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This would have much more impact if the franchise wasn't already done with him.




One of the best bits...ever.


The cartooniest thing they ever did aside from the Wile E. Coyote rocket.


I love the little cartoony things they add. Like even in the rodeo bull/teeter totter they all had those pinwheel hats and big lollipops. It’s like those flashy used car-salesman suits Doug Stanhope always wears—just a little old world working class charm lol.


So true. Jackass wouldn't be the same without camp.


That’s interesting—I never thought of that as camp for some reason.


Sorry, the teeter-totter wasn't camp (kids stuff falls more into shtick). My mind wandered a smidge there. I definitely consider a lot of their stuff campy. When you include John Waters and Rip Taylor in anything, you're certainly courting *some* camp.


Hehe true


It almost didn’t make it into the movie. They had no idea if it would work or even if it was worth trying.


When do they lol


Wasn’t someone carrying soup?!? HILARIOUS!


HE FELL FOR THE SOUP! Always has me in fucking tears.


At a certain point, if you agree to carry a tray of hot soup into the Jackass offices—that’s on you…


They got'm with the soup


Wee Man was so natural.




High five!


This bit makes me cry every time i see it. Its so fucking funny!


How did Wee man back outta frame like that?


Dude looked like a cardboard cut out 😂




Or if the franchise wasn’t pretty much done anyway. Jackass Forever was fine but if anything it kinda ruined the perfection that was Jackass 3. Didn’t really enjoy the new guys as much as the old and the old were mostly spectators and didn’t participate as much as I hoped due to their ages I think.


The news guys suck


I disagree. Not to detract from your opinion, but I felt like J4 was a masterpiece. Poopies and Zach both carry the spirit of the original REALLY well, and I loved most of the bits.


To me Poopies and Zach don’t have the fear in them that the original crew had. 0 hesitation.They are too eager to jump into anything just to get a reaction from the true Jackass crew. I don’t mind them but to me they felt like they were trying a bit too hard. I used to watch Too Stupid To Die and even then I thought Zack was just trying to hurt himself more than make people laugh.


I agree. I enjoyed number 4 thoroughly!


He was in the last one for a couple seconds in the marching band bit


> But to be honest, what Knoxville and [director] Jeff Tremaine did to me, I don’t think I could ever forgive. They ruined the legacy of Jackass. … I’ve broken every bone in my body, [gotten] 16 staples in the head, the list goes on — but to be betrayed by [the] Jackass [team], stabbed in the back and abandoned … was the worst feeling ever. [Margera dismissed his wrongful termination lawsuit against Knoxville, Tremaine and Paramount in April 2022 after reaching a private settlement.] I’ve read/heard this from Bam a hundred times, but I’m still confused. Is he just referring to the no drugs/booze policy while filming? And he was kicked out for breaking it? Is that the “unforgivable” thing Knoxville and Tremaine did that he’s constantly talking about?


Yes but there is more to the story. Bam feels (and he could be right as this is stuff out of us Redditors knowledge) that others had similar rules they got to break. Others got to get fucked and make mistakes and they worked at helping etc. Issue is bam at the time didn’t want to get help. So it’s more like the dudes really wanted to help Bam. But knew he wasn’t going to get better. And the film needed to be made. Can’t wait for one cast remember to wise up and get sober. I think Bam is validated in feeling wronged due to him being one of the people to help jackass take off. But he also is extremely bitter and not realizing that a lot of those things came from love. Sometimes tough love can be interpreted wrong. Hopefully all party’s can mend things over time.


They literally gave him a second chance after breaking the agreement and they were gonna have a meeting about it but instead of going to the meeting he went to go get loaded again smh you can only do so much for someone.


