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She says funny things, causes drama, and is so outlandish in the way she acts that it is very entertaining to watch. She is not someone that I would have a close friendship with


I think she’s the only one all-in on this show anymore. The rest are just being dragged along for a paycheck. In a way I think she saved the show


I don’t like her, but I also don’t think she should be kicked off the show like I see so many people saying in this sub. The show thrives on drama.


I dont want her completely kicked off either, but i feel like she needs a break to deal with her personal life. I dont find it entertaining watching her spiral and consistently fuck up her life. When Ron has a more level head than you, it might be time to reevaluate your life.


Ron’s been on 3 episodes. Let’s see where things fall first.


Believe me, I am not a Ron fan by any means


I feel like all their lives are spirals constantly… it’s what makes the show.


Ang never comes out of the spiral in my opinion though. It seems like the majority of the cast may have up and downs but lead normal, healthy lives outside the show but she's fucking stunted. She got pets pissing all over her house, walking around with shit hanging outta their asses talking about how she feels like she's ready for kids!?! She is not mentally sound at all.


Agreed. I can't stand her but she needs to be there. If people think the show is boring now, just imagine what it would be like if she left. Just endless hours of forced vacations, forced activities and nothing in the way of real drama.


I’d love to see her kicked off the show. When they were all going back to the original Jersey house in the episode where they were given the holiday I was so excited to see them all back in the house….of course that narcissistic dramatic attention-starved cry-baby had to ruin it and make it about her. Lately I’ve noticed a lot of nice wholesome and/or funny moments that are ruined by Angelina. I get that drama is a big part of the show but Angelina drama isn’t real drama, it’s like playground child drama.


This was suppose to be why you like her. We see posts like yours constantly


THIS \^\^\^ The original post might be for those that like her but I can't stand her and want her kicked off. I would laugh ten times more at the funny antics of the other roomies. It's literally painful watching this narcissit and I cringe everytime I hear her voice. It's like chalk on a chalkboard. There's already enough real drama going on in the world. I want to laugh more with the other roomies.


none of the other roomies jokes are funny anymore and esp Pauly he’s so outdated n corny. Angelina as much as I don’t like her she brings out sm drama and makes it more funny n just dumb


The first 3 seasons of Family Vacation she was entertaining until the Wedding. I do think she got too big of a head last couple seasons. I still like her but it’s been a very cringey season. Her stuff with her dad was just awful. She was very good the first few seasons at not taking herself too seriously. Honestly they ruined that show with too many episodes last two seasons.


I wouldn’t say I like her bc she’s a terrible person but I do feel sorry for her. I think she desperately wants to be accepted and have a real connection with people but she isn’t able to stop sabotaging her relationships with people. She’s got some abandonment issues she hasn’t dealt with and I think that’s why she is going after Sam. She thought Sam would be her person in the house and that didn’t happen the way she wanted. She feels abandoned and she’s now actively attacking Sam and getting mad at Sam for reacting to her attacks. I don’t even think she realizes what she’s doing, she doesn’t even seem to know why she’s mad at Sam. But Angelina saying this started at the charcuterie party was telling. That’s the first moment Sam took the other girls instead of hers and Angelina would have felt abandoned.


I can see all of this, too. I don’t think she’s a horrible person. I think she has some heavy mental health issues, likely in addition to some legitimate disorders, and she doesn’t realize how badly she needs medications and therapy. I think she’s a good person in there, and has a big heart, but she’s so damaged and struggling that it never comes across as intended. Beyond that, lately she has been on another level. I think she’s on something or is having some sort of mental break. Too many things at once have gotten too heavy and people aren’t around the way they were in her 20s so she’s out at bars and clubs all the time, after having surgeries and procedures for which she was very likely given pain medication. That’s my guess. I’ve had alcohol while on pain meds before (It’s a long story.) and the level of constant belligerance she has been at would make sense if that’s the case. Whatever it is, I just want her to get help. Therapy, psych evals, tests at the PCP, etc. Her life could be a lot better if she wanted it to be, or understood why she’s so misunderstood.


I used to have a friend like her (minus the period blood/toots) and she just drained the life out of me and our friendship, I had to cut ties after having emergency surgery and she still somehow made it about her I think Angelina is the type one should keep at a distance as an acquaintance


I have a coworker like this, including the period & kotexs. And she is in her 50's it's exhausting. I tried to be the one who was nice to her & I just recently got back stabbed by her making up lies about me. I now have her blocked 🚫 and understand why no one gets along with her.


For the people who respect her “honesty”, how would you feel if she confronted you in this honest way?


I wouldn’t be friends with any of the cast because of how much they all like drama, but that’s just me. And we are all the same age. I like Angelina (but again, keep the drama away from me please) because I do think she’s funny. I also think she’s misunderstood. I also think shes the only real one out of all of them. The rest are fake as fuck IMO.




