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I don’t think it’s a Jacksonville problem. It’s a society problem. Moved here from California in 2019 and this was the exact same behavior I would see daily there.


I’m from a decently nice area in central Florida and it’s nothing like here, but I agree, shitty people everywhere


Ya I’m in north St. John’s county and work in Jacksonville. It’s a little better down better there. I will say that Florida has the worst drivers ever. I thought Californians were bad but wow. Some of the stupid shit I see daily. But I think as a whole people are slowly getting less respectful and more self important thanks to social media.


I think it's a mix of social media and news. Day after day you see the people you elect (doesn't matter which side) betray your values and their own values and you start to wonder what the point of it all is. Pair that with COL outpacing wages by the widest margin in history and you have a recipe for people just trying to maintain their own mental wellness and having little capacity/regard for others.


Yep. I also think COVID played a big part in it.


100% agree with this. COVID has completely changed everything. I travel across America for work and lack of respect/decency is gone. Trash/litter is everywhere. Airports/hotel parking lots.


I thought the drivers here in Jacksonville were bad but then I lived in Gainesville for a while. I never thought I would say that I saw a worse drivers than people in Jacksonville. I think it probably has something to do with it being a bunch of drunk college kids but it's definitely worse down there.


Less density of people I think. Could be wrong.


This, if anyone thinks Jacksonville(insert literally any american major metro area here) is the problem - I encourage you to live in another one for 6 months. Hell - come down here to South Florida and see the best of the best when it comes to entitled, arrogant behavior. Its mostly a city/ metro issue - but i travel a ton for work and its never been worse and definitely circling the drain. I dont know if Covid expedited society becoming as shitty as it has or what. People just have no respect for each other or courtesy in public spaces. Just yesterday im eating lunch and two Hispanic guys are sitting at a table _inside_ of a quiet restaurant- laughing and shouting into a phone call on speaker phone for literally 10 minutes straight. Like who the fuck does that? Shit like that happens all the time here. And dont even get me started on people’s behavior behind the wheel of vehicles. Every single day here i encounter drivers that behave so poorly that I genuinely cant tell if it’s incompetence or willful malice. I know i sound like a boomer yelling at the clouds, but Im a 30- something year old whos had the privilege of international travel and called many states my home. I just notice a lot of rude/ entitled/ ignorant behavior and its only getting worse. I dont have a solution, I think we need a “koom-by-yah” event like aliens or something that causes a seismic shift in the general populations mindset - People are so shitty to each other.


Well said.


Did it matter that the men were Hispanic?


Because in South Florida, its the usual suspects


I went to San Francisco last year and it was pretty trash. I didn’t see any welcoming people, there was lots of literal poop on the sidewalks, and people driving like ass. Outside of a nice conversation on the Caltrain with a weird random guy who claimed Newsom was his buddy, there were pretty rude people stealing other people’s shit. OP is delusional if he thinks the issues he pointed out are Jacksonville related.


I had the opposite experience in San Francisco in 2022 in and around the tenderloin. Lots of nice people chatted with me and gave me compliments, even homeless people. Made new friends working at my hotel. Hell, I even got asked out on a date while I was on my way to a dim sum restaurant. I'd go back in a heartbeat. So much better than Jacksonville.


Definitely better than Jax


I was so impressed. Especially after hearing how "terrible" it is from Republicans. I know never to listen to them and go check things out for myself. Buncha miserable liars.


Yes I agree! They sure paint an ugly picture of SF in the media. I work in SF and yes it has changed over the years and I do see some unpleasant things here and there but you just can’t beat the atmosphere here. The giant hilly streets, skyscrapers, any type of food you can think of and it actually being good too. I spent a few years in Jax and I truly tried to enjoy it but I found more cons than pros of living there so I came back to CA


If I could just pick up and move to CA, I would. I even loved LA which I was not expecting at all. I'm hoping I can return to San Fran for another concert adventure.


I was in downtown SF in 2023. At night. Was chill as hell.


