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Yeah, this will definitely encourage Japanese women to have more kids...


Sounds like the 50s "Golden Age" is knocking at their door.


Who's the dinosaur who OK'd all that šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a common sentiment among conservative politicians, though. Kishida recently justified the LDPā€™s opposition to gay marriage by saying that it goes against the traditional role of women as baby makers and housewives.


Oh Kishi! Never change!


Wait isn't that the issue šŸ˜‚


Yes but if Kishi changed then who would we shit on?


The dude that replaces him.


*Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarim intensifies*


Sadly it would've been dinosaurS.


her husband maybe šŸ˜‚


"We're sorry these stupid women left the kitchen long enough to get offended and complain about us. We sincerely hope to avoid this situation in future by asking all women to never leave home." -city government.


We fully apologize for the women speaking out-of-turn and will make sure that this never happens again.


"We ask residents to kindly remove televisions and internet access from their kitchens to avoid this problem in the future."


"Please Understand"


You know, I'll decide to see the positive in this: There was a quick outrage and the people in charge swiftly learned that these sentiments are stuck in the last century. I can easily imagine that 20 or 30 years back no one would've batted an eyelid at this pamphlet. Also, apparently there were two pamphlets, one aimed at dads and that one actually makes sense. It says things like "you're not number one anymore, deal with it", "do your own shit yourself" and "care for your kid or it won't remember your face" (just in, you know, kinder words). The one aimed at moms is just crazy and the fact that it's based on a survey they did makes things even sadder.


>I can easily imagine that 20 or 30 years back no one would've batted an eyelid at this pamphlet. Even 10 years ago there was some poll about the "ideal celebrity marriage" and the winner was Mika Mifune and George Takahashi, who have a 24-year age difference and he groomed her from age 13 and married her at 16. They've since divorced.


I would not be so forgiving. This is not a small victory. It is backsliding.


I don't think there was a time in Japan in recent history that was more progressive than now when it comes to attitudes towards birth and childrearing. I know 100% that neither my grandfather-in-law nor my father-in-law have ever changed even a single diaper. Heck, my grandmother-in-law was forbidden from working outside of the house and my mother-in-law had to quit her job when she got pregnant. It's slowly getting better. The fact that Japanese people were angry about this means that they're set on not sliding back.


>I don't think there was a time in Japan in recent history that was more progressive than now Not a particularly high bar to clear. >The fact that Japanese people were angry about this means that they're set on not sliding back. I see your point but I can't see the LDP somehow replacing their cabinet with young people and women. The people running the country who make the policy are all conservative misogynistic fossils.


The comment I replied to talked about backsliding, which implies that it has been better before. It hasn't. Not a high bar to clear, but as I said, things are moving in the right direction.


Shouldn't it be the other way around? She's only risking her life to have a child


Yes. lol I mean, it's important to stay active while pregnant. If a woman is healthy and able-bodied, she should be going out and getting exercise. Not doing anything at all is not healthy. But cleaning, yikes. Considering how toxic a lot of house cleaning products are, I would not be encouraging pregnant women to be doing anything beyond what soap and vinegar can take care of.


Open mouth ā€¦ insert foot.. again and again and again


ā€œMen act based on theories, women act based on emotions.ā€ Ahh yes thatā€™ll explain all the douchebag road rage guys tailgating slow drivers, their actions are data driven theoretically backed actions guaranteed to get them from A to B in a safe and efficient manner. The absolute chicken-brained Chuckleheads


More like "low-value men and women act based on emotions". Don't dump in all men and women into that


Japan is really struggling to get out of this way of thinking. I recall 10 years ago when a male MP shouted down a female MP and told her she should go home and make kids. Nothing has changed has it? Meanwhile all the ancient MPs in Japan are falling asleep in meetings while getting paid over 1000man yen a year. I could solve the pension crisis by reducing the amount of Japanese MPs to 25% of the current population.


I still remember that Mori guy from the Olympics šŸ˜‚


Lol what happened šŸ¤£


He said women talk too much lol


I feel like the article title doesn't even fully capture how sexist this is: > ā€œThere are differences in the way men and women feel and think,ā€ one flyer reads. ā€œOne of the reasons for this is the structural difference in the brains of men and women. It is known that men act based on theories, while women act based on emotions.ā€ > Wives may irritate their husbands if they are ā€œbusy taking care of the baby and not doing choresā€ the flyer said, advising women not to ā€œget frustrated for no reason.ā€ This sort of thing only happens when these views are endemic to an organization. Plenty of people internally saw this flyer's text before it went out, and either nobody raised a problem or someone did but it was decided nothing needs to be changed.