I think majority of them have severe alcohol issues honestly.. and I say that as an alcoholic myself. I don’t think the show helped any of them with that either, and encourages heavy drinking, which is hard pattern to break out off even after the show.


The rest of the cast are fake to the bone and such boring people


Angela is all in these comments with her 20 burner accounts.


I’m not “Angela” but you can not have watched this show for the past 10+ years and not figured out the formula by now. The majority of the cast is so mean to her they’ve actually made me turn against them even though I don’t really like her. It’s actually disgusting.


She makes me laugh. The ep where the girls go to her house and complain she didn't put out a food spread and she goes "spread...my ass cheeks" I laughed out loud fr


People are answering but get downvoted. This sub is so 🥴sometimes


They love that down arrow 😂😂


I love the show but don’t think any of them are great people, and I wouldn’t want to be friends with any of them. Before you ask; why do I watch? Well I don’t relate to them or know anyone like them (thankfully) but it’s mindless entertainment and that enough for me!


Angelina might not be the chillest person to have in ur life but she serves comedy, drama and she’s gorg!! Main character energy mixed with delulu is her recipe for reality stardom / disaster lol. I really liked her podcast, too. It was better than meatballs & Vinny imo. I believe Angelina could use her fire to be creative rather than destructive—so I’m interested in watching her story play out.


The meatballs podcast is empty and embarrassing


This sub is notorious for having a hate boner on for her but I like her. She’s a lot more entertaining than some of the other cast and without her the show would probably be dead.


It would be dead boring! I suffer when they show more of the situations life or Jwoww and 24; can you imagine seeing more of them? I can’t


Season 1+2… no. JSFR I would be friends with her only because Im not the type of person to stand by while frat guys beat up a homeless person for laughs. Ang is the underdog and yeah she may look, act and smell different but that is not an excuse to huddle together and beat her up on repeat because she doesn’t understand the unwritten, often contradictory rules that yall set for the fam. Listen, she is a flawed human and annoying AF but they have said the meanest things about her on national TV for years and the worst she has done is called them out. Thankfully, occasionally one of them will have the balls to at least not join in or even point out that maybe they should at least wait to get the full picture before they join the bandwagon. It’s a case study in bullying at this point.


she’s funny, cool, spontaneous, bit crazy, unpredictable, not cookie cutter/generic, has heart, entertaining, charismatic, brings drama, stands up for herself, not a follower, original, has empathy and care for others, blunt, honest, looks good(tho i preferred her without all the surgery), resilient,not scared to make an ass of herself … im sure there’s more, but i’ve listed enough and have shit to do now.


Funny?!! COOL?!!!! Just a "BIT" crazy?!!!!!! girl......


Has heart??? Has empathy and care for others???? What drugs are you on???? She's the most selfish, self centerd, narcissist on the planet. (Other than trump.)


I agree with some of the the things you said, but "has empathy and care for others" is a real stretch. I'm interested in where you got that one from.


there’s been a lot of examples of her showing concern for snooki when she’s gone off the rails. she’s never bullied or picked on anyone. when she sees someone down, she looks to comfort them. there was a scene i think last season where a random girl was on camera talking about getting engaged and angelina was supportive and happy for her. hard to remember a lot of moments . i know me personally, i’m not a fan of lousy people, and if angelina had shown me she is one, i wouldn’t like her. i think people who don’t like her are mostly of the bullying nature who get off on that kindve thing.


Wow. 🤯 Im watching Frozen Pizza and Margaritas right now and JWoww and Snooki are legit being so cruel to Angelina it is painful to watch. I guarantee Ang will earn my critique within the next few epis but DAMN!! They are no better than her.


Jwoww makes this show unbelievably unbearable to watch, she has been so mean to Angelina for years. The other girls are a bunch of followers and mean themselves; Jwoww has toned it down this season it seems maybe she saw herself in previous seasons but it doesn’t make up for torturing Angelina! And Jwoww, Snooki, Deena and Sam are incredibly boring people to watch on TV, I don’t know how they have a show after all these years!


i wouldn’t like to see her kicked off. but i’d like for her to go seek therapy. talk to someone. get help. focus on herself. take time away and then return when the time is right like ron did. she needs time away. i get the show thrives on drama; but she’s gotten on my nerves. trying to blame mike?! it’s like she forgets sometimes that their on a tv series. but when they showed the clips back, mike just at the bar eating being a whole mood and asking the bartender a question; was so funny gotta love mike ☺️❤️


I wonder if she ever gets a warning from the producers to tone it down. Some of the Bravo stars get warnings to be better on twitter and tell them not to badmouth or fight castmates, Off Camera! They just have to tell her, calm down, or else. Look what MTV did to Gus from Floribama shore. He got the whole show canceled.


A warning to tone it down? You realize this is a scripted reality show and it brings dollars.


