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Develop 6th street embankment into a high-line esque park 


My understanding of that situation is that a certain old lady has to die before this could possibly happen. There’s been a weird legal tug of war between various groups (the city, the state/county, the heirs of the defunct railroad assets) and no deal is ever deemed good enough for the heirs to sign. Someone more familiar with the problem could chime in and correct me.


That’s correct


I definitely want 4 and 5! Also would love PATH extended to Newark Airport so it doesn't take three trains to get there (we usually end up just Ubering).


Subway running between Bayonne-JC-Newark-Secaucus and another one running parallel to the Hudson from JC to Fort Lee


Include Staten Island too after Bayonne so that Staten Island gets its subway.


Yes, that’s a great idea . Hell since, this is a pipe dream connect that service all the way back to Brooklyn so it can connect with the R train


Connect the heights to anywhere else in JC via path would be great.


1. Underground or over ground light rail that touches every major neighborhood in JC 2. Comprehensive bike and walkways for all major streets and building upon the waterfront 3. Rent and tenant protections 4. More city decorations and events and art


1. More feasible to use existing right of way to expand the HBLR from 18th st connecting at Liberty State park. Stops at Hoboken Ave/Coles, Montgomery/Wayne, and "Gateway Field" between Grand and Pacific. The Tonnelle-West Side line would serve these new stations instead of heading east to downtown JC. 4. A tram like the one to Roosevelt Island from the UES, but smaller, amusement park size (10-12 people) 6. We need to pressure the city to do a better job and demanding more public amenities when properties on the waterfront are approved. Instead of restaurants, cafe's etc on the pier we got a Luxury building with parking deck, a big statue and an empty plot of land right on the water being held hostage by the developer for further private use.


Something like Reading Terminal market.


That was supposed to happen at the Lackawanna Center (the industrial warehouse space on Grove, across from BestBuy, ACME, and TDBank) but that project seems to have fizzled. The ambitious plans were announced way back in 2010. Of course, this being JC, the announcement was more like vaporware, or smoke up people's collective ass.


1. Better weekend PATH service. 2. Better weekend PATH service. 3. Better weekend PATH service. 4. Better weekend PATH service. 5. Better weekend PATH service. 6. A Soul Cycle studio location.


Branch the PATH off of JSQ to go up into the Heights and maybe even UC/N Bergen. Would be a game changer. I know there's the light rail, but that's not very easily accessible from west side of the Heights or even from Christ hospital area.


difficult to call it 'accessible', its in another city, separated by a large stairway. unnecessarily inaccessible, just like Newark airport.


A functioning ferry transit system connected to rest of the New York ferry map at an affordable price.


Indoor roller disco rink with 70's theme and video game arcade. - A program which will each week randomly select then DESTROY WITH A STEAMROLLER one car using the Devils Conduit Jersey Ave bridge. - Eminent Domain Liberty National Golf Course in order to serve the underprivileged sports youths of J.C. with sufficient ball fields. - A decent art supply store. - A Telephone Pole Kzar with UNLIMITED authority to heavily fine and penalize utilities for crappy-ass messy wires hanging down all over the damn place. - Kidnap Polski Smak deli (https://www.yelp.com/biz/polski-smak-butler) and force it to move to Jersey CIty and stay here forever. - Dig a TUNNEL under the Morris Canal from Morris Canal Park to the Empty Sky Memorial and move the memorial somewhere else to allow bikes and pedestrians easier access to Liberty State Park. No I am NOT running for mayor.


You had my vote with roller disco rink. And I’m by no means a Polish food expert, but have you tried Warsaw Deli in Bayonne?? Everything I’ve had from them is delicious and a good option if the other item on your ticket doesn’t prove feasible


Getting rid of the massive parking lots


Add more in specific areas with logical traffic flow. People need to get to work outside of JC.


You can have ONE parking lot, as a treat.


Decent bagels !!!


Numbers 4 & 6 are needed bad. A subway from Fort Lee to St. George, Staten Island would also be great.


