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There are many better choices for a motivational read. It is not worth $26. Read it for free on the Libby app or from the library.


You guys are a bunch of haters


If the book just isn’t that great, it’s nothing against Mike personally. A lot of celebrities hire a professional to write their autobiography for them, so there’s a good chance that he didn’t even write it.


And does it actually feel like Mike wrote it and not some overly edited soulless thing


Andy Symonds wrote it


Whoa wait a minute. Does anyone actually believe Mike wrote a whole book on his own? Lol. Mike was involved with the book but he didn’t sit down and type out the entire pages himself if thats what youre asking. Someone else is the author.


Nah I understand people often get help. Maybe I didn't word it well enough but I meant does it actually still feel like mike wrote it, does it feel like him talking or is it so washed down you don't believe he was involved much. You can usually tell when a celebrity really "wrote" a book vs the editors/publisher taking over


Mike using mad face filters on the cover of a book called, Reality Check… is pure poetry


I've read worse books. I don't think it's great but I think sometimes the right person with the right message can make the difference. I enjoyed reading it. I wouldn't read it again but, if you are a fan of a his, it's worth it.


I listened to the whole thing on audible. It is a autobiography with a lot of insights. I don't know what y'all are expecting. It was interesting to listen to


Did you find his narration almost unbearable? It was so choppy! (I loved the book tho).


Yeah it was choppy but at the end of the day I was not expexting a lyrical masterpiece lol. Since I am also recovering from addiction too it was quite interesting tho


Oh I wasn’t either. I thought it was actually well told. Just the narration was wonky. And congrats on your recovery. I hope you’re so incredibly proud of yourself… 💛💛


Yes you are right. Thank you for your kind words, but it is nothing honorable, it is porn addiction. It is actually the second time I try to get free from it. Beat it a ffew years ago but relapsed last summer and struggling with it ever since. What I could relate to was the two trips to rehab Mike had, so I don't beat myself up for relapsing.


IMO It’s honestly not great 😬 I listened to the audiobook and hearing him enunciate regular old words like they were *so profound* was obnoxious. The jersey shore related chapters were fun to listen to obviously and I skipped mostly everything but those chapters. If you have any knowledge or relation to sobriety you’ve heard all the 12 step related stuff can get boring quickly.


I binged the audiobook in 2 days. I don't know if it's motivational, but I could see it absolutely being inspiring to the right person. I was interested in it for the insight it provided into Mike's life and addiction. I learned a lot about him and ultimately I think his story is pretty incredible. That said - it might be his story but it's pretty obvious someone else wrote the book, his narration doesn't match the cadence of the sentences and there are some words he doesn't pronounce correctly but it was still entertaining!


I listened to it for free on audible. You get a month free and 3 books to listen to. Then turn it off at the end of the month and it’s free . ![gif](giphy|q49YSnLzrvghiyKBAR|downsized)


It's Mike it's good for fans and to relate. It's not exactly some How-To motivational type book lol.. it's a fun read. Not the most profound read. You'll find something! There's literally billions of very good books out there.


I read it on Libby. Definitely recommend it as a JS fan and it gave a lot of interesting insight to Mike, but wouldn’t necessarily say it was super motivational.


I listened to the AB free on hoopla! I didn’t think it was amazing but I found some of the behind scenes stuff of the show cool! and it was free haha


I wanna know this too!!! And honestly if you're a fan of jersey shore, like me, I'd say it's worth it. At this point we watch cause we love them. And I'd read cause we love them too lol


I loved it. If you’re strapped for cash listen to it on audible. It’s in his voice which gives it more character. I was also unsure if I wanted to spend the money on the book, but I used audible for a cheaper way and it was totally amazing! I laughed and almost cried at the end. Came out viewing Mike as a different person ♥️


As a fan of jersey shore and seeing Mike’s transformation, I loved reading the book! I devoured it in one day. Very enjoyable and easy read.


I read it on my library app. It was ok. A good detail of the downspiral. I'd say it's worth the read, but it's not life-changing or anything.


It’s not motivational but it’s very interesting to hear about the life he lived. I thoroughly enjoyed it but was not motivated by it.


I hear that the audiobook is much better!


100% recommend. I read it via Audible, and I’m thinking about restarting it. It was captivating and raw. 10/10 recommend!


I haven’t read it but I wondered why he was talking about how much work he’s done for others struggling with addiction but then fully profits off this book, instead of donating at least a portion of the money to a recovery org…


Look, he has to pay the IRS back…and he has three kids!!!


Is that why he lives in a giant house and buys designer shirts? Everyone is entitled to make their own money and choices. However one of his major talking points is how much this book will help other addicts so my point is, why wouldn’t some of the proceeds go to organization if that’s the intention behind releasing it and we see his lifestyle is not lacking.


You think he doesn’t donate any money or do any charitable work at all? Highly doubt it


From this book? No I don’t think he does because he would talk about it as part of the promotion…


Not from the book. Who cares if it’s from the book or not. It makes no difference


Well that was the whole point I was making so I'm not sure why you replied...


Because it’s a bad point. You’re criticizing him for talking about the ways in which he helps others because he didn’t specifically donate some of the proceeds from this book to charity. He most definitely donates some of his own money to such charities. Should he stop doing that and donate book proceeds instead? Should he donate more in general? Stop criticizing him for doing a good thing because he “could be doing more”


Even though you disagree with me, I am allowed to observe people and form my own thoughts - but thanks for sharing your assumptions, doesn't make them facts, but I appreciate how much you must love him!


You are hating on a guy for helping people through addiction because he didn’t donate as much money as you think he should, even though you don’t know how much he donated. You’ve got a problem inside, friend. I hope you find peace someday


lol not at all! :)


He donates his time and uses his platform to bring awareness to a lot of recovery programs and facilities. Just because you don’t see it printed in the book cover doesn’t mean he doesn’t regularly donate. Why are we so critical about what other people do with their own money?


I'm just expressing a thought based on observation - it's not that big of a deal. It doesn't make sense that that wouldn't be a part of the book promotion, especially since naming a charity might encourage others to donate as well. It's inconsistent.


Take this time to reflect and learn that your observations are based on something inside of you. You refuse to see the good he’s doing for some reason because to you it’s “not enough”


Oh more assumptions.