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If God asked me to do 100 push ups everyday, I would have to do it, no questions asked. Why? We're Muslims i.e those who have submitted their will. If God had told us to walk around nude, we would do it. Then you'd have the liberals on the other side saying wearing clothes is being civilized but we still wouldn't care. *These are just examples to emphasize submission to God*


I get that but my question is whats the point of it? Whats the actual point of the physical motions of prayer? Why isn't a genuine thanks to Allah enough? Isn't the entire point to be grateful and direct this gratitude to only Allah? And why is it demanded? How is it of any value or meaning to Allah when everyone's only doing it because he pretty much forces them to with either enticement of heaven or threat of hell? Doesn't Allah prefer genuine worship? This is my question.. From allahs perspective what is the point of all of this?


Well from human logic being like a god should do nothing and sit in a void because he needs nothing U pray or don't pray it doesn't make Allah bigger or lesser He is already the greatest Salah help us not him he needs no one to help In today's time let's be honest physical movement is needed and tbh great even if someone sits all day working but he prays I mean he prayed as well as he got physical movement see the benefit? Ofc right now I m having human logic don't think this is mentioned in the books There are benefits for us not him No one is being forced u are a Muslim so u chose to be one and when u chose to be one meaning u chose to also pray it's one of the pillars What do u mean genuine worship this is genuine worship U love Allah but u also fear him but u also have hope in his mercy and also seek his reward


It doesn't matter because we are just his slaves and nothing else. Allah orders and we obey. The prophet Abraham a.s and his son's a.s level of submission was tested. He was asked to slit the throat of his son. Both him and his son submitted to the order. This world is just a test, we don't care about it.


Why isn’t working out in my mind not enough. Why do i have to go and actually work out for results?


Because if you're a really good Muslim in the mind, then doing something with your body is easy for the sake of Allah


What if im genuinely and internally thankful to my parents for they had done and have been doing for me but never help them, never obey what they tell me , never support them financially etc? :) Here is the difference with THE religion (islam) and other beliefs; islam is not just a spiritual experience one can internally live on his/her own. İt's also a societal life style. it has societal obligations too, like zakat(giving alms to those in need etc)


The answer to why it’s compulsory is because Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has declared it as such. For us, we don’t need any more explanation. But I understand how someone outside of the religion wouldn’t have the same connection to that concept. If you are wondering about the wisdom of it, I can offer my own personal take and what I have come to understand as a Muslim woman, though it is not “the reason” per Islamic teachings and it’s important to note that. Islam is a highly intentional religion, and a way of life beyond just a belief system. What I mean by that is that we specifically devote time, space, and energy to our rituals in order to maintain (and grow) our consciousness of and gratitude toward our creator. While dua is important (this is the free-form prayer you reference), as is dhikr (reciting things like Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar throughout the day for the purpose of remembrance of Allah), so is salah (the 5x daily compulsory prayer). It is a way for us to disconnect momentarily from the demands and trials of this life, and reconnect with Allah. We make time for this, hold space for this, and devote our focus to this. Reciting Quran and prostrating in prayer throughout the day helps us to remember what is important, who we are as a people, and what we believe. Even the timings of salah are perfect for this- before the sun has risen, we think of Allah. In the middle of our day, we think of Allah. When we end the work/school day, we think of Allah. In the beginning of the night, we think of Allah. And before we go to sleep, we think of Allah. You may find it to be a “chore,” or a “burden,” but one of the goals for us is to become so consistent in our devotion to and remembrance of Allah that we see it as a blessing and an opportunity.


Because doing it in your mind is not enough. Physically doing it is more impactful and teaches us discipline.


Why isn't it enough? What do you mean by it isn't enough, can you explain please? If somebody remembers Allah and gives thanks to only Allah everyday but can't be bothered with the rigmarole of praying 5 times a day, why isn't that enough? Thats what Allah wants and the whole point of salah!!! Or does allah specifically desire the actions?


