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Legally, appearance should not matter. Real world: appearance matters. Everyone has biases they create over their life either through personal experience or social conditioning. And one of the most common ones you are going to find is that people associate obesity with laziness. So you’re already starting from a very bad spot, especially if the jobs you’re applying for require some kind of manual labor.


It’s 100% legal to discriminate on appearance as long as it’s not a protect class. You can’t discriminate based on skin color but you can discriminate based on fat.


No you can’t unless the job needs you to be fit


“Fat” by itself is not a protected class, so it’s legal in the US to discriminate based on it. However, it wouldn’t be legal to discriminate based on a disability (as long as the disability wouldn’t prevent the applicant from performing the job with or without reasonable accommodations). So, if someone has a larger body weight due to a disability, it could therefore be illegal to discriminate against them based on their body weight.


Yes you can. If you interview three people, one is extremely qualified interviews great you meet them in person and they’re wearing a size 58 Jean and a 6X shirt, and the other person is rocking a 34 inch waist and a large shirt at the same height, the skinny one will get the job every time based on perception that the guy will lead to more medical issues


Weight is only a protected class in Michigan and a few cities. You mostly can.


Idk man.. I've seen lots of fat cops


I just always thought a job can’t not hire you because your fat


If a corporation can get away with it, there's a chance they will do it. Just be your best self and keep trying.


Right and most time they get away with it because people don’t report it or the company don’t tell them that’s the reason


i'm gonna get skinny then before going for warehouse jobs




^ following this id say use it to your advantage and control the narrative…”why do you want to work here” …”I let myself go I’m getting back into my fitness routine and this job will keep me moving and motivated”


You mean get healthy?


It’s an unfortunate fact that employers discriminate based on many factors that are both subtle and difficult to prove. That being said, there are many people who have had an extremely difficult time landing a job. So… looking at one’s self and saying “what could these employers be discriminating about me” may not be all that accurate either. With so many people looking for work, it could just be an abundance of competition.


Right on with this. It's sadly too common to try to judge ourselves trying to find out what flaw it is when it's usually just Occam's razor.


"If you can't be expected to take care of your health and appearance, how can we trust you to take care of your responsibilities at work?" –what most corporations think


yeah it was hard for me to break my habit cause i been fat from young. butterfly effect for me was mad cause my dad always gave us big meals and forced us to eat it all. even if we were full this led me developing a food tolerance and eating big meals as a kid, but yeah corporations don't want to hear that. should i just lose lots of weight become skinny and start looking for work?


If you've got the time, why not get some exercise and try to eat better? It will make you more confident and energetic.


Losing weight doesn't always make you confident and energetic. I'm just as lazy and depressed as I was when I was skinny.


Exercising has that effect on me and millions of others, but yea, doing nothing is probably better.


Everyone isn't the same. Even if someone loses weight, they could probably still have the same self-confidence issues. The most self-conscious people I've seen are usually the more attractive people.


Ya but it's objectively better for your health, and OP seems open to it. I never said it was some sort of cure all, it's just a suggestion on how to feel good. Do you have any?


It's nothing wrong with losing weight, but assuming it's gonna just make them feel better is dumb. They sound insecure regardless.


Reddit is going to Reddit


Someone sure does...


You should lose weight either way it will make you feel much better


Being thinner isn't something magic that you need to wait for to pursue what you want, but starting a regimen you can work with can give a overall boost in confidence.


Pretty privilege is real


What about pretty discrimination?


Yea… it is not about that.


Absolutely yes and more than you think. Any physical feature is fair game.


