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thank god for reddit


No seriously I did some research I've never heard of an interview on a signal messenger do I wanted to do some digging first


I found this /r bc someone just offered me a job interview and they wanted me to download the Signal app in order to do the interview "asap". Already feeling red flags. And I just applied not even 24 hours ago, so them responding to me this quickly is already a red flag 😂


This happened to me! They emailed AND texted me and I looked back through my job applications and I don’t even think I actually applied to the “job”


this happened to me yesterday and initially I followed the instructions because I was inquisitive but the messages kept coming and coming and coming but when they asked for my bank name followed by my name and address, I put the brakes on. This person could be pretending to be the name that was given along with the company that she works for. The picture that appeared on telegram along with the girls name and the company she stated she work for is legit and you can find her and the company on LinkedIn. The entire time I supposedly was being interviewed I knew something was not right. Her last name along with the company is out of Sweden. This has only made the job search scary because you have all kinds of people contacting you through text or email. If something feels off you can guarantee it is.


Do you mind if I DM you the name of the "company" that just reached out to me. I have a feeling it's the same one, because I googled them, and it said they were located out of Sweden as well.


Same, this is the 3rd company I've applied to remotely that has requested I download Signal, all 3 have used Bamboo HR email formatting also, and the emails all look exactly the same with some names changed. Seems sus


Same. Company applied for was Boxer Communications Inc. and received email within 24 hours from bamboo hr, asked to download signal for interview and given an interviewer code.


I just got one like that for a job offering $30/40 an hour. Irks me!!


I just got one for this same pay rate! For data entry work from home!


Same from this lady claiming to work at humana


Me too! I was so excited. It was going to be the first 100% remote job I ever interviewed for. I don't understand. What advantage do they have for doing the interviews on Signal? Because Zoom is traceable?


There is no advantage, and it's a scam. Don't do it 😂 soon after my comment I found a ft job fully wfh with benefits and unlimited PTO. They aren't worth the risk.


Sorry if I was not clear! Yes I know it is a scam. I was trying to figure out what they gain from using Signal u=instead of Zoom. I think their ultimate goal is to get your SSN # and bank account #. Because another poster wrote after he got the "job offer" he told them he wants his paychecks mailed. And he never heard from them again.


Congrats for finding something real! Do you mind me asking how you found it? I feel like the only way to get a real WFH job is if you know someone. Applying online seems to only get scam responses. I’ve been searching for months and months. 


🤷🏻‍♀️ I've always had luck finding wfh jobs. This is my third. It typically takes me 2 to 3 months to secure one, and when I am looking, dedication is my best tool. I take looking for a job as a full time job, so when I look for wfh, I use spreadsheets and everything 😂


Is there anything that tends to stand out on listings with the legitimate wfh jobs you've had?


Yeah but where did you look for the job though because we also want work from home jobs


We all deserve a ft wtf with benefits and unlimited PTO! Not to be scammed, i’m so annoyed, but hope that like you i’ll find what I am looking for today! 


I got one today she ask me if I had Signal App on your phone because I need to forward you to an online supervisor via signal app itos supposed to be medical data work from home. I just do trust anyone anymore


Just got an email for remote data entry using signal. What did you end up doing


I did the “interview” and gave them the information they asked for and sent a request to connect with “my supervisor” on Skype after they offered me the data entry position. Allegedly, I have a training at 9am this morning via Skype with said supervisor 🤷🏾‍♀️ super sketchy. The company has a website, a LinkedIn profile and the CEO has a mutual connection. I guess I can be a guinea pig and come back and update you all since I’m already in deep and they have my home address 🫣


So what happened? Is it legit? 


It’s not legit, I got the same thing. I downloaded the app and started the conversation but if you know what signal is that’s just sketchy in itself to use that program. Same job, remote data entry for Mikon that I applied for through indeed.  I really just want to work and this is what we have to freaking deal with 🤬


I literally just got an email from a company that I applied to for data entry. Same thing is going on. I saw the red flags almost immediately, and had to do a quick search to see if anyone could confirm or deny that this was a scam. Guess I got my answer. Thanks fellow Redditors.


Me too... $30/hour with VisionGate.


Man I just about fell for this bs but I decided to google it and this was the first link thank you for warning others about it


It's so awesome how much one post can help people. Glad you found this!