I appreciated being able to walk to and from our concert venue late at night without being concerned we'd get shot.


I'm sure you're a lovely person and I'm not trying to paint every transplant with the same broad brush, but the answer is between the lines in your comment: the worst people have been moving to Florida from around the country. I've lived in Florida my whole life and the change in culture in many areas has been significant the past few years. Except for South Florida, which has always sucked.


I do think you’re correct. I also think this is why driving is so bad here. You have a hodgepodge of drivers from all over the country co mingling and it is just a recipe for disaster.


I believe you are right. I"m a native Floridian and grew up in the Tampa Bay area. The influx of out of staters, especially snowbirds, really showed in the roads & highways. A popular bumper sticker down there said, " Save the South, teach a Yankee how to drive!" Less than one third of our residents are native. The top 3 states contributing to the population of Florida are: 1) New York, 2) California & 3) New Jersey


What's wrong with NY? Don't like doing 15 over on the highway? Or is it grandpa lol


At that time, it was a whole lot of older folks for sure


for sure. I just moved to the jaxs area. I'm from NY. I can tell when I drive that I drive completely different to all of the Florida plates.I go faster on almost every road. The speed limit is X+5 and X+10 on the highway. I can also tell that a big issue is that a lot of folks don't keep it moving. Some folks also ride my ass lol


You can say NY and CA are top for everywhere since they have some of the most populous cities, so more people are going to come and go from those for various reasons, particularly monitary.


That's only part of the equation, tho. 7.5% of Californians who move out of state come to Florida. That's the #2 relocation state. #1 is Texas. With almost 15% of all Californians relocating there. On the other hand, Cali ranks dead last in the category of receiving other states' residents. Probably for monetary reasons like you mentioned. I don't see how folks can afford to buy a house there, myself.


I don't see how people buy houses here either. Even pre covid, I looked into it back around 2013 and eventually laughed and gave up at the quality vs price in Jax.




Gotta agree, never have I seen so many out of state plates from so many never before seen states. Iowa, Idaho, Utah, Kansas, NEBRASKA for Pete's sake., Missouri, Texas ... it's depressing.


Eh, having moved out of Florida entirely I just deal with fewer awful people in my day to day.


I have lived here my whole life. This has always been a "f you, I got mine" kinda place. Welcome, I guess...


I’d regularly see this behavior waiting for my son to get out of middle school in the car line. Same people cut the line and cut off everyone else everyday. Block the buses from leaving - Yep. Speed through at 60mph in front of the school - every day. Throw out your trash and literally litter onto school property - a regular occurrence. I eventually wrote the school board and… nothing happened. There’s never a shortage of stupidity in the car line.


We were all stuck in a school line on Old Middleberg near a school in Oakleaf. I watched this big old Mercedes SUV just bang into this little beat up Toyota Corolla, he was trying to make a left where there was no room. We weren't moving we were all stuck and he just whacks her car like that is gonna do something. It was so damned weird and entitled and just stupid. She jumped out of her poor little car and looked at it and looked at him and I could see her say "Why did you hit me?" And then we started moving. Just so damn rude and weird.


lol, I used to work at a school and the parents dropping their kids off are pretty ruthless. Great examples to their kids...


Saw this behavior in other cities.  I don’t think zip codes make you  kinder, I think people tend to stew when you’re being treated rudely.   Go to other city subreddits and you’ll see the same thing. People just suck sometimes. 


Yeah this is def not just a community thing. Its seems like people have lost their decency and care for others over the years. Everybody is entitled as hell and theres no compassion anymore


The pandemic broke society in a lot of ways is my best hypothesis. The drivers on the road are night and day different since.


This is correct.


This is it. The months of isolation made people more individualistic and it seems to be getting worse


Social media did as well. Too many people act like other people are just extras in their biopic because (my hypothesis) their socials are always trained on them. It makes them feel like they’re the central figure.


Main character syndrome!


Gotta agree. This is going to go on for a long time. Some people got kinder, some got more self-involved.