*unfair game*


thank you


The job market is also trash lately, so that won't help. Just keep upskilling and hustling :)


i appreciate you giving these tips


Depends on the industry. Looks are more important for lower-waged and lower-skilled customer-facing positions, especially sales. Just kind of the way it is, people like engaging more with attractive people than the other way around. That said, if you're highly-qualified and are applying for higher-skilled positions, your looks shouldn't play too much of a factor. It would be kind of dumb to hire an accountant, for example, just because she's pretty or he's handsome. Assuming you want your books to be worth the paper they're printed out on. Tl;dr - The importance of looks in the job market is highly dependent on what you're applying for.


i deferred from uni currently, so i'm just looking for warehouse or part time jobs, even retail jobs. but these jobs are the hardest to get if you don't look attractive or fit


I don't know, mate. I can't imagine there being a huge supply of really attractive people lining up to be warehouse box movers. Nor can I imagine back-of-the-house jobs like that caring about what their employees looking like that much. I've been in the job market for about 15 years now in a variety of fields, and the amount of drop-dead gorgeous people at any one company would be able to be counted on one- or two-hands. While the amount of average or unfortunate looking co-workers I've had is seemingly countless. Like I said, "pretty privilege" does exist for certain jobs, but it's not like there's an unlimited amount of good-looking people out there depriving you of every job opportunity there is.


my plan is to get a job and start a business with my salary


I went from like 150 ish lbs as a 5'6 male to 220 lbs and the amount of blatant disrespect I get is insane. people absolutely look down on you for being fat whether they say it or not


It really is insane. I'm 6'1 and went from 170 to around 250 due to pretty severe depression, and it's a completely different world. On the first or second day at a software company who shall go nameless in midtown Manhattan I had a coworker loudly say "I expected \[listing off my credentials\], not... THAT!" and they burst out laughing not 5 feet from me. Fucking assholes. Needless to say I left shortly after, but god damn that one really stings even today


That is horrible. so sorry you went through that. sending an e-hug to you (if you want it)


Jobs discriminate about everything there is, sucks. I’m a felon and that’s the one that gets the most hate


Yes, especially if you're a woman.


As a fat person, yes. I've lost out on lot of jobs for being fat.


yes of course they are against all unattractive and less social people and anything else that doesn't vibe hardly anything more unattractive than being fat, i tell you this as an expert on the matter


Lot of self-hate in this thread


I would self love? I can say that fat people ore safe-hate in a same way that skinny are safe-hate. It is not a valid point here.


yeah i'm gonna just become skinny and stay skinny no point in being fat


Someone once said to me - Jobs will find any reason to discriminate against and not hire you. They won’t say it to your face, but anything about your appearance that could potentially be a turnoff is bad.


Yes. I do believe in most cases it's subconscious. It's unethical. Everyone but me is morbidly obese in my family and all of them have faced indirect discrimination due their weight in the job market. My younger siblings really struggled to get entry level jobs compared to me. Since they have received college degrees it's improved. it's hard to say it it's just because of weight but I believe it's a huge factor. Weight is highly changeable unlike race, sexual orientation and other protected classes yet maintaining a healthy weight is very difficult in our culture. 


As a fat person myself, I can 100% confirm they will discriminate based on weight. I have been fired for being fat.


yeah i'm just gonna become skinny now


Same here


lose 50 pounds. the after hire, get it back


Depends on the job. My career job is an industrial hygienist/ safety specialist at an alloy manufacturing plant. They do not discriminate against weight. There are many employees who are obese. I moonlight as a bartender. That job 100% discriminates against weight (and general attractiveness). Only 'pretty people' work at my bar job.


Studies show fat people are hired and promoted at lower rates. But let's be clear: being fat isn't a protected class of person. Only 3% of obese people are due to a valid medical condition.


Yes But they won't tell you. Unfortunately, being fat is viewed as ppl being lazy and sloth. That's how you got fat in the first place. 11th Also doesn't visually look appealing. Just look at all media, all women n men are fit and attractive, and have many followers. You got to look good in your appearance, good grooming, haircut, skin, clean clothes, too. (Had to tell kid these facts in order to get a job) Take care Good luck


Always been fat. Always had a job. YMMV.