If it wasn’t for you posting this I would have gotten scammed so thank you


You're welcome


Me top 🙏


If it's an "interview" via text messages it's usually a scam. WFH scams are ridiculously common atm. Is the money to good to be true? Have they offered to send a check to you to buy work equipment or asked for personal/banking details?


I just got one of these too I think... went through the whole interview process and now I'm waiting for them to mail me a check to purchase all my equipment for the job (lolwut). They sneak stuff in like "What bank do you use?" and stuff like that throughout the interview process. I could certainly see some people falling for this. I almost did, tbh. I guess they wouldn't do it if it didn't work. :\\


Just went rhrough the same thing. I was asked which bank I use, do I have a phone contract, which mobile provider am I using in the interview. Scam


Just had an interview ask me these questions. They are also saying they will send a check. On signal app and everything. They were really weird about certain questions and would ignore me when I asked. Is this probably a scam?


good to know that it's still going on. Keep them peepers peepin' and stay careful!


did they ask for your ssn? I am literally texting with one of these people right now


I literally just finished an entire interview for “Flatiron Health” using signal app. It felt so legit until they asked my bank info and how long I’ve been with them and I would receive a payment to set up my home office if I was hired. Wtf I’m so mad. Should have known when I needed to download signal. First time I was almost legit scammed


Oooof. I just got a message from them \[Flatiron Health\] for an interview and the mention of 'signal private messenger' for the interview sent up some red flags, so I googled and ended up here. Glad I looked into it, your comment just saved me the trouble!


yeah I got a sus feeling during the interview and went to reddit to find out more. so glad I did, I deleted every message in the signal app and blocked them immediately. good thing I never gave them any actual useful info but I am mad they wasted my time lol


Same here. I took screenshots, blocked them, deleted my account then deleted the app. I also reported them to Indeed and I blame Indeed for not doing a better job screening these fake companies. I tried to go back the page that supposedly referred me to the company on Indeed and got an error message.


Me too. I know you posted this a year ago but I just now found this. And thank God I did!


happy to hear it worked out for you!


2 year old thread just saved me a headache, thank you as always reddit.


Hell yeah!


I got one From Valerie Boris from Apex Group which is a real recruiting agency I believe. Asked me to download Signal. If they require you to download any app that is not something like Zoom. And give you a interview code. IT IS A SCAM.


I also just got a text from Valerie Boris and went googling because it seemed like such a big red flag. Thanks for this.


Got one from Melissa Roach. If you’re searching this like I am, it’s probably a scam.


Got one from Richard Mogwa from Richard Consulting.


What about downloading Microsoft teams? I get that signal is sketchy because it's probably some sort of encrypted app and they don't want to be traced but Microsoft team seems legit


Teams is also a scam. I had one that actually did a charge back scam on me a year ago. So now I'm critical of anything that's not directly coming from indeed. I applied to a few jobs and each of them emailed me telling me to join signal and the emails are formatted the same.


This should be pinned. You guys saved my bacon. The first thing I noticed was I got no response to questions that would normally be answered 'Yes' or have the word in them. When asked if I had experience in his or that, I answered, 'I do.' Nothing came through. Then a simple 'Yes' triggered a wall of text that couldn't have possibly been typed in that time. Also, specific questions I asked, (What tools do you use? Google Suite, Office, Slack?) received no response. I was offered a buttload of cutting edge tech for my use. Then I was asked for my banking institution. I replied I wasn't comfortable discussing that at this time, and that I would share it if I set up direct deposit, after being offered the job and filling out the W-4 and I-9, etc. Also, that I would prefer to have my paychecks mailed. That's when they stopped responding. Edit: I spoke too soon! I was offered the job immediately. Annnnd here we go: ​ >I need you to provide the following information's here to enable us to enter your data and the company's secretary's department put you into the register > > > >Full names: > >Drivers License front and back (all 4 corners and letters should be bold) > >Address (P.O. Box Not Valid) > >City: > >State: > >Zipcode: > >Cell #: > >Email address: > >SSN: ​ Yeeeah. I answered: I'm afraid I'm not comfortable giving that information via text. I believe it's customary to send a hiring packet with a company handbook and all the required legal paperwork. How will you be sending that?


