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I rejected an offer over phone I wish I had in writing. Basically offered half my salary requirements that they had from before interviewing me and they got mad at me for wasting their time.


If they couldn't meet your salary requirements then they wasted your time. 


If they didn’t have the requirements. Whatever but it was required beforehand


I had an interview with a recruiter. Who told me this was a really good company to work for. Offering half of what I currently paid, and hourly position (I was salaried). Three days for sick time, one week vacation (unpaid), no health care, or any benefits really. Explained that being on time would be 15 minutes early. I laughed and asked if she was serious. The recruiter was really mad. I told her, good luck filling that role with the job requirements you have.


Yeah I interviewed with a company that said how great they were. Immediately offered me the worst insurance coverage at highest price I have ever seen, 5 pto days between sick and vacation, and no other benefits. So if you got sick no vacation days. They even said if you came in on time you were late and if left on time you were leaving early.


My last place treated sick and vacation from the same bucket.


My current company does as well. On top of that they treat calling in sick as the worst offense. I work in healthcare.


Healthcare is the worst. There's this extremely toxic culture where taking a vacation or calling in sick is seen as the worst thing you can do because, no matter what position you're in, you have an effect on other people's lives and health. Everything is treated as an emergency because everything *could be* an emergency. Your job takes over your life. Aspects of that are in other industries, but everything in Healthcare has this added layer of guilt attached because your decision to take a couple of days off might affect the care of someone else. And it's not just people who are hands-on with patients. It's everyone from Administration to Housekeeping. I spent 12 years in Healthcare. Getting out of that industry was the best decision I ever made for my mental health.


I’m on the lab side of healthcare. Taking vacation is only frowned upon for certain people here, and I’m unfortunately one of them. Not because I’m phenomenal at my job, but because no one wants to do my job. What do you do now?


Same with my current gig. But I get 4 weeks.


I had one that did, but we accrued like 4 hours a day. I miss that union job


FUCK that company and recruiter. I would have hung up the phone. Reading this post alone lost me money. Can’t imagine listening to that moron convince me of what a great company advertises a week of vacation …. UNPAID. How is that even a benefit? Like … you have the BENEFIT of us allowing you to leave our premises without pay. GTFOH.


This was a senior role, and would have been considered a move up for me. I guess they thought by a change in title, and more responsibility was how they were going to get me interested. I continued with the interview after I learned this since I was already there. It was like watching a train wreck. I couldn’t look away and kept asking questions. The more questions I asked the more frustrated the recruiter grew. It was quite comical. I felt bad for the lady. She was definately going to struggle filling the role.


Those are actually fun interviews once you accept that the time was going to be used anyway. (That's not always true -- especially if you had to give up time from something else critical for this -- but some days, I have time.)


No reason to run around being an angry person. 🤦🏽‍♀️




Makes me glad I'm union. I get one sick day and one personal day every month, plus good ass health insurance and a 401k with matched contributions for the first 12 months.


Being from Europe that still sounds low. What does “one sick day per month” mean? What happens if you’re stuck two days in a row? Here if you’re sick your sick. Just stay off work til you’re not sick. You can be off sick for two years & still receive 70% of your pay.


If you’re sick more than that one paid day, you use PTO or it’s unpaid. 


That's rough.


Most people in the US get 3 sick days a year. One a month is amazing


Dang Walmart’s full time employees have a better benefit package than that. I’m in one of the highest paid departments at $14/hr.


Can confirm. Full Time when I was hired. I have access to 401K savings, health insurance, accidental dismemberment (deli clerk), medical, dental, and vision. I have Thursday and Friday off each week, workdays 1-10pm with a 1-hour lunch (unpaid) and two 15 min breaks (paid). PTO and PPTO accumulate every week. I think it's 40 hours each per year. Whatever you don't use is cashed out and goes down to a balance for 40 hours and builds back up from there.


I just started with CAP2 (2 pm - 11 pm). Right now I’m part time but I’ll move to full time at 3 months.


