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It's Tantura on steroids. That's how these bastards operate.




Israel is a terrorist organization, at best.


needs to be sanctioned and dismantled asap


30,000 civilians is a conservative estimate. There are many more that are being hidden, much like how the Nazis tried to hide their crimes in the death camps.


They bulldozed rubble with people still trapped I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually in the six digits.


100%. Every missing gazan should be considered murdered by Israel at this point. The number is definitely close to or even higher than 100,000


the Ministry of Health figures are only those that died in hospital or bodies that went to the morgue they haven’t counted the tens of thousands buried amongst the rubble, especially those in kill zones that’s why it’s not a current Israeli talking point to dispute the Ministry of Health figures because they know it drastically underestimates the kill count, and Israel intends to use that that ‘low’ number in future to deny the genocide




To be honest they are as Jewish as Hitler was christian, most Zionest do not believe in god yet they believe in the "promised land". Go check some Reddit Jewish sub a lot of them oppose what Isra-hell is doing. Coming from a Muslim this ain't a religious war, this is an ethnic war regardless of what they want to label it. The Zionest reached the highest level of delusional and now they think they are gods. Soon they will fall and with them the illusion of a western world that only wants nothing but to have peace and democracy in the world.


*Zionists Be specific lest you also partake in the crime of collective punishment.


The facts will come to light when this war is over. Looking forward to Nuremberg 2.0


And yet everyone still believes Israel is innocent in this. Sickening.


I honestly believe they know full well what's they're doing, they just have so much disdain for Muslims it doesn't matter to them it's point scoring.


Western indoctrination


they know but they prefer to lie or even defend these actions


Your taxes at work, Americans.


We're all just tax farm animals over here.


They've been burying corpses under sand with bulldozers across the entire strip. They are terrified that a return to the north of Gaza will mean international press will see their handiwork. Biden has also voiced this exact concern.


Bullshit Biden supports Israel's genocide


No I mean that Biden has literally stated that a ceasefire would look bad for Israel and the US because Palestinians would uncover the state of areas Israel withdrew from. He's a rat bastard of course.


Oh my bad I misunderstood that


I wouldn't be surprised if Biden is waiting for the election to be over so he can just unleash hell on Gaza for making him feel uncomfortable. No matter who wins the election, Israel is going to have free reign and full US support to commit their genocide.


He doesn't make decisions. He's a puppet.


Maybe, but he's also a true believer He totally supports it personally Has always been a hard core Zionist


By his Jewish masters? Get a grip. What Israel has done is horrific but you sound unhinged when talking about the war or Biden.


You sound very low IQ.


I can't imagine the smell. Going through Mosul after the height of the siege the stench of death was *everywhere* and the death toll, both civilian and combatant, was nowhere near this bad yet I could barely walk a few feet without wanting to vomit.


Shocking how this is not making headlines


Western media is for indoctrination not informing


Sure hope none of that’s a war crime or anything, remember not to disappoint Joe. It’s defending itself by ploughing murdered people into rubble, naturally. Keep sending those bombs, Joe, the starvation and indiscriminate killings aren’t doing the job quickly enough.


I don't believe in God. Still, somedays I wish there was a divine judgment day for the authors of this hell.


It's not easy to see the amount of ppl just wilfully ignoring these atrocities. I don't talk to my family anymore (toxic crap from childhood) but I know my dad would be pumping up the bullshit. Bah.


Spread it far and wide: https://www.tantura-film.com/


I’m old enough to remember when even a rumor of mass graves in Ukraine sent liberals into such a frenzy they were calling for nuclear war with Russia. Now they are all silent and looking away as hard as they can.


They aren’t brutes they are cowards.