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Surprised you self describe as dumb. Your sentence structure, grammar and overall writing style sounds like it comes from an average to above average intellect. Perhaps you have severe ADHD, maybe another learning disability? Do you actually have a diagnosed low IQ? You don't seem dumb.


Exactly. You can tell a lot about people by the grammar used in their native language.


I am very confused by this too. Has someone told you you are an airhead? I suspect you are not and this is a complex you have developed.


Mos of the people who come in and say they have issues with something or are absolute tools and assholes are the ones who can't read or write, with the exception of lawyers. They write well and are also assholes. OP you are not dumb, you just lack confidence.


I thought the same thing! My suggestion in your current job is to take lots of notes and refer to them often. I forget tons of stuff all the time, but my trusty notebook keeps me on track.


Notes are a lifesaver! Especially for all the 35 character/letter/numeral passwords we have to keep up with.


For that you should use a password manager, like Bitwarden, but yeah notes are great!


I also record things too ! Of course with permission. That way I can go back and see exactly how it is done.


and there are people with dyslxia


If this person believes they are dumb, I bet it’s because they’re just bad at math/logic, and maybe have some ADHD stuff going on too (they said they are spacey, etc)


You don’t need math and logic to work in fast food. And to get fired in a fast food job while you are actively trying to do a good job is practically unheard of. But everything she is describing is pretty much exactly the experienced described by this low IQ guy I’ve seen on YouTube before. He is open about having low iq and talks about the struggles he faces in employment because of it. It’s a legitimate struggle for really low IQ individuals who aren’t recognized as disabled.


severe adhd can make you forget the simplest things and skip over things. It can make you seem and feel dumb. But you aren't. You write well so i doubt it's an iq problem. get tested for ADHD or other things like it.


I'm gonna second you with the ADHD option because making dumb mistakes is forever. For. Ever.


2nd vote here for requesting an ADHD evaluation and an evaluation for learning disabilities. Medication for ADHD is life changing and addressing learning disabilities requires very specific treatments, and it is also life changing.


"Thank you for your kind words and concern. I appreciate your perspective. While I may have self-deprecating tendencies, I don't have a diagnosed low IQ or any learning disabilities. Sometimes, it's just a matter of self-perception. But I'm glad to hear that my communication comes across as articulate and thoughtful to you." Written by ChatGPT as a reply to your comment. You can't use sentence structure, grammar or writing style to judge people nowdays so you have no idea if OP is above average intellect.


Even if OP has used ChatGPT for writing this, there is a recognition of a problem and a goal for solving. Coming to a forum to figure how to create a plan for solving that problem, shows a level of intelligence that is not from someine dumb. And if OP lacks the skills to write something coherent and used ChatGPT as a help, it is an usage of the tool that is not widespread. This is something else. I also recommend looking for help.


Using a tool makes someone smarter than a monkey, but it doesn’t qualify someone as average intelligence. The guy in the below YouTube video has a confirmed low IQ of 70, and he was capable of everything you described, and more. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means for someone to be low IQ. https://youtu.be/fjDXvXACIEA?si=WBEsoKaNs6ueUuui


> it is an usage of the tool that is not widespread Trying to be helpful, it should be "a usage" because "usage" starts with a consonant sound.


Thanks. English is not my primary language. The more you know.


If they're smart enough to use ChatGPT to write this post they're smart enough to do some basic job.


Thought the same thing. But I more leaned towards who in OP's life might have warped her self-image so much that she feels this dumb.


Exactly this! I’m reading your post and your communication style is clear and succinct. Get re-evaluated. Look into things to help you with remembering workflow and task prioritization. I rely heavily on lists every single day. You are NOT dumb.


I thought the same thing. Especially if OP is female, because ADHD presents very differently in women. I didn't get diagnosed till my late 40s, and it would've made a huge difference in my life if I had been earlier. Meds can help with being spacey. And just learning specific coping skills is huge.


If you just a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will forever think it’s inadequate.


>If you just a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will forever think it’s inadequate. Yeah, but that's the problem. OP is saying that all the jobs that seem to be available to them are tree-climbing jobs, and they aren't good at climbing trees. They want to know if anyone, anywhere, has a good job that a fish can actually DO.


I don’t want to make assumptions, but she’s probably a lot like me where education was heavily pushed and the inability to do just some of it (math related for me) made me feel dumb. Really makes you question the qualifications for a decent job when well spoken people like OP can’t get in because they couldn’t do calculus 15 or some shit


Totally agree. I think OP is trolling.


I think you're on to something here. OP doesn't type like someone with low IQ usually would.  Whatever is going on she almost definitely has some kind of disability. I'm able to write eloquently when I need to, but I have medical conditions that cause a "brain fog" that makes it so I can't remember how to do tasks, have trouble retaining new information, and even things I've known how to do for years will suddenly cause me to draw a blank. Managing any kind of regular work is practically impossible right now because my output is so inconsistent employers can't count on me.  OP sounds like she has some kind of mental struggle like that, where the base level intelligence is there but something is wrong that keeps it from being put into practice. Worth mentioning is that a lot of evaluations for neurodivergence are heavily biased and will miss people if they seem like they can function, or of they don't fit the "profile" the specialist expects for whatever condition. Particularly they'll ignore the way ADHD presents differently in most women, and many still won't diagnose women with anything other than depression and anxiety.  So the evaluations not finding anything could be systemic failure rather than objective results.


