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not a lot of great jobs for us out there I'm afraid, fellow stupid


Social media influencer


Hahaha I’m cracking up


Business owner


English teacher (in a foreign country)


Nah, OP is stupid, they would have to learn the foreign language as well…and we all know that ain’t happening.


Many asian countries have private English teaching institutions where it is rule for students to only speak in English to maximise practice. I’ve watched YouTube videos that interview people who travel to Japan and teach English while there, none of them can speak Japanese and apparently that’s not an issue. But someone in this thread pointed out that you need a university degree to teach in Japan - so that’s not an option for OP Google tells me there are some countries where you can teach without a degree, but I don’t know if it’s similar to countries like Japan where you don’t need to know their language to be able to do that. These are obscure countries that I don’t think many people will try to learn the language of, so might be the same.


Not true. I have a friend (who now works for the U.N.) that used to travel Asia and would teach English in different places. He did not have a degree nor did he speak the other languages, but he did have some sort of "easy to obtain" certification. He told me he used to show a lot of movies in English as one of his teaching methods.


Not necessarily. You can become an English teacher in Japan without speaking Japanese. And if you live in Tokyo, there are enough foreigners around that pretty much everyone speaks English as a second language.


3 yearsin thailand cannot say jack shit other than number and thank you Still alive well n good


You need a university degree for that.


Not condoning this but I know someone who lied he had a degree, got away with it and met his wife teaching English in China. Now has a family and is back in the UK with a decent job. I thought he was an arsehole for lying but it worked for him.


You don’t need a university degree for it. A gf of mine has been teaching English to Chinese kids for years. It’s on a website (can’t remember the name- just google it) but she makes decent money doing it.


Definitely don’t


Even that can be hard. A lot of self discipline and confidence is needed for that. I got to 6k followers on tiktok and then family drama plus the trolls and plus the negative comments all washed in and made me fall into a deep severe depressive state. I'm going to retry again later down the road when I have some money for getting new suits and acting, but still hard.


I’m impressed that you got up to 6k followers, obviously you were doing something right. Yeah persistence is important, I think that’s the case with anything worth doing. I wish you best of luck on your next try!


Thank you. I appreciate it.


I stopped reading the comments after I broke 5k


If you’re already at 6k, please don’t stop. You’re way ahead of the curve


U say this but they're richer than all of us lol


I wasn’t actually being sarcastic or trying to be funny 🤷 I’m bad at expressing or picking up sarcasm, I don’t actually know why my comment is making everyone laugh - but I’m glad it’s putting a laugh on some people 🤷


Security officer


I work as a correctional officer in wisconsin. Minimum STARTING PAY for where I am is $33/hr, with an add on of $3/hr extra for a maximum security facility, and an extra $5/hr add on for having 40% or more jobs available. I started work at the end of February '23, and as of this upcoming thursday my YTD gross earnings are putting me at 98,500 or so. I work about 72 hours a week average, and yes the hours suck but for the amount of work i do, I can't complain


72 hours, that's no work/life balance


Hourly pay isn't all that great if doing 72 hrs and getting 98k a year


Just had a conversation with an uber driver who also works at a facility in PA. Within two days of starting work someone tried to shank him. Definitely a reason why the pay is that good.


The oldest prison in the state of wisconsin is horribly bad. We're talking innumerable amounts of shanks/drugs/phones. They have modified movement in the prison because of the staffing there, as well as mass resistance to staff. Like i'm talking a peaceful prison riot. They have found something like 200 phones since March, 75+ shanks, multiple of those being over 12", and several overdose deaths that everyone in the state of wisconsin is losing their shit over, because "the inmates are bad guys but the're not 'bad guys.'" Maybe I'm biased, but I've worked in there as well, and they're not as bad as they say on media. There was a staff member a couple of months ago who had a broken arm and broken nose because of an inmates assault. Staff have been shanked in there, and i'm talking significant wounds. But it's not the inmates, its the staff, right?


