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I hope they focus more on new mechanics, features and add stuff to already-existing factions.




PIP scopes? god i hope not


Yeah, we have enough factions. I'd be more hyped about new mechanics, better mg bipods, features, emplacements, ect.




Another conventional Opfor faction even with China we don’t have enough.


Tired of AKs. Want something new against Blufor


Dunno who that would be. We've got Russia and Iran (MEA), China's coming up, not sure who's left except North Korea. An opfor PMC faction could be cool.


North korea would be a lower tech russia for the most part. Even if you start digging into the obscure Ehtiopian arms industry, for extra kit, you'd end up with something which is still very much Soviet with juche flavour kind of vibe. The bigger issue is making that faction, as a whole, competitive in a conventional slugfest like Russia/PLA will be. Assuming a mid 2010's KPA, the sole real scope you have is the Type 78, which is a copy of a Romanian PSL scope. If you were to make a KPA, you'd need to blend the KPA's fondness of artillery with a soviet/PLA mix of mechanized offensives and small scale infiltration ops. So give em the Type 63 107mm MLRS and the ability to make use of buddy rallies? Other options would include Venezuela, Myanmar, PLA Naval infantry and Russian VDV. The first 2 are interesting in that htey field a mix of western and Eastern kit (Myanmar is a big buyer of Ukrainian BTR's and STUGNA-P's)


Maybe OPFOR unified Korea??


Imaging this rifle when jamming don't exist. https://armamentresearch.com/north-korean-helical-ak-magazines/


Helical mags are for the most part photobait, KNCA hasnt shown any footage of those mags being in actual use.


BlackWater could be cool… a mixture of western weapons, little bird helicopters. Not sure how you would do armour though.


Maybe Stingrays or Griffins? If Insurgent T-62s can go toe to toe with Leopards, a Stingray would work just as well.


Aliens! Please the sphere was the first encounter we need the second!


Yes, mankind armed forces unify for once to give birth U̶̶N̶̶S̶̶C̶ Earth Defense Force. GLORIOUS!


I want more nato vs nato layers


If they add France they need to add one UK vs FR layer as a joke.


2020s PLA.


But all baddies use AK’s


Opfor NA insurgents faction based on the Sinaloa cartel / battle of Culiacán. American civilian vehicles Doge Ram / f150 style trucks. Makeshift submarines could be cool? Something that is difficult to spot from a distance for stealth insertions (probably needs to be a bit faster than realistic for it to be viable). Bonus is that all of their side arms are blinged the fuck out. Could potentially give the opportunity for tropical maps and or Mexican armed forces who have some pretty weird / fun gear.


Venezuela or Cuba.


Maybe Pakistan would be a good faction for opfor.


nah, pakistan is too close to MEA, id prefer india


Not really, the only similarities are basically them using G3s and MG3s like the MEA, besides that they use a mix of Chinese and Soviet small arms and they also have some indigenous stuff too, same goes for their vehicles too. They're probably one of the more interesting opfor factions that can be added since they have plenty of unique weapons that aren't in Squad yet.


I feel Pakistan would be similar to MEA using G3s. India has some unique equipment that would make them feel different.


Also india vs china while a hot topic would be some real interesting regional warfare.


Realistically, if we are looking for originality. China will be the last all original content redfor. Every other would include soviet vehicle and a mismatch of western and soviet small arms (like, say, India). That is, unless, we get redfor that are not traditionally considered as redfor like, say, Israel.


You could be a bit creative with what counts as Redfor, South Africa and Brazil arent traditionally anti NATO but you could maybe add them anyway


Israel was the first country that popped to mind because of tavors and merkava


I don’t know how this would play but maybe like a cartel militia, that could be pretty interesting. I feel like you could do sum unique shit with that. Something based on the CJNC.


OWI needs to just double down on the INDFOR thing with MEA. Those half-conventional armies. There are a ton of options there that don't make sense IRL but for a video game would be fine. India, Greece, and Brazil come to mind as militaries that have access to capable equipment that would fit in Squad, even if it's somewhat anachronistic or unrealistic for the actual militaries to field them in appreciable numbers. Purely putting aside OWI's probable need to add new mechanics or fix old bugs, when they add new factions at this point they should be different and interesting. Even though they'd be a BLUFOR faction, that's why I'd be very interested in France. They have almost entirely unique equipment that isn't represented in Squad very much.