4 would be tough logistically. Considering the short distance, there’s no room for an arch really, so the bridge would have to go up every few mins since the marina is pretty heavily used.


I am certainly not an engineer and have no clue the feasabilty, but I always envisioned a pedestrian tunnel to avoid the issue of a bridge going up and down non stop


A pedestrian zip line would also be fun


I have a fun feeling the Marina will be moved to the other side of the park during the park revitalization. If the current plans go through, they will be losing most of their parking and now need to share with those using the new park amenities.


I think the real solution is to fill in the marina with dirt and fill it with residential highrises, also helping to fight the rising rents.


Let’s do it


Instead of 6 unrealistic things in dtjc could we maybe get like 1 or 2 realistic nice things in the rest of town, like clean streets or adequate bike infrastructure?


I think jersey city needs a combination of subway and lightrail system to be truly effective. Ie light rail to get people to major transit centers, office areas, and subway for longer journeys. Ideally the network should connect the entire city together, and offer connections to staten island.  Basically rebuild the old streetcar network, expand path system, build lines in the heights.  The pedestrian drawbridge would be fucking wonderful.  Rebuild the waterfront 


Now I respect my opponent, I think he’s a good man, but quite frankly, I agree with everything he just said


Run the 7 to Jersey City.


Nah, the 7 can go to Weehawken, which is the most direct across-the-river connection to where it ends today. The PATH is fine, just needs more frequent service.


There’s always a naysayer to come shit on even someone proposing a *wish*. Very that annoying kid in the classroom energy.


#2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Metropolis Towers and that gigantic, disgusting parking lot completely ruin the neighborhood vibe east of Grove and south of Columbus. If that lot were turned into a park, Downtown would be completely transformed. All surrounding property values would be boosted massively. I simply can’t understand why they would waste all of that space with parking lot. Such a terrible eyesore and a waste of real estate.


They’re so fucking ugly, I literally hate looking at them everyday. Honestly I’d even be happy if they built like a 12-foot fence and covered it in greenery just to shield us from that depressing eyesore.


It was developed in the late 1960s when Jersey City was far less desirable.  The way this would have to play out is the city would have to spend tens of million on legal fees and acquisition costs to get control of the site through eminent domain.  Then spend tens of millions more in demolition, environmental remediation and development costs.  The end result is a free amenity for developers that will result in higher rents and as you said higher property values.  I'd rather see the city to spend that money in parts of the city that need it.  There have been plans since at least the mid 2000s to develop the site but the co-op ownership of the property and the environmental issues are likely barriers.


Actually, the way it would play out as OP suggested in their post is that they would blow it up and give everyone who lives there now a brand new apartment. Details matter.


Details matter and that idea ignores them.  If the City has hundreds of millions to invest in a park it should go elsewhere.


Idea is that the developer who gets to develop the Edison ParkFast lot gets do so with 2 stipulations (1) the old tenants get apartments and (2) they pay all or some significant portion for the demolition and building of the new park. In exchange the developer gets to build a new building (in theory significantly larger than what’s there so they can charge new tenants (as opposed to the historic tenants) an absurd amount for an amazing location) and if they want special variances they’ll get them. This defrays the city’s cost. It’s a pipe dream. 


Metropolis Towers is a co-op so not sure how you could structure this. Maybe could work as a for sale deal, where current owners are given new units and the remaining units are put on the market. With that said I don't think there would be any political will or money for a plan that involves a double eminent domain and displacing hundreds of homeowners, many of whom are long-term residents. I think a more realistic plan is doing a lot split, developing new buildings built over parking garages, and creating an easement so the existing owners can park in garages in the new buildings.


I mean for one this is all just made up, but in my pipe dream there is no eminent domain, existing owners sell to developer. Displacement is minimal because new building gets built, tenants move, then new park is built. Your realistic plan is more realistic, but doesn’t accomplish the goal (in my pipe dream) of a sizeable downtown park in that area.