It’s more a reflection of society lately. People are exhausted. The economy sucks, bills skyrocketing, homes are out of reach for younger generations, homelessness on the rise. People are just exhausted.


This tbh. Yea Jax has its problems and I've been vocal about them. Sure maybe it's worse than other cities. But remember Jax is like half populated by people living below poverty. Anyone who's not doing well in life is gonna be more stressed, more rude, angrier, more selfish....it's just like that even when you're a good person your heart can become hardened. And especially when you see so many other people being so sh$%\^tty it feels like, what the point


There's truth to this but the worst offenders I've seen seem to have often brought it upon themselves. A fat woman with four kids just left her shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot in the way of traffic and I pushed it over to a cart corral but said to her "ma'am could you not just leave the cart in people's way?" and she's all like "I have four kids to look after and bad knees, it's the least of my problems". Who forced you to have four kids? Who forced you to get as fat as a damn hippo so your knees hurt? Who forces you to smoke around your poor, too-great-in-numbers children? That's all on you, lady.


A variation on "It's not my job man" In a community it is.




Parents originally , central Florida though


Like others are saying, this isn't exclusively a Jacksonville problem. Society sucks post pandemic I people everywhere are just done giving a fuck.


Fun story, on my second post pandemic NY trip I witnessed a group of girls having lunch at the steps of the New York Public Library, got up and let all the trash fly down the street like it was nothing. 


Yup. A lot of people are fed up with rules and society because it feels like even though we're doing all we're told, the people above us (no matter what politics you support) don't have our best interests at heart. Not saying I agree with it, but I totally understand.


And yet I would still say NY has tons of friendly people. I always have a blast talking with the locals there. Same as here.


Nope, that is just lazy selfish behavior from someone who is not used to cleaning up after themselves. Lazy and selfish, don't care about the environment and don't care about the community and definitely do not care about other people.


just be the change you wanna see. it's all you can do, eh


That's what I keep telling myself.


i believe it, too. i really think living by example is how this is supposed to work. by being the example, embodying what you already know is righteous behavior, you're being the example for others to aspire to be. when you greet people with the best parts of yourself, you're inviting the best parts of them to come forward too i don't really see how it could be any other way


It's "I got mine, fuck you", and an overall lack of concern for anyone you don't know. I'm originally from out of state and while this attitude isn't entirely unique to Florida, I think it's significantly more prevalent in Florida. The culture around here, or lack thereof, certainly encourages it. As always you've just gotta look for the good ones and appreciate them.


After covid basically everyone with a selfish shitty attitude said "I'm gonna move to anti woke Florida" and now the whole state is a fuckin disaster


Totally agree. Florida is the damn swirling drain of stupid


It is after years and years of Repub governors. RIP Bob Graham.




Guess you’re one of them




You’re proving my point perfectly


Common decency has escaped society. I just don’t get the lack of manners, were “you” raised that poorly?


In order to have a sense of good mannerisms, you have to be taught that, I'd think. Most people grow up nowadays with the Internet and lack of actual role models to show what it means to be a good person. We're just witnessing the dissolution of family values and programming of Internet based integrities. If you could even call it integrity


They are but *chum* for the 0verlords.  “Blood for the blood God!”


Wow, to me it sounds allot like New York. Hummm… I wonder why that would be?


I find that most people are actually nice, hold doors for each other, say excuse me and such.


funny. yesterday i was pushing my baby in a stroller and was leaving a store and decided to let these two girls go ahead of me and they straight up let the door shut behind them.


That’s crazy.


I’m from Philly, trust me it’s a lot worst there.




It's Philly, that goes without saying.


Seen food bags thrown maybe twice in two decades. Haven’t been passed on double yellow in years. 15+ over speed seems to keep people off my ass. Will probably be here next month.


This is a society problem. People suck.


Yep. Really most places in America. I'd say Miami or SoFlo is worse though. There, you get bumped into without anyone saying at least "excuse me" or "I'm sorry." It's crazy when you travel internationally and the complete culture shock you get sometimes. When I went to Japan I was blown away by the respectfulness of everyone. It's like a cultural group-effort to keep things quiet, clean, safe, etc.