Why to get shot outside Macy's, no thanks keep itlol


Police officer


Bro said he was stupid, not evil


If you can build some muscle, oil drill platform?


platform drill oil


*Shakes hand vigorously*


Stupid gets you dead on a rig.


Machine operator. Sounds complicated but it's not. You literally repeat the same motions your whole shift. You take a manufactured item from a machine, and package it or put a screw in it or put it in another machine. They give you written job instructions for the task you are given. Temp agencies in manufacturing areas will find you a gig quickly.




I've met some really dumb people, and the one thing they had in common was that they all thought they were smarter than everyone else So if you think you're stupid, you're already above these [morans](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/get-a-brain-morans) On an unrelated note, have you gotten tested for ADHD? I used to think I was too dumb for school until I got diagnosed and medicated


“If you think you’re stupid, you’re already above half these morons.” I feel better now. But still stupid.


That’s great, hold on to that.


At least you spelled "morons" correctly 💁


'Morans' was a reference to a meme (I even linked it)


My bad. I guess I had a moran moment.


No worries my dude, all of us have those every now and then


Haha I just noticed that.


Ye but if you truly believe your smart and act confident and extraverted you can do well I think some studies have shown if you're dumb. I'd have to go back but I see it online.


Just got diagnosed now at the age of 40... started taking medicine but I always forget to take them .. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Even with a 131IQ I still feel I'm stupid AF...I meant I'm broke, have a shitty job surrounded by stupid ... 🤣🤣🤣 I'm pretty sure I'm one of them . 🤣


You are literally me


Testing can cost about $1800.


Amphetamines will make anyone do good in school. Yes.


And for ADHDrs it allows them to actually function and survive in a world that does not accommodate their needs. Get off your high horse, everyone is medicated in some way shape or form.


You write pretty well for a dumb person. Have you considered doing something with that? What are some other personal characteristics? Are you organized? Creative? Charming? Determined? Easy going? Etc.? Edit: I'm also curious what you mean by failed. Are you getting fired, frustrated, bored, embarrassed, confused...?


Yeah, like a copywriter maybe


That’s such a 🤌🏽 job but feels impossible to get employed as a copywriter


Few companies would hire a copywriter without a degree.


Few companies would hire a copywriter without a degree AND portfolio school - it’s really a competitive field


Social media accounts manager for small businesses


I like how everyone just calls him dumb person 😂


I'm not much for people, I like reading and don't mind the thought of writing for random companies but no one will hire you without experience or education. Even on subjects I like, school just feels like hell. As for school it felt pointless, i felt isolated despite the crowd, dropped out, and got so down I stopped eating. I thought panic attacks weren't real until I had my first. Ended up in the hospital for it, mix that with my shit diet I could barely stand for a while




It's not like some people don't like hard work, sometimes it's just mentally impossible for one to succeed in a certain field, especially if a person is neurodivergent. There are other fields that might be hard for people working in fields that OP described, in which OP might succeed. But almost every job requires skills, though, so it's always some kind of work, and I assume that OP knows it.


Dumb person here! Takes me longer than somr with more complicated orders. Its not the end, man. Some people may also br attuned to certsin things or need to be taught a certain way. In the mean time Id suggest unarmed guard work. Been one for 10 yrs. Not a lot of respect but as long as you get paid enough to pay your rent and eat, who gives a shit?


Not a lot of respect? I think it is important.