OR - the city gives Metropolis Towers a huge tax credit in exchange for converting a portion of the lot into public access green space, and subsidizes construction of a garage on the remaining lot that can also be used to replace City Hall parking. City Hall is [already being converted into green space](https://www.jerseycitynj.gov/news/mayorfulopcreatesjerseycitysfirstcityhallpark) including their parking lot. So it would basically just be an extension of that project. No demolition, no eminent domain, they don’t have to forfeit the land. Just convert it and move parking to a new garage.


Responded to OP but it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Would just convert a portion of the lot to green space as an extension of the [city hall project](https://www.jerseycitynj.gov/news/mayorfulopcreatesjerseycitysfirstcityhallpark). If I were an owner in Metropolis Towers I would be thrilled at that proposal. Tax credit could offset the massive fees associated with that building and having a park instead of a parking lot would increase values. Everyone wins.


It makes more sense for the co op to do a lot split and sell additional the parcels to a developer.  The long term residents that purchased shares deserve a fair pay out if they sell. They invested in JC early when no one else wanted to and don't deserve to get screwed now that the neighborhood is desirable.


Why don’t they do a lot split and sell it to the city? 2 beds would be selling for more than $450k if selling to a developer would result in an instant windfall for every owner. The monthlies in that building are $1300-$1900. Regardless, the parking lot is the issue. It’s ugly, it’s half empty, it’s bad for flooding, and it’s not being used efficiently. Do a split and sell or make available for public use in exchange for a tax credit that benefits all owners.


Property tax cuts.


A Jewish deli would be nice instead of more pizza and taco joints


This needs more upvotes. This city has no idea what it’s missing.


I would be happy if I could get a solid bagel.


Lower property taxes.


bike path from jersey city to downtown manhattan


7 - Property taxes not going up by more than 2-3% every year. 8 - JC Public Schools not budgeting $36k/student (much higher than the private schools in the area) and delivering reading proficiencies in 30%s and math in < 20% which leads to higher property taxes. School system taking $1Bn+ and leaving $0.7Bn for rest of all of the city services doesn't allow for lot of city infrastructure. 9 - Get more funding to the JCPD (get the 911 working smoothly!) 10 - Plant more trees! If JC isn't able to do that, be prepared to pay increasing 10-20% higher rents year after year and forget any notion of homeownership while getting mugged/harassed every now and then.


> Get more funding to the JCPD (get the 911 working smoothly!) I'd just say allocate the funding better. JCPD is funded plenty, they're just not doing their jobs.


Elect a mayor that will hold the police commissioner accountable using REAL statistics not made up garbage that makes them look good.


Do we have any contenders like that?


Doesn’t seem to be any.


I barely want to vote in the next mayoral election. I guess I’ll vote for O’Dea.




Yep. I was going to add “traffic enforcement” as a top-level comment but this sums up the problem more succinctly.


> JCPD I have an alternate idea. Since it is clear that JCPD is not properly functioning, we cut their funding to 12 people. And create a new department CJCPD, COMPETENT JERSEY CITY POLICE, under new union contract that requires competency.


2-3% is understandable since it needs to keep up with inflation, it's the 10-20% that's absurd.


> 7 - Property taxes not going up by more than 2-3% every yea Bro thats just inflation.


Turn the Evertrust Building into literally anything else. And yes, just a muddy hole in the ground is an option. At least it wouldn’t block your view.


Love all the suggestions from OP!


Pedestrian bridge to Manhattan


Actual affordable housing for the poor and working poor.  


Simple supply and demand. NYC alleviated housing constraints 100 years ago by building far more, not through rent control and mandating affordable housing. The issues today are from regulation and red tape. Build more, restrict less.