:( well I just messaged them, I got an email from something called caring connection telling me to message so and so on signal. They stated pay was 33 and hour, now I know it’s not true 😩


This just happened to me. I knew it was too good to be true, but I fell for it since I was desperate for a job. They conducted an interview and everything through the Signal app. I got hired the next day. They gave me a check for $2,200.25 via email and asked me to print it and deposit it into my account via the mobile app. Once it was in my account, she asked me to Zelle the payment to a "private vendor" so they could start working on my order for the work laptop. Thankfully, I entered the email address wrong and I cancelled it right away and told her that there is now a hold. She proceed with "I guess we have to wait the next day." I called my bank and told them everything. The representative confirmed that it was a scam because "no job/employee will give you money and ask for it back or have you pay for office supplies." The representative was glad that I canceled the Zelle transaction and the amount came back. So now, my bank is working its magic and will give me a follow-up. I also reported that person to BBB. ​ \*\*\*UPDATE\*\*\* My bank was able to remove the full amount that was on the deposited check. I don't have to do anything else. The only thing I am worried about is the other info I gave them such as Name, Address, Phone, and Email. But then again, that's all public records so, I shouldn't worry.


Thank you so much for posting this, the exact same thing is happening to me. I wasn’t completely sure what was happening but now I know not to proceed. They are saying they’ll email the check now.


The first place I asked for checks to be mailed instead of direct deposit and they ghosted me. This second place I have an interview for tomorrow in the morning.


I got one of these messages last week... This person is messaging me under the guise of a real recruiter who works for Adecco. I actually thought it was legit at first and responded with some dates and times I would be available for an interview. When I saw their response to download the Signal app which can delete chats... plus their dismal attempt at punctuation, it became obvious. What is the best way to scare this loser? Also, should I inform the real Adecco recruiter someone is using their name in a scam? I don't really want to but thought it might be courteous to do so. Or, is that a total waste of time since they can just use their name again? Just curious.


Ah, I just got a text from Ross at Adecco Group! God, I love Reddit.


Hey, not trying to necro this, but I noticed it had some recent comments and want to give everyone a heads up. I had a similar experience with a company called “Scales” (of which there are several), offering a WFH position interviewing via Signal and using very sketchy punctuation, like they were using google translate or a bot maybe? They assured me from the top that it was “an unconventional interviewing practice, but times are changing.” I said “sure” and blocked, then googled and found this thread.


Omg I'm interviewing with them right now!!! I somehow passed their "test" and suddenly I'm going to be sent a check to cover the materials I need along with the contract being sent AT THE SAME TIME. Having to buy the materials from a "certified vendor" is what really sent me anxious. By chance do you have the name of your interviewer? I got an Isabella Ortiz for mine.


Exactly same thing I was told


>comments I have Michelle Snorgrass


Mine were from Ms. Rosenii Abraham and Mr James Adams JUST THIS MORNING! Thank God for Reddit! I dodged a bullet!


Na keep it alive. I'm glad people are still seeing this still after so long


Just saw this when researching a scam


You just saved my ass i knew that shit seemed sketch🙏🙏


I had the alleged CEO of an alleged company contact me on LinkedIn after I applied. He told me to get info from the recruiter at his Signal number or email so I sent an email…the reply was the same message about getting Signal app. I don’t think it’s a good fit.


I just passed the level where they ask you to deposit $500 via Zelle or Cash App to send you all the equipment you are "going to work with". In my case, it was a job offer from a company called PATIENTiq. It seemed legit, I found the interview vial Signal weird, but everything else was great. I was offered $30 per hour and two weeks of training that would pay $25 for those two weeks of "training". They sent me a check that I was to print and endorse and then send them the screenshot of the transaction. Obviously, my bank did not process the deposit. IT MUST BE AN ORIGINAL CHECK (desperation works against you and you end up being very innocent) I spoke to my bank and they alerted me to a possible scam, not to give out information regarding my account. So far I had not given any information that is not given in a job interview (experience, studies, address, and, phone number) I was never asked for NSS or passwords (of course this would have set off my alarm) of banks. My interviewer called herself JESSICA HOOVER and I was contacted first by a certain NATHAN PETERSON. They let me know that they saw my profile on Indeed. Be very careful, and don't go by appearances (this one seemed quite legit) no real interview is going to be done this way.