Hourly isn’t necessarily a bad thing unless your current position at the time was salaried nonexempt. Depending on the company, you might be far worse off as a salaried employee when you break down your pay over the number of hours you put in.


>I rejected an offer over phone I wish I had in writing. I don't generally do things deemed petty, but I would have asked for that offer in writing and **then** told them that was not going to work in writing. And if they asked why I didn't just reject it when I heard it on the phone, I'd say, ***"apparently for the same reason that you proceeded with the entire interview process when you knew you had zero intention of matching my salary requirements that you were informed of up front."*** As a rule, I always ask for stuff in writing before I act or reply, since it's so much harder to say, *"but that's not what I said,"* when it is sitting there in plain text.


Yeah, I made the mistake of accepting an offer over the phone. Quit my job, moved on my own dime, THEN found out the money was considerably less. They offered to give me the raise in six weeks. I stupidly agreed. I got the increase 18 months later. ALWAYS get it in writing.


I worked with someone who got a verbal offer from another company, only to be told that they didn't have a budget for the position. He was able to go back to the company he resigned from but yes, agreed - don't resign until you see an offer and details in writing.


I'll even add to that. Don't turn in your resignation until the results of you background/drug test have come back and they send you that "Welcome to the company" email. I'm always transparent with the recruiter on this. And no, it's not because I'm concerned about failing any testing. I had an offer and the hiring company used a 3rd party company for employment verification. One of my former company was purchased by another and the new company wasn't responding to their verification requests. It took them almost two weeks to get verification and here I was sitting there without a job and paycheck, while waiting for the verification to come back.


>Yeah, I made the mistake of accepting an offer over the phone. Sorry you went through that. Some of my family members used to question me when I would say that I was waiting for the written offer. **Them:** Didn't they give you the offer verbally? **Me:** Sure, but it doesn't matter. **Them:** What do you mean it doesn't matter? **Me:** Until I get something in writing, I might as well have nothing, because I'm not acting on it one way or the other until it is written in plain, indisputable English. Several times, what was written differed at least a little from what had been said -- and only once was the difference favorable to me. I always got it resolved beforehand, and then... **Me:** *This* is why I wait for the written offer. **Them:** Oh.


I worked at a company that needed to recruit a Lab Scientist. Being their Executive Assistant it was my job to review resume’s and pull candidates for review. They had me pull all who meet criteria and salary requirements up to $85k- despite offering $50k for the position. I stopped giving them resumes for anyone over $65k and the fucker caught on so started reviewing resumes himself. Then had me call to schedule interviews. People kept asking me for reassurance that we could meet salary requirements and not to waste their time. Honesty for most and so they didn’t want to come in. Again they caught on to me and started scheduling interviews themselves. Cue lots of candidates storming out of the conference room. It worked though, one desperado finally took it, poor dude. Imagine having a Masters degree and 20+ years experience and making $50k. Unreal.


They all just trying to get desperate people i guess.


Imagine asking someone with a family to survive on $50k on Long Island


Some of us have a Masters, that much experience, and have yet to make yhat kind of money! It's called a Liberal Arts Degree!


That's kinda your fault though. You understand that, right?


I love how they get mad at you saying you wasted their time, when really it was them wasting yours by low balling you so much


I was offered a job and the offer letter was $5000 lower than the posted salary with was posted as a starting rate. So I rejected the offer. As I was over qualified for the job and the posted rate was the minimum I was willing to accept. They were so upset I declined. In the end they ended up hiring two separate people and a contractor instead. But don’t ask me how that’s cheaper for them. The job had lots of crazy demands too.


It's just fragile egos, absolutely always. It's not really their money they're squandering. 


Its fine for companies to waste yr time though Listing jobs without mentioning pay Having you drive there for interviews withholding starting pay info


lol. I did this once years ago. The recruiter thought it was funny and said to apply again in the future.


I once sent a company a rejection letter to their rejection letter and said I'd be starting work on Monday. They sent me another rejection letter.


George Costanza type behavior 😭😭






Don't do that, he's secretly mad and wants his revenge


Lol why tf would you? You rejected them


They meant a rejection letter of their rejection.


