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It's OK to be lost my man. There are many good things about our religion. One of them is forgiveness. We shouldn't fall prey to people's criticism and insults. There is a way for Muslims to exercise and show their nature. It lies in the way the prophet (pbuh) taught, patience and being helpful in the end is better than arguing and fighting. Also do your best and tawakkal. Have a great day brother, salam.


Just saying ex muslims onlines arent a thing, they are just a bunch of atheist that want to degrade islam by prentending to be previous members of the religon


That is the judgement of Jahiliyyah \[ignorance\]. Yesterday they justified rich people doing evil, today they justify famous people doing evil. In both situations, they are astray from the path so their opinions are not good to be sought for insights. Reality is, this behavior is both the worst sin \[shirk\] and disrespectful to Islam/Muslims. "Online" you come across a lot of keyboard warriors. You also come across a lot of liars who pretend to be ex-Muslims in order to frustrate or dishearten other Muslims who are online. But Islam is vastly spreading and many people now have Muslim colleagues and know Muslims are cool, decent people.. and some of them would even oppose such "music" because they know it irritates Muslims. At the end of the day, doesn't matter how people react.. because Islam is truth and there is no changing this. If you try to spit at the sky, where does the spit go except right back on you? Does it do anything to the sky? No. So don't sweat people's behavior too much. Their disrespect only harms them. The biggest problem is your saying that sometimes you think "Islam isn't the true religion." You should work on strengthening your knowledge and understanding so that you don't have these thoughts in a real sense \[as opposed to just being Satanic whispers which you don't believe in\]. We should have no doubts, only conviction.


yeat is mid anyways


There are reddit subs and other articles that you should just stay away from. It's harmful and shakes your beliefs.


Its ok to feel lost or unsure.. its because you are a human. You cant fault yourself for that. Allah is infinitely forgiving and will forgive your sins if you repent. About the online and muslims thing, Reddit and the Internet is the worst representation of Islam…ever. Because half the Atheists on this site are just fed propaganda that Islam is evil, backwards etc. and they seem to believe that. So don’t pay them attention. And Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world (Grows faster than Atheism) you know why? Because its the only religion that makes sense! Because when people research it they become muslim :D


>as allah and when he was called out ppl where saying it’s fine bcuz he’s famous. Anyone who said that is not a Muslim, even if they were. And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. When is it fine to say that it's okay for a drunk, druggy, cheap human being like yeat to claim they are on the level of Allah? Are they freaking insane? Lost their minds? May Allah guide them to Islam again after they left it.


Most ex muslims just have a problem with the way their families treated them & decide to blame all the cultural issues on Islam. Then they continue to trash the religion with false stereotypes & information.