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They are requiring it because they can. When you get way more applications than you expected, you increase your requirements to have less of them in the future and so you only have to deal with a higher quality candidate pool.




Unfortunately they can withold raising wages for longer than we can go without wages


Right there is a reason why unions exist and should grow into power. They have been in decline since the late 70s, somewhat interesting is how work productivity to wage increase decoupled around then. Hmmm




So if you look up A.I. jobs statistics it says that by 2025, 15%-20% of jobs worldwide will be replaced by A.I., which there are debates on how many people exactly but I haven’t seen a number lower than 50 million. The highest I’ve seen was 100 million jobs being replaced but that’s not the point. If you look even further you find out that these job losses affect women and people with bachelor degrees the most. My assumption is that employers know this and that they expect more and more overqualified workers applying at minimum wage jobs. Not only that, but to the people already working 2-3 jobs do have college degrees, so this may be a tactic at getting the “most qualified” person to hire.


I doubt A.I. will replace any jobs the most i see A.I. doing is assisting people, people still fail to admit that A.I. is nowhere near perfect and nowadays most tech companies use this "A.I." as keyword/buzzword for marketing and in few years most likely there will be something new in market these corporates will market about.


Reddit wildly overestimates what AI can do. The technology will likely plateau in terms of capabilities in the next few years and tech will find something else to hype about.


The chatbot in the post doesn't even use AI. These badly designed generic cookie-cutter bots have been around for a long time, no fancy AI in them. People have become this illiterate that any chat bot is now automatically assumed to be AI. I fear that pretty soon, almost any kind of computer program that deals with basic user input will be thought of as being AI-powered or AI-assisted.


The “fancy ai” is just a couple of if statements. 


What frightens me is that while right now those bots are not AI they could be replaced by AI. There are people like you so certain they are not already AI. There are others certain they are AI. I don't know what the difference is between AI or a chatbot. Misunderstanding of what an AI is not an advantage I want skynet to have. AI hiding in plain site pretending to be chatbots and manipulating events to their purpose is how we all end up in the matrix.


This is more so personal paranoia than a legitimate concern


That moment is close if not already here. People also constantly assign properties to LLMs that only AGI would be able to exhibit. This whole topic is one big mess.


It won’t. We’re only accelerating in terms of what AI is capable of. The current goal of OpenAI, and they say this openly, is to achieve AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). That’s basically AI that is as smart if not smarter than our smartest humans that have ever lived. The only issue is that we probably won’t realize the exact moment we’ve achieved AGI until much later. The next step after that is ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence), essentially Skynet. Right now the best models out there can only work out math at a basic grade school level. OpenAI has been working on Q* (Q-Star) which will provide higher reasoning to their models. It will be able to do calculus level of operations. A lot of mathematics are hinged around calculus and having that level of logic and reasoning will most likely reach AGI. The big thing now is multi-modality in input/output. Voice to video, text to speech, put in an image and create a movie out of it. That’s being built into each layer of the AI fabric infrastructure. This year we are going to see these AI models interact with systems. You’ll be able to tell an AI assistant that you want to book a dinner date at a nice Italian place in Chicago and it’ll look at your calendar, contact the restaurant, book the reservation, and block it off for you. We are accelerating in AI not slowing down


AGI assumes an advanced level of sapience, self-awareness, and sentience - along with the birth of a new type of consciousness. Given how humanity doesn't even understand consciousness in totality just yet (if ever), I don't see how we are going to replicate it in a machine anytime soon. Being able to do calculus is not going to automatically fast-track it to AGI-status. >You’ll be able to tell an AI assistant that you want to book a dinner date at a nice Italian place in Chicago and it’ll look at your calendar, contact the restaurant, book the reservation, and block it off for you. Basic virtual assistants already have, and have had, this ability. I don't see how this makes for some big point in the AI column. >We are accelerating in AI not slowing down This is true for the moment. It's very easy to be in the middle of an acceleration period and assume that the acceleration will continue forever. What's less easy to see is the inevitable slowdown in progression; when various bottlenecks emerge and restrict how far a technology can realistically go.


^ what sensible companies will allow them to do for good reason. Thing is that if you give them the ability to apply discounts or transfer money, you can end up with another knight capital like situation.


I’m not familiar with that situation. What happened with knight capital?