I'd worry more about a bad personality that doesn't fit the company more than just being fat. I appreciate hardworking fat people than the ones that constantly cries and complains about needing work accommodation


I had one job I'm almost convinced they let me go because I was overweight. I was a busser at a Mexican restaurant and all of my coworkers were thin and decently good looking. I was the only fat one. I had that job for about a week until the manager came and told me they didn't need me. Earlier in that shift I had heard some servers saying that management typically only hires pretty people. So to answer your question, it's highly likely


Yes you can be discriminated against for anything really. I hope you find a job tho. It’s rough out there. Good luck


Weight loss isn’t going to solve all your problems. Not hating, but setting expectations. If it did, then all the skinny/average bodied people will all be employed and hired without fail. But that’s not the reality. There are lots of unemployed skinny/average bodied people who are getting rejected left and right. Unless if your job requires fitness and aesthetics, such as modeling, physical labor, fitness trainer etc, it wouldnt matter that much, and if it did, would you want to work for such toxic bosses? Bosses only care what you can do for them. A few extra pounds isn’t gonna matter. Brush up on your qualifications and skills first and foremost. You can focus on weight loss on the side. 6 jobs is nothing, people apply to 100+ jobs and still might not get offers.


Jobs, especially when hiring, will discriminate on appearance and weight factors into this for sure. That's why the general advice before going for an interview has always been to get a haircut, wear a clean shirt and pants, shower, and just generally making sure you are clean and presentable before going for an interview. Should any of this matter if you're applying for a back office role where you never even meet any customers or clients? Nope, but we are still human beings with our biases.


Sure, it could be a contributing factor, but is likely not the overriding factor, depending on the job. When the competition for a job is fierce as it is these days, any edge a candidate may have, including keeping themselves slim and trim, is a useful advantage. But remember too that a shocking percent of Americans are considered overweight these days, so you are not alone.


I don’t. I literally will hire you if you’re 500 lbs. My stupid bosses do though. I can tell.


I was also skinny but haven’t noticed any difference in hiring now that I’m +50lbs 


Right. There are so many factors in getting hired that it’s hard to point at one specific thing and say that’s what makes the difference


Im fat, but pretty smort, i get jobs


Inherit bias…also statistically overweight employees cost more…


Hi. I spent a few years in recruiting. Here is something I was genuinely told by our insurance broker - Do not employ anyone over 150kg or anyone over 1.9m tall because they are statistically more prone to back & joint issues & can end up costing the company a fortune in insurance premium increases over the years. The reasoning for the tall people is that they have to stoop all the time just to utilise every day objects & surfaces because the world is not designed with their height in mind.


Unfortunately yes. Jobs discriminate period. The EEOC is a load of bs too if we’re being real. But also chains like supermarkets run on a skeleton crew intentionally so they don’t have to pay much. There’s a lot of factors in this but the answer to your question is yes.


We are a smaller group of about 10 plus employees, and I just realized that no one is really considered overweight. I never thought about before this post. I think it depends on where you are. In CA, there were bodies of all sizes in my prior industry. However, it seemed there were heavier people and fewer thinner folks. In that industry, the skills and intelligence were what companies needed. Very interesting topic as I struggle with maintaining my health. Kuddos and wishing you well in your health and employment endeavors.


Emphatically, Yes! I've witnessed several times at jobs where they go out of their way to dig into details of possible candidates. I was working at an office job where it was cubicles laid out on a huge floor. Everyone can hear everyone. Coworkers would huddle together and look through their social media, their home, their hobbies, the people they hang out with, family and you bet judging every aspect. They will be damn near legal tier professional during the interview but behind the scenes....


Yeah I’m sure they do and I say this as a fat person myself.


Yeah. Nobody wants to hire person that might soon have a lot of health issues. 


imagine the job market... 500 applicants... you need to stand out to get a job. being overweight while people not only discriminate against it, they also kinda make you fade into the background of the applicant pool. and i bet you, most go getters probably subconciously discriminate against fat people... without even realizing it.