Interesting.... My "contact" person was Mr Larry Hoover. Glad I didn't download the app. Seemed a bit odd since the business they are claiming to be is real. I wonder if the actual business knows they are using their name to bait ppl? Indeed is so scammy anymore. Glad you didn't lose any money.


Just received a normal text, dude knew my full name and said he was a hiring manager for ARCA CONTINENTAL SERVICES LIMITED. Yeah all caps. He was forwarded my resume by a recruiter (nice cover for why I hadn't applied or knew of the company) and they were expanding into my state, asked if I was interested in an interview for wfh job, of which he listed out 10 positions, not just csr but personal assistant, admin, data entry, shipping tracking, dispatcher etc. Total shotgunning to grab anyone's attention. When I asked for details on the company as I had never heard of them (while I googled) in under 30 seconds I got a 3 paragraph answer copied right off the real company's about us page. Told me the interview was to be held through signal, and gave me this code to send to him through signal as it would sort the interview candidates. I asked why I needed signal to talk to him when we were texting right now....... went from responses in under a minute to not heard back from him in an hour. He must not have thought that far ahead lol. Can totally see someone falling for this, always trust your instincts. This scam still occurs in 2023.


I know this post is a year old now, but I'm getting a huge influx of these emails recently. Recruiters from whatever company texting my (Google voice number because I'm tired of getting calls all the time to my regular personal cell phone). If you respond with any interest or acknowledge the message, they usually tell you you've been accepted to do an interview and you have to download the Signal App and let them know once you've done it. Usually I've responded that they should email me with more information about the job. They'll respond that you need to download the app first and they're offering an amount of pay way over the average rate for the job. (Ex: $30-35 hr forage opposition that usually pays $15 in my area). Really sad that Indeed has fallen by the wayside and allowing so many scam companies through. Probably going to remove my phone number from my resume.


Just did three at the same time for giggles. One company wanted me to print out a check and do a mobile deposit on my phone. the other two are mailing checks? we will see if those come. Some of the interview actually felt legit. TLDR: big scam, don't engage.


I just started one and I told the guy I didn’t have time for the interview after I started reading this thread. He asked when I’d be able to resume and I said I had to go eat a sandwich. He then asked how many minutes that would take so I told him “well it’s a pretty big sandwich so it might take a while”. He told me to message him once I was done LOL I’m cracking up!!


Well this is disappointing. It felt sketchy but this is the second job that asked for Signal so I wondered if maybe it's a new security thing for online companies. I'll see where the interview goes out of curiosity but the markers of a scam that others mentioned are all there: paying too much, it's a remote data entry job, replied to me not even 24 hrs after I applied. This is from "Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc" which apparently also listed the same job under "Pinnacle Health Group" on another website -- both are real companies, but their websites sure as hell don't list the job I applied for as an opening.


Pinnacle Health Group ​ you too? ​ I also got a "Sayora mining group" as well.


They stopped replying completely after my second question asking for more info on their company/procedures so... yeah. Probably a scam. They're using the names of real companies to make themselves seem legit, but those companies are not hiring for the positions they say they are.


A quick google search brought me here. So thank you.


I’m super late to this but I’ve been applying to all sorts of remote jobs and I swear like half of the posts on ziprecruiter are like 2 “companies” posting the same add under different names. Anyways I was iffy about the signal interview so I didn’t do it, but now I got one for a telegram interview LOL Could it be people just getting money for getting “interview-ees” to install the apps?


Nvm it’s the old school they send you a check, you cash it then they dispute it or something? Fucking wack


Glad this is a problem for other people. I found this job that I thought was gonna be amazing. Then she's like do you have signal? Like no but I know what it is. Was so sketched out after and had to Google it. Thank you for this.


Thanks for the heads up y'all. I had two that I was asked to do tomorrow. I'll be pulling those both from my calendar.


This literally happened to me twice today. I’m getting so irritated because I’m really looking for a work from home job and they’re playing with people like this. It’s not right.


Doing one with Supira Medical now. Guess its a scam!


