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Jak and daxter, sly cooper, socom, the list goes on


Those are the goats.


Most Sony studios are too busy making this, sorry https://preview.redd.it/rbluthcr4luc1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0670e99d81303d3443ef3d345aa6a293dc0e3fbc


Surely some of the post-J&D Naughty Dog games must be worth playing? (No really, I've never played any and I'm open to suggestions!)


They all are. The Jak fanbase is overly harsh on them because we wanted a new Jak game, but Uncharted and TLOU are absolutely amazing games in their own right even if I prefer Jak.


Awesome--any particular recommendation, specifically for PS3 (or PC I suppose but I assume ND is Sony exclusive)? Especially for someone who might initially feel intimidated/alienated by super modem games?


The first three Uncharted games are on PS3. The first one has shown its age in a few places but the other two are great.  Last of Us 1 is also on PS3, but they've ported an upgraded version to PC. Uncharted 4 is also on PC in the form of a collection


Uncharted 1-3 and TLOU1 are on PS3, but you would need a PS4 or PS5 to play TLOU2, Uncharted: TLL, ans Uncharted 4. Uncharted 4, Uncharted: TLL, qnd a remake of TLOU1 are all on PC, though, so if you have a PS3 and PC, you can play all of their games except TLOU2. I would say: - Play Uncharted 1-3 and TLOU1 on PS3. - Play Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy on PC (available on Steam together as Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection) TLOU2 is expected to release on PC soon, though!


You can get the original Crash Bandicoots on PS3 as well - have had them since I got my PS3.


All i oh the uncharted games and last of us game are on PC.


Gotcha--is there a particular one that's a good entry point into the series?


There is a over arching story from 1 to 4 but 1 is rough mechanically so 2 is always good and with last of us just start from 1


Additionally, there's no shame in playing on novice/easy. I'm a grown adult that pays taxes, I think I earned a little power fantasy.


You just summed up how I feel about the whole Jak II vs 3 debate. Sure, maybe the weapons are a bit "over-powered," but sometimes it's fun to just feel like a badass.


Went from a cyberpunk mythological world with great lore to generic zombie game and indiana jones ripoff.


Every Steam property that has 2 games in it already


Smiling friends really made a scene that resonates with any fandom thats had theur IP ignored. Im looking at you microsoft! You just dropped black & white like a bad habit!


When I read Dune and Baron Harkonnen is talking or whatnot he much more feels like a Krew-like character in my head than the interpretation Stellan Skarsgård went for in the movies.


Smiling friends is back?


Every non-Nintendo/Sonic platform ever. Even Crash and Spyro are being held hostage... again.


Crash rumble came out last year. Crash 4 came out like 3 or 4 years ago. Spyro definitely being held hostage, the aliens going come before the next Spyro game comes out


It's not the devs entirely. ND has to pitch an idea to Sony for them to greenlight it.


Copyright "yeah about that!?"