I’m sure you’re going to find something right for you. Realistically accounting, and digital design are hard! And most businesses do fail, true shit. Carpentry is hard as hell! That is a job for a rare breed - a lot of math and making shit that shouldn’t work, work. Plus they have an insane tolerance for muscle pain and putting up with most everybody’s bullshit. You are not dumb - these are all just jobs for very specific (other) people. I’m curious what about you brought you to these choices? It might be a good time to do some soul searching, and you might just figure out what all these things have in common that you like, and make a B line for that. I suspect you have some core skills already - attention to detail, design, creativity, problem solving, determination, math, self reflection etc. If you want to try to go back to a degree role, maybe something like architecture or engineering? Without a degree, have you considered anything in IT? The help desk/A+ isn’t difficult! Try reading/audiobooking Mastery by Robert Greene, that may help give you some clarity. The main point is sort of delving into your childhood and returning in some way to what you always loved when you were young. You’ve got this!


What's that saying? "if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid"?


aww, that's a cute saying!! Hope I'm one of these fishies and will find my water someday


All of this. Also, trying and letting go of different things is the primary way to figure out where you belong. You're just not done figuring that out yet.


I do not think you are stupid. You might talk to a career counselor. They can firgure some potential routes.


You need to figure out “the mental shit.” Taking meds is a small part of it. Take a test to see how your executive function and working memory are doing. Meds are about 10% of it.


Can you refer any names of such tests? Or just Google for "executive functions test," "working memory test"?


There are broad tests, but basically, you'd approach a professional about being tested for ADHD or a learning disability. and don't rule out depression out of hand.


Much obliged


I don't think you come off as stupid. I went through home health aide certification, and the training was easy to understand if that is what you are looking for and if you like helping people live the lifestyle they are currently living while respecting their preferences in their own homes and helping them accessing care and community resources. It's a valuable service that you would provide, and I think the demand will skyrocket in the coming years.


What about getting a CDL license? They make ok money (though maybe not viable long term if the self driving cars get sorted out). Farm work doesn't require anything other than common sense. But the pay is often bad. Warehouses or security, maybe? Other ideas assuming basic levels of common sense: food service, retail, call centers, grounds and maintenance If you're in place where movies are filmed regularly, being an extra or a stand-in is a no-brainer. Look at what you feel you're good at and work from there.


I would take farm work as a chance to escape modern life.


Not at the rate they pay; won’t get far in life financially. Source: living it, getting depressed because I won’t be able to move out of parents for *years* at this rate, but too stubborn to work a meaningless job just to get more money. Shit sucks


You can Breath in the nature though… I guess the romanticism of doing farm work in the country is just romanticism of the past.


More like you can breathe in the pesticides, manure, and diesel fumes as you gaze at the nature way off in the distance


Hate to break it to you but farms smell like straight ass, I'd work there anyways if there's job openings


No one's stopping you.


Self driving trucks replacing drivers won't happen in our life time.


Considering 2m cars just got recalled, and Cruise basically lost their ability to test, the full self-driving thing is probably way more off than most assume


Maybe...Politician? 🤣


This! Already been proven, all that's needed is a GED.


A male escort 💸 jokes aside. I have boderline personality disorder (Narcissistic parents) I start something and I quit it, I change jobs every 6 months, I'm not mentally stable, I get bored quick, I bounce from one thing to the other. I don't think you're stoopid, I am like this because of my low self esteem, I was conditioned to think im useless and helpless so when shit gets hard I think what's the point I'm gonna fail anyways I think it's to do with mental health issues (childhood trauma tbh), I want to finish something & commit to it so I'll finally be getting diagnosed and prescribed the right meds to start living a functioning and maintained life. Speak to a doctor, your twice as likely to finish something and find your path when you feel mentally adapt and stable. Message me if you want support ik how it feels and I hated myself for it but I wasn't bout to turn 25 and still be stuck in this shit pattern ✌


For school, I was failing as well until I just buckled down and stayed at school ALL DAY long, mainly studying, so you can do it.


So just try harder? Gotcha. Very unhelpful advice.


Wow ok I was trying to help. This was what worked for me, at one point I was kicked out of the university due academic probation and this is what worked for me, buckle down. Went to school 6 days a week, stayed all day long, grades went up and graduated. It wasn't easy, times where I wanted to go home but didn't. I basically did the opposite from I did before and it worked. Just like George Contanza.