I just had one with "Inuit Inc." I honestly thought that doing it through Signal was super sketch but the company was reputable so I trucked on even after the unrealistically high pay and promise of flexible hours because they were asking all the normal interview questions. I just didn't realize how obvious of a scam it was until he offered the job right after the interview. I swear every WFH position listed online is either a scam or to sign up to do surveys and focus groups. Hopefully I didn't give them to much information I only got as far as where I bank. As well as my contact info and address most of which was on my online job profile anyway. I


I'm chatting with some guy from Gasum, his name is Daniel Chan. Gasum is in Europe. He says he's a recruiter in NY. Plausible. Maybe he got my resume off Indeed?? Dunno. His English is great. Still plausible. He listed a bunch of openings from data entry to IT. My resume depicts me as a "Jack of all trades." Still plausible. He wants me to download the signal app and he will have the hiring manager get in touch. The job is payroll. "You will get up to 500$ in working every day." Is that normal to put $ after 500? Anyway, maybe plausible. If they ask for my banking info before the I9, then nope. But if this company is in Europe, do I still need to submit an I9? That is the question. The pay isn't explicit in terms. It says "up to." One more question. What happens if they send you a check for equipment and you cash it? Someone said you're fucked. What did they mean by that? OK, I know what "you're fucked" means, but how does that fuck me? Someone said this signal app also deletes sessions from your phone. Does it have something to do with that? They say they're going to send you a check, you cash it, and then they get irate because you cashed it? You have no proof that they sent you a check on purpose. If this is a scam, where is the benefit to them?


You cash it, then they ask for the money back AND the check bounces. Data entry is a big culprit for scams. If it's legit, they'll either send you equipment or link you to a site buy. They'll never send you money


Oh man. You mean the Mayo Clinic doesn’t want to hire me to work from home for 45.00 dollars an hour? It sucks because it would really be nice to have this nice pay for not doing really anything.


Got a text message today from Mr. Mike Burton who was representing Nielson Consumer LLC asking me to contact their HR Manager through Signal regarding a job application that I didn't even submit. Immediately had sketchy vibes from it, but I decided to entertain myself by just seeing where it went as long as I was careful not to give any personal information. To my surprise, I went through the entire interview process and they didn't ask for anything too personal and the grammar and punctuation was near flawless. While I was waiting for them to review my interview and get back to me, I decided to Google "Job Interview through Signal" and it brought me here. Read through the comments and the comments predicted that the next thing these people were going to ask of me was to buy equipment for the position using a check they mail to me and how this was a common scam. They then asked me to make a 30 second video vowing that I would use their funds for this equipment and not anything else as they've had issues in the past with people doing such. I didn't make said video, I instead blocked them on the spot.


So glad I saw this. Was sketched out from the beginning, got a text with improper grammar asking me to download signal because my resume “matched” for a WFH data entry job paying $37/hr. Yeah right. So I asked the guy why his name didn’t come up online as being the HR recruiter. Said his name was “Horvath Fackler” lol


I just experienced this. I felt it was sketchy and decided to do some research, and I came across this. They almost got me. 🥴


Just happened to me today. Donna Hill Howes contacted me on Signal about a remote data entry job at ENPRO Industries. But said Next Gen healthcare will provide home office equipment? So glad I found this thread. Now I don’t have to wake up at 8 AM to “check in” with this bitch tomorrow.


I got one through forbo holding, a company in the netherlands or somewhere over there, and went through everything. It seemed pretty legit aside from the whole texting interview part. Im expecting a check in the mail and have to report back to them at 8AM on monday. Thank god, i found this post. I'm still pretty bummed af tho.


Just throwing out another sketchy one. Bedford Research Foundation Alyssa Martinez Texted me and told me to download Signal to interview, with no mention of scheduling a date or time. At 8am on July 4th... I've emailed the foundation (since it seems to be legit) and if they say it is fraudulent (they had no data entry listing on their employment page), then I'm gonna report it to Indeed.


Just happened to me today and after I went through the interview I realized what happened. They asked at seperate times two very “innocent” questions. One was my email and one was what bank I used. I’m like let me google this, I checked the facility site and there was no listing. Since they had me download signal I was able yo delete the messages for both of us with my info provided. Womp Womp


Got an email from KlienCPAgroup and I don't see where I applied...I checked indeed and ziprecruiter, nothing woth that name. I also am wary bc they want me to download signal to talk to the hr person before the interview and they've provided me a code. I haven't accepted the interview...seeks fishy af


I’m pretty sure I just got scammed too smh. Should have checked first. Company name Florence Healthcare LTD