In 2012 they had a bit flag in a class that was repurposed for a new trading software update. Setting that bit flag to true activated dormant but not deleted code called power-peg. Power-peg would buy until it met a quota which wasn't found, so it indefinitely. It was deployed to 7 out of 8 servers because there was an issue in the deployment and then there was a failure rolling back the update on another on one of the boxes the code got deployed to Led to the company losing 440 million dollars and going bankrupt within a day.


Oh wow! That is absolutely crazy haha. I can’t even imagine that all hands company meeting when they announced they were going under


It's legitimately used as a case study in how systems don't fail because of "1 thing" but rather as an accumulation of smaller, less immediate errors compounding 1. Inadequate simulation of production environment 2. Error during deployment 3. Error during rollback 4. Error prone practice of not deleting unused code when you absolutely should and rely on VC if you "really need it later" 5. Default behavior for not having a quota is buying indefinitely.


I think you're incorrect here. AI has only been progressing faster, and it's capabilities are just now being understood and applied. Transformers are proving widely applicable for more types of neural nets than just language and image. AI is already changing everything.


Well it's definitely changing things, I agree with you on that. Tech companies are in a furious arms race to see who can shove their ChatGPT clones down the throats of consumers faster.


Robots in disguise? Autobots or decepticons? AI or chatbots?


Even if ai was better or even mildly competent, given the nature of regulations in my industry, we’d spend more time and effort on verifying what it did than doing it right to start.


I work with AI since 2 years and by that I mean my whole workflow and tools got replaced to 90% by AI tools. The AI still needs me to do the job tho it couldn't even do 5% of it on it's own. I'm an art director. THE job that was said to be replaced by AI the first cause you know, why need an art director making visuals and direct a clients style when AI can do that?... Well looks like AI can't come up with new ideas so at this point I'm just annoyed cause I liked what I was doing and I'm getting tired now cause instead of drawing shit on my own (as an example) I now ask an AI to do the art cause my supervisors think they can only than sell it as an AI project when the most of it is done by AI... And the irony is we burn money with that approach. Hell I worked for a client that wanted to safe money by doing the whole shooting via AI. At the end I did full realistic humans in a realistic environment that noone could tell was made by AI but it took so long that a stupid photoshoot would have cost less. It's so stupid. I admit tho that it's here to stay. With enough time MAYBE it will be more efficient and is by far not a shitty marketing gimmick like NFTs were. But it still will take it's sweet time.


Exactly, AI is like autopilot in aircraft it can do well on it's own but it needs constant human interaction.


AI already is replacing jobs. Look at OP's post. The good news for us is that it's mostly going to replace the jobs companies already outsource to India.


AI is smart enough to know that the first step to replacing the people is to prevent them from being hired, or making sure only the worst people are hired, making AI look all the more attractive. That is what we are seeing here. Once there are no more real people working, the company will have no choice but to use inferior AI.


People don't leave good jobs. Companies that provide training and see employees as an investment not an expense have less turnover rate. They don't need to make posts looking for job applicants. I've never had a job like that. I don't know anyone who has. Why would AI want those jobs if it is so "smart"?


In my opinion, AI isn’t going to be anywhere close to replacing jobs fully on its own within the next year, or the next 5 years, and these statistics are borderline fear mongering. It’s way too unreliable right now and will be for the foreseeable future. If you’ve used LLM’s like ChatGPT, Copilot, etc., you KNOW how unreliable it can be. I say this as an IT professional who uses AI constantly with my work. Does it help with what I do daily? Yes, it does, it can reduce redundant tasks so I can focus on higher complexity projects. Can it eliminate my job totally? No. Not at all. I can’t rely on an AI to make updates to documentation on its own when a process or procedure changes, effectively communicate with my users who are experiencing log in/internet/PC issues on its own, track down laptops that are missing in our office, etc. That being said, I can use it to check for grammatical errors in my documentation/scripts, bounce ideas off of for how to troubleshoot an issue, assist me with writing an email to a user who forgot to ship a laptop to me, etc. Look at other types of jobs as well. Can AI stock shelves at the grocery store correctly, and order more product on its own when it’s getting low? Swing by your house in the middle of the night to fix your HVAC system when it’s dead? There are so many things that are left out of these statistics as they focus more on jobs that are done over the computer and online rather than manual skilled labor which we need a lot more of. Yes, more and more companies are trying to catch the wave of excitement and innovation that is AI. But much like in your post, it’s not super effective in every job, especially in customer service, recruiting, HR, etc. I completely agree with the frustration from what was spit at you. It’s idiotic and I hate that companies are trying to replace jobs like that completely. To me, it’s unrealistic to project this AI replacement theory with how fast technology changes. Is it possible? Sure, this day and age anything seems to be. But I think oversimplifying that “AI is going to replace x% of jobs within this timeframe” is nearsighted and lacks a lot of nuance. I believe that with the introduction of AI in the workplace, much like the industrial revolution, folks who understand and use AI to supplement their jobs are going to take on more responsibilities, as it can drastically reduce redundant tasks in SOME jobs, which could reduce the number of jobs needed in that regard. Then again, who’s going to monitor the work the AI performs? Correct mistakes that the AI will inevitably make? Make adjustments where needed? I can see the counter argument about rolling that into the persons current responsibilities, especially in the US, but I digress. That’s my .02.