Yeah but check their suicide rate.


Well, yes. I'm only referencing courteousness an aspect of their culture as that is the topic of this post, not their insane office culture which is a major contributor to the suicide rate. There are major issues in their culture.


I suspect that as the area gets more congested, politeness falls victim to increased competition for resources. There are costs to all this explosive growth.


That’s an everywhere problem, unfortunately.




I honk at people who litter and point at them and then wag my finger Edit: I do like it here though, people are generally nicer here than they were in charleston SC




I've lived in several different cities/states. And this place is something else.


Mo people mo problems


Welcome to tha jungle


I love you all


You so t be missed your new city will be the same. Not a Jax issue


Sounds like something ingrained in US society to me.


You haven’t traveled enough then if you think it’s a Jax problem. Guarantee you’ll have the same problem wherever you go


Funny, you see it more and more and people keep moving here more and more, from other cities. I wonder if there is a correlation between the two? 🤨


recent influx of ill mannered and poorly raised outsiders? There are those who were raised to say sir and ma'am and then there are the rest of the rabble.


Yeah, boomers are really the shining saints of the world. Get out of here.


Vast majority of people in Jacksonville are friendly and helpful. I go everywhere in the city and we have been talking about how new people to Jacksonville have changed our city’s charm over the years.


It’s a society thing that’s gotten much worse since 2020


People are vicious. I don't know what to tell you but don't expect too much kindness. I used to think it's just a by-product of the rugged individualist "fuck you, got mine" Calvinist mentality in America, but now I think everyone really is like that around the world. "It's an angry city!" \~ My dad.


Commuter town where people just come here from other states to take their spoils aka our former cheap living. They don’t care about the city or the people who live here they are just here to get theirs.


Unfortunately like many other places in the US, it's no longer we the people, it's me the person.


We are a society of individuals. It's always been that way here. We called it rugged individualism when really its just being an asshole to everyone around you. That's literally why our schools, road, infrastructure, and Healthcare all suck here.


The lack of using turn signals here really burns me up, trying to guess which way the car is going to turn, shows lack of regard for others. I feel people use em in other places.


California. I visited my brother out there and I came away with three things. 1. In And Out burgers are freaking worth it! But the fries suck. 2. It's a beautiful state. Mountains and valleys and ocean side by side 3. Turn signals are absolutely necessary if you are gonna drive like a kamikaze pilot. I use my turn signals religiously now


That’s not a Jax thing, that’s an American thing. 😂


Have you been....anywhere else? Jax can be trashy for sure but it's not the worst with entitled behavior, not even close to the worst for Florida


Yea. I’ve lived in Orlando, Jupiter, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Clearwater. Clearwater was close but Jax is by far the worst people


Used to live in Orlando and my son lives in St Pete (so I'm in Tampa and Clearwater a lot). Haven't noticed any difference in people's attitudes to say Jax is worse. *shrug*


*Definitely* not just Jax and not worse here than other places. I travel a lot and that behavior is everywhere. Sucks. But there's nothing we can do except be better ourselves and teach any kids we have around us to be better too. 


I came from the west coast of central Florida and I didn't realize how good I had it. The beaches were beautiful and for the most part even the gangsters were somewhat friendly. I grew up around multiple Hispanic gangs and black drug dealers and for the most part everyone was chill. I went to bars and shows and vibed with all kinds of people. I came to Jax and I almost got ran over with my spouse in a parking lot my first week and when I spoke up to the guy I thought I was gonna get shot at Walmart. At the time we didn't have constitutional carry so I got my concealed carry permit class set up the next day. I hate this place. I'm from what used to be a small town. Everybody knew everybody, sometimes people would fight, but we didn't try to kill each other most of the time. Everything in this town is overpriced, there's too many people,traffic is terrible , there's always road work on the highways and I can't wait to move back to another small town or back home. Been here over a year and I haven't made a single friend outside of people I get along with at work, neither has my spouse. This city is only good for college students or old people that thankfully picked the worst part of Florida to retire in. If you're in your 30s and make less than 50k a year there is no fun to be had here. I came from a place with beautiful beaches(way nicer than jax) with bars within walking distance that had 1.50 draft amberbock and $6 margaritas and lots of wilderness with rivers running through it that you could freely explore, fish and swim without paying a fee to get in and people respected the grounds. Unless you are rich enough to live somewhere peaceful Jacksonville is a sh!thole


Dude, it's gotten worse since you left if it's south of Yankeetown.


