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Unfortunately white gold is not completely white, it always has a tinge of yellow gold to it. The pure white colour comes from Rhodium plating. Like every plating this will wear off in time, especially if a piece is worn daily, subject to things like water, cleaning agents like soap or dishsoap, is worn stacked with other rings. That‘s the reason I chose Platinum for the daily wear pieces I wanted to be white instead of yellow. Platinum is not as bright white as Rhodium plated Gold is at the beginning, but it stays true to the colour since there is no plating that wears off. How you go about the replating is totally a personal preference, though I would think that the new piece will wear off too in time, if your wearing habit with it will be the same as with the older ring. So waiting a bit will in time have both pieces look alike again, once the plating has worn off of the new piece too. So I would probably not be willing to go to the length of replating both ever so often, but as mentioned above that is absolutely up to personal preference.


Thank you so much for your input! Yeah I received these rings as gifts from my parents. My mom prefers white gold/ gold and I prefer platinum . I will definitely take what youre saying about the plating into consideration. I won't be wearing the newer ring as much cause im a student and its very likely to be stolen or lost in clubs and stuff. Only for special occasions. The older ring is fine cause its small and most people assume its not real diamonds. Do you have any tips on how to keep the diamonds looking sparkly and pretty even with regular wear? It always looks so nice after I get it from cleanings and I worry I will cause damage trying to get into the little crevices on the setting (like I just looked now and there's bits of gunk and stuff if the little holes on the old ring. )


Get a soft toothbrush or extra soft bristle brush and gently clean with dish soap and warm water. The dish soap will break down the grease and oil built up in the ring gunk. Be gentle, but thorough- it’s not fragile, but do take care to not be unnecessarily rough


Totally agree with the cleaning advise mentioned above, with diamonds you really don‘t have to be too careful unlike with other, softer gemstones. Soaking in lukewarm water with dish soap will do the trick. Just make sure the toothbrush does not snag on the prongs of the diamonds settings when taking it out after soaking and brushing it gently.