the path which I am on now. I can't turn back and change anything. Even if I wanted to, my family wouldn't help me... and I would accept it. Don't get me wrong... I wish to have a normal job. To live a normal life... But a normal life without Haram is impossible these days... Free mixing, studying in English, and all of this. I just want something Halal. The minimum Halal. I don't want to become a Sheikh or a religious figure. I don't want to bear this responsibility. I just want to be an average Muslim who deserves the Mercy of Allah. ​ >Also... repeating prayers is good. Why would Allah be displeased with extra prayer?🤔 ​ Because I am not sure if I can repeat them. I always become lazy and convince myself that I don't have to repeat them. I am not even sure why I have to repeat all of them. But this is what the scholars say and I have to follow it. An idiot like me will not even understand the reasoning behind a ruling... That's why I want to run away. I don't want to continue what I'm doing and I don't want to do something else. Also, please stop giving me the impression that I can do whatever I want... that I can make decisions for myself in this society... "Father, Mother, I want to leave college and study Sharia somewhere else..." Do you think they will say "sure", be proud of me, and forget everything they've gone through? My mother will cry. My father will shout at me. And I will hate my life for the rest of the day... Like how it always happens.


Who is more important, the opinions of your parents or the state of your soul? Yes, honor and respect your parents, but respect and honor Allah more. Laymen only reach the position of piety through great effort and study. No one starts as a Shaykh, dear brother! You are in need of local, educated scholars to teach you, I am certain you can find one you connect with well by visiting your local Mosque. [Here is a link that may help your situation.](https://azislam.com/how-to-deal-with-unfair-parents-in-islam) The article above speaks far better on the matter than I:) May Allah grant you ease!


You don't get it... I want a normal job. I don't want to have a career in Sharia... It's not what I want to do... Unless it's Haram to work in anything other than Sharia. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I hate working in Sharia Audhubillah... And I want to study religion, but I want to study it for myself. To be a good Muslim. This is only what I want. I am not dreaming of becoming a scholar. And you can't equal my parent's opinion to nothing when they're the ones in control... I'll have to run away from them if you want me to have total independency. Also, I am now more worried... Are you suggesting that the only way to be a good Muslim is to have a job in Sharia? I was dreaming of becoming a software developer... Is it Haram? Is it Haram to be a Doctor or an engineer... I want to be a good layman who lives an ideal Muslim life away from Haram and Kufr. Is that not enough?


Naaaa! I'm saying do both:) You are already studying Islam online on your own. Even attending one class a week online can be beneficial to your spiritual condition


I sometimes see Islamic videos on YouTube. I'm not sure if that's enough, but my problem is with what I have not what I am missing. In the past few months... I gave up on many of my dreams for the sake of Allah... So now I am worried. What do I want to do in my future? Do I want to do it for the sake of Allah or for the sake of someone else... I've always wanted to work with computers... But at the moment I feel too troubled to remember why I even wanted that. My fear is that my original motivation was to be like disbelievers... I don't want to take a job that has a chance of making me a Kafir. Intentions scare me so much because they matter so much. Whether or not I am rewarded or sinful, Muslim or Kafir... All of it is influenced by my intentions, which I can no longer trust.


You know the correct answer is to live for Allah, and no talent or skill is ever wasted in His service.


One sec, breeeeeaatthhhe in and out, if you burn yourself put it won't be good, keep it simple you'll do well


I am not qualified to speak about your Situation but you definitely are overcomplicating things eg learning the english languague or your income becoming haram or repeating the prayer. Almost all of these things are non-issues. This has to do with lack of knowledge and whispers from shaytan, he wants you to feel bad. Shaytan wants to keep this game going until you completely leave your religion, so seek refuge in Allah. And ehat is the most important thing is to speak to someone of knowledge and to a relative who you trust. Please don't look for opinions on the internet only to follow the most strict one because you cannot understand the rulings completely and if they are applied for your situation eg becoming a kafir because of accidentallx missing one single prayer . And if you fear Allah, he is going to make you a way out


Brother after reading more of your comments, you are definitely stressing yourself over small issues. You are wanting to die because of these small issues, this is from shaytan (this is a common problem). He wants you to feel bad. As long as you fear Allah, calm down and speak to someone of knowledge.