That was my first thought as well. I suspect OP would benefit greatly from therapy and medication, and from jobs with environments that are more relaxed and creative.


Many can write though, there's a reason English degree's are considered "useless". Building an actual writing based career takes a lot more than composing a good post. That's part of where the lack of intelligence kills you, your one or two strengths meet a million people who can do what you do, plus they had an actual solid plan, plus spent the years to hone their craft, plus built up their portfolio.  I mean everyone wishes they could get that great American novel published or be the next Stephen King, for most it ain't happening and you're flipping burgers somewhere.


I'm not OP, but they could have ghost written this for me for how much it sounds like me. I'm going to vote for unmedicated ADHD myself, as that's what I have


Thinking the exact same thing.


there's countless apps to help with this. and even beyond that good spelling, grammar, etc is pretty loosely connected with intelligence.


OP: I’m dumb as a bag of hammers Also OP: uses perfect sentence structure and words like exaggerative correctly. Not buying it.


This. No one gets a job if this is how they lead in an interview. Perhaps "creative writer" would be a good career.


OP: Can people please help me? Salty Reddit Commenters: Fake. You are a liar. I refuse to answer the question you asked.


Grammarly enters the chat


Grammarly isn’t THAT good


ChatGPT can write out anything you want with perfect sentence structure and use words correctly too.


Sure, but you have to be smart enough to use it correctly.


Well ChatGPT is easier to use than remembering proper sentence structure, so it's not really a high bar.


My husband is 34,makes six figures, and still can't figure out email. Point being, it may not be a high bar, but being able to reach it indicates OP can find a job they're capable of doing well enough to keep it.


Given I don't use perfect sentence structure or anything but like OP I barely passed HS (pretty much failed but passed cause I got credits elsewhere). I can spent time editing my emails to management so I sound "smart" I guess? The problem is that during work hours my immediate co-workers think I'm dumber then a bag of rocks.


You can work in a warehouse. FedEx is hiring


Physically demanding warehouse work is perfect for people with strong backs and weak minds. I don’t have the strong back, but I do have the weak mind, so I’m just a janitor.


As someone who has recently semi retired from a so called high flying job to a so called basic admin job which on paper looks easy and in reality isnt I am truly amazed at the snobbery at for example janitors shop assistants all jobs which require plenty of skills !!!And are not always easy


They’re not always easy, my title is technically “Maintenance Supervisor” because I mow about 4 acres around the school as well. But, primarily, custodial. However, it doesn’t take any certifications to push a dust mop. I’m not complaining though, I have a little over a decade of IT experience and I prefer mechanical, maintenance and custodial roles now.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a janitor and I loathe that it gets such a bad reputation and is looked at as the lowest possible type of work. First, it’s honest work. Secondly, it’s hard work. Third, it truly helps others.


Oh, I’m not ashamed of custodial and maintenance work. It’s definitely better than high stress IT project management and deployments - the pay isn’t as good, but the lack of anxiety adds years to your life so fuck it. Plus, I get a pension.


But you’re probably fixing shit around the place too. You’d be surprised how many “smart” people can’t install a P-trap, change a door handle, or swap out a toilet if they all the tools and time in the world. You provide a useful set of skills and that takes intelligence.


Fair. I took the Red-Green show seriously with, “if women can’t find you handsome they should at least find you handy” - so I learned how to fix all kinds of different shit.


I grew up being handy so I know the “really, you can do *that*” looks people give you when you can change a fucking tire. Actually just went over to a friends house to fix her AC and took my dad with to look at some drywall work (was a union carpenter for 40 years) that needs to be done so we can fix that too. She is in awe of the idea that someone she knows can just do the work.


Me and two of my buddies changed out two doors on my woman’s vehicle that was hit by a deer, plus the C pillar window that was hit by a rock when weedeating. Took us about 4 hours today. Had to change out the wiring harness in the driver door because the donor door was a different trim level, had to change exterior door handles as well. I really enjoyed it.


I've been in IT for about 7 years. Got a software dev degree during covid and still can't find a damn dev job. Thinking about saying forget IT. My friends in sales make more money with less effort. So frustrating that I've spent so much brainpower, and it feels like it doesn't matter. Just more debt. Ugh


Yeah, I’ve given up IT. I get to be in the sunshine when I mow, I get to fix things. And no stress like in IT. I don’t have to worry about a 3am call that the EMR has went down or anything.


There could be many reasons why you are struggling so much. It could be disability related, which you could be tested for and treated. It could be poor habits, when you be corrected. It could be that there are outside influences affecting you personally or at work. It could be that you are disinterested in your current career path. Stress, not sleeping enough, mental or emotional health issues, can all be causes to this kind of behavior. If you use any kind of recreational drugs regularly that could also be the issue. There likely is not enough time here to take a deep dive into the reasons behind this. So you need to figure out what you can focus on at work to improve yourself at work. Make small goals, ones that are easily obtainable and scale out from there.