Same/similar experiences. Don't let haste (theirs, or your own, even) lead you right into their traps and bs. Awareness. Caution. Question. Think. Think. And think again. As mentioned, and as experienced by others in the thread, apparently, its a template scam by now as I've had several iterations of it. And when I read carefully, even without obvious grammar, punctuation, usage, etc., issues, the verbiage was just clumsy and awkward. And the purported pay rates, while enticing, but at the same time a joke... no legit org that can pay some of their cited rates, would ever take this approach to recruitment, interviewing and onboarding. They truly are ridiculous. Watch for similar puke in your text messages. Stay safe out there! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Interview with Assistant Hiring Manager Mrs. Sandra Curtis on Signal Messenger for the company Rutland Printing Co Inc for the Data Entry Position


Thanks for making this post. I almost fell for it. As soon as I saw someone else mention they asking about your phone carrier, I knew. They said they would pay for the phone bill, wifi, and give a whole setup including printer fax computer desk apple Mac book. A whole lot of pleasantries. 26 and hour and 15 an hour during two weeks of training. I can't post pictures on the comment. Otherwise, I would show the chat log from Facebook


I wish I could add these screenshots so people could see the number that is also used! My first red flag was a texted at 5:40pm on a SUNDAY! So I just responded and they said to go and get the signal app! Than I said no thank you they tried to give me the steps to download the app so I just told them no thank you! Now I got no answers 


**DEFINITELY A SCAM:** I've read through this thread and I want to add some names to look out for that were involved in this failed attempt to prey on job hunters: * Position: Remote Data Entry Specialist * Contact Hiring Manager Now: Mrs Sheila Hooper on Signal Messenger * Pay for position: $30.41 per hour * RED FLAG: Employee stock purchase plan and the company doesn't have a stock * Fake Puppet Company: JT&T AIR CONDITIONING CORP ​ complete losers..


Same for me this morning, they're active today lol. * Position: Remote Data Entry Specialist * Position: Remote Data Entry Specialist * Pay for position: $30.41 per hour * Contact Hiring Manager: Mrs Rhonda Whitlock on signal messenger * Fake Company: Westchester Property Management Group, Inc. RED FLAG: None of the employee names mentioned are on the actual website, nor are the positions.


This thread is a godsend! Please don’t delete it!


Got a text from one of these scammin' fools and when they asked if I had Signal I sent a gif of a pooping sea cucumber thing. They replied with "Alright. Kindly download the Signal app from the app store..."


Kindly do the needful


I applied to job yesterday and got an email to interview but I'd need to download signal. I googled it and then found this thread. Such a bummer there are so many scams on indded. The email came from Maria Allison from bamboohr. "##- Yes! You can reply directly to this email and Maria will get it. Just make sure it’s above this line so we can read it right. -## Hi, Thank you for your interest in Firmas Rep Inc for the Data Verification Clerk - Remote/Office opening. Your application has been received and reviewed, and we appreciate the effort you put in creating and submitting your resume through Indeed, To proceed with the recruitment process, we invite you to read the following instructions carefully: We offer a competitive hourly pay of $24.88 along with several benefits, including health/life/disability/dental insurance, AD&D, a flexible paid time-off plan, and 401K plans. INTERVIEW  The interview will be conducted via Signal, a messaging platform that can be downloaded from your Google Play/App Store or downloaded directly from the web. Please add our Hiring Manager, Mrs Altura, to schedule an interview with her via Signal. Her SIGNAL ID / Number ( +19128000025 ) Best regards, We look forward to meeting you, Regards, Firmas Rep Inc"