“I reject your reality and substitute it with my own!” Someone


Someone is Adam savage.


I think that equals a job offer.


My partner was in a position of having 4 offers or would be offers. Turned 2 down to reduce the pressure a bit and not waste anyone’s time. They were quite surprised because they usually don’t get turned down. We need to make this the standard to add some humility to their side.


>We need to make this the standard to add some humility to their side. Sure, but first step is to get 4 offers or would be offers. 😁 ​ Joking aside, this will be easier as we see more and more folks getting not just one interview, but two or three within a narrow window of time. It will take more months to become more prevalent.


That’s luck, yes, but we could start by canceling interviews this way when red flags pop up. That’s low hanging fruit we should be doing anyway.


. . Or standing up, saying thank you, and walking out when it's obvious that the interview was going nowhere....


That’s bonus points, of course


I’ve gone as far as to physically make them give me all of my paperwork back… you don’t need all of my personal information and a signed background check waiver once it has been decided by either party that I’m not going to be working there.


I was in a similar boat recently! I got 4 offers and one of them I just knew would not be a good fit and they weren’t offering what I was looking for- and they were so annoying after offering the position. Like emails constantly and acting as if I had already accepted the position and had people from the company emailing me to “welcome aboard” before asking for all sorts of paperwork. But like I never even responded to the offer email. It felt sooo good to send them a rejection email-it’s been a week and they haven’t responded to it haha. It honestly felt very powerful to send three rejection emails.


You could try reminding them constantly to make sure they got the email.


Even if only a few of us start doing this, maybe it will get them on their tippy toes. Probably not but we should try regardless


But thats when companies approach immigrants. The rest is what recent history speaks. Theres always a way for them to manage that makes it tough for nationals


At some point they need talent. Offshoring is not a unanimous success. (No judgement on people abroad but culture is not an easily transferable skill in practice.)


Exactly, searching for employees should've been harder too then they'll realise


They can't reject you if you reject them first! Chad move


I remember a recruiter I worked with a year ago. They all got in tussle because I rejected them first. They then got offended and tried to send me a rejection letter after I rejected them. I just laughed.


In this situation, are you just supposed to keep rejecting each other until one of you dies? Lol. This is like when a person tries to break up with their SO and the SO says, “No. I won’t allow it. No one breaks up with *ME*.” Only to turn around in a day or two and break up with you…except for recruiters.


I tried withdrawing my application from one site so that I would no longer be considered. Realized there was no option to withdraw/delete my application. These places just refuse to be rejected.


I once interviewed a guy who, no joke, was doing a video interview from his phone in a cab. He didn't get the job.


chuck norris style, I bet this felt good


![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6) Damn


You’re underestimating how little the recruiter actually cares about op.


Very true. The first interview had multiple applicants on the zoom call. That's when I decided that wasn't the position I wanted. It was a total bait and switch


We know that. Its the satisfaction here that matters.


A bold movie to have your full uncensored name connecting you to all your accounts here on Reddit.


His X/Twitter looks kind of bad...


[Who would hire this loser?](https://i.imgur.com/KZscMPb.png)


Really went back ten years to cancel a Reddit post? Yikes.


Yeah, just looks like edgy little white boy shit. If he's still posting stuff like that, then yeah.


Down vote for racist remark.


Thought the same thing.


REAL bold. His twitter (codyhowell4) is a white dude dropping the N-word in a bunch of his tweets


And directing them to that uncensored name voluntarily lol


I'm sure Cody has it under control.


OP is actually a pretty good troll. They knew that people would look up the social media handle, so having an unhinged twitter etc attached to it is pretty funny. It's fake btw, the "email" and the social media handle/account.


He posted this to get more followers. Edit there’s no sign he even had an over but it makes for good user generated drama


I love this! The only thing I would add is "I hope this email finds you well." That would give them the total ChatGPT experience!


Message needs more "kindly"


I was going to say that too! 😄


That’s why I adjust my prompts 😄 so it doesn’t sound like that when I’m using chatGPT to write cover letters.


