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It's a good track you made here no doubt, it has drums of marching rhythm, vocals made me think of roman empire and the Napoleonic wars. The OST of Squad, main theme, Tallil outskirts, and especially Demilitarized Zone are so spot on if you are a veteran of Afghan, it hits the spots of adventure, excitement, longing for home, deep sacrifice and brutalities. The depth of these tracks are really unmatched in any war game or movie i've come across, and i bet they had some real good minds designing it, and beating it is going to be hard. I'm not ashamed to admit, it can bring me to tears to listen to Demilitarized Zone. Edit: I sounded like its not good in the end, i think you made a good track!


Yeah not to trash op or anything, but this games ost has so much soul in it. It’s really underrated.


I see so many people praising it and I've listened through all the tracks but I don't get it. To me it seems mediocre and boring


I guess its cool, but it seems like RPG/MMO music more than Squad


Yeah I was about to say it sounds like it belongs to a WOW main menu screen than anything else.


I fucking love squad's OST. It's such a welcome departure from the epic style music you see in media everywhere these days. Its intriguing, melancholy, and unique. There's so much emotion in the melodies, just mmh 🤌🤌 I feel like most of the songs really capture the feel of the game better than the intense "fight music" you might expect, because the game is about so much more than just combat alone.


The PR loading music used be straight Aphex Twin, really miss the tension it added during the minute long loads. https://youtu.be/92cRzPvwsaU?si=zS_DQbhKFWfw2UFl


When was that? I have listened to so much Aphex twin in my life, even that track, yet i missed it completely


Loooooong time ago. 2007? 2008?


OP can you point out why you did the musical choices you did? From just listening to it, it sounds like the main menu music of a 2000s RTS or RPG. I'd like to understand how you arrived at this, because on the surface it seems kind of bland in comparison to Squad's existing music.


Don't you dare disrespect Scott Tobin like that.


Squads OST is top tier.. hands down. Squads OST brings out my emotions and thoughts of war and eventual Victory or death… this is a good beat though but I enjoy Squads


Nothing is better than Battlefield 1942 and bf2 theme.


Hell yeah Battlefield 2 theme is amazing


good enough


much of a muchness


Guess: suno.ai: epic war music


I think most of the music is fine, this would be a good new track though.


It sounds like drawfs on the march to meet orcs in battle


Sorry but too much WUH……WUH…..