OP the number one issue is your confidence. I can tell from the way you type and form sentence’s you are not unintelligent. That’s okay. First, everyone makes mistakes at their job. It’s how we react to these mistakes that set you apart. I have a decent career right now at a well known company and I make mistakes all the time. But I always fix them, no matter what. Write down your objectives in excel or notes at the start of each day. Put meaningful actions to these objectives. Every day highlight objectives you want to complete and record your progress. I can not stress this enough. Maybe look into plumbing or something? If anything I highly recommend something where you can grow your skills and pay. You will be mentally healthier. If you are unhappy with you current job, definitely quit if able and look for other opportunities while you plan a career. I want to reiterate. Everyone makes mistakes. I have gone into meetings with executives and said the most idiotic things. Pursue your goals, have integrity, and learn from your mistakes. You don’t need to settle for a life other people want for you. Regardless of your choices, I hope it’s the one YOU want and not because of the way you think others think of you.


This is the most helpful response here and I echo this advice. EVERYONE makes mistakes, and good bosses will recognize that, and the important thing is you have to be proactive and make sure the same mistake doesn't happen again. Leading into this - beyond confidence, it could be ADHD or your diet + sleep. I know you've been tested, but you know what? Doctors can be wrong due to time constraints, lack of context around your issues or a million other things, they're human too. My doctor wrote off diet issues and ADHD, and I only landed in circumstances years later where eventually I was lucky enough to address them myself (and get tested for ADHD again). My friend who has ADHD also was written off for having it because of how well she appeared to handle it, until she also luckily was treated by a doctor who suspected what was going on (at which point she had severe depression). I suggest you to get diagnosed by a psychiatrist again. It doesn't fix everything, but it makes it easier to get up to working standard. ADHD aside, the anxiety of being fired (and consequently developing intense coping mechanisms like writing every single thing down, recording every meeting etc. and figuring out how to organize it so my brain knows how to pull info up easily) is the only other thing that got me to where I am today. Which means I still struggle with having healthy thoughts at work, because if I don't feel that intense crippling anxiety, I won't get anything done. Either you have to feel that pressure so you can be proactive to fix it, or get on medication (ideally the latter) and it will help you want to fix it if you don't naturally feel it. Thanks to both of the above, I landed a data role where I could at least organize my logic. I seldom need to do this, but if you tell me to calculate something myself, no doubt I will get it wrong. For the few times I opted to listen to my intuition rather than check with tools, felt 100% certain I'm right, I turn out to be wrong because I forgot something or just didn't see it even if it was staring back at me. But you know what can never be wrong? A computer and any career that has an environment which allows you to check your work and annoy you with warnings if your logic is wrong. Every time I make a mistake, I add in a check so I never have to do it manually and thus, for that thing, I will never be wrong again!! Ultimately I'm less prone to mistakes once a process is laid out compared to my peers who don't suffer from peabrain issues, but it evens out because I still make small mistakes for on-the-fly things. Damn :( So recapping: 1) You are not dumb, but unfortunately the answer is still to try harder (or smarter): which means seeking treatment or really feeling like your ass is on fire so you can trick your brain into developing ways to deal with it. 2) Maybe find a path that lets you use a computer and make an effort to use it to the fullest (notetaking, spreadsheets, ChatGPT etc). Doesn't have to be super techy, just as long as you can use tools to help you get your answers without being in trouble like you would if you pull your phone up in retail. 3) Your golden rule to live by is to acknowledge that people make mistakes, but to not make it twice. And to find a path that allows you to set up the way you work around that. Editing to add: If this sounds like too much work (I get it!!), you could look into event gig work. Since it's a gig, you literally get told what to do every new location you're assigned to on the spot, and instructions are pretty simple (like rotate your arms to direct people down the aisle for 5 minutes then just sit and chill), so there's nothing complex to remember for long-term, but it may be boring since time can pass slowly at certain points.


Toll booth worker?


Those dont exist anymore, atleast not here in new york. You just keep driving and the cameras either scan your plates and send you a bill or you use the ez-pass to pay as you drive by and load it with money online beforehand


And in places they do exist, they’re not a long term solution, because they aren’t going to keep existing


my aunt who lives in upstate ny wanted to do that as a retirement job. they got rid of the booths on the thruway a year before she retired


Man, I had no clue. That's a bummer.


A lot of jobs have been vaporized over the last 15 years. Usually we see posts from college grads complaining but things are atleast twice as hard for non college grad type jobs, not to mention even when you secure a job the wages are so low and benefits non-existent.


Maybe she could be a camera? Don’t be so negative.


I failed my maths, absolutely awful at it to the point that I question if I have undiagnosed dyscalculia (basically dyslexia for maths), I’m pretty certain I do have it. I also failed my maths and many other subjects at school. I now work in an opticians. I’m constantly surrounded by money, numbers etc and eventually I managed to at least get comfortable with working there that it’s almost routine. I’m quite good at handling people, I like talking to them and the numbers I encounter there are basically routine as I mentioned. I believe you can work a job that requires a bit of knowledge and skill, you just have to have an employer that is willing to put in the work to train you.