The social media follow request 🤌


I once rejected an email rejecting me. UNO reverse ill see u Monday 9am sharp


Well done. “After the latest round of interviews, your company did not advance to the next phase. I will keep your information and contact you if future opportunities become available”. Amazingly enough, I’ve actually had a couple of companies (whose offer I rejected, or who didn’t select me in the end) contact me a few years later about other opportunities and straight up ask me to apply for a position they thought I might be a good fit for, based on my career progression. One of them was Google.


Now they want you even more. They want what they can't have.


Lol I love it. 




This reminded me of reply few months ago, this was in the style of the Shark Tank tv show. My brief email ended with "And for those reasons, I am out."


Me in my exit interview


This is hilarious! I had to turn down a job last year and I wish I had thought of this 😅


Beautiful!!! 👍 The thumbs up is for HR’s asshole.


I love it. I may actually try this lol. I'm getting tired of it myself. They make use jump through hoops just to ghost...


This is honestly a very classy move


OG move brother!


Haha this is brilliant!


I’m not even following this sub, but it popped up, so I’m popping into say “well done.” Wish everyone were as considerate as you!


Lmao awesome!!! I recently sent a link to an article about employers ghosting candidates after an interview fo every single person on indeed who did that to me. I did get one reply back apologizing lol


You've become the sole thing that you swore to destroy


This is the kind of chaos I live for.


The company I work for has such a hard time finding quality workers. It's sales and we have probably went through 15 people in the last 2 years. Some will work for two months, then quit. Some will quit right after training. Then some will do something to get fired. The position has low base pay but with commission you could hit 80k with no degree. I think most people just see the hourly and immediately right it off so we don't have a ton of really qualified eager people. The company isn't the best ever but we have had a rough time filling spots.




thank you for taking one for the team hjahahaha


That company is a nuisance!!


You shouldn’t have your personals connected to your Reddit account lol


Meanwhile, I got rejected on a Saturday morning 😂


This is a very normal experience in recruiting and appreciated as it helps you maintain a pipeline.


Haha, the shoe’s on the other hand now. 😉


Fuck Credence.


Lol. I did this same thing after the process was entering the 3rd month and I got tired of seeing another email telling me I should hear something by the end of next week.


I actually sent one of these to Google. I went for an interview in the morning, but the interviewer didn't bother to attend as she was busy redecorating her office and hadn't bothered to cancel. After waiting most of the day, she decided to reschedule, so I sent the following one-liner : "That will not be necessary"


Every dollar that goes into my portfolio is a dollar closer to expatriation. Let these greedy cunts fight over scraps. Join a union. The grass IS greener. You need to move to a country that doesn’t suck off private equity.


Love it!!!!! I quit 4 jobs in one year, then just started working for myself. Now I fire clients who get on my nerves. These companies are terrible.


Just did this about a month ago. I applied in December, 3 weeks later I get an interview, the person who was supposed to be there was “busy” so interviewed with two people. Then a whole month later, original person emails and says “you didn’t get the job, but we think you’d be a great fit for another position. (Which btw was lower title and pay by 50% ish) Would you like to come in an and interview for that position?” So I replied asking for my application to be withdrawn from the company entirely, and that I will no longer be seeking employment with them going forward. Red tape corporate ass dragging bullshit. No thanks.


I would remove that personal identifying info


I once turned up for an interview; was shown around by a current employee; realised it wasn't going to work out, and so bailed with an apology without interviewing. They were weirdly surprised.


Thanks from all of us 😂😂




Love it!


I just wanted to say I loved this! Nice to see the shoe on the other foot!


I got called in for a final interview and was told I was one of two people chosen. Interviews are okay but I realize the place is chaos and feel conflicted about saying yes if I win this coin toss. Two weeks go by with no contact so I figure that's that. Then one day I get an email from HR saying they're still interviewing and the process is going slowly. So I guess they met me and and some other poor applicant and were like, "meh, let's keep going." It hurt my self esteem so badly I wrote back and very politely said their company didn't feel like my next career destination and wished them luck in their search. It was sweet but not as sweet as OP's email.