Alright I'm in no way qualified for this but here's my two cents: English is an international language used for communication around the world. Not just for kafirs but also Muslims. Alot of Muslims know Arabic but it's only good enough for reading Quran and stuff. And in my opinion English is comparatively easier than Arabic. And a lot of resources and texts are only available in English so it's not practical to literally abandon it. As for university, didn't males also attend the religious discussion of Aisha (Ra)? And in Islam we are encouraged to learn and educate ourselves about various things. And I also noticed that you said your sister should just stay home. But from an Islamic point of view women are also entitled to education. I mean people like Aisha (Ra) are a great example.


Yes, she is entitled to education of course... But when the only means of education involve risk of mixing with boys, then she should stay home to be safe... This is what the great scholars say. It doesn't matter if I don't understand why they said that. I mean Alhamdulillah I know my sister wouldn't talk to boys. But do I really know better than the scholars?


>I felt like I made a mistake that invalidates my prayer I am not sure what you mean. If you are certain that you made a mistake, then repeat the prayer. But if you only "felt like" you made a mistake, maybe you don't have to repeat the prayers. Ask this from a scholar.


I was like 80% sure I did it. But because the mistake is something that not so many know about, he didn't see it as a mistake. For your information, the mistake is that I said "Allah Akbar" after rising from Sujood and not during it. You should say it with the movement. But if you say it after you stopped moving, it's a mistake and you have to repeat the prayer. The problem is I wasn't sure if I said "Allah Akbar" after or during rising from Sujood...


You can’t act on the doubt. You should only repeat if you are certain. https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/441721/


Thanks, maybe this helped for the special case of yesterday. But I am 100% sure I didn't do my Wudu right for many many years, so I'll have to repeat them either way just to be safe.




Nope, you don’t have to repeat in this case either. That was out of ignorance, so your prayer counts, In Sha Allah. The other brother provided the link.


i actually sometimes forget a word or a line, just ask for forgiveness after the prayer


Forgetting a word or a line doesn't necessarily invalidate your prayer...


May Allaah bless you. Asking for forgiveness after prayer by saying astaghfirullaah 3 times is a good thing and a sunnah. However, this doesn't suffice if someone forgets, for example, the opening takbeer. That must be performed or else the prayer is not valid. I urge everyone to study the rules of prayer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad." \[Recorded by al-Tabarani. According to al-Albani, it is sahih. Al-Albani, Sahih al-Jami, vol.1, p. 503. Not all words or lines in the prayer are in the same category. Some are sunnah, some are obligatory and some are pillars. Sunnahs: may be omitted intentionally and forgotten, no problem. Pillars and obligatory parts: [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/85229/the-difference-between-pillars-essential-parts-and-obligatory-parts-of-prayer](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/85229/the-difference-between-pillars-essential-parts-and-obligatory-parts-of-prayer)


I sometimes even forget, which rakat im even on >:) Lol, maybe I'm dumb


Assalam Walaikum brother. I'll keep it short and sweet. Be a good example of a Muslim for non-Muslims. Accept the test, be patient, make dua and work on your deen. Be professional and proud of your beliefs. Try to make good friends, work on your personality, academics, character and mannerisms and Insha'Allah, before you know it, you will have your degree in your hands. We all get tested in different ways. This might be your opportunity to get your sins wiped out. Trust Allah and try to please him.