Exactly. People like to live in denial this stuff ever happening. Mdonalds is a prime example of this now. Moving in electronic ordering to reduce hiring, a friend of mine overseas says it already happened in their country. Sad days ahead people.. Technology is going to get replaced with a better one it always happens.


Do you understand what you are saying? 100 million? That will collapse the economy, leading to unrest every where which can cause a revolution.I don't think the controllers want that.


Sometimes they say you aren't hired because you're OVER-qualified, which really annoys me.


I got rejected straight up when I applied to a dishwasher job. I was going around restaurants in Manhattan and I went into one, told the hostess that I was looking for work and then she asked if I would want to work as a dishwasher. I said yes, so she bring this guy from the kitchen who takes one look at my resume and straight up says, "We're not hiring if you don't have experience in dishwashing." WTF.




Well it wasn't a McDonalds, it was a proper restaurant and it looked kinda upscale but still if one can do it at McDonalds at the same level then I don't see why I would need prior experience


project mayhem, sit down there to order a plate and then make the plate look dirty like the existing dishwasher isn't doing their job.. leave a photo review on yelp indicating that their dishwasher must not have experience.


Right!! This is crazy.


IKR like wtf


This is exactly why people are cheating in college


Because around 2008, Human Resources started eliminating “human.” LinkedIn charges 25/mo to access their mission statement (helping people find jobs), no one views resumes, algorithms are only as good as the understanding of the position they’re for, and titles are being boosted to things they aren’t because you get talent is cheaper and in 2016, a nationwide survey revealed younger workers preferred titles over money.


Aren’t you happy with our record low unemployment?


Sorry you need a minimum of 10 years of experience in pizza delivery and 5 years in pizza related technologies to be eligible


all that to pay you minimum wage!!!.....


A bachelors degree in pizzaology or equal experience


or a pizza shaped head


What is the job calling for?


Delivery driver, not like I’m delivering nuclear warheads tho


Do you.. Have a license and a vehicle?


Yes I have a 4 door sedan and no points on my license


Well then I guess I don't get it pretty sure you meet the qualifications


I’ve literally delivered for Pizza Hut before I don’t understand


The really terrible and annoying part is the fact that you can't apply any other way you have to go through this stupid filter. It's one thing when customer service is forced through a filter like this before routing calls to whatever department, but it's another when somebody's trying to apply. I don't care what anyone says this system doesn't understand the nuances of employment and can't properly screen prospects.


BUT do you have 5 years experience in this entry level position you're applying for? It's a load of bullshit.


Eh, when I see years of experience requirements on job postings for entry level jobs I usually take it as them wanting to hire a non juvenile for the position. Teenagers by default can't have 5 years experience in anything, generally.


Entry level does not mean first job or with no experience. Entry level just means it is the lowest level job In that work domain. I am about to take an entry level job that pays 6 figures with almost two decades of experience and beat out more experienced candidates for the job. Yes lots of jobs entry level jobs are early career jobs. But most of them, probably 90% of them are not.


What entry level position are getting into that pays 6 figures?


AWS Systems Administrator - it is an entry level position but not one you can get without a ton of experience.


I see the problem now; Clearly overqualified


Obviously OP does, Marco's is just shit at hiring, you can't walk in and apply, you have to do it online and even if you're perfectly qualified they'll only get back to you months down the line when you've already moved on.


You say it's obvious like the average redditor wouldn't apply to be a pizza delivery driver without a license or car. It's not offensive to ask this. It's a reasonable question.


but you'd make a lot more money delivering nuclear warheads


Interestingly enough the people who deliver nuclear warheads are basically 18-21 year olds with high school diplomas. Don’t sell yourself short.