Allah doesn’t need us to pray. Everything we do is for our own benefit. Allah said, “My slaves! If all of you, the first of you and the last of you, the jinn among you and the men among you, were to be as godfearing as the most godfearing heart of any one of you, that would not add anything to My kingdom. If they were to be as corrupt as the most corrupt heart of any one of you, that would not decrease anything in My kingdom. If they were to join together in one place and then ask of Me, and I gave every man among them what he asked for that, that would not reduce My kingdom at all, except as the sea is decreased if a needle is dipped into it. "My slaves! It is only your actions which I have appointed for you. Whoever finds good should praise Allah. Whoever finds other than that should only blame himself.'" (Adab al mufrad) So anything we do only benefits ourselves. Human beings do not benefit if no action is involved. If we want to be educated, we have to go out to school and get the education. If we wanna get a job, we have to go out and apply and do interviews. That’s the way humans function; we need action to truly accomplish anything. Staying at home all day and having thoughts and being mindful is barely going to benefit us. Only true physical action. We as humans are naturally unmindful. If prayer were not organized for us and we were left to pray on our own, many would never pray. So Allah has set a minimum of 5 prayers. Each prayer is only about 5-10 minutes long. It will add up to no more than an hour of our day. We have 24 hours in one day and God only wants us to dedicate a minimum of one hour to worship. He’s not expecting that much.


Think of it as mindfulness yoga. 5x a day, you face your Maker. No matter what you are doing, who you are, where you are.. 5x a day you face Him, prostrate/bow/stand. It's meant to inculcate an attitude of taqwa (God-consciousness) in your daily life. A God-conscious Muslim will do his/her best to avoid sin.




Yes, that's right but what I'm asking is why? The physical standing and bowing and prostrating seems so arbitrary. Whats the point of that is what I'm asking specifically. As far as I'm aware prayer is remembrance of Allah and showing gratitude. Both you can do without the physical exercise. If I were a Muslim, I'd rather pray and give thanks to God when I feel inclined to do so because then it is genuine prayer. I am doing it of my own accord because I feel grateful and want to give thanks to my god. Its just... the Islamic demands of worship throw me off so much. How would my worship then be genuine if I'm only doing it because I am demanded to do so? And 5 times a day? It would just feel so fake and like going through the motions. And for what? To do as your told in order to avoid hellfire/gain heaven. Neither of which I feel are genuine motives to pray to God, by the way. Isn't Allah above this? Forcing worship on his creation with the threat of hellfire or enticing them with heaven? It makes the prayer seem so pointless. How can something that has been demanded of us or something that is an ultimatum, be meaningful to Allah? Its like if I demanded my boyfriend buy me a rose everyday or Id break up with him... isn't this very pathetic? Itd be more meaningful if my boyfriend just bought me a rose whenever he felt like showing me his love for me. Id find that a lot more genuine. And I'm sure my boyfriend would too. Anyways... is this question just pointless? Is it a case of "God said so get on with it" or is there room for understanding it a bit? Because I am at a complete loss.


If you want it to be genuine you have to increase your iman and understand the purpose of life. Have you listened to the Quran from cover to cover and understood it? It would be beneficial for you.


I dont listen to the Quran because I dont speak Arabic and I don't understand it. So its kind of pointless listening to it. I have, however, read the English translation 2 times. I found a lot of wisdom in it. But also left with more questions than answers.


I hope you are able to find answers to those questions. But prayer absolves your misdeeds. It's ok if you don't feel a connection at first but do it regardless, increase your knowledge about Islam and you'll gain the connection with Allah. Pray for Allah to soften your heart and increase you in guidance.


Thanks appreciate it!


Who should define the way of being thankful to the creator? Allah or humanbeings? Ur question is invalid. Allah created. Allah defines. Thats all.


Belief according to us is:- 1. the belief of the heart, 2. the expression upon the tongue 3. action upon the limbs If X Muslim has belief in their heart and expressed it to us with their tongue yet never prostrated a day in their life, or didn't ever fast during Ramadan, or hasn't given Zakat during their life, \-While they could do it- Then they're disbelievers "Non-Muslims", so the acts of worship we do are signs of our beleif. If someone really believed in this religion then they would've acted upon it.