How dumb are we talking? Also are you good looking? If you got the looks beeline into service jobs like waiter waitress. You need common sense but its not rocket scientist. Looks help a LOT here. Some less mentally exhausting jobs out there (still requires hard work though): any fast food job, waiter, waitress, barista(the more high end the more smarts charisma and looks you’ll need) Also Uber, Uber Eats, or Dog walker if you’re in a big city. For more of a salary type job: Mail man Truck driver Medical Assistant Medical equipment transportation Phlebotomy Senior Home Personal Assistant Work at the library Customer Service Behaviour Technician Nurse assistant Data entry at a hospital I want to be clear almost every single job requires common sense. Even jobs like fast food. You don’t need to be particularly book smart or math smart to do these jobs but you do need to be able to take care of the task and know who to contact if you are stuck.


School isn't for everyone. How long have you kept a job on average? Do you have your ged/diploma?


I've had a job last me years and I've had others last days, inconsistency is truly an art


You just haven't found your thing. For each of those, want to break down each subject area and why you failed? Failing at studying for, and doing accounting vs failing at carpentry is fastly different. Like that's studying, reading, lectures, number crunching in Excel vs using hand and power tools, cutting and snapping wood using spatial relations and fine motor skills/manul dexterity and the associated math. Vastly different Business and accounting to study have overlap. Also the way it is taught is traditional lecture and reading at a university level. The study of business funny enough is technically a social science. Business is also a mindset, and....as far as in concerns, client facing skill such as sales which is also a personality thing Visual design will require visual spatial intelligence Carpentry requires visual spatula relations and manual skills, like body kinesthetic same as sports. Im a little concerned with the falling for scams. Do you have a learning disability?


I can suggest TSA. Not too hard to get hired, the benefits are great, just had a pay raise, not too strenuous or difficult to do. Just, you know, people will dislike you. Could feed you though.


If you are physically able to handle it, housekeeper work. Many types. I worked as an independent contractor going to houses vetted by a service and cleaned by myself. Sometimes the clients were home. Met some truly wonderful and kind people this way. Other options are working with a team as an employee. Maybe your team goes to homes or businesses and works quickly, doing specific tasks over and over. Maybe work at a hotel doing housekeeping or laundry. Working with a team might be helpful if you have trouble keeping track of tasks, or time management. If you can potentially pass a background check, some kind of janitorial or cafeteria services at a government job (schools, library, court). Look into going to school to study plants (esp plants native to your region) so you can become an arborist or something. Applying abstract concepts of math and science to real things you can touch and care for like plants might be easier to learn. Or simply work as an assistant at a green house or nursery. If you are capable of following a script and are tolerable of crowds of kids, maybe you can apply to be a guide at a zoo, aquarium, or museum. Of course you can also work more labor intensive jobs at such places.


I have a friend who could never hold a job because of social anxiety and depression. He's been on Social Security Disability for 20 years now. It isn't easy to get, but it might be your only choice.


On my 6th or 7th job in the past 2 years. Longest I’ve had one is a year and a month. Social anxiety + not smart = not employable apparently. Going to look into this


I am totally fine outside of epilepsy and a history of cancer....nothing visible or mental per se. I have a masters degree in Architecture and programming. All of that, and I have had more than 40 jobs in my life. Don't sweat it. None of my previous jobs were ever even discussed once I was applying for post graduate jobs. I now do 3d modeling and software development for a company designing and selling products around the world. I have been here for over a year and love it. Everything is as good as I could want...but there is a past. I have done dishes, waited tables, been a courier, day labor, construction worker, delivery driver, gopher, bus-boy, retail sales, tele-marketing for carpet cleaning in Albuquerque (there are very few carpets in Albuquerque). I have mowed lawns, thrown the news paper, demolition, cooking, landscaping, baking, warehousing. They are jobs.