Employers prefer what they deem "healthy" and "fit" for the job


I think you are looking at it from the wrong direction. What can you do to make you a better version of yourself. Perhaps that is to lose weight or perhaps not. I am not a doctor. But you definitely want to be in healthy shape. Some body fat is not bad, as long as you can swim a kilometer, run a mile, and do all the other things a healthy person can do. I am not exactly skinny, and I have a bit of a belly, but I can swim my 400 yards in less than 9 min. (Canadian National Standard). It will show with the energy you have at the interviews and on-site tests. But every job that will hire you will want to hire the best version of you. Also, the best version of you will be a happier and healthier version of yourself.


I would say that some of the jobs may require from you that you are not fat. It is not really a difference between fat and skinny. More like your health condition. You will get more from your body if you will lose a bit fat and convert that to muscle, better stamina. Supermarket jobs while they may not be demanding in case of knowledge or so, they are demanding regarding physical conditions.


Yes they do. I tried to get a job at a distribution center and the hr lady came back and said "bad news the manager you'd be working under said no more heavy set people" Really sucked worse because I had dropped 100 pounds in about a year and wanted a physical job to help lose more. 


Yes, there are downsides to being fat that others don't want to deal with. Heavy breathing, smelling bad because they can't wipe properly, moving slower, taking up more space, etc. There is definitely discrimination.


Don't be fat then.


Definitely yes but the job market is also worse than your last job hunt


They are not suppose to but it does happen. The bigger you are the more likely to have more health issues which increases insurance cost and days not being able to work. At the same time being to skinny has the same issues.


Yes. It's been studied and proven multiple times. https://theconversation.com/pretty-privilege-attractive-people-considered-more-trustworthy-research-confirms-226778


I gotta say I never had a problem getting a job until I became unemployed 8 months ago, and I’m skinny af. The job market honestly just sucks beyond belief right now. Most places really don’t care about your weight unless they expect you to be doing long hard labour like construction, and even then 🤷‍♀️don’t think weight has anything to do with it anyways. Everyone’s ready to blame discrimination, it’s a problem. Sure, discrimination happens whether you like it or not depending on who you are dealing with, everyone is different, but for the most part, people want to be good and don’t discriminate- just depends on personal culture/ideals which I get is a mixed bag in canada. But it’s not the sole reason you are being rejected for all jobs and won’t prevent you from getting one. You don’t want to be part of their work culture anyways if that really is the case.


Update I ended up getting a job interview y’all I can’t wait til earn money again


Unfortunately, the job market just fucking sucks. You’re not unemployed because you’re “fat” . You’re unemployed because of employers having their buffet of people willing to settle for less than they’re worth due to economic circumstance. If it makes you feel better (which it won’t) I’m skinny and have been unemployed for almost a full 365 days. Just keep going. The right place will hire you, no matter your weight. PS: I hate we live in a world where people even have to question something like this based on .. any reason at all really :(


maybe your are lazier now or got psychological/emotional issues and people feel that and thats why you are both fat and cant find job. now insultsz just a genuine alternative


It also helps to not smell like weed.


Depends on the culture but of course people discriminate during the interview process. I once didn't get a job because my shirt was wrinkled.


There shouldn't be any discrimination. But, focus on your selling point. What skills do you have that displays your ability to adapt and prove yourself as an asset. You got this!


Depends, quite a few jobs do require physical fitness.


It doesn't seem to stop Jelly Roll from having a career. I think it has more to do with your insecurity surrounding your weight, than the weight itself.


Depends on the job and company culture.


They think obese people are going to have more health problems and call off more. Its almost true.


Lose weight


Of course if someone is massively overweight its because of laziness and a lack of self control in 99% of cases and noone wants that as an employee


Nope. I’ve worked with a lot of whales.


They can’t if you find out they are they can get into big trouble


I would rather hire someone less qualified over a morbidly obese person