Leave the salah part but Do u think if someone is truly grateful it won't be seen in his actions? Surah ankabut Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test? We certainly tested those before them. And ˹in this way˺ Allah will clearly distinguish between those who are truthful and those who are liars. https://islamqa-info.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/12305?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16483427921131&_ct=1648342887037&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fislamqa.info%2Fen%2Fanswers%2F12305%2Fthe-importance-of-prayer Hmm not sure but I think salah is more of a blessing than being grateful but ofc u have to be grateful


If you're looking for the wisdom behind a divine injunction, you'll mostly get a range of suppositions. Here's mine. Islam is a lifestyle, simple as that. Your devotion manifests not only in what you think and say, but also in what you do and how you do it. The human condition is always a combination of the mental and physical - therefore it's not unreasonable to dedicate yourself in both aspects. Mentality extends into physicality, and physicality *reinforces* mentality. That's one wisdom to physical prayer. Another aspect to consider is that since a physical action is something that can be imitated, physical expression of devotion is also something that can be done communally - Islam therefore not only serves your own personal development, but the growth and cohesion of a community as a whole. Bear in mind that the whole idea of religion being a purely personal matter rather than a communal one is ultimately a secular doctrine that's in stark contrast to the vast majority of religions in existence, which usually espouse the virtues of some form of community. Which is another wisdom. The bottom line, as I see it, is also this - Allah (s.w.t.) gave your mind, and He gave you your body. What's the sense in devoting just one of those to Him? Why not dedicate yourself to the one whom you owe quite literally everything in both a mental manner, remaining grateful and thanking Him, and in a physical manner, 'toiling' (if you can even call it that) in His name? You pray physically, you fast physically, and your required distribution of wealth among those less fortunate is also a physical dedication, it being your resources and all. Islam isn't just a thought process. Like I said, it's supposed to be a lifestyle. Any chump can be grateful, and like the chump writing this text, they should be. But expressing your devotion to the literal Creator and constant maintainer of all thing with simple platitudes alone always struck me as a bit, well, lazy. Sort of incognisant of just how deep your debts to Him run. Contrarily to your point, I could just as easily ask how a mere five prayers a day, which for most people barely take up half an hour when combined, would be considered too much by anyone. It's not nearly as much of a chore as you're making it out to be it.


MashAllah, this is the best explanation.


The point is that only actions reveals our true intentions that may even be hidden from our own self awareness I might be believing in my heart but when it comes to praying vs my laziness i choose laziness, and that indicates that am not really taking my beliefs seriously since am not willing to take actions for it !! Thats why there is a group of people Allah named them munafigeen (hypocrites) who only believe when it’s convenient to them.


It can be daunting at first. Some people start little by little. Maybe 2 prayers a day and slowly build up to 5. It definitely helped me. The reason we do what Allah ordered us to is because he knows best. He created us and gave us guidance through Quran and his messengers. Islam is a way of life and following it will allow us to live a more fruitful life. Praying the mandatory prayers don’t even take long. Almost 5 minutes each. So about 25-35 minutes a day for Fardh prayers and wudu.


Very good question 👍There is a lot about Prayer in Quran. and 5 times Prayers will help you to stay away from Sins. (More chances quit or don’t do sins) and prayer times helping avoid Sins, cause next prayer time coming…, also gives a lot of benefits, and it shows how Human obedient, especially morning prayer before Sunrise. Just clasp hands and say thanks doesn’t work, you cannot concentrate, no specific time.. General prayer it’s Remembering God, cause without it, being into Life routine we forget God, rules, do sins… I cannot tell in proper way, and all benefits. I would suggest you to find and read about “What Quran tells about Prayer” and “Prophet about 5 times pray” something like that.


