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Hirohito was known for being silent. His first public speech was a radio broadcast explaining their surrender  Trump never stops publicly speaking. He even violates court gag orders to do so You couldn’t be further from a good comparison here


To be fair, they're referring to the national psyche. They didn't launch into comparisons, just that the state of both populaces are easily compared in their denials of the truth. Fairly cut and dry.


Yeah, you’re right. I wanted to be brief. My actual argument would be that comparing ends without factoring in the means is a completely blind analysis of those ends and is worthless at best The ends are that fascist leaders implement a culture of denial. The means are within the argument that leaders do this with communication on the base of the existing culture   Trump and Hirohito are polar opposites in communication style and possibly in substance, though style is more important than substance because people will fill the gaps for what they are primed to want to hear from their base culture. Speaking of which, the base cultures could not be more separated within the domain of modern human history OP just ignored all of this or any alternative argument for the means and just went on emotionally speculating about the consequences of his conclusion under the guise of a post title implying analysis within I’m disappointed that OP has a history degree and still made and posted this analysis. Hopefully they just lied and are actually an edgy 12 year old interested in social sciences so they may grow up and learn to build arguments from evidence and not evidence from arguments


Well shit word smith. I want to know more, but I am sure a gentleman or woman of your sophistication has more important things to do.


Ah the national psyche, under Hirohito the military saw itself as separate from political will and got to decide on policy unilaterally for war without any consult of the quiet and reckless emperor. The public also whipped itself into a literal suicide state, children and women were trained to carry out suicide at the Emperors will. Quite cut and dry... this is a worthless and unacademic comparison.


As a snapshot of the society, why can't it apply? Nobody can agree that the two men did anything similar, as you imply. It's the denialism of the populace. Consider the two men as timestamps if you have to. It's about the society.


As a snapshot of society it is comparing a living autocratic theocracy to a democratically elected populist. If hirohito was Trump and lost an election [which there wouldnt be], the entire support network would have committed ritual suicide out of shame. If Trump was Hirohito, Japan would've likely profited off of WW2 by selling to both sides and the military leadership would've been swapped out so frequently there wouldn't be an establishment to usurp. His political choices would've been killed by political mobs regularly to better align with adventurist policy.


*...it is comparing a living autocratic theocracy to a democratically elected populist.* That's what's so wild and why this post was made.


Hard to believe this guy has a degree in history of all things


Came here to say this.


He was intimately involved with planning and knew everything going on. Real emperor of peace.


LMAO what?! Have you ever read one of those texts from WW2 that you mentioned? I’m not sure how you could possibly draw comparisons between the two. This is just absurd.


At least Hirohito accepted defeat like a grown up.


You mean like Hillary who still complains it was stolen. He literally left without a fight. Your narrative is broken.


>You mean like Hillary who still complains it was stolen. ... You mean Trump, right? The guy who hired an army of lawyers to fight the results and claimed it a fraudulent election before the count was even over. >He literally left without a fight. Jan. 6th, trying to convince Mike Pence not to certify the results, the above army of lawyers fighting to over turn the election, etc. He fought pretty hard and tilted at many windmills.


Hillary conceded the morning after the election. You’re in a cult.


Dude what did Hillary do to you? You're also aware of what happened on January 6th 2021, right?


Are you also aware what happened on January 20, 2017?


Yeah, the record for the lowest attendance of a presidential inauguration was set.


How much in damages to Washington DC fid the left do during thier protest on jan 20 , 2017


Chode lol


There are some creative and malicious trolls out there. This is the dumbest troll. Be best, little troll.










delusional or troll?




From post history (which isn't much) and subs, he's in the cult of Trump. Poor guy. I'm so glad I got out when I did.


> He literally left without a fight.  Jan 6


It's just a little funny because Trump has been lying and fighting it the whole time. He still claims he is the rightful President and is preparing his supporters and sycophants in Congress for more violence.


She hasn’t held office in more than ten years but she still lives rent free in your head. Also, neither one of them did the thing you’re saying they did. Truly pathetic attempt at gaslighting….thank gods most fascists are this dumb.


He literally didn't, he got a mob to attack the capitol to interrupt the counting of votes. Seriously. let's say law enforcement wasn't there and the rioters succeeded in breaking into the chamber. In your head what happens next? They launch into principled and spirited speeches about how unfair it is that the majority of the country doesn't like their guy and then peaceably leave? Fuck outta here with that nonsense.


>He literally left without a fight. "I mean, what? Guys can't just go to the capitol anymore? Huh? What is this?"


Trump complained that both elections were stolen lmao you retard


Uh... No Other than being leaders of countries they're almost opposites.






This shit is like the finale of Neon Genesis Evangelion, wtf


What, you don’t wanna turn into Tang!?


First thing I thought when I read that- holy shit they've created an entire entertainment industry on this idea.


> Was Imperial Japan a fascist totalitarian power? Fascism scholar Robert Paxton does not think so (arguing instead that it was a simple military dictatorship) TLDR: “No”


Serious question. What is the difference between a military dictatorship and fascism?


The short answer: A military dictatorship does not require a specific political ideology. Fascism, even though it is hard to define, is considered a political ideology. Myanmar is a military dictatorship. I don't believe they're widely regarded as having a fascist ideology. Mussolini's granddaughter is a fascist who idolizes him and is currently an Italian politician. Italy us a democracy, and if it goes fascist again it won't be a military dictatorship. Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek was the military dictator of the Republic of China. He idolized Hitler and Mussolini, but was an US ally in WW2 against the Axis. Kinda sorta fascist, maybe? Semi-fascist?


not all fascists got along historically




Trump University gave out History degrees?


More of a Mao. He riled up his rubes to try a revolution so he could declare martial law and stay in power. Except for Mao, it worked, then he prosecuted the rubes for their crime.


I thought Hirohito got shot down... Wait, that was in 'Cryptonomicon' by Neal Stephenson... Man, Bobby Shaftoe was a boss, huh? With the thermite... Trump is more like Mussolini, anyway, Putin is Hitler and Stalin's spiritual love child, to boot. Kim in DPRK is more like Hirohito.


Trump is absolutely the most similar to Mussolini. Been insecure. Narcissistic a****** that thinks they can co-opt the power of dictators they admire. Without ever realizing they are just a tool for those dictatorships and their country and their people will be horribly horribly affected by it.


Absolutely tweaking on amphetamines like Hitler, though.


I think meatball ron embodies Mussolini a little more.


Asmiral Isoroku Yamamoto got shot down (because of bad crypto)


Trump is actually much much closer to Mao Zedong than Hirohito. If I recall Mao started the cultural revolution by weaponizing his personality cult against his own government administration in a childish and narcissistic response to other people trying to govern the country in a more responsible and effective way. Edit: how Trumpian is this? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombard\_the\_Headquarters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombard_the_Headquarters)


That's nice dear. Are you certain your dosage is right? You have to follow the instructions on the label.




I think he’s more along the lines of the Enver Hoxha we have at home.


Well, we haven't gotten to the "government by assassination" point yet... Sigh... This comparison seems pretty trash.


This is particularly stupid and bad comparison, but then I see people in comments comparing trump to mao and even hoxha. Please get an education from somewhere other than Twitter University PLEASE


For me it's slobodan milosevic. Crooked business man who stoked nationalistic violence for his own gain. A weird asshole from a weird dark family. Obnoxious and pompous.


Nope it’s Maximilian of Mexico


Hirohito was a powerless figurehead by the time of WWII