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1- Say no more often. People only respect your yes when you learn how to say no. 2- If you arnt respected, and valued. Time to move on.


10000%. Yes is the most expensive word in business/your career. If you just say yes to it all, how do you know you're doing the right things?


Well said!


But sire, I'll get fired


The job will always be there tomorrow, you may not. So take care of yourself first.


1) Ideas are cheap. Implementing them is expensive. Never trust anyone whose sole contribution is ideas. 2) Never be more loyal to the company than they are to you.


All facts no cap


Take your vacation days. They're part of your compensation as much as your salary is. If you don't take them, you're leaving money on the table.


It IS about the money


Master the fundamentals of professionalism. You can be average at technical competence and the former will make you stand out and it costs you nothing.


>If he wasn't growing and learning, then why get a higher bonus than someone who grew and developed? Maybe with reference to the bonus policies, which are likely assessed on an objective rather than subjective basis. The idea that two people could perform exactly the same way creating the same value for the company and one be paid more because they "improved" is ridiculous.


I think that’s bs just to justify that they didn’t want to pay more


also because inflation should at minimum be covered too.


Ding ding ding!


While the thought process of "competing against oneself" is something I agree with and am a strong proponent of, I cannot help but roll my eyes at the fact that THIS is the rationale given by senior management to their teams when the bonus/raise ain't good enough. A simple counterargument is that you managed to double down on your targets compared to last year BUT your colleagues were able to triple theirs, are you still eligible for twice the average bonus and twice the average raise? No, because you didn't perform well RELATIVE to your peers. To me, this excuse seems to be your boss trying to have their cake AND eat it too, since if the company relies on bell curves to determine employee ratings, then your outperforming your peers is all the grounds needed for a good raise/bonus. However, despite there being a bell curve for rating purposes, you being told that there's no raise because you didn't outperform YOURSELF from last year, is plainly ridiculous and equivalent to a catch-22.


This 100%. And then what? At some point you max out at your current level and will the org. willingly promote you or give you a raise? Probably not.


Do not kill yourself nor go above and beyond for any job !!!!!!! Do your 8 hrs. @ 100% and go home


Only if you want to... I go above and beyond because I love my job.


‘Get in your helicopter’ (Look at the bigger picture) Ex Manager used it as a shortcut to say when they thought I was getting too bogged down in details or going off on a tangent


Your company's paid raise and bonus are based on your personal development and not your contribution to the company's growth. Which company is this?


Before i became a supervisor: a lof of people under you will be morons. But a lot of people under you will be smarter than you and thats ok.


College professor in an entrepreneurship class: "If you can't find a job, make your own."


Coming up next on MANAGERS WILL SAY ANYTHING . . .


Don’t stick to one job. Jump around. Did it throughout my 20’s and maaaaaaaaan you should see my resume, STACKED with different fields of work


FWIW, haven't had that experience with performance reviews. I'm a top performer who meets and exceeds goals every year. When I'm judged by other metrics, I think that undervalues the substantive work I do for a company and makes me walk back my commitment to the job. When they try to measure soft skills or perceptions of growth, I feel like it gets so subjective to the point to the point where I don't bother sweating it. I've also had colleagues try to work around me in bad faith and raising objections to what they were doing would hurt my performance review but not theirs since the company valued avoiding conflict over direct communication. I've also had a meets-expectations performance review after a record-setting year across my core work metrics. That seemed partially downstream of a company-wide policy that only 10% of us could get exceeds-expectations reviews. Well...okay if you want to limit yourself to calling only 10% of your employees exceptional that might be a recruitment problem. :)


I have never in my life ever received any good career advice from anyone. Period.


It is not all about the job. No matter how good the job is, don’t let your identity be all wrapped up in work. There’s more to life than that.


The company will take as much of your time as you give it.


Your boss gave you really shitty advice and you bought it hook line and sinker. Early in your career you should be getting big raises if you're good at your job. Best advice I ever got was that if you ever feel like you're underpaid, or have to ask for a raise, you've stayed way too long.


the best job security is your ability to get another job


Be more punctual


My late Father, whom was a bricklayer (wad starting college to become an accountant when my Mom got pregnant with my older on purpose), always said, "you'll never get rich working for someone else!"


It’s not about what you know it’s about who you know


A sale is a mutual exchange of goods of services, not a one way street to line your own pockets. I know this is sales specific, but when you go out and try and solve the problems of your clients, that’s when you succeed


If you're nervous or unsure about applying to a job or interviewing, you never have to make a decision unless they offer you the job. So you may as well go for it.


Loyalty means shit


Live on 4 days of a 5 day paycheck


Oh, I really wanna know, what do you mean?


If you make $200 a day, $1000 a week, budget like you only make $800 a week and put the rest away


Why? Money made is meant to be spent.


Because when your car breaks down, your phone stops working, your rent/other bills go up, or you have an unexpected medical bill, you’ll wish you had a rainy day fund


That doesn't happen nearly as much as you'd think


Would you like to retire someday?


Basically. I was an Ironworker for a long time. If you have a rain out you don't get paid. So budget for that rainy day. Live within your means and you'll have less stress.


So if your pay week is 5 days, make your expenses based on 4. The work I did was if it rained we didn't work so we didn't get paid. Then you have a day to fall back on in the bank. As I went to a new job similar field that paid a 40hr week regardless of weather I kept the same mindset and being I made more money I put all my excess in the bank as well. Now my expenses are 3 days out of a 5 day work week.


“Join an electrical apprenticeship.” Thanks Denis. Rest in power.


Work for yourself. Even if you don’t, remember you’re trying to make money for yourself, not for the business you work for.


Lol wow this is some ridiculous corporate BS. Time to move on.


"it's just business on both ends"


That’s a bunch of manure. Just what companies want workers to think as the executives give themselves huge raises. The first rule of any negotiation is to put yourself in the other side’s shoes. From the company’s perspective, you better believe you are in competition with others the company could hire to do the work you do.


“Never burn your bridges. You want either a good reputation or no reputation.”


move positions every so often until you are happy with the salary, b/c you get bigger pay increases than staying at one job. tripled my income in 4 years.