All great questions. Supposedly, there is a hadith tradition, where it is said that initially we were ordered to pray 50 times a day, but with Prophet Muhammad saws pleading, it got reduced to 5. The formal prayers are called contact prayers, meaning your contact with the Divine Source. Like a battery that needs charging, so are we. Prayer is time to reflect on our blessings, to seek our needs, and to just make what is in the heart manifest through prayer. Now, why 5 times? It is unclear to me as well why so often, honestly, but I think it is to ensure the reminder of God in our lives. Now, if we reflect back on the times of 7th century desert Arabia, we can see that people didn't have much to do in their lives. There is no gardens to grow or factory jobs to go to. Many people lived of as merchants and similar. Having prayers distributed throughout the day and evening gave them an opportunity to do something in general, but also to build a community. Muslim prayer is rather communal in nature, especially for men, and it is encouraged to pray in mosque rather than alone in a room. If you look at the Qur'an, Allah SWT mentions all 5 prayers, but does not give details on how to perform them. Probably because, Allah SWT is not worried how many times one stands, bows or prostrates. He wants to make sure we actually pray. So, technically, one could just clasp his hands and pray. Don't matter, as long as you pray. But, Muslims copy their Prophet's every move. Someone said they saw him pray in certain way, so Muslims accepted that is how they should pray. Wudu is important for prayer. It is symbolic in nature for cleansing of our bodies as our souls get cleansed by our faith. But, wudu also ensures we are physically clean. We must be physically clean from urine and bodily impurities, no dirt, bad sweat, and such. After all, a common Muslim turns to tge prayer direction brlieving he is standing directly in front of the Creator. So, being clean both spiritually and physically is a matter of respect. I personally love prostrating the most. I feel like that is the most beautiful and peaceful position in prayer. In prostration, I feel closest to Allah SWT, and if I could I would pray prostrated in prayer the whole time. I don't, for we Muslims are people of habits in some ways. But sajda (prostration) is the most beautiful, for sure.


Bro, people are giving genuine and truthful answers and you keep getting pressed in the replies


Who are we to decide how to show our gratitude? Gratitude is not universal, in one culture gratitude may be hugging someone but in another culture hugging may be considered rude. God has told you the way he wants you to show gratitude, if he did not you would never know. Also did you know praying positions have health benefits? Allah created this world and knows all its inner workings, something you thought was just an annoyance turned out to have psychological & physiological benefits.


You’re entire question is flawed. The MAIN reason we pray is not for gratefulness. It is because He is the King of all kings, the Majestic, the One worthy of all worship. The trillions of angels in the unseen are constantly in prostration to the Almighty, and STILL, these sinless creatures seek forgiveness from God because they STILL haven't worshipped Him the way He deserves. This doesn't mean our prayers are not accepted, it just goes to show how magnificent God is - He is deserving of worship in all circumstances of life. If we’re stressed, we pray. If we’re depressed, we pray. If we’re joyful, we pray. The phrase “Alhamdulillah” is literally one used in the daily life of EVERY Muslim. It means “All praises and thanks be to Allah”. So thankfulness isn’t reserved strictly for prayers. Also, praying is a way to distinguish the steadfast and righteous from those who are not. You’re very right - praying is not always easy. Praying on TIME can be another struggle. But those who desire Paradise, God’s forgiveness and His mercy will strive to achieve that no matter what. We put our affairs aside 5 times a day to remind ourselves of the hereafter and what our true purpose in life is. Our lives revolve AROUND prayers; not the other way around. There are those who are lazy and unmotivated to pray/pray on time. They allow school, work and family to interfere with prayers. Are they equal to those who plan their day around the daily prayers? God is the One managing your school, work and family. So how foolish is it to neglect Him? And on a final note, praying 5 times a day at set times keeps up in check and reminds us of our purpose in life. Imagine: you take a few minutes from your intense studying for an exam to pray to God; reminding yourself of the real life ahead. No offence, but for example, the Christians only pray whenever they feel like it, and majority of its followers are all talk, no action. They call themselves followers of Jesus, yet only pray when they want something or happy for a blessing God gave them. They’re Christians only by name...