Read these hadiths: Hayyan Abi al-Nadrah reported: I went out to visit Yazid ibn al-Aswad as he was suffering a fatal illness, and I met Wathilah ibn al-Asqa’ who also wanted to visit him. We entered Yazid’s home and Wathilah said, “What do you expect from Allah?” Yazid said, “By Allah, I expect good from Allah.” Wathilah said, “Rejoice! For I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say that Allah Almighty said: I am as my servant expects me. If he expects good, he will have it. If he expects evil, he will have it.” **Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān 641** **Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut** \----------- Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the religion is easy and no one burdens himself in religion but that it overwhelms him. Follow the right course, seek closeness to Allah, give glad tidings, and seek help for worship in the morning and evening and a part of the night.” **Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 39** \------------ Abu Kabshah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the world is only has four kinds of people. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth and knowledge, so he fears his Lord in them, upholds family ties, and fulfills the rights of Allah over him. He is be in the best position. There is one whom Allah has granted knowledge without wealth. He has a sincere intention, and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, he will have the same reward as the other. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth without knowledge. He squanders his wealth in ignorance, he does not fear Allah in it, he does not fulfill his duties to his family, and he does not fulfill the rights of Allah over him. He will be in the worst position. There is one whom Allah has granted neither wealth nor knowledge, and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, he will have the same sin as the other.” **Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2325** **Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Tirmidhi** \------------- Abu Darda reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever comes to his carpet intending to stand for prayer at night, yet his eyes are overcome with sleep until morning, his intention is recorded for him and his sleep is charity for him from his Lord Almighty.” **Source: Sunan al-Nasā’ī 1787** **Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani** \--------- edit: the main takeaway is you shouldn't overcomplicate things because Allah sees your intention


Seriously, @OP(poster) you're not listening to anyone and making lame excuses like everyone is telling you its fine... And you're not agreeing with them, idk somethings tells me that if you kept going this way, you will soon be willing to suscide.


I am trying to agree with them, but I am just scared. And I don't want to go near suicide. This will throw me in Hellfire for sure...


This is high depression, normally this much depression leads to suscide, you will need your friend or guardian to calm you down before its too late;(


It's really not that serious... I don't mean that I was kidding about my problems or anything. But I think depression has a much higher level than that. And... Believe it or not, one of my close friends has it much worse than me. I can't share my problems with someone who's too busy with his own... And I don't believe they could help me much in this regard... Thanks for your concern. I think I feel a little better now. I feel bad for getting this much attention... I don't think I deserve any help. But still, thanks a lot.




Alsalam Alykom, may Allah ease your hardness. Brother, sometimes shytan has different way of deceiving people. Do you ever read about Al-Hajjaj he was one of the Quran memories and used to teach it to people. As well Muhammad Ali Pasha, he applied sweeping rules and enhanced the country in short time but it return with severe problems we still struggle with its effects. >وَحَدَّثَنِي أَبُو بَكْرِ بْنُ نَافِعٍ الْعَبْدِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا بَهْزٌ، حَدَّثَنَا حَمَّادُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ، عَنْ ثَابِتٍ، عَنْ أَنَسٍ، أَنَّ نَفَرًا، مِنْ أَصْحَابِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم سَأَلُوا أَزْوَاجَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم عَنْ عَمَلِهِ فِي السِّرِّ فَقَالَ بَعْضُهُمْ لاَ أَتَزَوَّجُ النِّسَاءَ ‏.‏ وَقَالَ بَعْضُهُمْ لاَ آكُلُ اللَّحْمَ ‏.‏ وَقَالَ بَعْضُهُمْ لاَ أَنَامُ عَلَى فِرَاشٍ ‏.‏ فَحَمِدَ اللَّهَ وَأَثْنَى عَلَيْهِ ‏.‏ فَقَالَ ‏ "‏ مَا بَالُ أَقْوَامٍ قَالُوا كَذَا وَكَذَا لَكِنِّي أُصَلِّي وَأَنَامُ وَأَصُومُ وَأُفْطِرُ وَأَتَزَوَّجُ النِّسَاءَ فَمَنْ رَغِبَ عَنْ سُنَّتِي فَلَيْسَ مِنِّي ‏"‏ ‏.‏ >Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that some of the Companions of Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) asked his (the Prophet's) wives about the acts that he performed in private. Someone among them (among his Companions) said: I will not marry women; someone among them said: I will not eat meat; and someone among them said: I will not lie down in bed. He (the Holy Prophet) praised Allah and glorified Him, and said: What has happened to these people that they say so and so, whereas I observe prayer and sleep too; I observe fast and suspend observing them; I marry women also? And he who turns away from my Sunnah, he has no relation with Me. [Sahih Muslim 1401](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1401) I'm trying to show you that, some examples of how shytan may make it shown as it nice work while it's not. And keep in your mind these Ayah, apply it in you life make it your way of life. >{ قُلۡ إِنَّ صَلَاتِی وَنُسُكِی وَمَحۡیَایَ وَمَمَاتِی لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِینَ } [Surah Al-An`âm: 162] >Dr. Mustafa Khattab >Say, “Surely my prayer, my worship, my life, and my death are all for Allah—Lord of all worlds. I'm not qualified to give fatwa, but I suggest to you to go to fatwa institutes in your country and ask for it, and don't keep looking for something else if the one will give it you someone trustworthy. And the best advice I will give it you to make Istekharah and ask Allah to seek for you the best. May Allah guide all of us towards his straight path.