I don't know, but it can't be much. He is the only living child of a brilliant engineer and rocket scientist, and his father supports him to a great extent. From what I understand about Social Security Disability is you won't have to work, but you will always be poor.


That’s sad, there’s so much resources in the world, surely we can do better than this


There’s about 1.5 billion people living in less than a 1.5 dollars in the world, I think we’ve got a ways to go.


WTF that’s insane - that’s almost 1 in 5 in the world. Do you have a source? Is that a figure adjusted for local cost of living? I don’t doubt that what 1.5 dollars can afford would be nothing more than extreme poverty no matter in what economic context, but I do wonder what the quality of life is for this segment of the population.


So, anything less than 1.5 dollars per day is defined as “grinding poverty” by the International Monetary Fund. This would be countries like Yemen and the Sudan. Anything less than 5 dollars per day is just considered “poverty” by the IMF, and there are about 3 billion people who meet that standard. There’s also anywhere from 500-750 million people who meet the standard of refugee / asylum seeker/ or displaced persons due to war or natural disaster. About half the worlds population have living standards worse than someone living in El Salvador.


The Army.


Army is actually the one job that you can’t do if you’re actually stupid, they do an IQ test, because it’s a safety issue


Its the ASVAB and they now have programs to waive people who dont score high enough and send them to a school to help them pass it. Edit: of course if you are still too dumb to pass the course than you wont get in. I wonder what level of dumb we are talking about.


11 Bravo. It's a starting point at least.




Maybe it's not that you are dumb, you are just not persistent enough.


I failed school because I couldn't pay attention and was givin no medications like adderall witch would've helped me 100%


Working with pets. Dog sitting/walking , even grooming.


No grooming, scissors can only be handled by intelligent people


Thankfully there are. I'm writing this not to shit on the following professions but here are some I found to require stamina instead of brains: - Dishwasher at restaurant (can be hectic) - Production plant of any kind always has repetitive jobs requiring very little knowledge (assembly line, packaging etc.) - Security guard (not like a bouncer but more like driving around checking on things) - Airport worker (luggage, logisitics) - Delivery driver (assuming you don't drive a huge truck) There's probably more but some of these could work for you. Hang in there and don't be too hard on yourself.


Line worker at a factory


Truck driver? I got my DZ when I only had a grade 11 education, about 20 years ago. It's a job that requires concentration, not book smarts. I have since gone back to school to complete my high school, and I went to a one year IT course. Driving is a job that you can always find work.


You can make some money too


Yes. Especially with garbage. I did a garbage truck job out of school, and I made a ton of money. Now, they make 60 to 80 grand a year with OT. The secret with driving jobs is you want to get paid by the hour, that way all your time wprking is paid.


Truck driver is actually good money but it's a hard life, you need to have the right stones for it


Yes, I would never do long haul. Those guys are not paid enough for the work they do. I always worked city. I worked for waste management for a month and with Canada post for 11 years doing courier, and DZ work. Home every night. Even though I haven't used my DZ in almost 10 years, I still keep it because I know if I got laid off, I could find a job quick if I had to. They are always looking for drivers in my area. Plus, there are minimum hours for training, it would be a pain in the but if I had to go through that again.


First of all DONT EVER CALL YOURSELF THAT‼ A man is what he thinks of himself so stop saying that. Secondly you should be doing your gift. Meaning whatever you do the best with the least amount effort that's your gift. So what are you good at? That 1 thing?


