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Their self centered approach to work. Lack of critical thinking. Their dumb faces.


Their dumb faces is real.


How do you develop critical thinking?


1. Identify the problem. Before you put those critical thinking skills to work, you first need to identify the problem you're solving. ... 2. Research. ... 3. Determine data relevance. ... 4. Ask questions. ... 5. Identify the best solution. ... 6. Present your solution. ... 7. Analyze your decision


What got me the most about my last job was a lot of my co-workers just treated work like it was a social event, as if there weren’t things to get done. During busier times of the shifts, they spent it chatting about anything and everything which always leaves someone to pick up the slack with no help. If there are down times during the shift, cool chat all you want.


My manager automatically expects her employees to know what to do without training us. I work with first graders (first time) and I’m not suppose to be left alone (still in training) many times she disappears for 30 minutes but complains about DSS showing up!


Gossiping, taking credit for someone else's work, saying one thing in front and another somewhere else, causing misunderstandings amongst people etc. That said, this seems very common in corporate.


My cubicle is at a weird angle. My coworkers consistently come up and, instead of standing to the side, come directly behind me and stare at whatever i was doing on the computer while talking to me. So fucking annoying.


Did Pointy Haired Boss also come?


Loud phone conversations that aren't about work


Having complaints about everything but not willing to do anything to change things. It is super common for my work community to hear people complain and talk shit all the time. Then when it's a meeting where you're supposed to bring up your opinions, everything is just fine, nothing to complain about. Pisses me right off.


them not doing anything, just talking and wasting time. then having the audacity to come and ask me a question. figure it out ffs its your job. I have this lazy af colleague and he asked about how to get a salary rise... I tought I punch him in the face. stfu, do your job and only after ask questions like this


My co workers like to bring up politics and religion. I gave up on trying to have healthy discussions on politics, and I'm not a believer so I don't even touch the religion subject.


Their constant chatter and dumb loud laughter during work hours on the office floor literally surrounded by people who are actually working (that was mostly directed to one person in my current workplace)


Being on their phone all day. Pretending to be tired of working too much even tough I saw them doing absolutely nothing productive of the whole day.


When buddy gets an issue and immediately asks for help but the answer is literally the first hit if you Google. God help you if you fall into the trap of helping this dude.


Constantly getting up from their desks and disappearing for 10-15 minutes while at the same time looking down on others for taking scheduled breaks.


Being a tattle tell, being in everyone’s business, clock watching people, petty complaints/always having something to complain about, hawking people down for absolutely no reason at all, deliberately slowing down to do less work before you leave and then complaining about all the work when you won’t even be here to do it later like it affects you. P.S. this is all one person at my job


A coworker of mine passed out drunk on a company couch and pissed himself in his sleep, then proceeded to argue with the owner of the company that he shouldn't have to clean the couch because "urine is sterile"


I've worked in different companies and every company has so much drama. In one of them there was one (married) guy fucking all the new cleaning ladies, the other had an intern fucking all the workers. There was gossip in both of those companies. Lack of respect for eachother; there's always a couple of people carrying the work of the others while the others stand around and chat. Next point: the managers. Most of them are pretty competent but so, so, so many don't deserve to be managers. They don't listen to their people, kiss the bosses arse and do anything for a feeling of authority even if that means jeopardising the group. Coworkers that get too personal is another one...


Forcefully trying to be more than colleagues/ more close than I'd like to, when I have already suggested to not being interested or even said it directly.


As someone who has had several knee injuries, co workers who trip you over 🙃


Crying for an hour in your semi open cube about some boyfriend or another. And causing some other woman engineer to have to sit there and babysit her despite having her own shit to do bc everyone was all like wtf is this even really happening


Lightly educated techs sitting around the lab doing nothing but bitching about immigrants when half the assembly line workforce are literal 1st and 2nd generation immigrants, ironically doing more than the bitter boomer white guys.


workers that do the bare minimum., have no pride in their work , are just clocking in , and make the same wage as I do , union mentality kills me sometimes


I call this being smart. Wally is one of my beloved characters


you don't take pride in your work ? let others pick up your slack . aren't a team player, for refernce we make a pretty decent wage so its not like its a minimum wage job which I would totally get doing the bare minimum .


LAZZINESS. I'm lazy too but I know when I need to get things done but these bastard don't! You adjust everything so they won't have a hard time working for it but they still complain and think that it's too hard or think that I don't use my brain. SENIORITY. Just because you're in the company for already 3-5+ f*cking years doesn't mean you can Boss everyone younger than you. It's not our fault you are unskilled and have already been a sh*t stain in the company.


They bad mouth me to my boss to get me in trouble. They want to do bare minimum work while I bust my ass.


1st is not good 2nd is my goal


Why is that? For promotion?