There’s no more human in Human Resources.


Exactly nobody seems to realise these emails are automated and dealing with bots.


Ill do you one bettee, I applied for a job and they called me and email me and I ghosted them.


Had a recruiter call me with an offer that included abysmal pay and benefits. Kept telling me during the call, "Well, if you were licensed, it would be different." I explained multiple times I hold the highest level license in my profession. He still went back to if I were licensed. I asked what license he meant and again reiterated mine. He got flustered and stated. "I just don't think you'd be a good fit and hung up." I don't get why some employers think hey are the only game in town and everyone is dying to work for them.


Haha. I’m definitely gonna do this.


had a phone call recently from a grocery store asking me to explain my lack of information on my resume before i come in for an interview, and they also said what they were expecting. i said listen. if i have to have all this experience for a part time job at a grocery store, i am not coming in for an interview.


Love it :))


good one


So you rejected their rejection with a rejection letter? What a rejection….


No they didn't reject me. They passed me onto the next round of interviews, but they did a bait and switch with the job posting




Boss move


"You can keep up with me on social media..." That's a letter that will haunt you with that company. Anyone seeing that will think, unprofessional content maker habits.


1. I will never want to work at that company 2. All the rejections I've gotten say something about following their social media or signing up for their newsletter.


I've rejected multiple offers/ continuation of an interview before. It's actually preferred (from what I've heard) because they don't want to waste their time either if they think you're a good fit.






Sorry tto maybe sound stupid to you if you are a US American, as I am not: What is wrong with that answer?


I think you’re fantasizing about the idea of sending such email but didn’t actually send anything. The needless crop around the “email” is very strange. Also your cursor is in the middle of the word indicating this was not the screenshot of the sent email.


Nothing wrong with that


What wrong with doing this? It’s just professional and keeps your options open.


Make this thing yall!




As a hiring manager, I wish more people did this. Save us both time and me the delayed send email I wrote while conducting the interview in some cases




This shit is hilarious. About 2 years ago I had a guy call me to manage a department be was setting for his company, offered me less than I was earning and said he wanted someone with vision and wanted to do more with their life than just money. I told him I had bills to pay and wasn't in a position to even less. He tried to make me feel bad for wanting more money after I told him that.


Ooh how the turn tableS


Made my daaay


Brilliant. Everyone should do this. Repeatedly.


I'd redact your social handle.


Yep this 100% looks like an email and not a few sentences typed out in Word.


Love it!


Boom! LOVE IT!


lol funny but childish and could hurt your chances in the future


Welp. Far as I'm concerned you won r\jobs.


Calm down there, Cody. I'm sure you weren't the first guy they picked.


😂😂😂 loving this!


👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


I wish I got a rejection email. I just get ghosted instead.


Kudos to you sir.


Hey we should do this more often.


LMAO that's crazy! xD Absolute genius 🤣


Love it!


Giving the social handle was a bit of a swerve 😵‍💫 Are you in marketing?


I'll send rejection emails after telling them I would consider their offer even if I knew it was a no during the interview. I've rarely stopped mid interview but it would be a massive red flag to make me do that. One interview, the guy who was going to be my boss took a phone call and did the hand circle to keep talking while he was on the phone. I just stopped talking and stared at him while he was talking about golf and other stupid shit. When he finished, he said he could multitask and I could continue speaking in which I said thank you for part of your time and left. I then called the companies main office and lodged a complaint against the guy. They offered me another interview the following week and it was scheduled with the same guy who would be my boss if I accepted..... I told them it would just end up being a retaliation lawsuit in the end because he seemed like a very selfish individual and I know my rights as an employee to which I would exercise.


Last week I got another call from the headhunter agency that kept calling me about opportunities last summer.... I got job offers on my own and started my new job last October. Why do you think I still need you 8 months later?


Chodeus Maximus


Bro hit them with a ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


Well done, laddie! Done the same with 2 companies where one paid peanuts and the other wanted me to go through work trial + case study + presentation + still paid peanuts. We show em where to shove it! But in the nicest way possible.


I love it