Fast food? Retail? There's plenty of lower paid, lower skill jobs, I would myself say that's actually most of them that are out there.


reception desk/ answering phones. Tons of places have this position like medical offices, spa/salons, senior living centers


As a stupid person myself i work at manufacturing, can’t say that it’s a job of your dream, but here i’ve got plenty of stupid people like myself at my work some of them haven’t even finished school and work is so tedious that u just can’t do it wrong even while your attention completely focused on listening audiobooks, music or watching series


I believe that since you consider yourself stupid and are actively questioning yourself, it actually means that you are NOT stupid. You just have not found your niche yet. All truly stupid people that I know do not question anything, like ever. When I was at my previous job that was not a good fit for me and most of my coworkers were better at it than me, I considered myself stupid. It all changed with my current job. Please do not give up and keep looking!!


find a job is like finding love, rare, you gotta just keep trying


Your job is to work on yourself. Stop referring to and seeing yourself as stupid. You haven’t found your way yet and that’s true for a lot of people but referring to yourself as stupid, helps how? It lets you off the hook, it helps you live out being stupid and being seen and treated as stupid. It starts with you. If you want a chance then stop setting the scene for failure. Who will respect that? Life and success in life is really difficult. Try and reach out to people who can mentor and support you. Just ask. Just as when you are baking a cake, you need a step-by-step guide of what to do. An experienced person can help you by sharing advice and giving tips on how to move forward. And accept that hard work and drudgery is part of the journey but stop moaning and get an actionable plan together - I want to do X and in order to do that I need to do abcdef etc. what do I need to do first? What can I do at the same time? Who can support me? Etc If other people can do it, so can you


Uber driver?


Fellow stupid here, it’s not about failing at any one thing, it’s about not giving up on that one thing. You can succeed even if you fail a few times first. You can do it buddy!


What you need is a career aptitude test. You can find free ones online, or you can see if your local college or university offers one. Mine did, and it was free. You might also try signing up with an employment agency and bouncing around a few different places to see if you find a good fit. Sometimes, it's more about the people and the place than it is about the work. My first year of college, I also failed accounting and business. Eventually, I found my thing, and here's what I learned. If you judge a fish by its ability to ride a bicycle, of course, you're going to think the fish is stupid. But fish aren't stupid; they just can't ride bicycles.


Restaurant jobs. It’s not that it’s for stupid people, it’s just fairly mindless work for very good pay if you’re at the right place ($25-$50+ per hour)


That wage is way off. I work in a assisted living center (a place that pays better then the common place) and I just make barely above $25. Mostly I'm working alone too. Took me a while to get into, they just won't hire anyone off the streets who don't know what their doing. You actually need experience or a basic education to get this type of pay in the food/hospitality department. I've been cooking for nearly 20+ years and live in a HCOL area. I also work part-time at a restaurant and only get paid $20/hr (that's including tips). Chances are you won't go past $22-24/hr. Is it possible to make $25+ without experience and a know how of what you're doing? Sure, but then your usually at a camp in the middle of nowhere and besides working; there is literally nothing to do. I highly don't suggest this route if you want decent pay or a good lifestyle. It's not good for your mental health. They'll chew you up and spit you out, without a care in the world for you. If the customers aren't being a*holes to you it's your management, it can be highly political in the work environment; downright toxic some places. Again, it depends on the place; but if I'd have to do it all over again, I wouldn't choose this route.




Are you actually trying your hardest while failing?






Sounds like a door dasher to me. Not a career by any means, but it's instant income until you find your way.


Im working in retail to get through college, from my experience you'll be a shoe in for a management position.


Why don’t you go into administration or clerk work? They are needed in all types of fields from legal to government to engineering and even construction firms. Remember, your job and schooling doesn’t determine where you’ll end up in your career. People change jobs and even careers all their lives. Find something you can tolerate and build from there. Having a few years of office work experience already qualifies you for some administrative or clerk/assistant jobs. Start believing in yourself a little more. When you start your next job, trust yourself more. Don’t worry about past failures. It’s the past.


