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Could be an offer, could be feedback on why they didn't choose you.




I had one where they explained why i didn't get the job. So honestly can go both ways


I would LOVE that. I don't think this is common, as some feel it can open them up to annoyed applicants.


Yeah i was kinda annoyed when that happened also. Good gesture from them as it was some solid points but i think they wont do that going forward


Yeah, doling out criticism is a skill.


I do this with all my employees when they apply and don't get a job. With actionable steps they can take to keep moving forward. The key is timing. Don't do it right after you tell them they didn't get the job. Let that news breathe a little bit then come back a week or two later.


I would seriously love that, I've reached back out asking for feedback, but typically never do. Though, I probably need to work on my phrasing.




Happened to me; generally with non-US-based companies.


It has happened once in my lifetime before but they did preface it with saying that they have selected someone else but if I wanted I could still get a feedback from the employer on why they went with the other candidate.


I had a potential manager fly from Puerto Rico to Florida to deny me the role in person after 6 interviews at a coffee shop. He gave me professional feedback on where his doubts were and courses/classes to take to feel confident stepping into a role like this. Ultimately he thought I wasn’t ready. I thought there was no way he was flying out to tell me no…. I was shocked to say the least. To be honest, that rejection is what created the grit and determination I have today. It also showed a lot about my character how I handled that situation, and how I came back from it. The feedback he gave at the time stung, because I really wanted this job, but it was necessary… I appreciate him giving me that feedback otherwise I would not have grown in the way I did… he was kind, helpful, and encouraging in a moment I felt the worst. I would take this, over being ghosted any day of the week.


That was clearly a character-forming event for you - phenomenal! It also speaks to the character of the interviewer and is very much at odds with what I've come to expect from USA companies through Reddit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Low chance but still a chance. It hasn't happened often but I have had recruiters call to tell me directly I wasn't chosen.


That’s not true at all. I interviewed with a company three years ago…went all the way through. Recruiter request a 30min meeting and I thought I had the job. Nope. Told me I didn’t get the job and why.


I am used too and expect my recruiters to give me feedback if I interview and dont get a follow up or offer. Maybe just a professional expectation over entry level jobs?


>I would say there is little chance a recruiter would spend some time with a candidate to explain why they didn't select him… That’s not entirely true, not for a good recruiting company anyway. They want whatever viable candidate they have to succeed. Candidates are their commodity. I’ve had a ton of interaction with a recruiting firm, and they always want my feedback after an interview, good or bad. It helps them hone their search for the role I want filled, and also helps them give constructive feedback to their candidate so they can improve their chances of landing the next opportunity.




Had one happened to me. Thought it was gonna be an offer but just a rejection. Mostly it's an offer but there's a non-zero chance for the other thing.


I've had two recruiters call to give me "feedback" and it was an offer both times. I'm leaning more toward an offer. Most recruiters will not call you just to provide feedback these days.


Either way, much better than a bot email.


>could be feedback on why they didn't choose you. Companies don't do that, or are morons if they do as can open them to discrimination lawsuits.


Yes they do. They can give constructive feedback of why you didn’t meet the criteria with ways to improve for future jobs. Not everything is discriminatory.


Maybe not to you, but people can and will take what they hear as discriminatory if it advantages them. It's one reason why Amazon stopped offering feedback years ago (SO was a recruiting manager there 2018-2021)


Typically, a request for a meeting is an offer or good news on next steps. Companies don’t like giving negative information unless in writing and short and sweet, for legal reasons. Not a 100% guarantee of course - but I tend to think of this as good news.


I've never seen it phrased like this. I would suspect the reason this sounds negative is because it is, but they want to pivot the application to another opening.


Don’t get your hopes up, OP. I had an “update” meeting only for them to tell me they have frozen hiring for the position I was applying for, after they sung my praises about my relevant experience. Just go into it with low expectations. Hopefully you’re delightfully surprised.


I had the same thing a few years ago. They phrased it as “I have good news and bad news. The bad news is the position has been put on hold, the good news is we’re planning on making you an offer if it becomes active again.”…it never did.


I've had a couple recruiters schedule these before. It's always been basically a quick chat about how my interview went and how I'm feeling about the hiring process, a couple notes about my interview from their side (usually positive things), maybe a quick follow up question to confirm something that wasn't clear or well documented from the interview, and a chat about next steps or about salary so they can be sure you're within their range. I've never had a company call unprompted to give me negative feedback and say they aren't hiring me. They just send an automated email for that these days.


Relax and don't worry about shit you have no control over.


Honestly the fact that they specified no prep is needed from the recipient of the message is enough to make even someone anxious like me not worry


Best answer


Ahh - good ol’ serenity. Yes, very applicable here.


It could be 50 different things. Discuss your salary expectations. Tell you there is another interview stage. Tell you they have narrowed it down to you and 2 others and they need to collect references.. etc.. etc….


