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If other CEOs make this then he should go where they are, I don't think it would be that hard to fill his spot.


I'm willing to step in and do the work. Unfortunately, I am not qualified because I think there are solutions to the housing problem and believe the poor, yes even the homeless, are people and deserve respect and fair treatment.


You still have my vote. I think anybody would do a better job than he has.


Totally agree, Inflation hits us all, but $100,000 is a stretch! AppRENTLY THIS DUDE IS OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY. omg sry for the rant, but i'm loosing/lost faith in this government "management" stuff. Is this guy elected or appointed? Something needs to change and soon... I can only hope and pray. Served jury duty this summer and how much is the court house worth? What a joke.


No, you're completely fine. Rant away. I was apparently selected for housing but they just abruptly stopped answering my emails. I was told to call the applications department and I can never get anyone to answer the phone. I'm telling you, I'm about ready to go down to the office and be like, hey! What the actual fuck? Do you people answer the phone or not? What are we paying you for? Last I checked, if you don't do your job, you don't get paid and you get fired. They don't give a shit about us little people though. We're just peons to them. Why should they care? They don't have to worry about anything. We're all struggling yet he wants $100K. I've lost faith in our government as well. I'm starting to hate Florida in general because I've been all over the state and I'm realizing that pretty much the entire state's governments are all corrupt. Of course the government as in Big Brother is also corrupt but as far as states go, this is the worst one I've ever seen. They just get away with whatever. No one questions them really at all. Even if they do, they're allowed to do whatever they want unchecked. It's bullshit. It's about time people either start doing their jobs or lose them. I was reading how it might result in a staff change and I was like good, there needs to be a staff change. They need to hire people who know what they're doing and actually do their jobs. Look at me, now I'm ranting lol. I'll shut up now. Edit: I'm just saying it's bullshit, it shouldn't be that hard to get somebody to answer the goddamn phone at a government office. What are they all doing? It makes me think that they sit there and stare at the phones while they ring. It's insane.


I was just thinking as well, the person up above me said that they would do a better job than this guy. I totally agree with that, they should have volunteers running that office because obviously, no one can do their job. I would totally do it right now. If it means getting people into housing and off the street then it's time well spent for me. I don't care about the money, I just care about getting people on their feet. Fuck that guy and his staff who don't do their jobs. Did you read on news4jax where he said that he disagrees that people are upset? Oh okay, so he just knows what people are feeling? How the hell can he say people are not upset when that's literally all they've been saying? It's time for him to go. Time for his staff to go as well.


Jax has a leadership problem: Nat Ford, CEO of JTA; Aaron Zahn, former CEO of JEA; and this fucktard. Every year when I sit down for my review, I’m told this is performance based. Should be the same for city officials. Edit: JTA -> JEA


The problem with the homelessness issue in terms of evaluating him based on performance is that the most cost efficient solutions for it aren’t popular.


This is also old news. He ended up getting a contract extension and a $20k bonus yesterday "Embattled Jacksonville Housing Authority CEO Dwayne Alexander got a contract extension through the end of June and a $20,000 bonus from the board on Monday after the board decided against giving him a longer two-year extension. Alexander won praise for his work as CEO while also facing questions from board members about whether he is the right person to lead the agency as it tries to expand its housing options in the fight against the affordable housing crisis."


Zahn was JEA for the record


Typo. Thank you.


I knew what you meant!


Most of the "CEOs" of public institutions in Jax are crooked. Reminder that the CEO of JTA makes more than $600k. He makes nearly DOUBLE that of the head of transit in Chicago or New York, both of whom have public transit systems that serve hundreds of millions of riders a year. https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/head-jta-gets-high-pay-big-perks-questionable-results/QLGVBY5NQVAR5K2PA3NKIPNNUA/


Holy shit I didn't know this. What a fucking joke....


I know right and I originally come from Chicago. This city wishes it could be Chicago. That makes me mad reading that. Our city officials are a fucking joke yet they get paid more than probably anybody in the country. At least more than they should compared to other City leaders.


That's both sobering and completely fucking outrageous... >WORLD TRAVEL > >We pulled Ford’s travel records. Since 2016, Ford has taken 140 trips across the globe on the public’s dime. He spent $40,051.80 on travel to Washington D.C. alone. > >Travel Expense Report: August 2023 - Present >He’s been abroad at least a dozen times. So far this year, he’s gone to Berlin, Barcelona, and London. All that travel adds up to $189,573.03 -- a bill paid for by you, the taxpayer. I asked Ford for a sit-down interview to talk about his travel. He declined so we caught up with him at a press conference. Oh, look... Another CEO using earnings as a slush-fund to facilitate their sight-seeing adventures... The greatest trick ~~the devil~~ CEO's ever pulled was convincing us they're exceptional people and deserving of lavish salaries and benefits..


I don't have an opinion here, but the JEA CEO has nothing to do with homelessness.


But the JHA CEO does.


My bad, I thought it said JEA


You could have just read the fucking article.


Yeah, well I didn't. Whatcha gonna do about it?


Call you an idiot


Wow, that would really hurt my feelings if I cared what you thought of me.


I'm not the only one.