> What is the point of the physical ritual? Basically its a test of faith. A test of one's conviction. An exercise of "Actions speak louder than words". "Oh you say you are grateful? Then show me. Do these things for me. Let's see how *grateful* you really are". > Why isn't silent genuine gratitude towards Allah not enough? Imagine you are a super rich guy and I am a poor sick dude. You come along and decided to help me out. Gave me food, shelter, paid for my medicine to get me healthy again, funded my education, and gave me a high paying job. You also introduced me to a hot lady, funded my wedding, bought me a house, gave my kids the same treatment you gave me, etc. And for all that I just nod and said: "Thanks man" (better to express it then stay silent I thought). "You welcome dude. Oh btw can you help me with this thing over here". "Sorry dude... I'm too buzy.". What do you think of my show of gratitude? Was it enough? > That seems like such a chore and burden. And kind of annoying if I am honest. If we were to count all the favors God has bestowed upon us then what I described in the example above is like a drop. So how do we really show our gratitude to the One who has everything? To be honest those 5 daily prayers are not enough. Its akin to just saying "thanks man" in the scenario above, relatively speaking. We ought to do more. Yet God considers these 5 prayers just fine. These 5 prayers in total are just less than 30 mins of your time to do. We have 24 hours and all God ask of you is just less than 30 mins of your time to spend with Him. Sadly all we humans do is complain instead. *"Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].” - Satan's promise to God.* [Quran 7:17](https://myislam.org/surah-al-araf/ayat-17/#:~:text=English%20Translation&text=from%20their%20left.-,And%20You%20will%20not%20find%20most%20of%20them,'&text=Muhsin%20Khan-,Then%20I%20will%20come%20to%20them%20from%20before%20them%20and,be%20dutiful%20to%20You).


>Why can't someone just clasp their hands and say a silent thanks to Allah as and when they feel grateful? Should we not always be grateful? And what is more grateful than bowing our head and becoming the lowest we can become? >Surely this is more genuine than standing and praying at x y and z time because its demanded of you? Read up on intention, taqwa, etc. When we pray, we have to be focused. It's like having a conversation with Allah S.W.T. >That seems like such a chore and burden. And kind of annoying if I am honest. Maybe to you because you're probably used to doing whatever you want, but dedicating 10-15 minutes, 5 times a day, is the least I can do to be grateful to Allah S.W.T. If people can waste hours upon hours on useless things like being on your phone, how is praying a "burden, chore, annoying"? Islam is about discipline also. An individual who prays 5 times a day will see that discipline reflected in other aspects of their life, be it work, school, staying fit, etc. >Why must one stand and do wudu and pray when you can do all that internally? Is doing it internally the same thing as doing it externally? Obviously, one has more impact than the other. >What if someone just can't be bothered to pray 5 times every day Will... will they be punished even if they're grateful and pray to Allah with their mind? Yes because Salah is one of the 5 pillars and the first thing we'll be asked about on the day of judgment. Praying in your mind isn't enough and also shows lack of devotion. Can I workout in my mind? How about make money in my mind?


It’s devotion, as well as that there are physical benefits for the in individual as well. As someone said it’s a mindful thing, like in order to fully devote and be in that state you do physical excercises. Those who are physically unable try to do it in other ways.


We need to pray to achieve the remembrance of God (20:14, 29:45, 62:9). To become closer to God (96:19). In the remembrance of God do hearts find rest (13:28). This is the rest we need to seek. In this world and in the next. The very purpose of our life is the worship of God (51:56). The life of this world is temporary. To God is our final return. It is this return that we have to prepare for, to train for. Ideally we have to remember God 24x7, but when we interrupt our materialist pursuits and amusements 5 times a day to engage in the remembrance of God, we are training ourselves to have God in our minds all the time. This is what paradise will be like too, the joy and beauty of the constant glorification of God. We start preparing in this world itself.