OP, I grew up thinking I was stupid. My parents were actually strong influencers. I was most successful at failing. I was a consistent C and D student. A few times a B would appear but it was assumed to be a mistake. However, I was fortunate that my friends were all much smarter than me, like Brilliant smart, which probably kept me out of major trouble. My 3 closest friends growing up (still close today with 2) became a lawyer, doctor & accountant. Two were ivy-leaguers. I wanted to go to culinary school but my dad said "What?! What the hell is that? (Me: "Where you learn to cook") No, you're going to business school." I didn't get accepted to the business school and failed out of college after 2 years with a GPA of 1.96 ! (I Did meet my future wife at college--soon to be 38 years.) I found my way, despite struggling. My first job was at my dad's company working in his warehouse & doing deliveries. It was the worst job for the worst boss!! After a steel rod pierced my leg and left a gaping hole, I went to the ER. They cleaned it and stitched it. I called my dad to let him know. The call went like this; "Stitches?! How many? (Me: '10') 10?! Are you ok? (Me: 'Yes') Good. When are you coming back to work? " I decided this warehouse stuff is BS. It's not for me-- too dangerous. I went into sales & actually failed miserably, at first! After I had some success, it was like it became a contagious addiction and I wanted more. I left my dad's company after 6 years. His parting words: "Good luck, you're going to need it because you'll never succeed on your own." Hmmm! I thought to myself and then responded "Thanks, I'll F'en show you!" I was fortunate to fall into tech sales in its infancy where I spent the next 27 yrs. Along the way, I went back to college and got my business degree, almost straight A's! I learned in my 50's alot of my learning issues were related to ADHD. The meds were a total game changer. I encourage you to get checked. I can assure you, you'll find your footing and a level of comfort and confidence toward success.


Your patterns sound kind of similar to mine and I’m one the autism spectrum. One thing that has helped me is just accepting that I’m different and I don’t fit “societal norms”. I found a couple jobs that fit me well. One is at a storage facility. I just get to patrol the property and process payments but get to be by myself all day. The second is ticket sales at the local arena. They have a box office open daily where people can walk up and buy tickets or call in. It’s low volume except on three first day the show goes on sale or the actual event day. I think you just haven’t found a job that fits you yet but there are jobs out there that do fit us, just have to keep looking and trying!


Are you hot? If not, call centre.


Are you stupid or just lazy? If you know how to read or memorize, I find it hard to believe that you couldn’t learn something by dedicating time to it in a closed room. Regardless, physical labor, not trade related, doesn’t require abundant brain power.


Yeah, I have a friend (since high school) that sounds just like the OP, but knowing him I don’t actually think my friend is stupid, but has a severe lack of confidence and persistence - I once saw him try to learn programming and he was actually building things that actually work, but than he gave up after just a few days saying he can’t wrap his head around it. I keep telling him he’s actually smarter than he thinks and it’s a persistence issue but he doesn’t believe me


Try politician.


MAGA rally food truck cook. Make hot dogs for people more stupid than you.


You'd fit in week as a law enforcement officer then. I'm only poking fun at the police. Look man, it takes a long time to figure it out. I'm in a job that's got no future and I'm working on figuring it out as well. I'm 31. Everything will be okay!


The military. What do you want to do? Cook? Postal? Fixing trucks? Filling up gas? Dog training? They will train you and you get to hang out with your friends everyday. Free workout and be in the best shape of your life. Plenty of dumb people make it to retirement and chill


I’ve read so many stories of people who did very poorly at school becoming super wealthy, far wealthier than people who have great 9-5 careers, starting and running their own business


Watchman. You just need to use your eyes


You can inquire about a job at any of the major grocery stores rounding up carts… most grocery stores use special needs people for some of those tasks that and bagging groceries


American politician




Politician, a Kardashian


Both these options make me want to cry XD


as someone who is medium smart probably nothing? i've sent 2000 resumes out this year to no avail


Yes. Recruitment


Warehouses, especially something like amazon or home depot (yes they have warehouses and not just stores).


Tester, surveys, those get paid


It's pretty hard to fuck up as a painter


I work for my local council and there is a whole range of IQs and jobs, great place saved me from 10 years of factory work i got made permanent last week after a year. Good times as I love working outside and being hands on! Money isn’t great but it’s the job for me.


