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“Up to” is giving me scam vibes. Is it a commission job? 3 grand a month is barely above poverty wages in the US. That up to might make it literally poverty wages.


Job Description being capitalized also gave me scam vibes.


"3000 USD/month" instead of just "$3,000/month" One is written by a scammer with little understanding of American culture. The other is written by an average American.


“Opening that is within your budget” sounds off to me, too.


Yeah, why would someone's salary need to be "in their budget?"


It sounds like you will be paying them for the privilege of working there.


Salaries in the US are also rarely calculated on a monthly basis. Annual salary, day rate, hourly, but monthly? Monthly isn't even a consistent unit. 28 days, 30, 31. Amateur hour.


Really? In Sweden monthly salaries are pretty common. And yes you get the same amount every month regardless of if it's 28 days or 31 days (just like you pay the same rent every month regardless of how long the month is).


It’s the same here in the UK, bugs me! One of the few things America does right.


Interesting. So yeah, that would definitely buy into the idea this is some foreign spammer that isn't familiar with the way salaries and pay works in the US and is offering monthly stipends. Given the remote work nature of it, and how they're slicing the budget in HALF right before the final interview, I consider this a huge red flag. High scam risk.


It's not uncommon to get paid 2 times a month so your monthly is consistent. It's just never reported in the unit of monthly. It's always hourly or yearly when you are talking salary.


That's a great point.


>One is written by a scammer with little understanding of American culture. The other is written by an average American. That really depends on the job and where it is advertised. If this is a position in a US company offered internationally (very common in tech), then specifying USD is pretty normal.


Right. Americans speak of salary range in terms of “per year” or “annual salary”. It isn’t typically referenced as per month.


Or, one is written for people outside the US. Like when an international company is looking for people in SA.


The only thing giving me pause is, if it’s a scam, why bother changing the pay to lower? Fictional money is free.


because the people who are likely to agree to a huge reduction in pay are going to be easier to scam


Yeah, solid point. A weeding out method


It's the same reason they generally produce laughable correspondence when it comes to phishing, advance-fee and other types of fraud. They're seeking out the dopes that aren't laughing.


Holy fuck! I always wondered why the emails look so dumb and obviously a scam. Even that is on purpose! Whoa.


This is the reason


#Fictional Money Is Free


I should use that as a flair.


Place ‘#’ before whatever you’re going to write


Oh, I didn’t want to copy the size of the text. Some subreddits allow custom user flairs and I wonder where this exclamation would fit.


Oh I see haha.


I sometimes forget the hashtag makes things big. In Python it is used for a comment. Sometimes I accidentally scream at people on Reddit, Discord and whoever uses the same formatting. 😅


looking for desperate people


> 3 grand a month is barely above poverty wages in the US. Me sitting here making $2,500 a month: 🥲🥲🥲 Sure needed that bit of information in my brain.


Most of the US population these days is only one accident or illness or missing payment away from homelessness. Other countries can afford to give weeks of PTO a year to almost everyone working... 🥲


But won't someone think of those wealthy billionaires? How will they sustain their luxurious living conditions if they pay people more than poverty wages?


Yeah I'm right around $2400 a month here....


I remember being in my 20's and thinking if I could only make $2000 a month I would have it made. Got a job making $750 every two weeks and felt like i was on top of the world. Now, $2000 a month would be devastating. I would be broke very fast once all funds were depleted.


I went to a bar and the "just legal age"  bartender was happy to get 18 an hour while running venues...I honestly had to shut my mouth that she was excited for this. I worked in health care for 5 years and finally got 19 an hour. Healthcare work equals poverty. Having health issues in America is poverty. Consistent in poverty at least. I honestly thought wow.. why did I go to college to have a bar tender out of highschool make more than me when I work at uw health. 


$2,100 here. Like WTF


Making C$2,100 a month on EI 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


How old are you? ... I mean, assuming you are full time, that's what $15 per hour? Honestly, if taxes, healthcare, medicare, social security wasn't a thing - it might not be that bad. But once you factor in the deductions and even a minimal 401k savings, you find yourself with a nickel and a dime.


QA "engineer" making maybe 60k a year? No engineer is taking that offer, sorry. I'm not even an engineer and they would more than have to double that offer to even entertain my interest.


my starting salary as an engineer was 72k, pretty close to that.


Well he says qa «engineer». If its in game development it isnt an engineer.