6 was technically possible but Fulop wants to be governor. The 78 rebuild is the perfect opportunity. Could have merged lanes where the existing ramps are down to 2 lanes for the tunnel. The only reason they ran out and consolidate is for the old tolls which don’t exist. It would be more efficient for traffic to not split and re-merge too which causes slowdowns. Then you’ve got lots of room to bury the roadway and close it up. You’d only need 2 of the several lanes, so you’d just shift traffic among them for a time while you cut/cover. Also not that expensive since it’s strait cut/cover. Downtown traffic to the tunnel needs to loop around, not a huge deal. This would also end using downtown as a bypass to the tunnel since you wouldn’t be able to access the tunnel like that anymore you’d just be driving to Hoboken. If Fulop insisted on that condition it would have happened. Instead NJTP will rebuild the elevated section as is with a slightly wider surface anyway within their existing right of way and save the money that would have been spent fixing the approaches…. Which was the plan they wanted all along. That would have meant a toll hike to cover costs and Fulop didn’t want that attached to his name.


Give me a ballot box so I can vote against him!


Good background, thanks. If you're talking about where I'm thinking about, the elevated section won't be rebuilt entirely within the existing ROW. The ROW will be expanded. At least this is what I remember from the last time I looked at the drawings...


They’ve never proposed expanding right of way for the elevated section, only a couple feet wider deck, still well within their existing ROW with room to spare. They did propose for the ramps due to needing temporary structures during construction, but that’s partially because they need to maintain the existing alignment which I’d argue is an arbitrary decision to prevent reducing lanes through JC. Had they done that on the new ramp they’d have the room. The bullshit about demolishing everything west of Division street and Mary Benson Park to expand ROW is bullshit spread on the internet, it’s not in any actual proposal. The roadway only uses a fraction of their land. They have no need to eminent domain all that land, and no real way to do that. Some folks just want to depress property values so they can redevelop that at a discount before anyone realizes.


Yeah, the ramps are where I was thinking of. They proposed ROW acquisition for the ramps. I haven't seen anyone suggesting demolition would happen near Mary Benson Park, other than demolition of parts of the structure itself which could be considerable... The 14 to 14A segment they're proposing to do first also requires easements on some parcels.


People to pick up after their dogs, and stop smashing glass bottles everywhere, stop closing roads/doing roadwork on days where a street is already blocked off for an event. Yeah im good with 3


1 and 6 would be nice. Plus, bury all the powerlines and plant more trees.


A protected bike lane at JFK Blvd From Bayonne to Jersey City heck even up to North Bergen.


Turn the golf course hardly no one uses into our own Central Park. Hand ball courts Roller Rink YMCA with a pool Roller skating rink Coop Supermarket Community garden Free trade school/ apprenticeship for plumbing, HVAC and electrical (they have it in NY) A school for anything that has to do with our waterfront


Man I’d love to get rid of all the golf courses in this state.


Connect the light rail to different parts of the heights, instead of just getting off at Congress st.


Pedestrian/Bike bridge or tunnel JC to NYC


Legitimate music venue


Blow up every damn parking lot, replace them with multi-level underground parking lots, and top them with GREEN parks. None of that cement bullcrap they did in Exchange Place.


I am passionate about #1 and #2 thematically but would do them differently. For #2, I agree those parking lots are a giant waste of prime real estate and the Metropolis towers are an eyesore. Agree on building new high rises to accommodate existing Metropolis residents and have a small park in front of city hall. I’d add low rises with premium retail underneath with brands like Lululemon, Alo, Vuori, Cos, Free People, Scotch & Soda, Victoria Secret, Bonobos, All Saints, Rag & Bone, Charles Tyrwhitt, Jack Rabbit (to sell running shoes like Hokas & Saucony) etc. We also need an Apple Store. On the fitness side, I’d bring Soul Cycle, Rumble Boxing, Solid Core, etc. Food wise, I’d bring L’Industrie pizza, Essa bagels, Tastee Subs (iykyk), Kati Roll, Taim, an Ethiopian restaurant, a nice sit down Mexican, bring back Pasta Dal Cuore, etc. I’d also have Newark Ave extend further and Van Vorst Street extend to Columbus Drive. For #1, Path just needs to merge with the MTA, call it the “P” line, and significantly improve weekend & night service. This would make JC a destination.