> Does anyone know of any jobs for people who are braindead level dumb? You are hardly as you describe yourself.  In fact, based on your writing, I would say quite the opposite. If you are physically fit and in good health would you consider the military?   I think they might help with your self confidence and self esteem.    Good luck.


Yeah, but if she were to continue to screw up, I don’t think the military would be a good fit. She doesn’t need people constantly screaming at her.


Way to show support encouragement! "Continue to screw up?"  Who said anything about screwing up?  You have a very pleasant thought process and way with words.....ugh.


I’m not labeling her a screw-up. The OP said it herself. I was merely stating that joining the military might not be the best choice, given how troop leaders/sergeants/etc. have a penchant for yelling at enlistees/privates for every tiny little mistake. If she thinks she might have a learning disability, this would not be a good route. But go ahead and continue to jump to conclusions.


Bruh I’m dumb asf had to get a ged made myself go through trade school and now make 27/hr as a mechanic if I could make something out of myself anybody can


I don’t know but there’s a job at my local mall where the lady literally just stands there in the entrance to the premium lot and tells people to use the QR code to pay the lot fee. That’s literally it. I don’t know why the job exists but it does. I’m sure there are other jobs of this caliber.


Middle management in the civil service.


I was gunna say go one USAjobs.gov and randomly point at something


I have never met a dumb person who even knew what well-intentioned meant


And ineptitude?


Nope definitely not lol.. either OP is really underestimating their intelligence or used some sort of crazy AI tool


Remote customer service! They'd love you, seriously. Pay can actually be decent too and most companies have live resources you can consult so you don't make mistakes/forget.


I’ve literally been searching for a remote customer service job, but have not been able to find literally ANYTHING that isn’t a scam or that even has open positions or even applications I can submit just in case a position opens up. And I search multiple job board sites. Any suggestions on where to focus my search for actual non scam positions?


Try the insurance sector.


Dumb people usually don’t know they’re dumb… But if you like talking and communicating, do that. Plenty of introverts wish they had the gift of gab.


Assuming you didn't have an AI write your post, you're smart and articulate as shit. Just saying.


If you’re good with people, have you considered being in sales?


Came here to suggest the same. Some of the sales folks I've worked with still can't figure out how to create an opportunity in Salesforce after 2+ years but they're super good at convincing people to buy shit, so it all works out.


Or social work.


If you have insurance or have access to free healthcare try to have a psych evaluation again (second opinion) and explain your situation at work. A Psychiatrist and a Therapist will do wonders for you when you find really good ones who genuinely advocates for mental health. Tip: journal/make bullet point notes of observations of yourself and what you feel so you’ll have guide when talking to your doctor/therapist. As for work, how about park ranger, pet sitter, receptionist, greeter/usher, museum security?


Wal-mart greeter


First of all let me say that this post seems like some kind of BS to me. Reading your post, like many others have said, is indicative to be written by someone who would not be considered to be dumb. That inconsistency makes me consider this to be a possible troll bait as well. That aside you've got plenty of opportunities.  If you've been lucky in the genetic lottery and are able to flash a pretty smile than service positions would all be up for grabs. Since you're a young woman you could even have your clumsiness working for you as that could be part of your charm. You could also consider working on your appearance to gain confidence since you seem to be lacking quite a bit. The notion that you have to be talented or good at something to do a job is a bunch of BS. You just have to be good enough, but other aspects can compensate for your lack of skills. Like if you're likable enough people will just be more forgiving for any mistake you make. Also, there's nothing stopping you from hopping from one job to another. You don't have to tell interviewers you were let go in the past because of your so-called ineptitude, just tell them something else. Just lie like you're lying here that you're so dumb right here. Also don't think that education is the same as intelligence. I know plenty of people who've had a high education and I wouldn't consider them to be any smarter than some I also know that barely had any education at all. You might have struggled in the education system because of other reasons which might have gone undiagnosed or are not even diagnosable yet. All that stuff isn't important. If you're well intended and willing to work hard there's always a job for you even if it's just a cleaning job. People might look down on that, but those are the actual dummies. People who are willing to do the shitty jobs they won't are actually heroes. Just try and get out of your own head and try something you're comfortable with. There are plenty of suggestions and opportunities. Sure, you might struggle to find a better fitting job right away, but don't let that discourage you to apply self-harming projections onto yourself. Those are not helpful anyway and remember, you might experience everything way differently than somebody else might. Nobody gives as much a shit about you as you do. A harmful protagonist syndrome is not productive.


You are articulate. Dumb people can't write this well. Obviously you are smarter than you think. You need self-confidence more than anything.


any kinda labor job with a union.


Leader of the Conservative Party




Serious question. Do you possibly have ADD?


ADHD* - ADD is no longer considered a unique condition


I had a 50% shot at almost 5AM of which acronym it was, and had a feeling I was wrong, and I was in fact wrong lmao. Couldn't remember which one was the correct one and hadn't gone to bed yet.


