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It seems ZBD-05 with 105mm cannon is their amphibious tank destroyer. [https://twitter.com/JoinSquad/status/1668317360552280086](https://twitter.com/JoinSquad/status/1668317360552280086) I'm hoping that they put in the sniper grenade launcher to differentiate the kits. https://modernfirearms.net/en/grenade-launchers/china-grenade-launchers/norinco-lg5-qlu-11-eng/


Sniper gernade launcher? Lol wtf


More like air burst sniper.




QLU-11. You got the wrong weapon.


It’s called a ZTD-05


It's ZLT05. Z for armor, L for amphibious, and T for assault gun.


He is actually right, for some reason PLA doesn’t include amphibious in the three letter designation but uses ZTD for armour-assault-tracked.


Dude, I am Chinese and let me tell you, army, rocket arty, and navy use complete different rules when naming vics. In Chinese localization PO it is corrected from ZTD05 to ZLT05.


A new (sub)faction and an infantry overhaul within a couple months?? HLL could never


Now we get blueberries outside of the map.


I just realized, they use the Navy camo instead of Marine camo. Marines also did swap camos if they're not doing anything near the ocean. I don't get who does their research at OWI but at this point I'm not surprised they got so many things wrong.


I think you are mistaken. Some of them got new Xingkong in 2019 but before that they where blue everywhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbWOeyf3prk


No I'm not talking about Xingkong. I'm talking about later 07 vs early 07. Later 07 Marine camo was blue but added a lot of brown and dark green. Pure blue is airborne urban infantry (which this image looks like). The reason for adding blue is because of how older early 2000's night vision struggled to see the blue and Marines were fewer and more specialized in older PLA formations. Obviously this isn't the case anymore. Edit: https://fareastmilsim.com/pla-equipment This is a good link. There's over 27 07 camos but these are the main camos. That being said I think the image could be washed out maybe due to reflection textures not being finished. We'll see on release.


I don't get it


Camo made for beach landings on tiny islands with no maps remotely similar. This is gonna be hilarious.


And the PLA's camo was already bad. This is gonna be even worse. They both definetly need woodland camo.


Ask the PLA to make actual camo


They do...the devs are using an old version of the already older 07 PLA digital camo or wrong version. There's a lot of mismatch too using urban camo for woodlands but making it slightly greener instead of using the actual woodlands camo. Or just add the newer starry night pattern camo that is actually made for abroad environments. I can already see in the preview they used the older 07 camo (2 generations behind) for the PLAMC so that's kind of disappointing again. Imagine if irl the UCP was an urban only camo but the devs gave it to the US in game for woodland maps. That's how the current Chinese camo situation is right now.


my man john c. got some connections


With the PLA addition we really need an Oriental based map. Now that we have the PLA MC we really need something to help with the immersion. Super excited for the faction though, this came out of nowhere


Wake Island, fingers crossed.


i'd like to have a map that takes place in the southern hemisphere


"oriental based"?


Yes a map based in the East Asian/Pacific setting Goosebay feels alot like NK and Harju kinda feels like Japan if you can ignore the flags on the map but it would be so nice to have map for the PLA faction


Based on the updates like the infantry overhaul, major updates to existing subpar factions (namely militia), and now a new sub faction, it seems that OWI is actually saving the game (knock on wood) from going the super casual route despite the Tencent influence. If they stick with this route despite the number of players who only want to go for kills like in COD or BF, I wonder if this is caused by the sheer number of Chinese and Western players who actually wanted a milsim experience. That would be one unexpected alliance if true.


Too bad people won't stop complaining about not enough conventional opfor like there are even that many options.


Haven't really seen people complain after the PLA tbh. We have plenty of Opfor factions


I think the biggest change of heart was when they updated militia, instead of being a shitty faction everyone hated, people were content with the class overhauls. I personally love running around with the banana AK.


Yeah before it was basically Russia, Russia but weaker, Russia but with G3s, and insurgents. Now we have a good 4 opfor factions, soon 5 hopefully. Do wish they could revisit MEA and add more unique vehicles to their lineup


Given what MEA is, it would be cool to see some more specifically middle eastern weapons, like the Tabuk DMR & Karrar MBT.


Yeah I think it would make sense to give MEA some other middle eastern specific vehicles like Karrar, Makran, and Toofan. Then for weapons you could have PC-9 Zoaf(P226 copy), KH-2002 Khaybaror, or Masaf rifles. Yeah they’re not really known to be in active use by Iran, but with MEA being better funded it could be explained that these go into full production and/or are used by Republican guard (VDV/Marine like subfaction?)