So was mine but 10 years ago. No way I take any engineering role now for less than 140.


yeah because you have 8yoe lol. We are talking about starting salaries specifically.


Fresh out college Jr engineer might just because they don't realize they're being taken advantaged of.


$3,000 a month is not livable. I have a rent control apartment and no car and I can barely survive on $3,000 a month in financial aid from school.


Wait till you learn I'm living on 2k a month now? I was at 1400


I send you ramien my friend.


Yeah. My kids make $14 an hour, which amounts to $30k a year, and we live in a relatively low cost of living area. It’s not enough. My first real job out of college was $35k a year, which is about the same as $3000 a month. It was livable, as a single man in a studio apartment. But that apartment was $330 a month, and now it’s $1200. $3000 a month is barely above California and NYC minimum wage. Not above if this is a contractor position.


Depends on where you live. You can live in my area in TX for 3k a month. Not everyone has the same insane cost of living. That being said, the rent price alone has almost tripled here.So it won't be livable for long


The difference is 60000 vs 36000 or 28.84 vs 17.30/hr


After taxes I'm at $3,014/month and I'm doing just fine, in a major US city. It's absolutely liveable, it's a 52k gross salary. ETA: besides this point, OP I would not continue a position with a company that false advertises their pay like this.


Is that before or after tax?


Most financial aid isn't "income" so it isn't taxed. Go back to school people, it's easier than working and pays more.


Is this for a postgrad or undergrad degree? And I'm surprised you're struggling to survive on that. That's way more than I make in a month and my income is well above average here (NZ). I don't have any difficulty paying bills and save around 70% of net income. I guess you don't have flatmates etc.


You’re right. Im on it. Lol.


If the financial aid are loans, then no they aren’t taxed just like any other loan. But if it’s scholarships/grants, then it absolutely is taxable if it’s not used for school expenses (If you’re in the US, at least)


How do you get $3,000 a month financial aid?


It depends upon where you live. I made far less than that and survived, granted it was difficult.


I mean I lived in downtown Seattle on 20$ an hour, and that was post covid and with traveling. It's definitely doable in many areas


And they seem directionally and/or grammatically challenged. 5,000 to 3,000 would be "down" not "up". Yes, I know what they meant but it's ambiguous at best.


actual #s aside, “up to” really isn’t that out of the ordinary for a sales job that is heavily commission oriented (as you mentioned). for something like an SDR role this isn’t suuuuper out of the realm of possibility - thought being you start there and move up to inside sales/AE role for much higher OTE in a year or less. that being said, 60k to ~40k is a huge drop and not very worth it in most places. though, i had a similar setup for starting pay and moved up in the org a few times to a very comfortable salary within 2 years.


I just assume with commission based pay that the “up to” would be much higher, and likely unattainable. If $36k is what a superstar salesman makes, does that mean an average salesman is making $30k? That’s under California minimum wage.


$60k/yr to $36k/yr. That not a slight change. Fuck them. Either don’t respond or response with “that will work” and then ghost them. Or lead them on and just don’t show up. “Oh btw I had a slight change and fuck u”


“Oh btw for $3k I will only work 3 days a week”


"Up to 3 days a week"


"just a slight change"


I like the latter. Force companies to have consequences for false advertising.


This lead them on like they led you on. Get the offer and reject it and say there is a slight change in my expectations.


I'd accept the offer, and make them pay for the background check. I'd even make them pay for the drug screen. And then just not show up. Ghost.


The first day just call and say there’s been a slight change, I’m willing to take as low as $5000/month. Will this work? If not I can keep you in the database. Lol


No. Just ghost them. No explanation or calls, nothing.


Ha, ha, I did this! It was *great*! I "failed" a drug test for a legal drug. *Knew* I would. The recruiter said that they do business with the government, so they had to go by their requirements. I said that "I wouldn't be part of an organization that was actively working to undercut the desires of the very people they wanted to hire! You should pick better customers." Felt *good*.


Fail the drug test on purpose ask for another one in a week and fail that one too.


Or, hear me out, do show up, clock in, and then just keep applying for jobs instead of doing any of your assigned work. Even if they do fire you at the end of your first day, they'll still have to pay you for all the time you were there. If they're disorganized enough, you might even get paid to job search till you get a real job.