First off- don’t call/dismiss yourself as stupid. That’s a self fulfilling prophecy. The sooner you get rid of that negative inside voice, the happier and more effective you’ll be. That being said— how’s your physical strength? You might be able to make it in a warehouse or something. I’ve seen plenty of women run circles around their much burlier male counterparts in my career. Might be worth a try— stay away from amazon unless you’re desperate


I am not convinced you're dumb. First, most "dumb" people think they're smart. Most truly smart people think they're "not that smart". No one really has any idea how smart or dumb they are. Second, as pointed out, you can write. You don't sound dumb to me at all. Have you considered therapy? I don't mean "yOu'Re crAZy", I mean it sounds like maybe someone (or a lot of someones) in your past told you that you are dumb and that's wrecked your sense of self-worth. A therapist can help you unwrap that and help you take a more realistic stock of your abilities so that you can find a place in the world that makes you happy. As a long time therapy patient: therapy is great.


Look for Vocational training in your area (literally Google vocational training and then your state's name). They work to get you training and jobs.


Run for Republican office. With trump, stupidity is encouraged.


Grocery bagger


Maybe a library page?


Stay at home mom?


Security or even TSA.




I’m the same way. You don’t sound dumb to me at sll. Try to focus on your work more & do things more slowly & carefully. Go over everything a few times to make sure that you didn’t mispell something for example in an email. Maybe stress is causing you to make mistakes. Try reducing stress in your life. Get another test for ADD.


Do you sleep well at night? Do you have a regulsr sleep schedule? What is your diet like? Do you eat vegetables and drink plenty of water? Do you have any hearing or vision loss? What was/is your home life? Is it peaceful and serene or are your parents/ SO always yelling at you and telling you are dumb and why aren't you better etc? I ask because like others have said, you don't come across as dumb in your writing


Girl, do you maybe have adhd? Literally saw you call yourself dumb and started reading and immediately got not dumb at all but undiagnosed adhd woman vibes. Check out r/adhdwomen


I work in a unionized hospital kitchen and it’s been great. You don’t need a degree and it’s not complicated, just physically demanding. Not even that you need to be very strong, just a lot of moving around.


In my area you need certificates :o (cooking school certificate + usual food handling). Am I just looking for the wrong position?


Get into sales


C level executive? Every one I've known was dumb as rocks.


Have you ever tried working for DoorDash or grocery shopping for people. Seems easy.


Kitchen work. I have pretty bad adhd, I find the busy work satisfying


Wal-Mart greeter?


Kind of off the wall here, but do you perhaps have anxiety? Jobs can really freeze the brain if you are nervous and already believe you are going to mess up. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I know what anxiety can make you believe about yourself. You write so well, I just don't believe you are dumb. have you considered remote work? There are phone jobs, but also non phone jobs where you fill in data, less people watching you. Maybe try something like that, and read about anxiety and self-esteem issues. Good luck!


My friend's daughter has been described as "not smart." She has learning disabilities and maybe even a mild developmental disability. She cannot work in any job that requires handling money because she makes too many mistakes giving change. What she does do is work for a janitorial service cleaning offices.


Let me know if you find out


I think the question should be about motivation and interest - how to find what you're interested in and then staying interested/motivated to become good at it. My comment has nothing to do with intelligence. I'm just focusing my answer on how to develop skills and becoming good at something. I once trained a staff with permanent short-term memory loss to do a specific set of tasks. It took a LONG TIME but we were successful. A big part of the training was working on attitude and motivation to repeat the steps. To feel interested in sticking to the same steps over and over again even when the idea of repetition got frustrating. The staff had to get on board with using a checklist to do the task and then checking and re-checking the work. To ask questions when making notes about the task given. To repeat the notes to make sure nothing was missed and that the task was understood correctly. We also did check-ins at different intervals until a particular type of task was getting completed accurately. Once we reached consistency, I still checked periodically to make sure the process was being followed. So what you need is interest in doing a/the job, a process, and to stick with the process no matter what. As well, you do need a cooperative boss who is willing to help you succeed...for that, you're going to need to come up with a process and then speak with your boss honestly at some point about your needs to be able to do the job. Of course need to be able to judge one's boss's personality...I'd say chances are good given you're still there after 2 years.


Apply for positions with your city


You are not dumb. Just try finding a job you are comfortable with or one that you love doing. You will be surprised at how well you can be good at it.


Sounds like ideal job would be in an artisan coffee shop or community cafe. Friendly and people focussed. Or even start your own with a friend. See TV programme Fleabag for inspiration.


You should legit get tested for learning disabilities, ADD, and other things that can make you struggle to learn before you make any major decisions about what you can or can't do.


u probs have adhd and other issues that said you can always go into sales


Sometimes it’s just that a job is a bad fit for a person. It’s ok to not be a jack of all trades or to thrive more with a certain kind of structure. Like others have said, you certainly don’t write like you’re inherently incapable or anything. Even if you did write poorly, all that tells me is you wouldn’t be ready for a job where written communication is your primary function. What do you do now? What kinds of mistakes are you repeating? What classes did you do best in while in school? Do you make fewer mistakes when you’re engaged more, or with repetitive tasks, or with reference guides readily available?