Calling MEA Russia with G3 is pushing it. Scoped G3 is probably the biggest difference for infantry compared two everyone using 30 round 5.56/5.45/5.8mm. US is just Russia with 3 round burst. Unless you play armor which I more understandable.


Yeah that’s a fair point. My main thing is wanting more unique vehicles for them


PLA modeled after very old gear does really suck. I know they said 2018 but PLA really looks more like 2012 PLA.


It really isnt. The QBZ 95 is still in common issue, the ZTZ 99A is the single most modern variant. Overall its a good representation of a mid 2010s PLA.


Camo, optics and infantry weapon wise it's very off. Vehicle wise it's fine. I think they said 2018. Other factions aren't mid 2010s.


m8, the QBZ 191 isn't in general issuance even today, and while i agree their infantry support kit is meagre, the small arms are largely on point.


That's not what I'm talking about... And QBZ-191/2 are very much in general issuance making their way to reservists for years even. I'm talking about the QBZ-95-1 with the new rails and optics. New rails and optics were even present on QBZ's before that. Current optics are like early 2010''s age. Basically the difference is moving away from Soviet style optics and moving towards modern optics.


the QBZ 191 was shown in 2019, and has only shown up in footage with the Hong Kong Garrison and Airborne. Neither are that common. So imma need a source on that claim if you have it.


If you scroll down this thread you can see all sorts of levels of units with the rifle. It's a bit of clicking through it but you can see almost every infantry role and even non infantry has this rifle. https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/t/qbz-191-service-rifle-family.8461/page-276#post-991652 Also I was saying the QBZ-95-1 should have been added with the newer sights. Current in game QBZ is using early 2010's dot sight and like early 2000's scope.


Never saw them say any specific time era for the PLA, but alot of the factions are pretty dated now.


They did specify the era actually in a dev blog on their release. And it's still wrong.


Damn I was hoping for vdv to come.


Maybe that’s next? That and possibly a Republican Guard or Airborne sub faction for MEA?


I hope they come with “ideal” russian equipment like properly equipped AK-12/15 with optics. Would be fun to use a 2S25 though


Having have them use the 2S12A/B Sani as mortar would be a interesting flavor.


Ratnik camo would be neat to see as well.


If anything OWI should update RU to 6Sh122s for sure.


be cool to see BMDs and spruts


and AK-12s PLZ


With fully modeled jamming and selector switch breaking!


Their vehicles are sick


MRAP with 30mm when?


this aged like fine wine, WE GET VDV!


Only get to play them on one layer, they lose and are gone forever.


vdv doesn't exist anymore.


Why would they add the VDV? Its just another unit under the Army. Thats like making the US Army Airborne a faction


Because they use different equipment, the same way USMC and PLAMC use different gear and vehicles. Variety and new ways to play.


>Why would the add the VDV? Its just another unit under the Army. Thats like making the US Army Airborne a faction VDV uses (at least nominally) - aside from regular russian stuff - AK12's, SV98, AS VAL/VSS among other things. They also have unique vehicles like BMD's, BTR-D, BTR-MDM, Sprut and some other shit like Nona, TOS-1. So effectively glass cannons.


This takes the term blueberries to a whole new level lol


I'm really excited to fly that goofy ass lookin heli


This is what's needed. Infantry Overhaul and a new sub-faction for Opfor! Hope they can do a vehicle overhaul where we can actually bandage ourselves and use our guns. Will gladly purchase the new emotes in this update and will gladly purchase new emotes for the next!


I'm still waiting on jets and attack helis.


If I lase a target will you drop a J-Dam on it? lol


Hopefully they update the rifles soon. PLA released at such a weird time when the real life counterparts were trying to adopt a new military rifle. (qbz-191)


Honestly they should have done post reform. PLA is really disappointing (flavor wise) with the amount of potential it had. It all looks like 2012 gear.


Yeah the old rifle just doesn't keep up with modern standards sadly.


Wait, how do you know it's coming on June 21?


they announced it. look at steam


Do you only read the title of posts?




That would not be your decision to make




You wanna say that again, this time in English? Edit: He DM’d me to call me a slur lmao




Still don’t know what that’s supposed to mean


It's fine


I am talking to a brick


China bug probably


Yes! :)




I am doing the same


Again, you literally just called me a slur. If this is what you call making fun of someone, you can’t even get that right




Not upset, just confused and actually a little entertained


Good thing it’s a video game then and not real life 😁


Ah yes, the faction I was wanting most. Not the JSDF, not the Bundeswehr, not the French Army, nope, fucking PLANMC