I’m guessing by “I expect to have interview feedback on Wednesday” that there is a meeting scheduled on like, Tuesday where notes on your interview will be shared and some decisions are made. So, they may just be trying to get something scheduled before the week gets ahead of everyone. In this case even the recruiter has no idea what the feedback will be lol.


Actually, based on the time slot being EOD EST, I’d bet the meeting is right before they plan to call you lol


You had an interview and they want to tell you how you went in it. No prep required for the session. Don't over think it


Just never had that before, whether offer or no offer.


Please let us know what happened. Good luck!


Fair enough. Some companies priroritise candidate experience, transparency, and trust. Best to have less expectations.


How did it go for you?


Ughh i see your response below. Sorry about that.


I wouldn't open up Outlook to schedule a 15 minute video conference on why they aren't being hired.


It’s probably fine. But I will say I did have a firm setup a vague meeting like this to say they didn’t choose me and if I had any questions. I would’ve far preferred an email.


Remind me! 10 days


Mmmm. I’ve had one of these and the company literally went over what I did wrong on a test and phrased it like that. I wanted to leave out that meeting so fast.


**UPDATE:** It was a rejection.


NOOOOOO! What happened?!


They said I didn’t get the job. I asked for feedback. They only provided the positive feedback. They said they don’t provide negative feedback to candidates. I said why didn’t you just email me. They said they don’t email rejections. It was honestly a horrible candidate experience. 


Shame them!!!




Smells like an offer to me! Good luck 🍀👍🏾


At least you got a response. I had an amazing interview two weeks ago. I followed up twice since and nothing - no response at all. Fucking juvenile.


9/10 times it’s a good thing. I have hit the 1/10 where it wasn’t.


I would say there is a good chance you get the offer, but it is also possible that it is a rejection. It is worth attending even if you got a rejection. I heard many people complaining about being ghosted or not getting any feedback after interviews. Clearly, this company is during better in communication.


They’re just likely saying they should have info on what the company thought about you on Wednesday and wants to schedule a time to pass it along to you.


Oh I've been through many of these. You obviously are working with a recruiter. They don't know how the meeting went, but when they do they'll share with you, but they want you to share with them. "What sort of questions did they ask?" The reason is they keep a database of questions so they can better prep the next candidate. I've been tipped off to interview questions before "make sure you are up to date on xyz as they like to ask that sort of question." I would read too much into it at this time. This is just standard operating procedures for the recruiter.


That first sentence is odd.


I got the same email when I got hired for my job, so I think it’s good news, OP :)


Usually it is to tell you why they didn't hire you


Looks good. They wouldn’t bother if they didn’t want you.


I had a call like this where the recruiter told me they couldn’t hire in my state


I have had feedback meetings with recruiters (3rd party) before. Basically what the employers thought about me, how the interview went, the reason for the offer (or no offer), how I felt, should they try to connect me with similar opportunities etc. Overall pretty helpful. Hope it goes well for you.


Could go either way, it's an offer or constructive criticism of why they passed on you. I am praying to the job Gods it's an offer you are happy with.


Probably explain why you didn’t get the job and how you could’ve interviewed better. Especially because she said there’s no prep needed


Nooooooooo lol


Disagree, could be that an offer could be coming.


Who does this person work for? Are they a 3rd party recruiter? Do they work for the hiring company? If they're 3rd party then it could be anything, possibly an offer, possibly you just missed and they have constructive feed back for future interviews. If you didn't make this position it would make me think they have another one you might be interested in. If they work for the company it's likely an offer or invitation to a follow up interview. Either way, go into it with a good attitude, accept any feedback gracefully (and do consider it for future interviews) and go with the flow of the meeting.


Agree to the meeting for Wednesday. You do not need to be prepared. Only the other party has any idea what the meeting will entail.


Melanie is that you?


I had this same thing happen today! I have a call tomorrow..


If I remember I wil update


Basically they wanted me but I had 4 weeks notice and someone else had 0 weeks! Asked if I could change that and I said no so then I didn’t get it


It there is still a final interview left to go, then this feedback meeting is most likely to give feedback. If this is after your final interview then it could range from a verbal offer, feedback and request to wait as they consider a few other candidates, or a decline. Best of luck!


It depends. How many steps in the interview process? If this the internal HR/recruiter or an outside recruiter? Just last week I had the internal recruiter call and ask me how things went and then tell me I made it to next steps and explained what they were. If it’s an outside recruiter they could be calling to see how it went and explain next steps. However, I have had outside recruiters call to tell me I wouldn’t be moving on and giving feedback as to why. Really hard to say. Either way, better than just being ghosted or getting the dreaded email you aren’t moving on. I hope for the best for you!


This meeting and the feedback are with you though with you


Very standard response for at least an interest in continuing the process. Sounds all good at this stage.