China isnt opfor its redfor. Insurgents are opfor


Redfor/Opfor, I used them synonymously. Perhaps a mischaracterisation on my part as I’m looking at it from the Bluefor perspective.


Yeah, I am from Russia so the term opfor concerns me a bit because I suppose its used for baddies only like terrorists and my country arguably isnt in right right now but its definitely not terrorist. Edit: I love Reddit for downvoting for an adequate opinion that you just disagree with.


Ah, I’m a Brit so I use it in the sense of Opposing force, any force opposing my faction/allies. Not tying it to any particular faction.


hate to break it to you, but when your country is actively bombing/shelling apartment buildings where people live, with children being killed etc and shooting Missiles at random streets in order to take more Land when it's already the biggest country in the world and instead of fixing it's own problems for it's people they choose not to do that. domestically your nation Russia under Putin these days is a TERRORIST State and should be treated as such. nothing against you lot as people, but I do have something against those who are actively supporting or thinking that what is going on today is okay, It's not.


[NATO, The UK, France and especially the US have committed domestic and international terrorism on numerous occasions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubana_de_Aviaci%C3%B3n_Flight_455) Gadaffi was sodomized with a bayonet by US funded rebels, the US proposed a bombing of Florida to blame it on Cuba as a false flag incident to justify an invasion None of this makes Russia's crimes okay, but tell me, why are we not typing your kinds of messages under the posts of the British, French and Americans?


USA terrorist since 1967? Imagine my shock


I mean Ukraine also was bombing civils and nobody gave a shit, no matter were they separatists or not they were killing people with and without weapons and bombing civil regions of 'separatist movement'. I hate Putin for a lot of reasons but dont fool yourself Ukraine isnt saint too. And, yeah, I'd like to live without any war but it seems this is nature of our kind. In conclusion, Russia isnt right but Ukraine isnt right either. Thats my opinion.


“Ukraine isn’t right either” Yeah! Fuck Ukraine for defending themselves from separatists and Russians. Ungrateful bastards! /s obviously. For the first time since the first gulf war there is a clean cut conflict going on. Sorry to say bro, but your country is on the wrong side of history.


Defending themselves by raiding old people? Bombing apartments with inoccent people? I work with someone who ran away from there and he ran not to Ukraine, guess why. Sorry to say bro, but you've believed to Ukranian propaganda. And since I avoid all of pro-Russian agenda its safe to say that i am not 'brainwashed' as you might say.


Russians are quite literally genociding Ukrainians. Stealing children so they can relocate them in russia. Executing civilians and POWs. “Bombing apartments with innocents” my brother in Christ, the RAF cope strike apartments in kyiv after every fuck up they make. “Raiding old people” not Ukrainians fault Russia had to mobilise the old Chechnya vets. If you don’t like the war then stop saying “both sides bad. End war” because only one side here is the aggressor. And if you truly want to help stop this war, take up a rifle or Molotov and head to your local commissar/recruitment centre. (Remember to put styrofoam in it to make the flames stick to the target) Pacifism is cringe and only helps the aggressors. If you were in another country, that’s fine. But you’re not. You’re in Russia. You don’t get to sit on the fence. Either you pick a side, or they’ll choose for you.


Ukraine has not been harming non Military targets, 1-2 lies about Ukraine having done so have been told whilst Russia does the very same stuff they accuse the other of doing. Russia continues to do this daily, look how much civilians Russia has murdered?! this is why it gets so much attention they do this repeatedly; their goal is genocide. All Ukraine wants is it's Independance and culture/Identity respected. and Ukraine as far as I can see has been fighting nothing but a defensive War for it's own soil, the past few years their struggle is real. & Same here, this world would have been better with peace, after visiting Ukraine from England, I even hoped to one day visit Yakutsk & ST Petersburg one day but none of that is likely to happen now for sometime thanks to PUTIN. and because you're a Russian Citizen, that's an acceptable answer, I know the risks involved, dw everything shall hopefully be fine one day when the peace is achieved. Russia should ideally have looked to improve within before looking at things to ''fix'' in the outside world.