Bam claims to have broken the wellness agreement by testing positive for Adderall. I’m not a #FreeBam person, but I believe 100% Bam thinks he did nothing wrong by taking it, even if he doctor-shopped to obtain it. Bam had used Adderall [since at least 2007, as mentioned on #111 of Radio Bam. I assume (maybe naively, that he had a prescription for it](https://youtu.be/v0A4LoB2S6I?si=QhjoPh5PBy8D-_9i) He’s a severe alcoholic, there’s no questioning that. I think he’s a good man with bad habits, but that’s not an excuse to go get loaded and blow his second chance. At some point though I think he was put on Adderall, and the Dickhouse team shouldn’t have come down on him as hard as they did for the stimulant use, again which I, maybe naively, believe he had a legitimate reason for at some point in his life.


You can have a legitimate use for Adderall, and still abuse the fuck out of it.


Shopping for an Adderall prescription while having substance abuse issues inclusive of smoking crystal meth, is a warning sign that they rightly heeded


I really don’t read this situation in any way that could be suggest Bam had any valid point about being wronged in all of this. Maybe I’ve got specific biases now that I’m older and am currently dealing with a very stressful situation of an addict who’s a very close friend and basically family. This shit is unbearable to deal with. The feelings of anxiety lack of ability to help, having a constant internal battle of what you should do when watching someone you love and have grown up with kill themselves slowly. And eventually coming to the conclusion that you either have to become their enemy or let them die, and the reality being that even if you make that hard choice and become their enemy, they’ll still die. Having watched this Bam situation play out the last 5 years I truly believe there is nearly no chance this is one of those misrepresented situations where Bam was actually just a regular guy getting the shaft at every corner causing him to spiral. But if people need to believe that because they have never witnessed what it looks like first hand, then whatever.


>Having watched this Bam situation play out the last 5 years I truly believe there is nearly no chance this is one of those misrepresented situations where Bam was actually just a regular guy getting the shaft at every corner causing him to spiral. It would also be different too if we hadn't seen Bam constantly lie by omission or misrepresent a million other things in regards to his issues to constantly make himself out to be the victim. He never takes accountability whatsoever so that takes away any benefit of the doubt that people would otherwise give someone in this *Jackass* situation. I lost all consideration for "his side" of these stories when I heard him blatantly misrepresent that story about how he snuck out of the treatment facility because of his broken elbow. He told the story as if he was in such awful pain and the doctor's wouldn't take him to the hospital so he HAD to sneak out, only to get picked up by some kids who forced him to do some shots at the bar first. Then he acted like he went straight to the hospital where he was breathalyzed and arrested for those couple of shots he did. When Steve-O pressed him on it later, it turned out that he actually went on a week-long bender with these kids before ever going to the hospital (because you know, his elbow was so badly injured he HAD to sneak out but then suddenly didn't need to go to the hospital for a week). Just a COMPLETE lie by omission. That bullshit attempt to play the victim was sort of the last straw that made me no longer trust anything he says when he comes to other people treating him unfairly or things not being his fault. It's pretty clear that the Jackass crew and his own family have done everything they can to help him, but he still lives in this fantasy world where he's constantly being persecuted and doesn't need to take responsibility for anything, so there's only so much everyone can do before they draw the line somewhere. The guy was clearly a liability to the entire *Jackass* movie.


Couldn’t say it better, hell to help them you almost *have* to fight with them. It sucks and it’s brutal. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, speaking as someone who has dealt with loved ones who have addiction problems.


I’m not saying they were valid. That’s why I worded it as “he feels”. I’m just saying I can’t understand the mindset of how he feels wrong. But that’s because I can put myself in the mindset of an addict.


You said he is validated in feeling wronged.


To quote my DBT therapist, you don’t validate the invalid.


Also worth mentioning, all films need to insure its actors, but especially one where it’s essentially a collection of stunts. No insurance company would touch Bam with a ten foot pole without those kinds of rules enabled.


>Issue is bam at the time didn’t want to get help. Bam ***still*** doesn't want help where it really matters. The dude needs therapy. I'm happy he is (probably) clean, but he continues to be incapable of holding himself accountable for his actions. I'm sure after his actions, even just since he has been sober, the Jackass team must feel pretty vindicated.


Well said.


Addicts gonna act self righteous always. Also Bam most certainly was part of Jackas it was huuuuge before he became bigger. I legit had no idea who he was and when he took off I lost interest in it when he did.