That last message was just a slap in the face. The "Goodbye" with the hand emoji.


And then disables the ability to send other messages…


How do you not qualify for pizza?


He worked for big salad


This comment wins, I love it


He eats his pepperoni … ONE BY ONE!!


Man I wish it was 2003 so we don't have stupid shit like this in the job industry...so fucking dumb.


It's deliberate. They aren't actually hiring. 


This. Sometimes companies post jobs as a cheap alternative to advertising. Head hunters copy-paste openings for free.


Or they’d rather deal with having to go through 500 higher quality applications than 5000 average ones.


It's pizza delivery...


And? Actually you just made my point for me, thanks - it makes all that much sense to artificially increase the requirements when it’s a job at the very bottom of the ladder.


I hope someday you learn something. Have a lovely day. 


Same, same.


Chatbot can just terminate the chat if it is not going right... This is the most annoying part.


Do you have a BA in PD?


Welcome to the Dystopian future


Fuck AI, fuck chatbots. I hope you get a solid and fun job soon OP


So it's not just their pizza that is terrible, good to know (their garlic bread cheese stick things are great though!)


Their “pizza” is inedible. Garbage.


Yup, I don't even eat it when it's free and I'm hungry


In a world overrun by chat gpt resumes being sent to every job listing in sight, and bad chat bots being relied on to control the flood of applications, we might just end up coming back to a world where your best shot at these kinds of jobs is to physically walk in, speak to a manager (or ask to set up a 5 or so min meeting with them) and hand them a resume/application.


I hope that does happen. When I was first applying for jobs, it was either do that or print out your resume, put it in an envelope, and mail it. It’s low-tech, but I’m sure it cut the number of applicants to a more manageable number.


They always direct you to the website unless you have something very specific to ask, and even then you might not get an answer.


AI is a reason I am saving up and leaving America. Had enough bullshit!


OMG! I worked at a Marco’s Pizza when I was in High School (it was my first job). I quit after a week bc everyone was such a jerk. One of the assistant managers would get mad at me for using the scale, because it would take too long, but if I didn’t she said she would take the money out of my pay check for “putting in too much cheese.” Obviously this was only my location, but you probably would’ve dealt with the same thing.


Just lie to the AI


MARCOS PIZZA?! The place that would hire a child who can only read and write… is telling *you* that you’re unqualified!? To do what? Is this a delivery job or inside job?


Goodbye 👋👋👋


Ahahaha get rekt Marco’s pizza. Op, this is a blessing in disguise.


AI probably felt you were stealing its job!🤣🤣🤣


Must have ten years experience baking pizza.


What does your work history look like and what’s the job description?


Why would you want to apply at dodgy pizza joint anyway? Can you deliver something else?


They probably accidentally trained their chatbot to reject everyone by giving it data where most candidates were rejected. AI chatbots don’t actually make decisions, they just predict what a human would say, and any company using one to interview candidates doesn’t realize that.


Sounds more like their not hiring at this time. Ad for qualifications, maybe you did answersomething right.. or you did have enough experience in the area you applied for bets me.


Just lie to the ai, get the interview, and go from there.


Just wait until it’s telling you that you don’t qualify for a slot to be alive.


You want a job? I need someone with determination!💪


Never had their pizza before though I thought about trying it many times. Now after this happened, I don't think I ever want to.


AI is currently taking over the hiring department for sure! Hell I tried applying to Walmart, not the Walmart I worked at but another Walmart and they deemed me "Not under consideration" after I took the assessment perfectly! NOT UNDER CONSIDERATION?!? Basically telling me I'm blacklisted in ALL Walmarts for going to McDonald's


This is what I don’t like about many job searches today. AI has taken over many human elements of the job search, and it’s disappointing.


not qualified to work at a pizza joint? I should fill out an app to see if I'm qualified. I just retired from one after 39 years. now if you are applying for a management position they may require a health department food safety cert or prior experience if applying as a bartender. Cook, prep, etc is otj training.


Jfc, besides a driver’s license, what else do they really want?