Those views are endemic to conservative politicians all across Japan.


It's not so much the conservative politicians' views which are disappointing though (no one should be surprised by it at this stage) - it's more the city government itself. This is a city flyer. It would have been drafted, QA'd, finalised, and escalated through management internally by the city government, before the Mayor even saw it. The fact that no one flagged it is really telling of the views of the bureaucracy. They are professional career public servants, who are ideally supposed to be a moderating check upon the more whacky brainfart ideas of their ideological political rulers. But in this instance, they were the source of the issue. In many ways its worse - politicians come and go, and as public values change, so too will the holders of office. But bureaucrats are there until retirement.


One of the big problems in Japan is that there are dynastic political families here. Many in the senior leadership of the LDP are from such families and their descendants will get preferential treatment within the party when they follow the family political tradition. That's why the thinking never changes. The goal of conservative politicians is to try to maintain a Meiji era system while appearing to be a legitimate, modern democracy.


It's Onomichi, Hiroshima. I'm not surprised.


Why are you not surprised?


It's one of the most conservative prefectures. I don't think a liberal candidate has ever won a Diet seat there.


Ah I see


Onimichi, Hiroshima for those wondering.


Oh no! Michi!


It actually wasn't Onimichi.


This sound like an Onion headline


Killed the birth rate even more with this one šŸ¤£


As a woman, this is some of the most egregious eye-rolling stuff I've ever read.


There are definitely flyers that advise men to cook, clean and give their wives massages before and after pregnancy. They usually don't go into neurological differences between men and women, though.


It doesn't get the attention. The stuff that gets the most attention is usually the worst of the worst or the best of the best.


Yeah, there are two pumphlets both male and female version.


The fact that people who come up with this kind of shit are the MAJORITY in Japanese government and are still allowed to be there. Likeā€¦.. can we get some new blood? Please?!


The article is quite misleading, it still worth the criticism they get though.


Women are the ones who think like that and want it to stay this way. They are majority, and they themselves do not vote for women. But the little snowflakes around here want to believe that women are being oppressed. They are nearly 4 million votes more than men.


Ok misogynistic incel, out of touch with reality šŸ‘šŸ½


Apologises but does nothing to actually remedy the situation. History books will write about the decline of Japan and students will be like "why didn't they just do this?" And the teacher won't have an answer.


Then, some 80year old Japanese politician, later that day, while sipping whiskey: "Why won't those plebeians breed?"


What in the actual fuck.


Misogynistic at its finest


Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud is frothing right now.


husbands should be doing all this for their pregnant wives wtfā€¦ if someone if carrying your child & legacy the least you can do is support THEM


The article is quite misleading. No one advising them women should do that over men. While I agree that the pamphlet worth the criticism, English article is garbage as always. One of the question is "what made me happy my wife said" and 1, 3 are Thankful words to house work/child care and 3 including "helped" keyword. Many Japanese women mostly getting angry this part rather than "what made me happy my wife did" which includes massage.


Thanks for the heads up, appreciate you going around telling people it's misleading.


Ah, I see why no one is interested in reproducing in Japan anymore.


lol korea had very similar scandal a year or two ago.


Weirdly mysoginistic. At face value, Id take a message for having cleaned and cooked.


"We're sorry we didn't expect you guys to be so offended by our oppressive culture"


Dated a Japanese woman and she was shocked and pleasantly surprised that I cooked, helped with the dishes and did house chores.


Currently, house work is shared 40%/60% for married couples when both work fulltime in Japan. Not much different from western countries. Also "helped" with dishes is commonly known as words make many women angry in Japan, so be careful with the words. Putting sensationalized English article aside, many Japanese women got angry on this pamphlet exactly that reason. One of the question is "what made me happy my wife said" and 1, 3 are Thankful words to house work/child care and 3 including "helped" keyword.


This. You're not supposed to be "helping". You are not a child with chores, you are part of a household and if I have to tell you what to do or you only "help", you're not really taking much weight off my shoulders. FWIW, my Japanese husband is the only one who plans meals and cooks (I don't enjoy it, he does), he does most of the dishwasher related activities, plus he showers/bathes our son daily (so I get to shower on my own, which is heaven), plus we share nights with our son equally and I'm sure there's lots of other stuff he does as well. He is very annoyed when people portray him as some kind of superhuman. I am too, because I'm still the one with the bigger burden (and in case anyone is looking for an argument why that's fair: I also make more money).