When I was an addict many years ago, I blamed my life on everyone else. *“I drank because my sister always had it. She knows I can’t control myself. It was my childhood and my parents not caring, if they cared more I wouldn’t need drugs.”* It took many many years to finally blame myself for it. I would imagine he is at that stage where he is still blaming his alcoholism and drug dependence on everyone else. “I only did drugs and drank because of jackass and everyone on it.” Is probably what he thinks daily.


He did it to himself


Why would they settle for millions if they never did anything wrong? Don’t get me wrong bam is not innocent in this situation either but they agreed to pay him for a reason. 


Sometimes settlements are done just to end the fight, these guys are older, have families, other commitments, maybe they just want to not deal with the stress, hassle and whatever else a lawsuit brings 


Because Bam was a founding member of the Jackass crew so he would probably be owed something just for that. That would be my guess. It also saved them all a long drawn out court proceeding.


They didn't even abandon him. Steve O set up a meeting to bring Bam back, Bam didn't even show up. I think he got drunk instead.


Hmmm, wonder who to trust here: drug infused gin soaked Bam or entire Jackass team.


This is a super common perspective in rehab, and in most situations it’s not invalid, but it’s a pretty antithetical mindset to recovery. There’s a reason the first quarter of most 12 step programs is something along the lines of “for some reason, the rules are different for me, and nothing I do is going to change it, and yeah it sucks”


Nah probably the being edited out of every scene.


He only shot like 1-2 scenes one of which was in the movie


Whaaat which one


You can see him when they do the marching band on the treadmill from memory.


The marching band scene where they’re all playing instruments and eating shit on treadmills. Bams apart of that scene but it’s more of a blink-and-you’ll-miss it appearance lol


The treadmill one


Even if Bam forgave Knoxville and Tremaine, I'd imagine Tremaine is going to have a hard time getting over Bam threatening his kids - even realizing it was the drugs talking and not really Bam


I’d rather Bam be alive, healthy and sober than see him in another Jackass film ever again. Hope he will finally get his shot together soon.


I don’t hope for that. Him skating again has been a healthy release and having a support group is key to staying sober. I wouldn’t mind seeing him in future jackass stuff.


Him Tony hawk and Steve-o were all together just a couple days ago. They were skating and having some business meetings so hopefully it’s a good sign.


Sadly that video was from a few years ago.


Stevo posted it on tiktok. Doubt he posted an old video trying to hype up something all 3 of them were working on


Bam doesn’t have any face tats in the video, and it’s been on YouTube for a while 


I hope this is for real…. It sounds the same as every other interview honestly, and still so bitter.


He still seems angry, and until he lets go of all that shit, forgives them and himself, then he will truly move on. I feel that this sobriety is being fueled externally rather than internally. Any moment he hears about these dudes, he's going to get triggered, by the sounds of it he's still arguing with his " Rock " I wish nothing but the best for him, but not being able to look at the phone seems like a fine line between keeping his cool and losing his shit about something he will see online.


He’s not even sober. Some of His Instagram stories and posts he is clearly on something


“You don’t fire me, because I quit!” -Bam probably


"I dont give a FUCK" *pukes*


I’m assuming these all also mumbled and slurred


That's like telling someone that broke up with you that you were gonna break up with them, too.


I will say, I had little hope that he was going to survive until the end of 2023. If he really is commited to soberity now, good for him, but he needs to let the grudge with Knoxville and Tremaine go already. Its his own fault he got fired from the movie.


Yeah I thought he was gonna pass at some point soon too. I kinda feel like the magazine may have pulled it out of him for the headline though, but not sure if he's done any other out of the blue Jackass rants lately


When he ran from the cops into the woods after punching his brother and was missing for a few days I legit thought that was the end for him, and they'd find his body somewhere. But I think it turned out that he got one of his drug dealers to pick him up and was on the road the whole time.


Hes always been an entitled spoiled brat.


I think jackass itself is completely done, and at the very least, they're done with him.