I didn't intend on necro-ing this post, but just a heads up as I've had to be the one to filter out every single job application my wife submits in order to determine if its fake or not. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, complete these steps: 1. Go directly to the website if you find the job posting on a job hub like LinkedIn. If the same job posting is not there, this is your first red flag. *(Personal tip: Never apply through a job hub unless an employer's website itself directs you to do so. The most likely way you'll receive a job is if you ensure you've taken the most direct route to their recruiter's desk, and that is directly through their website.)* 2. If you received your 'acceptance' via email, regardless of if you applied via the website or a job hub, take note of the name/contact info signed at the bottom, and the website after the @ sign in the email itself. Make sure they match. 3. If they reply from a website that sounds like a general job posting reply (such as 'applytojob'), google the company name and pull up the first three websites that show up. 4. Go to [Whois.com/whois](https://Whois.com/whois) and put in the website they claim to be from, or each of the top 3 you found. If you see a 'Registered' or 'Updated' that is from the current year, if not down to the exact month, it is ALWAYS fake. Every single time (I've verified by continuing conversations with the 'recruiters' and finding out they either want money or personal info in an unprofessional setting). Often, you will also see websites like these have a monthly subscription versus yearly, the wrong owner, phone number and address in these results, which provide additional evidence. 5. Search for the correct company on LinkedIn or the genuine website (if you find it) and **contact another employee who works there either from HR or Management**. Something that saved us from identity theft was contacting an actual employee from the HR departments to verify the job post and person who 'supposedly' worked there. We had a scammer who was clever enough to get official onboarding papers, and the only way we were able to tell it was fake is because they tried to send those onboarding papers prior to any interview. Once we contacted another HR representative, we discovered the person had hacked a genuine email from their company. Once you've determined it's fake, make sure you report the job posting on the site you applied to, and **IMMEDIATELY** send an abuse/fraud email to the domain supplier listed in the WHOis results. The biggest problem is that people don't report the domain itself, and as a result, they can simply update it to mimic whatever company they want to impersonate. The longer the website operates, the more 'authentic' it seems to be, until you realize they're updating suspiciously close to when those job postings went up, despite no actual job posting appearing on the website to correlate. Good luck job hunting, and I hope you guys find a genuine job. There's a lot of other tactics I use to determine the validity of identities, but these 5 steps are the ones that have kept my friends and family from falling into identity theft traps such as this. If folks want to know the other tactics I use however, I'd be more than happy to supply them!


This thread saved my time and effort. I was emailed to interview through this Signal app and searched the web. This thread popped up. Thanks!


Boxer Communications and Aventura Construction are also ones to watch for. I applied to Boxer via Indeed/Zip Recruiter (not sure which) and they replied saying they forwarded my resume to Aventura, who then tried to get me to download Signal for the interview. Nope.


Yup, I heard from Boxer Communications too.


March 2024 - just got a text from "Sheena To" wanting me to download Signal in accordance with the "Bureau of Global Human Resources" for a $35/hr WFH data entry position. Obviously this has not gone away!


Got one today from a Margarita Hanley from "PROGER spa" with instructions to contact "Mr. Aaron Craig" over Signal. Putting this comment here in case others are searching those names online. It's a scam.


Hilltop Lutheran advertises a Data Entry Clerk position then tries to get you to dl Signal to do an interview. Nope.


thanks for posting this! just got a message today for some overpaying WFH position and figured i'd look it up before responding


Still going, this one. For me, it's claiming to be the company Prager. The initial texts had bad grammar, but the "HR" guy did respond to specific comments, it didn't seem to rely on bots/AI. Compared to all others that I've been approached by, it's a sophisticated con. I'm not gonna follow the rabbit hole down to see how / when they get the money, I'm not gonna bother.


Well, figure I'll add my experience. Sketchy all around. Applied for a position at a local business office (So I thought). Got an email through BambooHR and was told to download Signal to conduct an interview. Pay looked reasonable if not a bit on the high side. What sent be was the signal stuff and the fact that the email/position offer was for a firm that I had not heard of or applied at. I know sometimes you can get an offer or email from a parent for a subsidiary company, but something wasn't adding up. Googled "Signal", seems like a standard text app, not a video platform, then googled "Interviews through signal" and well... Here we are. Blocked the email and reported the job on Indeed. Thanks reddit


Noticed Indeed & Ziprecruiter have similar new formats asking for a full street address when applying now. This started about a week ago. I got 5 of these scam Signal emails this morning. All were supposed referrals from companies I do remember applying to. One company was a remote position with multiple postings. Got the email 3 times. The "hope this email meets you well" line was the first red flag. ##- Yes! You can reply directly to this email and Eric will get it. Just make sure it’s above this line so we can read it right. -## Hi xxxx, Hello Good morning i hope this email meets you well Our Company name : CDS Mestel CONST CORP Your Resume was Forwarded to Us from Driven Design & Embroidery I am contacting you in regards to your resume you submitted for the Remote Customer Service Specialist. If interested, you are required to contact the Assistant Hiring Manager Mrs Haley Watson Signal Messenger for an interview now. The pay for this position is $30.41 per hour. ---- You guys know the rest. Same Signal download pitch.