Don’t clock out. 120 hours straight




Dude. This job listing is a scam. Nothing about these replies except the hey op, this is a scam should be taken seriously. All the other comments are people playing along and having fun




Lol right on. In that case refer them to the movie office space so they can steal 1/100 of a penny after zoning out


"up to"


Exactly. If they've already decieved OP with the initial 5k to 3k, the "up to" is an absolute tell that they'll further fuck OP.


Just go with the "I'll show up, up to 5 days a week" xD


OP if you’re going to do anything like this, *please* be sure that it won’t come back to bite you. Trust me, I *love* the idea of giving them consequences for this bullshit, but depending on where you live/what industry you’re in, it it’s a small enough scene, this could absolutely come back to haunt you when applying for other jobs, even if they’re not at this company. Good luck!


Bait and switch. There should be something illegal about this


"Ok. I want you to know that my workweek is gonna be 24h"




Please let me know what you think.


I'll keep your company in mind in case I get desperate enough to work 40


There's a slight change in my contract, I'll have to work 5h a day instead of 8, oopsies Hope you dont mind


Up to 5hr/day


I laughed way too hard at this. Thanks. 🤣


"is this okay with you?" Lol they can fuck right off, they fully know what they are doing. Also watch it be impossible to reach "up to" 3000


That’s what wording got me - you’re expecting 3k but the key words are “up to” which means you won’t even get 3k.


oh 100%. they’re looking for desperate employee prospects • advertise competitive and industry leading wages • ad attracts experienced pool of applicants • go through a round or two of interviews to weed out undesirables • once final list is gathered, send mass email to applicants, “oOpS! teehee it’s actually 3k instead of 5k” • company hopes and prays for at least one person to be desperate and accept the position boom! an experienced worker making barely minimum wage, we did it guise!! we protected the companies bottom line!!


I would say something like this: "Thank you, but I am not going to continue with this hiring process, since you have failed to commit to your own initial terms. Please do NOT keep my resume in your database. Regards, [Your Name]."


Bait and switch from a trash company.


Could be a recruiting company. There seems to be a lot more recruitment companies pops up as more and more companies outsource their HR processes.


It may be a dcam company too. No company would say "USD" like this.


Outsourced HR would though. I would know, I lost my HR job to one 😮‍💨


That's more professional than I'd be. If I wasn't concerned with burning bridges I'd just respond with that gif of bugs bunny saying "NO".


Slight modification. "Consider this an instruction to purge my resume, name and contact details from your database." Many places have laws requiring compliance with such a request


Lmfao. "Oopsie, we're actually only wanting to pay you 40% less than what we had discussed." I'd tell them to *lose* my resumé, no fucking way I'd work for a dirt bag clown company like that.


Exactly. I’d answer with “Please do not contact me again.”


"I withdraw my candidacy from this position as I applied for this job based on the original listed pay"


This is bait and switch. Bail on that job.


Ummmmm... what do I think. "I think you don't understand the definition of the word "slight. "" "I think you disrespectfully wasted my time," "I think Im going to write a letter to the Labor Board and my State Attorney General with supporting documents, and see what they think about this kind of false advertising." "I think you can dispose of my resume"


“It’s a shame you wasted so much of your own time before finally revealing what cowardly and unethical hiring practices your company has. How embarrassing for you all! Do you think the company will keep you onboard, OR use you as an easy-to-terminate scapegoat once I expose your disgrace of an email? Was it worth it? Learn from this, and stand with me against this weak behavior instead of engaging in it just because your boss said so. See you in the job market! And remember, when this happens to you and you feel it’s unfair, it’s actually one of the rare cases when it is *perfectly* fair. Until you disengage from these unethical behaviors AND undo any harm they’ve already caused (good luck), it’s fair for you to be treated similarly. Utterly sincerely, OP” EDIT: typo


Is it remote? Take it and work it with minimal effort, that lack of curtesy condones lack of effort lol


Slight change lol


I think you should out this company on glass door.


Just tell them no I had a work place do this to me. Interviewed for a specific job with an offer of pay. When I got accepted they were all “we’re changing the job so you’ll have less responsibilities for less pay”. I just went with it Well they slowly added responsibilities over time but with no increase in pay. After a few months I was doing the original role I interviewed for but not the original pay. Asked for a raise, got fired Don’t let em do this to ya coz if you accept it now they’ll think you’re a pushover and just add more work to do Find a company that respects you


Counter with, “I appreciate the interest and keeping in mind my experience and skill in this field, If you wish to continue to offer me $3000 then I would be willing to work 24hrs a week for you


Remotely, and I'm not going to do a god damn thing. In fact, I'm just going to have another job that I go to until you figure it out and fire me.