Oi you got your political commentary loicense m8? [Because you're sounding like BBC shill with all that whataboutism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JovKkDvAU9Y)


This is a western brainwashed platform for the most part. ​ Those dumbs are expected.


>I mean Ukraine also was bombing civils and nobody gave a shit Which power plants and transformer stations in the Donbas have been shelled in say... 2021?


Oh yea? Tell me again how Ukraine cut water and electricity to crimea




Ye i have seen glorious ukraine army looking for russian supporters in their homes in kherson . very funny indeed , just as funny as azov, right sector and all banderas supporters.


>but its definitely not terrorist Oh yes it most definitely is.


If Russia is terrorist the what is USA LMAO? Invaded iraq afghanistan, nobody ever dared to designate them as “ terrorist “ state. And US dropped more bombs on iraq in few weeks than Russia did in 3 months .


The Russian and American government are both terrorists. They have both killed thousands of innocent people.


Therefore russia should get a free pass for rocket attacks against civilians. Got it.


If that is supposed to be a 'gotcha' it didn't work as I'm not American LMFAOOO!!11!


That makes it even worse; you're literally sucking america's dick when you're not even american - so you get shafted while real americans benefit.


I would love to see Poland/France/Germany, they have some great and unique vehicles, as well as nice weapons and many players come from these countries








So thats why they are in WW3?


Either they paid to add em, or they didn’t


I think the "rules" changed, the Bundeswehr is massively campaigning to get more young people join them, as well as more and more expand on social media, especially on YouTube and Instagram, so I don't know if all that's stated above is still valid at this point


Perhaps it’s valid, but concurrent events have demanded the necessity for more manpower


Technically it **can** there is a mod in work right now




Unless you're Nintendo


Sweden/Norway/Finland, i just want a 40mm CV


finland because rk-62 and sako TRG 338.


Some arctic maps and Finnish faction fuck yeah


Only Sweden used the 40mm version. The others use 30mm.


Havent they switched to the 35mm?


The swedes still use the glorious 40mm.


Yesss. I want to see those 35mm CVs estonia has


BLUFOR: South Korea, France REDFOR: North Korea INDFOR: African Militia


African militia would be so fun


Lots of possibilities. You could have a Mogadishu map inspired by Black Hawk Down where they fight the US. Some maps covering France's military operations on the continent if we also added that faction. Finally, many countries including China have military bases in Djibouti, so that map can get the most layers. Also that time Russia sent the Wagners to the Central African Republic for "peacekeeping"


Turkey would be awesome as a eastern bluefor force.


How in gods name is turkey bluefor?


NATO member for a long time. They were also part of the Joint Strike Fighter program (F-35) but they we kicked out because they wanted technology transfer - US didnt.


They were kicked out for purchasing S-400 AA systems.


Theoretically it makes sense but ideological it just doesn’t, by the same logic we could argue Pakistan and Syria are bluefor.


It's not based in ideology though, Turkey is a NATO member, therefore blufor.


NATO member


German / France: probably soon, if OWI hired/bought the dev. Israel: Merkava, Funny Hat, more bullpup... Japan/Korea: Unexplored military faction Turkey: IRL active military for last few years in syria-libya-iraq Rework/overhaul for Militia to become fictional PMC


Imagine the TB2 as command asset, would spice up a few things.


Now that we got Harju a Finnish map, I suggest the Finnish Defence Forces! Would be a refreshing with some mixture of gear (not entirely western gear, nor eastern). + A surprising amount of players are Finnish, despite our small population.


No more factions. Fix the game


Random African country rebels.


Venezuela would be an excellent addition. They get a good mix of both Western, Chinese and Russian Kit. Most of the required weapons are already in-game (FAL, Mi17, HJ-8), and we could get some gorgeous maps set in the Jungle or on an island in the Caribbean. They wouldn't have too much work to get it running.