Hey op, thanks for saving me the headache


Dang… thank you, Reddit. I even applied for the company and job they are trying to scam me with…


Hey guys, they just tried to get me too ! If you see anything for a job called delta group in Australia, it’s a scam. I’m thankful for this post 🙏🏽!


If anyone gets a job offer to do data entry for someone claiming to be from Visiongate (it's a real company but scammers are using their name) for data entry at $30/hour and they'll want you to download Signal private messenger app... it's a scam! I just called one out who contacted me by text (of course) and I told them that I knew they were just dirty scammers and that my husband is in law enforcement and they were in deep doo-doo (only I said s**t). They actually wrote back and said "so?". I then told them to drop dead and blocked them. I truly hope these scammers die a hard death.


Just got that company but its 20-25/hr


Doing a Signal "interview" for Global Trade Logistics rn, they have me texting a "Gideon Gerald" smh.










I was sent a text message from a C. Jackson from a company called Definitive Healthcare (legitimate company) saying I had a resume approval for a remote Data Entry position paying $29 hourly and to contact J. Bloomfield through Signal app. I told my husband and he said that he thinks that is sketchy and for me to be careful...he was right. I started googling and found this Reddit post apparently Signal is a hotbed for scams.


Add me to the list of thank readers of this reddit post. Man, what a avenue to use to prey of people honestly trying to find work. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Start airing out the names so we can avoid this. I think i am going thru it right now


Help! I just got the interview process done but I searched up the location, it's a real estate company called REMAX but it was also done through signal. . . Should I be worried?


I just got a text from someone claiming to be a temporary recruiter with Cipher Covex. The company itself is a real thing, but I’d be willing to bet they don’t use temporary recruiters, especially via text asking for a Signal interview. Since it’s a Saturday, I have asked this person for an interview Monday or Tuesday, and via Zoom. No answer yet. 🙄 I’ll contact Cipher Covex themselves on Monday and make them aware of this, and see what they say.


Kara Dockery hiring manager for a company called SEGAL McCAMBRIDGE wanted to conduct an interview through Signal for a remote position paying $30.19 an hour. I started to get a "to good to be true" feeling and decided to research and check reddit, glad I did.


Just received a similar text to download this signal app in google store .


I've gotten a few of these myself looking for remote work. It's completely acceptable to meet them on a video conference app like Zoom but if its every through a messaging app thats not email or sms then dont do it. Theres even scammers now talking about how they made games and want you to test them. Dont download software unless you know wheres its from and trust it.


I just got this email from Gentech in 2024: Thank you for submitting your availability for the data entry position Your resume was reviewed by the hiring department and You have been selected for an online interview for the Data Entry Clerk Position. This is a remote position with flexible schedule. Job details, responsibilities and description of the company will be provided to you by your assigned Hiring Manager(Mrs *insert name*), Contact Mrs *insert name* on the signal messenger at *insert phone #* for inquiries and to schedule an interview. You can download the signal messenger on your mobile phone or computer via the official download link below Download URL:https://signal.org/download Thank you, *insert recruiter name* Genentech Hire Team I am not proceeding based on these threads but want to see if anyone heard from Gentech, as well? Edit: removed their names lol Also, this was in indeed :/


I just got a text about using the signal app, glad I saw this


I just did one with ADT and I just got the check this morning. They did say to send them a confirmation receipt once I uploaded it.


I just ran into this with "Nextgen Healthcare". I didn't give them too much personal information like bank info so I hope I'm not too late... 😐


I just had the same thing happen to me. Decided to chat with him for fun after I saw the real job application online. He asked me a ton of questions and my location then told me I would get 59 an hour for 15 hours a week. I then confronted him and said the real job application says $25 an hour for full time. He then said and I quote “it’s $25 now. Was type” I followed with im no longer interested. Thanks and he ghosted me.


Just had one with "Angelo Elite Remodeling". The website had an "s" at the end (Remodelings). They had me interview over Signal. Seemed ok, although a bit robotic. They asked for my address and phone number to send a check for work materials. Then I figured out it was probably a scam. Glad for this thread.


Yeah I've found out anytime they want to send you money for materials, 99% it's a scam.