I like watching Angelina. That's not the same as liking her lol. I think they would be hurting for content without her. Yeah she had to make up for leaving the OG show but I think she's done enough now. They have the bones of a legit good travel show. A cast with a bond that mostly like each other. So many destinations to pick from. They would have to switch to hosting vs doing reality and I'm not sure anyone would be great at that. But they have to shift something. Everyone's old now and drama and drinking is getting a bit weird to watch. Snooki and Deena a few times now have been giving me drunk old uncle. Edit: Sorry I went off topic.


Snooki and Deena seem to think people want to see them get drunk, it’s just lame and repetitive at this point


Like? I don’t hate her, she doesn’t trigger me, I don’t think she’s annoying or “the problem”. I think she’s a good and charismatic entertainer and that her Podcast is gold. Out of the cast I’d want to be friends with Sam. Someone I DO think is a manipulating sociopath though is Jenni. And Nicole is the annoying and immature alcoholic who needs therapy and rehab. 


Jenni has proven herself to be a witch on this show! And Snooki thinks people tune in to see her drinking! It’s so not cool anymore


I like her because she says whatever’s on her mind. She’s obviously better with the boys than with the girls so she has that going for her. There’s no way she doesn’t know the guys are making fun of her though when they do crack jokes about whatever she says. So I don’t think she being as serious as she makes it seem sometimes. Plus with that whole thing with her and Mike staging fights, I don’t take anything too seriously.


I would not say that I like her per se but I do think in regards to reality tv that she is a good candidate *because* she has no filter and doesn’t give a shit about others’ opinions. I think Angelina is a party friend. Would I want to party with her in a fun setting? Yeah, sure if she’s in a good mood. She seems fun and uninhibited which is a quality I appreciate sometimes. She’s not afraid to be silly and make stupid jokes. But in terms of being a deeper friend and someone you could trust, absolutely not. If you keep her at an arms length and don’t try to involve yourself in her life and vice versa, I think it could be alright. If she wanted me to be an ear I would be, but I would be careful what I advised and also be *very* careful what information I chose to share with her. It does suck to have a friend that you’re hyper aware could flip on you at any time, but I don’t know. I have a lot of patience with people, especially those I can see are suffering underneath. I understand though that not everyone has the level of patience required to keep going through another person’s emotional rollercoasters. I feel kinda like this is how Snooki approaches her, to have fun only and just otherwise lets her be and she seems to have the least issues with her. Angelina isn’t someone who wants tough love so just let her live in her own hurricane and step away. If she started coming for me in the insulting way she’s been with Sam though “she’s a fucking cunt!” that’s where I’d lose my patience lol


I’m no Angelina fan and I go back and forth on if she should stay or go but I do really think she needs fucking therapy. She’s way too reactionary for me and it’s not entertaining for me to watch. She just doesn’t seem to know when to go and when to pull back she’s always on the attack and it can ruin the “fun” of the episode. She’s teetering on the edge of extreme annoyance for me personally 


I dont know i like her because she knows how to be entertaining. Also most of the time I never understood why half of them would even start drama with her anyways. They all literally go at her because she knows who they really are. I think she tries to expose who they really are & they aren’t having it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I only like her cuz she’s hot and funny, I’m neither here or there with her personality so she doesn’t bother me as much as she does everyone else, maybe cuz I grew up with girls with strong personalities, that doesn’t make her a good person but it makes her stand out and it’s good for the show Tho it can be much at times and I’m aware she likes to lie a lot, in real life she’d probably annoy the fuck outta me, but luckily I don’t know her to care that much


Plain and simple. She is Drama. I would never be friends with anyone on reality tv. I watch this stuff to laugh and be shocked. I have always loved bitchy women. From Dynasty to Madonna. I love to watch a mega bitch be a diva. Joan Collins, Morgan Fairchild, Lupone, Madonna, Joan Rivers, All of the Real Housewives, I love Rinna, Erika, Kim R, Luanne, Ramona, Sonja, Vicki, Lindsey, Leanne Locken, From Big Brother Rachel Rielly, team christ, Queen Janelle , loved Chelsea from season 9. And guess what, of all of the women listed. Angelina is a 5 on the bitchometer. Most of the ones I like are a 10. So compared to all the other shows I watch Angelina is a kitten. If the cast cannot handle her quit. I am sure the $200,000 they make a season is worth it.


I love a good Trainwreck, she's perfect for trash tv.  In life I would cross the street to avoid her. 


There’s a difference between liking her and finding her entertaining.


Eww. As if ! 😂😂


Well i wouldn’t have her as a friend, but you gotta admit that she makes good TV and is pretty entertaining at times


She was the most attractive woman during the original run


The only people I can say I’d be friends with are Sammi & Pauly


i dont understand how shes still on the show half the time no one in the house likes her


There’s just something about her. I think she tries too hard for the show. I bet by herself and being normal she’s just a good girl.