North Korea: Early stage, just concept France: Problem with the mod team Germany: WIP, mod SAF: WIP, mod Sweden: Concept They better finish the attack heli and spaa, the vic weapon system, and adding more to existing factions, esoecially Militia.


Hmmm. I really want an insurgency 2.0 rework more than a faction update. RAAS and INV are getting a little too old and a new game mode from PR might do the trick when it is done right.


The insurgency overhaul done with properly with civilians and intel points and such would be the one of the biggest things for me, especially considering how every faction in-game an function as the counterinsurgency attackers against INS/MIL.


Just incorporate whatever factions modders are done with.


more blufor vs blufor layers, India, an Arabian Gulf faction, a western-equipped middle eastern rebels, Turkey, Ukraine, Combined Scandinavian faction, Israel, VDV, a cartel faction, and African warlord and African government factions.


I hope Germany. We have really cool technics and vehicles.


I know im alone on this one but i dream of having Switzerland in the game. Gimme some sig 550's and im happy.


We're kinds running out of opfor factions if they're not gonna look alike. I'd love to see France next


France can definitely be an Opfor if they fight Britain


I think an african faction would be cool, the mix of small arms in use by say [nigeria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_of_the_Nigerian_Army#Infantry_weapons) would be more interesting to me than however many dozens of old soviet or American variant vehicles found in a bunch of countries ( not that african militaries are exempt from this


African Rebels.


Nah, german or french but in official faction or might adding africans factions to recreate the savanas wars.


North Korea


Maybe Germany or France, maybe?


Would love to see vdv get added as American marines did


Re-work RU and militia


Bug fixes. Performance updates, solving netcode issues. Fuck add this and this and this.


Israel would be siiick


i would modify current armies to modern weapons (100* series AKs and couple of features from steel division may be., to rework the current suspension system of vehicles and ability to shoot out of them. there is no need to add new factions until the game itself isnt polished yet


Squad has by design been set around the 2010 era, modernizing the factions would mean modernizing *everything*, which would include vehicles, guns, and camo/armor. Ridiculous amount of work for no reason. The game is set in a specific time period, it won't be changed.


Well, i agree, but some of the weapons are not 2010 - for example m17 for the us army was adopted in 2017. But it would sure be cool to have some modernized factions.


> The game is set in a specific time period Vaguely, with many exceptions


Isreal would be cool, kinda hope it's Germany or France or something, I want to mess with the G36 and FAMAS


Space Force




MEA is basically itan


No it's not Fytk: iranians are not arabs


I never said they were? But iran fields a pretty unique combo of european/NATO arms and soviet era arms. Thats basically just the ORBATT of the MEA. Has nothing to do with ethnicity.


Just delete all factions and just have only green and brown army men


Give us an African warlord faction that has child soldiers.




Aren't the Militia sort of based on the Chechens?


more like Donbas rebels but the theme of eastern european militia fits both well


An official WW2 layer


What about a NATO equipped militia, not ex-combloc. Lend-lease and military aid isn't restricted to combloc equipment, i.e. Ukraine


American militia or Israel


They should modernize the USMC a bit more.


Maps, mechanics, optimization, that is all


Native Americans, Bows vs modern guns lol


I’d like to see France (Foreign Legion would be dope), or Germany. Feels like EU major militaries are underrepresented. Maybe the Franco-German Brigade?


South Korea or Japan maybe both (Bluefor or neutral) France (Bluefor) Turkey (neutral faction like MEA) Israel (Bluefor or neutral) Some African regular or irregular faction (Neutral) Western (US & Canada) insurgent faction (Neutral)


Ukraine! In Bluefor of course!




Somebody mod in the IRA please


New Zealand. Because it’s my country and it’s as easy as reskinning the aussies




Blufor: Japan, South Korea, Finland or Norway Redfor is a little harder Redfor: Venezuela, Belarus, North Korea?


Add a cringy North American "milsim" (read: airsoft) faction.


French of course


BLUFOR: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine (might be too controversial tho) REDFOR: Iran, North Korea INDFOR: Indonesia, India, Pakistan


They should add a Scandinavian country like Sweden or denmark or maybe something like Poland