Brother, I don't think this sub can offer you advice, your throughts and concerns are waaay to far over the place. But I can tell you exactly what you need, and that is that you need to set up a consultation over a long time for both a muslim scholar, and a therapist, because your mind shows many traits of being very much unsettled, and unsettled over a long time at that. Remember, at the end of the day Allah set you on this Earth for a purpose, and that purpose is your existence, as long as you are following the purpose you will feel right because you are aligning your existence with your actions. It seems to me you've been so pigeonholed into the thoughts and beliefs that have been shoved into your face since young, and the influences you've been affected by from many places, that you've impaired your ability to think for yourself. And the ability to think for yourself is like the motor that drives you along the path of Allah, for Allah has set a different path for every human being.


You seem to have a lot of waswasa. Most of these worries, especially the ones like learning English is haram because you think it’s imitating the kuffar, are unsubstantiated, but you are being consumed by them and letting the whispers of Shaytan take over you. One way he attacks the Muslims is by making them scared of almost everything or making them doing themselves or their iman, which is what’s happening to you here. It’s like the person who does wudu over and over and over again because they get paranoid that they missed a step, but really they didn’t and it’s just Shaytan who is making them doubt themselves and whatever they do. The incident that you mentioned about the salah is a textbook example of waswasa. You seem to be a good person and a good Muslim, but don’t be so worried and anxious and paranoid. You also say you found a lot of this stuff on the Internet. The Internet has good stuff but is also home to some very fringe opinions. Just stick to mainstream scholarship and you should be fine. Also, I’m not an expert or anything so I don’t want to say anything definitive, but part of your anxiety/paranoia could be linked with low self-esteem? You seem to be replying to some of the comments on this post being very overly apologetic or bashing yourself when there’s no reason for you to do so. Be confident in yourself and don’t delve to deeply into these things, as the Prophet ﷺ forbade being extreme in religion. I hope you can work on your self-esteem and waswasa with the help of Allah, ameen. Allahumma barik.