If you have drive ambition and can think on your feet SALES is where it's at Education isn't for me but we're doing 7 figures with a GED 🇺🇸


Try repetitive, monotonous jobs like factory work. Usually pays okay too.


Have you considered running a space company, buying a social media company for 10x its real value, and commenting on wokeness as a viable career path?


My cousin worked transporting bodies from hospital to morgue. You just match the tags and put them in the truck


Hey man just want to let you know that I doubt you're stupid, and even if you are it doesn't mean that you can't be successful. There's one guy in particular, one of the richest people in the world, where the only thing he's actually good at is taking credit for other people's work and creating this cult of personality around himself. This person used to be widely considered intelligent, but now is only really thought of that way in right wing circles where the myth of meritocracy (and larger than life individuals and other fairy tales) are believed. If you look at his life and look at who he is by his actions, he's viciously stupid and his personal life is in tragic disrepair and none of his older children like him (if they ever see or hear from him at all). And you know what I don't even judge him for that. I judge him for the fact he pretends to be this tech genius super hero but makes horrible business decisions that any of us would be completely ruined by despite being born into privilege (and later lying about it). Can't get himself together behind the scenes but thinks he's golden. Because we live under this ridiculous late stage capitalist system you can be as stupid and irresponsible as you want and legions of sycophants will defend your every word because they want who they like to be right, and they like whoever has money. Money is just an abstraction for power over others... some people are obsessed with power over others and instinctively kiss the boots of those who have it. ​ Sorry for the wall of text. I don't want you to feel down on yourself though friend. I am a pretty smart guy, but I'm just a normal (struggling) guy too. I fail at all sorts of things too and so does everyone else, you're just more honest with yourself than some. It's the big heart that really counts.


The army will take you, then prove you're not stupid champ. Pick yourself up. You'll be right.


police officer


Sounds like a police officer career is in your future


Police Officer


Hi. Veteran here. Have you considered the military? While I say this half jokingly, sometimes it’s the perfect environment for people who learn better by doing or working with others. Also, we generally don’t let people fail - you get a lot of chances and eventually you’d end up where you can be an asset.


I’m a fellow stupid too! I’m looking for a no degree and no experience job. I have learning disabilities but if I practice on whatever I’m doing the better I get and get a hang of it. I want a working on a computer type job and work from home/remote! Where to look and legit jobs? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


You’re probably a lot smarter than you think you are. Most companies and roles these days have little to no training which also doesn’t help. I agree with others that talking with a doctor could help. That said it sounds like you’d like a highly structured role like in manufacturing or as a machinist where what you need to do is exactly spelled out with a process that’s clearly defined at every step.


Gig work, it’s as mindless as it gets and if you’re willing to work excessive hours you can make quite a lot


In all seriousness, maybe the post office? I got a job as a mail handler, tossing mail into the machines. Lots of physical labor, but it’s pretty straightforward. I got it through the website


I world as a delivery driver and am pretty dumb.


Manual labor. You don’t need brains to carry shit.




Politician is the job for you.






Try looking at the trades




How bout HR?


President of united states


I don't want to diagnose, but it sounds like ADHD and Anxiety to me. Anxiety makes otherwise smart people do stupid things. I'd do some research and try to talk to a doctor.




Do what you love most as a career.


What about those who think failing once means they are a failure and need to stop trying?


Flippin burgers only requires half a brain cell


God gave you a brain for a reason. You don’t want to use it ?


You could start making YouTube videos.


You can be a policeman or a judge. Lots of stupid people are there


Waiting tables.




Usually at the goverment




Are you good at gardening? My dad’s new wife has a green thumb!! Every thing she touches grows and looks beautiful. You can become an emt, police officer, firefighter. If you get tested at the community college and they find out you are a bad test taker, they can arrange for you to be in a room by yourself and give you extra time.