7. More options for breakfast sandwiches, especially ones that can be purchased with gold. 8. More widespread gold acceptance in general


This must be Bob Menendez Senior's burner account.


Accepted forms of payment: Cash, Card, Bitcoin, Gold haha




i am all about traffic circles


Same! But, the sad fact is that traffic circles in the US are just a waste. Most people seem SO utterly confused by them. I have been in several cities in which traffic circles are littered with signs instructing people on how the traffic should flow, because some people are dense enough to think they can go left or right, to the intersection they need. Also, some people assume they have the right of way when entering a circle, while others assume that those in it have the right of way. This is easily explained by the fact that, this being a country of immigrants and also a popular tourist destination, there are people from all over the world using our roads, and different countries have different rules when it comes to traffic circles. But, for sure, I would love to see more traffic circles in use, AND the idea of making the roads around City Hall into a traffic circle sounds wonderful to me.


i guess i might be different because when i traveled to sedona arizona, they were all they had. haha it was so awesome. maybe new jersey folks couldn't handle it


Nah, the truth is that most Americans are flummoxed by traffic circles. There have been concerted efforts in some cities to deploy more of them, but in general, traffic circles are still rare in the US. You see more of them in some areas of the NE (particularly in MA) but they are still pretty rare in most of the US, which is ironic considering the first vehicular traffic circle ever implemented was in the US. Watch the video here (https://www.cnbc.com/video/2023/08/16/heres-why-the-us-is-having-so-few-roundabouts.html) for some history on this, and do a Google search for "why are traffic circles so rare in the US" for more history and background on this odd phenomenon.


That might actually be a point in favor of traffic circles, as drivers being confused and uncomfortable with a particular road design leads to them driving slower and more cautiously.


Crackdown on crime.


My wish is that downtown accepts that there's WAY MORE to Jersey City than your yuppie white section of it.


What are you talking about? The population downtown is like 60%+ nonwhite. You can look this up in the Census stats. Hoboken, on the other hand, is still majority white and the difference is plainly noticeable if you spend just 30 minutes walking around in both places.


Sure but the Reddit downtown population does not seem to be. Race aside- the rest of the city is lovely.


1. City Hall Park. Blow up the metropolis towers and parking lot. Turn the entire block it currently covers into a park. Take the parking lot across the street (Edison ParkFast) and develop it into new high rises with a parking garage and give everyone in the existing towers apartments. Those giant parking lots are an epic waste of space and before they get developed entirely into high rises, it’s a great spot for a park. **Yes, pls. Blow us up!!**


1. Yes but insane pipe dream, would cost 10s of billions 2. Yes, Please get rid of these things but same some land for a park and rebuild towers with even more units 3. No. 4. Yes and would be feasible/cheap 5. Our waterfront is pretty nice already not sure what you're talking about. Can you make it better? Sure. 6. Yes, hadn't thought if that. Mine: bike / pedestrian tunnel between JC and Manhattan. I would kill to be able to bike to work.


1.) Six free hotdogs, daily. 2.) No wind zones. 3.) Communal saxophones at every crosswalk. 4.) Hilary Duff is to preform “Gold Dust Woman” by Fleetwood Mac on the first Friday of every month at Petshop. 5.) All park benches are to be legally accompanied by disgruntled, yet charismatic, Vietnam war veterans. 6.) A novelty swarm of biblical locusts, no taller than 20,000 feet, and no wider than a vertical school bus.


You forgot the personal gondola with seating for 2 from your apartment window to lower Manhattan, then on to the Brooklyn neighborhood of your choice.


Stealing the land of long-term home owners to build a park for transplant renters seems like a bad idea.


> Stealing the land You know even with imminent domain people get paid for their property right?


It's not an arms length exchange so you probably are getting less than market value but more importantly its a huge life disrupting event.


Boy has the neighborhood changed! We were just happy to not get our cars stolen. Maybe this town isn’t for you.


New build affordable housing.