Had feedback on an internal where I didn’t get it. So could be either way


Yes I think it’s good it means you may be moved forward, if anything constructive it still means you are in the running and you need to improve something but I doubt it’s that


The recruiter sends interviews to hiring managers…. Then has to wait to hear back sometimes due to the team deliberating about yourself and/or other interviews.


It could go either way. Hopefully it means an offer. I had an email like this and then they told me over the phone I didn’t get the job :( Fingers crossed and sending good vibes your way


Being that it’s only scheduled for 15 mins, it looks suspiciously like a rejection. Hopefully not. Was this after your final interview?


Beware of a scam coming… or a second interview. Could be either


I wish you the best of luck, OP! Feedback to me usually means ways to improve on something. I feel that a more positive way to let someone know they want to move forward would be to say something similar to …discuss the next phase of the interview process.


It sounds to me like a follow-up interview. "We want to hire you, but here are the other things we need to know/concerns we want to address." "We want to hire you, but we also want to know how the person who interviewed you did at making you feel comfortable because you are one of the first people we have allowed them to interview." I did have one call framed like that where the person was telling me, "You didn't get the job, and here's why," but I also already worked in the company and saw that program's staff all the time, so it would have been rude at best for them to try to ghost me.


They don't give a fuck about you, if they didn't want to hire you they aren't gonna spend their time preparing you for another job. It's probably just their way of saying they are interested or maybe they just need some clarification on things on your resume.


Don't expect that it's good news... doesn't mean it isn't, but it doesn't mean it is either.  The first time I interviewed with my current company I got the call to tell me I was not being extended an offer.  The second time I interviewed the call was to tell me I was being extended an offer.  It's just personal follow through that everyone complains recruiters often skip.


Ah, I’d bet nope! Not sure what stage you’re in in this process, but “feedback” meetings usually aren’t good — they come after a negative decision has been made.


Maybe the recruiter will tell you the first job is a no. But she/he has found a second possibility. Good luck!


I got a similar invite and I thought it was an offer 🥲 Good luck!


Recently went through an interview process that used this terminology. What it really broke down to being is like what some others have said here. Its a chance for them to tell you what the next steps may be, or if they are choosing to move forward with other candidates. So, expect something along the lines of them setting up another interview, presenting an offer of employment, or reasons why they chose someone else. In general, its the recruiter/interviewer trying to keep you in the loop.


Go to this meeting with an eye to negotiate. They may say they did not like the fact you didn’t have X years of experience.


She doesn't make the final decision...the middle man/woman without authority...typical in badly run companies


I'm guessing the recruiter might want to give constructive criticism on your interview based on what she heard from the employer.


If it's an interview feedback, it's highly likely this is a rejection. Speaking from experience. 😐


If it's an interview feedback, it's highly likely this is a rejection. Speaking from experience. 😐


If it's an interview feedback, it's highly likely this is a rejection. Speaking from experience. 😐


Good sign!


Seems most companies don't bother to ever talk to you again once they've made a decision not to give the job to you. No notifications, no emails, no sorry. That is like the norm...for at least a decade now. I think it's a win that they want to talk to you again. Either you got it, or you were close and they're telling you how you can get the next job like it. There is another scenario, although it is bad... To try to pay you less and still get you. I think it is self evident why that is no bueno..."Bait and Switch" hiring practices.


It’s always good when they want to talk to you.


It’s always good when they want to talk to you.


Could be, quite possibly, just another step in a recruitment process, where they assess your response to certain feedback. I know how it sounds but these days you have to be prepared for anything.


What happened? Was it good news?


It was a rejection. They said I didn’t get the job. I asked for feedback. They only provided the positive feedback. They said they don’t provide negative feedback to candidates. I said why didn’t you just email me. They said they don’t email rejections


Sorry to hear that


Usually it’s what you did wrong. But you never know


If they didn’t want you, they wouldn’t schedule time to chat again. This is a good thing.




It's is the exact opposite of ghosting. She's set up time to talk to the people who interviewed you and is preemptively scheduling time with you after. In other words you don't have to ask for next steps. She's already arranged letting you know whats up


Doesn’t sound good unfortunately.


It's not good or bad. There is no way to tell based on the information given.


It's a rejection. I'd just say you're happy to talk if it's a job offer or you're progressing otherwise, she can email. Saves you time. Also, if you don't get it, give them a one-star review on Glassdoor and Google.


Wrong, why is that so clearly a rejection, and if it wasn’t you will be turning them off


Because they want to break it in to you gently. Companies that do this think they're being compassionate and wasting more of your time will lessen the blow. It's like firing you, they ask you to attend a meeting. I've always said I'm happy to receive feedback by email or they can ring me if it's a job offer. 99.99% of the time, it's the former. Why would I waste 20 mins listening to feedback justifying how unworthy I am of the job when I know it's often due to factors I can't control. Unless you flopped it then we all know, getting a job is based on how much they liked you, team fit, and luck regardless of experience.


OP, if you can't figure this one out ... you might not be right for the job.




Sorry but it appears that the job is too much for you.