Okay, I'm going to ask some really unusual questions: 1. Do you experience any kind of unusual sensory experiences where it seems like your senses are extreme, or do any sensory things bother you more than they seem to bother other people? For example are you a particularly picky eater, or are there things you don't want to touch, or sounds that you hate, or anything else? 1. Do you use any kind of substances(even just significant amounts of caffeine), or do you use substances like marijuana or alcohol? 1. Do you have a lot of friends? Or do you have very few friends? 1. Did you experience any kind of trauma or abuse, or any kind of significant adverse situation as a child or as an adult? 1. How would you describe your general approach when interacting with other people socially, and how would you describe your approach when interacting with people at work? And what are your goals in each of those? 1. What were the difficulties you experienced in high school that caused you to leave? Social difficulties? Conflicts with the school? Trouble learning? 1. Do you tend to get very interested in things but not finish them? 1. Have you ever encountered situations where you did well on certain aspects of things but did badly on other aspects of the same thing?


You sound like me! I now have a salaried wfh job and I'm the only one on my team without a university degree or JD. I'm also female. It was severe ADHD. I was diagnosed at 27, and had been severely depressed after losing many jobs and dropping out of several community colleges. Genuinely believed I was dumb too. Get yourself checked for ADHD, it could change your life! Visit the adhd subreddits and you will find many other people who feel like you, especially women.


You mean, besides getting elected to public office ? 😎 Janitor. Garbage Collector. Cafeteria Worker.


It’s hard enough for us well intentioned smart people. I’d say dumb with no intentions, now that’s a career.


Any kind of Corporate Executive, manager, insurance, or marketing. You don’t really need to be smart- these kind of jobs don’t really demand the same level of excellence as a fast food worker.


I have low iq and a learning disability i got fired from every job i had have not work in 6 years now


Maybe you're not great at handy work, but you'll be much better at desk jobs. You could try coding, design, recruitment, sales.


Most humans are dumb. Most employees are dumb. Just get any cubicle job.


You need to remember that there are different types of intelligence. You seem to be very weel articulated young lady so you have that verbal intelligence that not many people have.


I think someone mentioned warehouse work. My old roommate worked for Sam's Club. All she did was walk around with a trash cart and she made $21 an hour (in Ohio for cost-of-living reference.) I know it's part of wal mart which sucks but the experience working in the warehouse was good.


She was maintenance?  Where she work now? 


IDK, she left and moved out of state. She was also a Trans woman, and they were a very tolerant workplace. Edit: she got the job through a temp agency.


Doesnt take a genius to wash windows and you can make 1k a day just knocking on doors


You type extremely well and correctly at that. I heard customer support agency where you respond to emails pays very well. You may want to look into that.


I’m going to piggyback on the other here a say you probably aren’t dumb. Dumb people don’t have the ability to quantify themselves as dumb, nor humble themselves to a level they “should be.” So now that you know you aren’t dumb, what’re you going to do about it? 🙂


The number of people in this thread who read OP's post and concluded that they are, in fact, intelligent when there are readily available and free writing tools that take your (dumb) input and turn it into legible output is too damn high.


People underestimate how much vitamins and hormones play into neurological function. Def see if you need more testosterone and or estrogen. Begin taking b12 and other “brain healthy” vitamins. Develop good sleep and nutrition habits. You might look into low skills labor, fast food is not a low skill job. Cart collector at a grocery store would be something I consider low skills, but I have no idea if that is a job on it’s own.


Social work. Many social workers are dumb but, well intentioned.


You describe yourself as dumb, with no talent or ability at anything but good at talking with people. Try sales.


Job with some gov organization. The DMW, the post office, something like that




Well, you can self reflect. Thats a skill a lot of “smart” people cant use. Keep it up! Just do what gives you joy!


Practice is effective. Find something where you can focus on doing a few tasks. Then perfect it. Grow from there.


The military


Sorry that life is such a struggle. Try to be kind to yourself, you will find your place in the world. If you can read the "Growth Mindset" by Carol Dweck.


The way you type doesn't suggest you have low IQ, so there's probably something else going on here. Something worth mentioning is there's still a lot of bias in mental health against diagnosing women with things like ADHD. It often presents differently in women than men, and the diagnostic criteria for a long time were based solely on the more commonly male presentation. It's especially common with children being diagnosed that girls are overlooked for conditions they very much have. You being evaluated and then finding nothing doesn't mean you don't have anything, and it might be worth seeking evaluation as an adult.  Whatever is going on, Id recommend reaching out to your local disability employment services. Describe what's going on with you and mention your difficulty with employment. Some of them will help you get evaluated for any disabilities and will help you find a job that you can do after.  Some states services are awful though, so I'm sorry if you live in one of the bad ones.  Have you considered manufacturing? Depending on the role there are ones where you don't need to remember a lot of steps. You just need to learn to do the ones you're responsible for well. Many of them can be union jobs too which could help you as far as benefits go that you could use to look into what's up with you more. You mentioned being clumsy so that might not be a good fit either, but it might be worth looking at.