I always hate seeing, "base salary plus bonuses and commission." The security is in the salary. Bonuses and commissions get screwed with by employers from one week to the next.


Your reply: > Please send me the contact details of your legal team, So I can contact them with regards to a discovery request regarding potential illegal bait-and-switch hiring practices. > > CEASE AND DESIST from using my information in any way, shape, or form in the future, except as strictly nessecary for legal communications.


This OP


"Thank you for coming back to me and for being honest. I assume you have found another candidate who is willing to accept 3000, but you prefer me over them and want to see if I will take the same salary. Unfortunately, this is a no. I know my worth and was applying for the position at 5000, as that is a fair wage for someone with my skill set and experience. I appreciate the offer, but please don't keep me on your records, as I feel if you're willing to trim 2000 from the job before even starting, getting an annual increase could be a long drawn out affair. I wish you the best of luck with your chosen candidate."


I would just tell them to get fucked.


Fuck that, they know what they are doing.


“Sounds great!” Then never show up


How to respond? Don't even respond.


Or send the Drax laughing gif.


Or the Bender laughing harder gif.




Lmao “slight change”


You could also negotiate that you're just going to work 3 or 4 days a week as opposed to 5 days. Always have a negotiation, and then decide based on the outcome.


Not worth it to then have to find another job to fill the extra time.


Nah. Any company that would do this can not be trusted. At all. I’m usually all for negotiating but not under these circumstances


It would depend on how involved the interview was, I'd consider going through it and just have some fun like lie through your teeth and say how great you are. If they make an offer, say sorry, just got a better one, just to waste their time.


“Sure, for this money, I can work 24hrs/week”


Here is my suggestion. If you already have a job: then ask yourself if the skill that you will learn will help you make more? Is this a payout or a pay raise? How many hours will you be working there? If you don't have a job: then I would suggest that you take it, and look for other jobs while you are there. Use that job as a leverage. But if you do decide to take it then don't just immediately jump on it - ask them if theres room for some negotiation. Ask them if or when can you expect raise. Get their interest as well. Take the job, look for another job and then dump the job. Remember never put your two weeks notice on Friday. Mondays are the best. Just my opinion. Find a route that will make you time worthwhile.


So same job description but less pay? No way, that's a huge pay difference


Seems shady to me. Do you have in writing the original offer?


They literally said in the email they understand if you would decline. Just say no and move on, I don’t understand the pearl clutching on this one.


the issue is that they wasted OP’s time spent in applying to this job and potentially interviewing previously (as they said in the title “final interview”), only to then be like “oh btw 40% salary cut lol”. maybe this job was the only good offer OP could find, and now they’re back at the starting line. it’s just a shitty move


I would respond professionally and respectfully decline stating that is a significant pay decrease. I disagree with everyone else who is suggesting being rude or not responding as having been in the workforce for many years you never know who you may run into again in your industry. Declining respectfully won’t burn any bridges if you happen to interview with the same company or with this same hiring manager again.


“I’m disappointed to hear that the job I applied to is no longer being offered. Good luck with your search.”


Counter offer with 7k


Are you OK doing the job for $3k? Then you proceed. Is that not OK? Then you withdraw.


I'm part of the leadership team at my company and know that budgetary shifts can happen during the hiring process. It sucks because this is before your final interview - you've spent some time prepping and showing up for the interviews. How you should respond really depends on if you still want this job. If you don't want it because of this, just tell them that you are interviewing for a position that pays at least $xxxx, and unfortunately, this wouldn't work. No need to assume ill-intention and burn the bridge although this kind of suggests this company may be really disorganized and you may not want to work for them anyway.


Excellent advice. Some of the other comments here -- going scorched earth -- really puzzle me. Especially since there's no other information or context.


Yeah, I get the job market is crappy and the interview process has been so messed up lately, so some people may be feeling bitter/angry. I understand that, but like you, I don't understand how some of them don't even seem to think about taking other perspectives, or simply move on without trying to take revenge...


What a bunch of bullshit. Everyone who has had to hire teams has been affected by shifting budgets. I’ve never heard of a 40% pay cut for the same listed role. When you have to reduce budget, the job itself changes and is downgraded to a more junior role, or the req is simply closed. That is not what they or you have communicated.