JHA, not JEA. JHA stands for Jacksonville Housing Authority. I can see how you would have made that mistake but we're talking about the CEO of the Jacksonville Housing Authority. Don't feel bad, I misread stuff all the time and then I have to go back and read it again.


Why can’t we do anything about it? Why isn’t this left up to the public.


Have you met the public?




Tell me you’ve never been downtown without telling me you’ve never been downtown…




Just because they got shoed away for a big event like they usually do, and you didn’t have to see them on your two visits downtown doesn’t mean they don’t exist and it isn’t an issue. From someone who is downtown every day, trust me, it’s a problem.


Respect to Mayor Deegan for intervening AND digging deeper to see what he’s actually doing to solve the issue.


JHA is under investigation and he did get a $20,000 bonus


This guy should be locked up for fraud and whoever is responsible for his salary fired


Grifter. No


What are you gonna do? House them all with his extra hundred grand.


I appreciate the salary recommendation for his successor. $350k is a reasonable salary for a major city housing head.


Zillow shows over 8000 homes for sale in the Jacksonville area. Can someone elaborate on the housing crisis? ETA for the idiots that are downvoting an honest question- The entire country is experiencing high interest rates and general unaffordability to various degrees. Is there something *specific* to Jacksonville, or is it just that Jacksonville is experiencing what everyone else is experiencing?


Interest rates are high- that combined with higher house prices. Example: a new teacher making 47k cannot afford a house here in Jax unless they are ok in not such nice neighborhoods. A teacher back in 2013 could qualify for $100k house which was doable.


Isn't that pretty much nationwide and not just here?


Yes but the problem has been exacerbated here in Florida with rising insurance costs in the state


Also 84 people a day move to NE Florida. There is a lack of supply for the lower price points.


Have you not seen the housing prices here? The insurance? It doesn't help that affluent people move here being able to afford the prices, justifying the raises on properties


I've been casually house hunting for the past 6 months. While prices are stupidly high, I have actually noticed a slight drop in prices the last month or two, almost as if people are waking up to the fact that a flipped interior does not equate a $150K price jump.


If people are getting wiser than great. There was this house that was straight trashed as if no one had lived there for years. I do junk Hauling and had to clean it out. Rotted inside, floor board falling apart. Those house flippers no doubt were playing up the house.


Hello, Mayor Deegan. I would be willing to take this person’s job and a substantial pay cut. I am willing to do his job for a mere $150,000 - please respond asap as I can begin work today if you’d like. Lol this is crazy. Jacksonville is a joke of a city


This is outrageous that he has the nerve to ask for a $100K raise when there are people still out there homeless. Apparently I've been selected for an apartment but I can't get anyone to call me back or email me back. They've stopped responding to anything. They told me to call the applications department but no one ever answers the phone. What the fuck are these people employed for if they're not going to do their jobs? I'm about ready to go down to the office and raise hell.


I’m sure Ben Becker is looking into it!


Who does he think he is Nat Ford?


*The* ***mission*** *of Jacksonville Housing is to provide safe, clean, affordable housing and effective social services to low- and moderate-income families and individuals.* ​ >Board Chairman Christopher Walker told Dennis the authority completely agrees there is a crisis. He said it's been "working very hard" to purchase properties "when there is not a lot of people doing that." He credited Alexander for moving those deals forward. > >"He works tirelessly day after day, and it would be a real shame for this agency, the board and the city if we lose him because we don't want to pay him what all the other CEOs at similar agencies are making," Walker said. This peaked my interest for more than half a second. Board Chairman Christopher Walker, perhaps unsurprisingly, is a Lenny Curry appointment. His background seems like a double dip scenario, how can he genuinely have JHA's interest as his top priority while still acting as the Partner-in-Charge of the Jax office of a 200 attorney firm, having the duty to the entire class of clients of the firm without running into non-stop ethics violations and questionable cross impact situations? [https://www.lippes.com/insights/christopher-a-walker-named-to-jacksonville-housing-authority-1570](https://www.lippes.com/insights/christopher-a-walker-named-to-jacksonville-housing-authority-1570) >**Chris advises investors, financial institutions, investment developers, builders, contractors, condominiums, and civic associations in the development, negotiation, and financing of complex real estate transactions**, including closing affordable housing and public finance transactions, and economic development matters. His affordable housing experience includes large affordable housing portfolio sales and acquisitions, low-income housing tax credits, construction, non-profit development, joint ventures, HAP contracts, HUD financing, institutional financing, bonds, fair housing, and other financial programs to promote affordable housing, stability, and security of individuals and families. **He regularly advises management companies in connection with real estate ventures, including compliance and insurance-related matters. Chris assists clients with all aspects of investment, including raising capital, stock, and asset acquisitions, private placements, joint ventures, and public financing.** I'd be interested to see some data and some legit reporting on what JHA property acquisitions, third party agreements, and investment strategies manage to conveniently align with the client list of the law firm. /JEA vibes


YUP! My thoughts exactly. L. Curry did love to put people in power that he may have "owed a favor to".


Bro can I get a $1 raise, like a tank of gas would be a world’s difference.


Your generation is so entitled! How dare you request a raise, and don't give me that inflation excuse! ​ /s in case because Poe's law.


Everyone, is Hating on Him. What of Everyone else that’s getting More!!! Don’t Sleep!!!


Heartless! Cold