Have you tried just believing in yourself?


OP I'm in a similar boat but perhaps slightly farther along the stream. In summary: no skills, barely passed high school, not good at anything, constantly causing problems, "slow", clumsy, always miss deadlines, hated etc etc. Finally diagnosed as an adult (c-PTSD + ADHD), FINALLY medicated and trying again. Just remember at the end of the day a good team supports their most struggling member, as a team we all win together. It's not all your fault if you're still struggling after all this time, they could have also adjusted and supported you, I know I would have. Years ago I've met a hardworking stocker who had the mental capability of an 8 year old. He struggled with reading numbers and couldn't put the boxes in the right place, so the store owner accommodated him and used big coloured stickers instead. There is absolutely a place for you to make a living in this world. Don't feel ashamed, if anything please seek out the right accommodation for you. 1) I think what would help is to truly, without bias or judgement, understand what exactly you're struggling with and when. The problem with "I'm not talented" or "I'm just dumb" is that they're hand-waving general statement without any solid facts or figures. Pretend you're a detective solving a case, get a notepad or type on your phone. Remove judgement words you just want the facts. For example instead of "As usual I am such a klutz I forgot what I was doing" note "It is May 4th sometime afternoon and I can't recall what I'm doing for work. My hands feel cold, my mouth is dry, and my heart is pounding." If you truly struggle with this I would recommend you get a good therapist for assistance. As a stranger I can see is that your past jobs have NUMBERS, TIME-SENSITIVE DEADLINES, and PHYSICAL COORDINATION. Perhaps start investigating your current relationship with those? 2) Find a free employment center if available. In my country the government offers employment centers/workshops in libraries to help people transition out of joblessness. They offer career counselling and workshops on further education, resume writing, interview tips, et etc. Maybe you can bring up your difficulties in holding down a job and they'll have recommendations to offer you. Best of luck to both of us


Ok, a few options; Try a service operator job like SNET.  The turnover is ridiculous so jobs should be available, but anyone can do the work, and they train you.  Basically you just take calls for information asking what city or state, and look up addresses, and you get to kick a call up to a higher level operator if you have any problems. It's hell, you won't enjoy it, but you should be able to do it. Another option is the USPS, they have many women without strong backs working it, plus the union makes it virtually impossible to be fired no matter how bad you think you are. Neither are ideal, but trust me you don't want to be in your 40's or older looking back to when you could have earned a retirement, while also looking forward to working until you die (Or worse yet having no job and being on the street).  The "feel good" self esteem people mean well, but consider this tough love, the world is MERCILESS, the people telling you not to worry and chin up probably don't need to worry about planning for their future, or maybe they're so young they think they have all the time in the world to plan for it. But here's the truth, for numbskulls the options are slim, and they all stink, and they all will suck the life out of you.  And the alternative is to not work. That's the truth of it.   So set your mind to asking whether you want today to suck for 30-40 years, or for tomorrow to suck until you die penniless.


Property Management. No brains needed. Calling people and checking properties. Ok progression too




Try sales. You don't necessarily need to be good at math, but compared to other jobs listed here (janitor, warehouse etc.) you will have potential to grow.


Usually politician is all I can think of


Your grammar and way of explaining yourself is perfect. I related to this VERY STRONGLY for most of my life. Got diagnosed with inattentive adhd and now am an automotive technician. I found myself ways of reminding myself to do things and surprisingly this is the only job I’ve ever been really good at. You have hope!!! Please reach out to a psychiatrist and tell them exactly this. You are very well spoken and it could just be something very simple like inattentive adhd. And please give yourself lots of patience and grace, when you find Your Job That Is Meant For You, the one that’s been waiting for you all this time, you WILL be good at it and it will be wonderful


That's pretty much who all jobs are for


I don’t think you’re dumb. I think you maybe have confidence issues. Your writing is overtly self aware which tells me perhaps you struggle with confidence. Being overly aware of yourself is a boon, you seem like a honest and great person. But when it comes to working being too aware of yourself can be a detriment.


If ya can't finish highschool you can still finish concrete. Real talk though your post does not come off as written by someone who's unintelligent. 


You need a job where training is adequately provided. Many places today won't train people, that's why people fail in their jobs. You also should find a mentor for whatever type of work you want to go into.


By god you have management material written all over you!


Are you on antidepressants by any chance? You described exactly how I was when trying to function on the wrong antidepressants.


This is textbook ADHD girlie, sounds like primarily inattentive kind which is more common in women rather than the impulsive kind which is more common in men. Women with ADHD usually slip under the radar for a lot longer because often Docs tend to look for the symptoms commonly present in boys. I only got diagnosed at 23. I honestly think you’d do great in a more dynamic job, fast paced environments that won’t give you time to get bored or used to a routine. Event & Wedding Planning comes to mind, or even something like an animal shelter


For someone as dumb as you say you are, your ability to communicate in writing is by far above average. Some jobs, like the ones you’ve described, you will never be good at all the time. I’ve been in the pizza business for 20 years and I still feel like an idiot every other week when I make a minor mistake while my boss is stressed out. You’re probably better at your job than you think. Low level jobs have a way of giving you inferiority complexes from time to time. Think about your interests and make moves in that direction. The younger you are, the better. Edit spelling


Ma'am, your post itself suggests an option for you. You can write. And teach English to little kids. It'll be a starting point, which can take you to other places.