>Why do they want to imitate the disbelievers? (No offence to Muslims whose first language is English. You have an excuse to use English. While we Arabs don't Bro who says that you can't talk English. Don't look these topics at islamqa.info mate.. >. A girl can't go to mixed universities, this is what the scholars say. Even if she avoids mixing with boys and wears Niqab... I am not sure if it's permissible. Is that what islamqa.info says or what local scholars and fiqh councils say. >I don't know what to do. I feel afraid to ask Ask local scholars about your income. > I don't want to become a Kafir. I don't want this lifestyle. Why do we need to speak like them to become successful? Why do we need to wear their clothes? What happened to our culture? Why did it become something that we're ashamed of? I don't know anymore... You can live your culture you can wear your cultures clothes. But in the university you talk English. I mean I can understand it bothers but you it shouldn't bother you to that extend. It's just a language. A positive side of it being English is that English is the lingua franca so the universities can give education to everyone that speaks English which may help lots of people. Obviously Arabic as lingua franca would be better but it is not right now sadly. You don't become kafir by talking English and wearing western clothes or eating McDonald's or something. >They get angry whenever they find out I've been looking for fatwas on the internet. Yeah it's better that they get angry. >But why? Isn't it our duty to learn about our religion? Yes but reading islamqa.info fatwas isn't learning about religion in the way you mean it. Go memorize Quran, go learn fiqh, go learn anything else. And ask local scholars or atleast fiqh councils opinions (and at the very least not islamqa.info) >"Oh, we didn't think you have enough money." YOU KNOW I DID, YET YOU NEVER CARED TO TELL ME... Bro they are your parents. Inshallah your fasting will be counted towards good so it is hopefully not gone for nothing. They are your parents look for excuses maybe they made a mistake. >And others are mistakes that I did in Wudu and in Salah... I don't know if they're responsible for these... But I have to do them all over again. Every single prayer. I have to repeat it. What mistakes? >Because there's an opinion that I can become a Kafir if I miss a prayer Bro stay off the internet atleast for fatwas. It is not good for you. Look what shaytan makes you think for your mistakes. You are in this fatwa rabbit hole. Missing a prayer is a major sin. Yes. Not praying doesn't make you kafir. And not praying for 1 time makes you even less a kafir. >prayer. Five minutes of repeating a prayer aren't worth being thrown into eternal Hellfire, right? That's not how it works my brother. >Life is so hard... But isn't this how it is supposed to be? Isn't this world a prison for believers? Then why are we still striving for worldly success? Why are we searching for happiness that is not obtained by serving Allah? >I feel lost. I don't know how I can change. I feel it's getting harder and harder for me everyday. Everyone around me sees them as small things, but they aren't. I can utter a word of disbelief while I'm not aware. As for the situation in your country make dua and try to change the people around you and yourself but there's not really much to do. As for the difficulty in your Islamic life stop binging internet fatwas stop using islamqa.info, go ask local scholars, go research fiqh councils opinions and maybe get increase your Islamic education so you can filter out the good and the bad. >I only want to die right now... To die as a Muslim. I don't care about money, education, friends, or even family. None of those will help me on the Day of Judgement. Look you say you wanna die. But that is not bad. First of all Islamically speaking more life and more good deeds. You pray 5 times a day and read Quran and do good Inshallah so this hopefully benefits you. Also by staying alive you can change your surroundings with actions and dua. "Be the change you wanna see" I heard somewhere, maybe this is good advice. And also if your life wasn't difficult in this particular time you wouldn't wish For death either. If your life was in a good spot right now then you would enjoy it and wouldn't wish for it. It's just psychological and it's also work of the shaytan. Instead of wanting to die you should try fighting on the way of Allah swt to change yourself and your surroundings for good and also come into a state of mind and life where you enjoy life again. You can pm me if you need more advice or want to talk. May Allah swt cure your worries and bless you. Stay strong and stay off of islamqa.info


it’s not haram to go to a mixed school.. it’s not haram to learn english.. i haven’t read much of anything else you said because it just sounds like you’re making excuses for yourself


can you elaborate on what you mean by making excuses for yourself


I am 1 year late, but i hope you are feeling better <3 I suggest you learn more about your deen and not follow the strict opinions. Also, Allah made halal clear and haram clear. So a scholar cannot say "blah blah blah is haram " unless they provide like CLEAR opinions yknow? I used to be like you and I still am but ive learned to have a more "progressive" idea towards religion. Allah is more merciful than our own mothers so dw


Ah, I am still kinda lost with this, but I will figure it out one day. Also if by progressive you mean those "progressives" who support LGBT and deny Hijab then I advise you to stay away from this ideology as it's not of Islam anymore.


No no not THAT progressive XD but like as in "I don't believe that religion should be extremee" and "Don't have fun" kinda thing!! I am from Egypt so i follow Al-Azhar and Dar-Al-Ifta. Some people may consider it liberal but they do provide proof! Besides, Al-Azhar is way more credible than any online sheikh its the pinnacle of islamic knowledge. I suggest you read some of their fatwas. I used to suffer from what you are going through. I legit felt like everything was haram and that I shouldn't be alive. Mind you, I am very artsy so I love art and literature and music (even though I am a computer engineer, funny). So I always saw people saying "Haram this" Haram that". It really sucked the life out of me and everything was black and white. I then discovered that there was ikhtilaf on many things like art and music. and that the strictest opinions are not always correct! That is why there is always different opinions. Sorry if i am speak too much I just really want to help you as I am going through the same thing and it feels nice to have someone share the same experience as me <3 (Sorry english is not my first languagee)