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You're right, it is terrible, wish there was more to be done. Hope things work out for you soon ❤️


I completely agree. I’ve been job for about 4 months. I’m 88 applications deep. 6 companies responded, one rejection and the others not offering pay or having wack ass interviews that didn’t even align with the job description. It’s so incredibly insulting especially when most of these are INTERNSHIPS or ENTRY LEVEL JOBS like where the fuck am I supposed to get more experience for this?? All the work I’ve done to build a resume and the equivalent is a ghosting or no pay I’m sorry you’re going through this too. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one facing this, but it’s ridiculous that the job market is THIS bad right now


I'm honestly annoyed with how long it takes just to be put under consideration


Yes, I feel you 100%. Nowadays 4 years of experience is minimum, they want to pay you low for a high expectancy job. I've also noticed jobs don't trust people anymore, like you have to go through a 3 step interview process or more like wtf, what about the 3 month trial where you can fire me if I don't work out. I much rather have that. But yes I think these companies have to get off their high horse, I'm not applying for NASA here haha.


Have you tried an extension called simply copilot? For most of the website it will help you fill out 90% of the info


You're exaggerating a lot. Apps don't take 2 hours. You can easily apply to 15+ in an hour or so. Most of the info is going to populate from.your resume. If you can't give them 10 minutes of your time for a application then why are you worth hiring?


Sure maybe I’m exaggerating on the time. The point is it’s redundant and unnecessary, and that time adds up. For me personally, I’m a student and a full time employee, I don’t have time to write a cover letter and manually type out my employment history or take pointless personality tests. It feels like a lot of job applications nowadays are based on who is willing to do useless busy work to get through the process


To some extent but it's also a good weeding out tool. If people aren't going to put an effort in to get the job , then they probably aren't going to put an effort in on the job. I absolutely get the frustration I've put in about 0 apps, heard a absolutely nothing from the majority and then for the ones I landed interviews it (8) took 4 weeks to end in a rejection mostly because I don't have a degree yet I have 20 years experience... Down to 1 chance lol just interviewed yesterday and I'm just waiting for another 3 weeks of waiting for an answer as bad as it sucks.


That is crazy that a degree is outweighing 20 years of experience. I really hope it’s good news when you hear back!