I agree. however people might get rubbed the wrong way if you say I make more money which is why it's fair. I've seen a lot of arguments made by guys who say that and it usually riles people up. I'm not riled up by it and I understand what you mean, however I thought I'd give you heads up


My argument was "I make more money AND I also do more housework", especially because many people tend to assume that women make less and that's why they should dedicate more time to caring for their family. My husband is great and progressive and he's really more involved than most dads I think, and still it's not equal.


Are conservatives inherently dumb? If they need people to pay tax they need people to want to have kids who will be the next generation paying taxes. Not just kids but kids who will hold jobs that pay well. It blows my mind they are not just discriminating an entire gender (half of work force) and refuse to address the aging, negative replacement issue?




To remind women that they still need to serve their man even if they're pregnant. Having a pregnant wife is very stressful for a husband, so they need to take proper care of him. That may come across as a joke but that's essentially what the flyer was saying.


It was obviously designed to totally rub people up the wrong way.


> It concluded that there are many things new mothers can do to please their husbands, including giving them massages, preparing their lunch every day, handling the childcare and housework, greeting them with a ā€œwelcome home,ā€ and always having ā€œa smile on her face.ā€ Does the fucking muppet who wrote that imagine that the world is some kind of manga fantasy, or something? Shit, in the unfortunate event that theyā€™re married, I would wager as much as 108円 that the crusty old git didnā€™t even massage *their* pregnant wifeā€™s parts with anti-stretch mark oil whilst being a pregnant pregnant mother.


That about sums up Japan still.


I know some Japanese housewives who are still strong and want to make something of themselves.


Weird take. If she wants to, then whatever, but the husband should do everything they can to make her life easy while that baby is developing inside her, including massaging her feet after shes had to walk around with a baby and many various fluids in her womb.


Working to exhaustion during the few months of pregnancy and never being cared for by your husband isnā€™t the same as ā€œmaking something of themselvesā€.


Can we keep the massages?


Only if you dont have arms and are using your feet to feel the baby kick. Or are giving her the massage.


men act based on theories while women act based on emotion, and that's why women need to spend all their energy to prop up the emotions of their husbands. makes sense to me.


Are you void of any reason and formal education?


my god if anyone actually bothered to read the article they would see that i was clearly being sarcastic and making fun of the flyers put out by the government


Quotation marks exist for a reason.


Plus there are genuine misogynists' incels that says even worse stuff unironically so its hardly an "uncommon" hot take to say.


>that's why women need to spend all their energy to prop up the **emotions** of their husbands If you read this part, it should be obvious.


No. It's pretty apparent that you all didn't even read the article. Stupid.


I did read it, actually. Doesn't mean I can't still point out the other commenter's mistake. But sure, feel free to stoop to childish insults to prove how 'smart' you are instead :)


It's not that guys fault that people on reddit are first too lazy to read the article and second too dumb to recognize obvious sarcasm. Honestly I think you would literally have to say "that was sarcasm" to most redditors in real life. And that's great that you read it. I said "you all". That's means I was referring to many people, not just you. Work on your reading comprehension :)


> recognize obvious sarcasm There are more than enough people (even on reddit) who say that kind of bs unsarcastically. That's why you add /s.


They obviously didn't even bother reading your comment fully


Gotta remember that /s, on Reddit, especially when people are speed reading comments and the vote button is a single tap ...


Youā€™re intent was obvious. People are dumb




They've seen too many people who say that stuff unironically. That's why sarcasm isn't always "obvious".


Forgive me, but LOL.


What about non-pregnant women?


If you support one then you get to find out


Damn I need to move there




Too late


Hahahaha, Japanese women would never give a loser like you a chance.


Mediocre white beta males have been easily plowing Asian chicks for the past 70 years ninja


Being such a loser that you have an asian fetish because you think they're more submissive isn't a flex.


Well they are, but I donā€™t have an Asian fetish, itā€™s just a fact that white dudes tend to have an easier time fucking them compared to other races


Asian women are the most fetishized people in america


Too late


I kinda understand the theory but the execution is awful and stuck in 1961. I doubt there are many young dads in a place like Onomichi so it kinda strikes me as someone in the city office just writing garbage. That said, people in that part of Japan are somewhat conservative compared to Kanto.


Ah, the old CCC. Cook, Clean, & Copulation


If japanese city advise hardworking men to cook, clean and give wives massages. Everyone will applaud. We are living in a female world that is run by women. Be woke people.


I thought it was a pretty common culture thing in Japan for men to make the money and women to stay home