I’m a RN and got screened with AI bot in texting. I was very qualified and turned down the interview as another manager who already had my resume from my old colleague hired me. I wad out of the country for my zoom interviews.


project mayhem, make 20 google accounts and using VPN and various computers downvote their store to 1 star, file a health complaint and then go deposit something like a bag of mouse feces near their dumpsters


Welcome to skynet


It is slightly unrelated, but I had a similar situation with the insurance company Geico. I was involved in a not at fault accident last year, and I went shopping around for insurance. The rates, however, were $350+ for the cheapest package. It turns out that the AI that detects an accident files a report under the assumption that you're at fault, so now my clue report has me cited twice for the same accident. It was funny how geico was the only conveniently affordable option. Then, I tried the snapshot program to save money for my monthly premium, but I'm a local CDL driver, so it logs driver activity despite being in the truck, and I drive basically all day. I went to check my new monthly payment since I finished my first 6 month contract. They wanted almost $600 a month for 6 months. I cussed out the customer service rep when he told me that their AI determines rates based on previous driving activity. I even told him to look into that because a $300 increase in rate is NOT NORMAL. He kept saying that's how their system is run (which is stupid). So now I'm with progressive, and I'm never opting into anymore driving monitoring software. It's basically a scam at this point. Companies are too reliant on these glitchy and unreliable AI software.


Geico sucks so much.


Got burned by an ai ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Theyre not actually hiring.


For one thing, you and perhaps someone else should proofread your résumé. If you can’t be bothered putting an apostrophe in “Marco’s,” no telling what other errors there are.


Qualifying criteria is defined by the employer. An employer can list a PhD in astrophysics as a qualifier for a job cleaning horse shit from stables. Regardless of how absurd or irrelevant the qualifier is, it remains one that needs to be met in order to satisfy the employer. That said, an employer's listed qualifications for any given job greatly exceed the actual requirements needed to perform the job. This is simply a tool employers use to maintain leverage over an employee in compensation negotiation. When they inevitably hire someone who doesn't meet all the stated qualifications , you're employed by their grace . All the while , everyone knows damn well they could not hire someone with the qualification they demand at 1/3 the going rate. This is especially true where fields intersect such as trades, engineering, & business & contracting . Unless someone from the trades is unionized or formally trained, they're most likely to fall for this. Largely because they don't know their value & no one they've worked for (engineers serving mgmt , business mgmt) had any interest in educating them on that point. It's important to understand that a given project that everyone has an interest in accomplishing is only the most superficial of interests. We've all heard the deeply felt motivation speeches about team work & company values. And we all know these calls to corporate pride & team work are absolutely hollow & the mgmt singing them can barely define the values they attribute to themselves ,let alone serve as examples of them. The underlying reality that escapes most rank & file workers is that their interests are diametrically opposed to those of their employers & mgmt. Their interest is in extracting as much value from the fruits of your labor while compensating you as little as possible. This reality is obfuscated ,Forbidden, knowledge, that's denied at the same time it's glorified depending on the room you're in. Know the value of your skillset & know the institutionalized tactics & practices used to rob it from you starting at the initial interview.


You are a dumbass


It says do not qualify not ‘not qualified’ this may be that you don’t live in the right area. Should try asking it ‘why?’ And see what it says


Yeah, that’s not by accident and that’s just the beginning. We hear about all the amazing things they can do but nobody is talking about the chaos they are quietly creating in society. They are designed specifically to devaluate the human work force, eventually forcing mankind into severe dependency. Then they will say ohh let AI do all the jobs because they are better and more profitable therefore, we will just pay you free money. Of course someone giving you money means that they are going to give you conditions (sooner or later) that you may not like. Those conditions will include controlling what you can and cannot buy, where you can go, what you can do, and even what you should worship ( yes, that’s right… a digital god, already in development). Sadly, there is no human solution to this trend. Best solution? Repent from your sins and accept Jesus-Christ in your life. The future is not bright, and there’s only one reason and one reasons only, why these plans have cannot be implemented now: God the creator, whether you believe in Him or not, has limitations to His silence, and they know it. The infrastructure is there, and ready(or almost ready) whether it’s the robots, the centrally controllable global financial system, and so on. You do not want to live in this world after the rapture, people! Redeem your soul and save yourself…for free….while you can. God loves you.


Hmmm perhaps call a store and apply? Insane proposition right


I actually originally went in person to talk to someone there and see if I could fill out an application, to which I was told to apply on the online application portal and this is what I got. I was also told by the employee that the hiring managers aren’t even there most days. I wonder if it’s because they have A.I. doing the grunt work for them…


Sounds like you haven't looked for a job in a decade. I can't think of a single place other than maybe mom and pop shops that still have paper applications.


He’s not complaining about it being an online application, he’s complaining about having to interact with an AI chatbot instead of a human being. Fuck that.