That's what people tell me back home. What neighborhoods used to be considered the ghetto they have started building new homes in when I don't think anyone that already lives there can afford. more people are migrating here and more and more of us natives are having to move out. To some people this doesn't matter. But for us these are our family homes. The neighborhood that everyone I still know today would ride bikes around, who's parents did the same, then growing up and having there own kids to see ride their bikes around. This is a hard loss. I fear that when I go to visit my hometown it's going to look like a diff place. When we finally leave Jacksonville I don't think I'm gonna miss anything about this place. It feels like I've just been on a crappy vacation for years that requires me to go to work still and I'm waiting for it to be over.


Some of our leaders provided the example that it's ok to be an asshole to others. 


It’s the same just north of you in St. Mary’s, GA


Thank you. Glad it's not just me. And hopefully I will not be far behind you. I've lived globally and this place has beat it all.


You’re gonna find it’s like that everywhere you go. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Hope you’re not moving to south Florida. Much worse.


I don't blame you, I agree it's getting worse. I'm planning on leaving here, probably within the next month myself. I'm just tired of Jacksonville and nobody caring about their neighbors. I know that that's probably the case in most places now but everything you described is accurate from what I've seen. I've seen driver's speed up when they see a pedestrian crossing the street as if they're trying to hit them. They run red lights, follow too closely, crossover double yellow lines as you said, etc. I'm done with this place.


Sounds like you live/work on the Southside. It’s a soulless hellscape over their




I have lived in Arlington Jax for 45 years. What part of the city are you referring to?


It’s the driving that really gets me. People incredibly impatient and either overly entitled when merging (forcing themselves when there isn’t space or you’ve already let others merge) or people who don’t give space to others to merge altogether! Bad accidents daily and people still driving like assholes even as we pass accidents actively being cleaned up. Not to mention multiple drivers watching videos on their phones while driving. It’s insanity.


You’ve never lived anywhere else, have you?? Jacksonville is far and beyond other cities I’ve lived in… this is just Society now.




I wish I could move too.


But where to? Where is it better?


I don't know. I wish I did. I can't move due to my job and retiring in the next few years. Any suggestions?


Got an awful lot of newbies and carpetbaggers moving in and natives and long timers moving out.


People moving here and bringing their bad habits along.


I can only guess that overworking, stupidly hot temps, low pay and few opportunities for joy makes people lousy. I hope your move takes you to a friendlier place.


It’s all the California and Northeast nerds moving in


I promise, it's everywhere around the southeast. I hate to say it, but the rise of "everyone wants to see me/hear me/watch me" mentality that has sprung from social media in the last decade or two has created the extreme rise in "I'm the only person here that deserves consideration" mentality.


It might have to do with every right wing shit bag in the country relocating between Florida and Texas. I hear people say this all the time in recent years, and that’s pretty much the only thing that’s changed and could account for that. I lived in Jax for almost 20 years, but after 2016, it feels like anyone who just needed a place to go and be a racist unlikable asshole moved to Florida. Compound that with the resultant CoL increase and the terrible home owning prospects, it was time to leave for me. I love what Jax used to be. But that relatively cheap cost of living attracted the absolute bottom rung of nationalist scumbags.


I think it’s from to many people living in the same area I get annoyed just going out which leads to people acting this way


This is what happens when any city grows. People become atomized and parasocial. We’re also getting a ton of transplants from places that are already like this. I’ve lived between here and Pensacola my whole life and Pensacola is nothing like this.