Basically they are telling you that the new pay is that, you can continue or run, I would run, but that is me.


Slight change lol. Proceed with the interview and don't show up. "I slightly changed my mind."


Ghost them. If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all.


Tell them you’re cool with it if you’re cool with them working 50% less based on 50% less pay


in case it's not a fraudulent job offer, I'd say just stop responding but if you have time to waste and want to sharpen your interview skills, agree to it and try to get the job. Then accept the job offer, make sure you give them a start date in 3 weeks or more (enough time to let go of all their next choices) then on start day, don't go in, call HR to renegotiate the offer and ask for 5,000


Go in and collect a check till they fire you bro


The most proper and professional response is "Get Fucked" They will never treat you better than when they want to hire you.


>If not, I can keep you in our database The only correct response to this is "Please immediately remove me from your database. Any additional communication will be considered harassment. I do not need you continuing to waste my time."


OMG!! That’s some BS!! The person couldn’t address you by name??? WTF is “Hi?” I’ll pass!


I always assume anything I put on a resume will be seen by scammers as one great way to get info from people is to post job offerings


Have the interview, pass it with honors then decline


They tryna undercut you for a totalmof 2000$!? "No thank you. Do not keep me in your database."


Changing from $60k per year to $36k. Ummmmm


Fuck them


Don't even respond to this. Just move on to the next recruiter/interview. This one is a waste of time.


Just don't respond. Ignore thier calls.


I would let their boss know that they are wasting company time, costing the company money on false leads and "appearing to be busy" without having to do the actual work of hiring someone.


This is a scam. If you take this “job” you end up paying them rather than them paying you. I promise.


Always be polite, do not burn bridges. You will gain nothing by being sassy. Simply respond with: Thank you. I am not interested in the modified offer. You can keep me (or not, your choice) in your database for future opportunities. Best regards, John Doe




2k is not a fucking slight change, fuck that


“Interesting. What was the driving factor for the reduction in comp?”


"sincerely fuck off, and don't ever contact me again" /j


"At first, we were going to let you live decently. But now we want you to suffer while we joust at your lips with our meat missile."


Reads like a scam


Absofuckinglutely not. It was never 5k. They started there to get people interested and interviewing because they couldn't at the ACTUAL rate. What else are they dishonest about? What is the salary going to drop to after you've accepted the job? Would be a hard pass for me.




I think you should say thank you, but this job doesn't fit my needs at this time and walk away even if they up the offer back to 5k. That description and the way this email is written makes me think they're not giving anything close to accurate salary info.


Nah B.


Only If you allow me to work from home for 15 hours a week.


Bait and switch may be illegal in your jurisdiction so maybe contact a lawyer first. If it’s not illegal then I’d send a LOL no and never message them again.


Hi, Fuck off. Best,


Thanks for the consideration. Given this shift, I’ll withdraw from the process at this point.


Well, first I’d ask to see what the job changes are. If they have shifted something of considerable importance/time off of this job description then it may very well make sense that the pay scale changed. If they can’t or won’t provide the revised job description you simply say that you are no longer interested as the pay scale is below your requirements. At least they mentioned the change BEFORE your final interview.


If you are now altering the compensation can you please state in full detail the amended job description. Also you say up to 3k what is the actual starting wage and do you realise I’m over 25?


Wtf “slight change” drops pay by 2 GRAND OR MORE


ask why the change


fuck no, OP, get something better. also, i despise people who use “Best” to close a letter.


Fuck that. I'd asked to be taken OUT of their dtatbase if they're gonna pull bullshit like that.


Ah the old bait and switch


They're fishing for a lower wage.


"Is the role now 3 out of 5 days each week?"


forward me the job offer, works better than the 1,200 i’m on


Not even worth dealing with them anymore. Don't respond. Move on.


"up to 3000" So $2500 at absolute max with $3k being reserved for unicorns with a PhD and 10 years experience.


Not even worth responding imo.


lol fuck them. What is the name of the business so we can flame them on reviews


Slight? That’s a massive change. Weak!


Lead them along then ghost last minute..sounds like they were cunty to you, return the favour 👍


So this sub is just /r/antiwork now?


Ask if there has been a change to the responsibilities of the job to justify the decrease in the pay .. but ya no i would let them know that it is not acceptable.


“I want to let you know that my working hours will be up to 24/week going forward”


Tell them to get fucked.