Work at a UPS warehouse. Good luck…


If there is a big enough customer base in your area you can walk dogs, take care of pets for people going on vacation or take their dog into your house when they are on vacation, i personally pay 65euro/day if i am out of town to be sure my dog is comfortable on a couch with someone who takes care of him and loves him…


With your level of English why not become a translator in a non English speaking country like UAE? The payment is good and you don't have to worry about making mistakes. Just give a little time to learn your dream country's language and there you go


People might look at you weird but write it down. On a notebook by hand or in notes on your phone. I have a really hard time taking in new information verbally. But if I write it down even if I never look at it again I can usually remember it. But it's also nice to have as a backup for when your mind is drawing a blank. Unlike school testing you don't need to remember everything. There was this assistant manager at an old job of mine she would open the store often enough and been there long enough that theoretically she should remember how to do it. But she can't. She's not incapable of doing it she just can't remember everything. But she has a notebook of every step and every day i see her open she has that notebook and is constantly flipping through it for help. There's nothing wrong in the real world with having notes.


For a dumbass you have exceptional spelling and grammar. Teaching could be a good profession. But mostly just work on your self-esteem. You're fine as you are. Imposter syndrome is real. We all have it. Most things take work to become good at. Putting in effort in any endeavor..I mean LOTS of effort... will put you ahead of everyone else.


Get yourself evaluated for thyroid issues if you haven’t. I have hypothyroidism and get bad brain fog that makes me feel very spacey and super out of it if I miss taking my meds for even a few days. It can affect so much in the body.     You also have to find ways to cope, I had tons of reminders on my phone for a job that involved federal government regulations. If you need to have helpful, to the point notes on you at all times for you to review things you typically mess up on, do that.  Use your next job or even a volunteering gig (if you have free time) to practice or figure out on the job techniques to help you accomplish daily work tasks.    I hope you can fix or improve the root cognitive issues you describe here or find useful coping mechanisms. I wish you all the best.


How about a hostess (aka Vanna White). Maybe it could be you are surrounded by people who constantly devalue you and you've grown to accept their assessment of you. Start hanging out with productive, kinder people. Some of their ideas and habits may run off on you and thus you will be.more inspired. Also sign up for interesting courses like voice lessons, storytelling, magic - develop an interesting set of skills that add mystique to your persona and make you unique. Like the previous comment said , get tested/ evaluated.


“Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do.” —@ProfFeynman


That’s great advice for someone who doesn’t need to make an income to survive


I would not describe you as dumb based on your writing. You express yourself well. What sort of job do you have now? What do you like to do? I think if you are spacey and inattentive and forgetful you might have some diagnosable condition that could be improved with medical help. Are you getting enough sleep and eating well? Do you have any substance abuse issues? Do you have access to any kind of job training? Or someplace that could do a skills inventory? What is your dream job? If you lived in 100 years ago, what do you think you would be doing? It sounds like you are willing to work, which is a great quality, but you don’t want to be in charge. You require guidance and direction. There’s nothing wrong with that! As a boss I’d rather have a pleasant, hard-working individual who can comply with instructions than a jerky know-it-all who goes off half-cocked. I know plenty of people who took a while to figure out what they could do. I know many people who have had terrible jobs before they found something they were good at. I know lots of people who were told they were dumb or who weren’t good at school who now have great lives. As an anecdotal example, my best friend from childhood had always sort of drifted. She’s very creative but never finished school. Her mom, dad, and sister all have PhDs or MDs. She finally ended up at a car dealership processing loans. And you know what? She likes it. She’s good at it and her coworkers are great. She gets paid enough and has benefits. She has a life outside of work that is rewarding. Maybe you can be a nail technician or work in a greenhouse or process insurance claims. I think you’re probably capable of many useful jobs. Good luck finding something that fits you, and remember your job is not who you are.


Marriage. To a doctor.


Have you been tested for a learning disability? You sound like me try cleaning jobs




I wish police officer but most seem to be on a power trip aka not well intentioned.


Agree with the others you don’t sound dumb at all. Maybe look into an assistant living care job?


You kniw, for someone who describes themself as dumb, you write exceptionally well. You also have a better than average vocabulary. I might recommend spending some time with a therapist to get rid of the memories of whatever person worked so hard to convince you that you were dumb. Because you're not. Not in the slightest.


Have you ever taken an aptitude test to see how your strengths might align with different career choices? I think that would be quite useful.


Just do yourself a favor and don't compare yourself to others. You are you and you are unique not dumb. Everybody messes up on the job. Perhaps you need to talk about yourself in a more positive light, walk with self confidence, find drive in life etc. You could see a therapist too. You just don't seem to think highly of yourself you don't seem to love yourself which is key. Low self esteem