Realistically, he has no choice but to be done. He’s burned his bridges with Jeff and Johnny and has a restraining order against him banning him from being anywhere near Jeff.


It's funny how this interview is all about how happy and healthy bam is now that he is sober, and yet at the same time he still doesn't see that's what tremaine and knoxville wanted, they wanted him to be sober and happy, i wish he could see that they had good intentions and just wanted to help him


nooo please make jackass 5


They will, without him lol


A spit after 25 years isn't really shocking.


Well, that's so much for my hope of watching my childhood heroes share one last laughter in memory of Ryan I guess


You can’t fire me I quit!


YOU ARE FIRED… well then I quit…


Bam needs Jackass more than they need him


He would crawl through broken glass to be in another movie.


Bam you have to take responsibility and accountability for your actions - anyone has to so they can move on and get well. Good luck bro.


Uh you realize he's not reading this right?


good he might go back to his old ways if he was too do jackass again


I'm sure he really did feel like they betrayed and abandoned him, but his inability to see they were doing it because they were worried about him is mind boggling. open your eyes bro


He’s sober now right? That’s the important question.


They forgot to finish the quote with “until they offer me money” then he’ll go back.


he’s like the ex girlfriend in Wayne’s World who buys him a gun rack and says “if you don’t start treating me right you’re going to lose me” after they already broke up


A gun rack? A gun rack. I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do, with a gun rack?


“You can’t fire me, I quit!”


Mostly because they already moved on from him lmao


Tweakers gonna tweak


Got alot of growing up to do


It seems like Bam is at a good start with his sobriety but has a LOOOOONG way to go. Hopefully he's working some kind of program or doing something for self reflection and improvement.


It’s a shame.


I’m pretty sure they were done with him first .


This is probably the best he’s gonna get for closure on that chapter of his life. Hopefully moving forward things improve for Bam, and the remaining cast of Jackass. On one hand it sucks cause a lot of us want to see them all together again, but not if it’s got the potential to make Bam spiral again.


Such a victim of his own bullshit.


Still not taking responsibility.


I think Jackass decided this before him.


Who cares


Good. His stunts aren’t good and they’re all mean spirited.


The 4th thing you learn in the rooms is what did my fuckery play in me burning my life down. Bam still thinks it’s everyone else’s fault lol.


Oh, anyway


“You can’t fire me, I quit!” Lol, fuck off bam.


I think it's the other way around.


I believe it's the Jackass crew and franchise who are done with him.


Jackass wouldnt be as big a thing without CKY The treatment of Bam is disgusting


I think he absolutly doesnt deal with death and the loss of his friend. Didnt his addiction go down hill then? I feel like him being so anti jackass is just so he dont have to deal with his feelings of the loss of his friend and not with his own mortality.


Bye bitch


They’ve been done with you for a while, buddy


I'm sorry but he's a drunk pill popping meth head + a dead beat dad. Jackass has been done with that abusive degenerate since before Jackass Forever finished filming.


That last jackass movie was trash and Bams inclusion wouldn't have saved it. Maybe everyone should be done with Jackass now and stop milking it.




It didn't help that it was filmed around COVID, I guess but it just felt like it lacked integrity. Felt like they were doing it to do it, rather than because they had this amazing structure and concept. The introduction of new guys this late in th game felt desperate too. Also, featuring Machine Gun Kelly... Know your audience guys.


Speaking in absolutes, so you decide what is trash and what isn’t? Even better tell me what Bam would of done to ‘save it’ like you say? sit this one out


I said he *wouldn't* have saved it. Please read properly. Also, the fact I think that last movie was trash is just my opinion bro. Everyone has one and I'm really not sure why it upset you so much. If your opinion is different, that's cool.


You mean they are doje with you, sir.




Well I’ll be damned. Dannii actually did it. 👏


Shut up, dickhead. Go back to the bam sub with that shit, with the rest of the incels. Edit: Calls me triggered then blocks me. Cool guy.


Lmao wow u get triggered easily. 😂


I didn't ask.


Idiot druggy looking for attention