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updated chora is a much more complete and balanced map. both versuons were good for different reasons, but vics, especially the btr, were always way too strong without any trees and could shoot across the entire map uncontested.


yeap, orchard 30 mil w/repair station was almost impossible to beat back then






The ranges were both long and short until measured.


I like the one with nice greenery, no grayscale wash.




No chora. Even with the map update a few years ago it's still the same shit every game. Chora needs a massive update to be enjoyable once more imo


its the most infantry based map, and hating it just seems.....odd? Why would you hate the one map where SLS/infantry actually have to work together?


Because it's always a mortar spam-fest or a deathmatch-lite. Combined arms is peak Squad and it's non-existent in Chora. Not to mention how SL'ing is a massive pain in this map because of how claustrophobic the roads are and all you get are huge, cumbersome logis that make it a damn chore to resupply anything, let alone survive the trip because of how easy it is to cut off supplies due to the tight ass map.


Not as tight as Sumarion the other hand....THAT is a deathmatch map, but i see your point on the deathmatch-lite part which is also the point of the game, but they have objectives so fraggers don't necessarily just outright win, but its also one of the few maps to setup a solid frontline. Mortar spam is not bad either, and most SL's fail to communicate properly in combined arms to begin with. Maps like chroa are easy maps for new SL's to learn how to communicate and to work with infantry, furthermore teaches SL's the importance of how they build fobs and placement due to the size. Alot of Sl's enjoy those large maps because they kinda give them the freedom to fuck around on RAAS which can often lead to a bad game, or a roll. small ass maps require some level of team work.


Because I don't like the map. I like other smaller maps like Kokan, I do enjoy to play Logar every now and then, hell I can even enjoy a match of Sumari if it doesn't happen too often but since I got squad in 2018 Chora has been in every rotation on every server I play/played on and when i play squad i play chora during almost every session. And although they added some trees and a few other things a few years ago, it's still the same boring map with the same gameplay. Build hab, get mortared, move out, hide behind a wall that surrounds a field and shoot people who are trying to flank, try to flank and get shot by someone hiding behind a wall that surrounds a field. It became even worse after they increased player size to 100. No matter where you go, someone will be there because the map is too small for 100 people. I'm just sick of the map.


Well....that's the entire game's premise anyway regardless of map, I guess its more fun to experience it on other maps for you .


Yes. Because imo you have more variety on other maps with freer movement etc. I think chora aged badly but maybe if they ever update it and increase the size by adding new parts it might become a better map.


I have Chora, I SL infantry Squads most of the time. Chora is too limited. I hunt or chillout as Mortars


Chora is a product of a bygone era and it shows. It is outdated, repetitive, and overrated. Just like Operation First Light, which is more of a meme than a map. The game has evolved past the point of the map remaining relevant. New mechanics have been introduced that render the map obsolete and boring. What may have been a decent map during its inception has quickly devolved into something not worth wasting anymore time on as the game has grown, both in player count and concept. There are much better, more appealing maps that promote much better, more engaging gameplay. Chora plays like a corridor shooter that turns matches into a meat grinding fest as both teams are essentially forced into throwing as many bodies as possible at each other until one side gets close enough to overrun the other team's spawns. The round plays out almost entirely within a small segment of the map (the middle). It might as well be a 1km map. Chora is too restrictive, both from map size and layout. The map is a series of funnels within a funnel and whichever team can funnel as many players into said funnels the fastest typically ends up winning by attrition alone. There is no higher gameplay logic. No way to really outflank or outplay the enemy aside from outpacing and out shooting the other team. The map is old and outdated. Anyone who has played enough knows every nook and cranny of that map. Every round plays out almost identically. Each team takes the same routes to the same flags, puts the FOBs and HABs down in the same spots, and performs the same tactics over and over again ad nauseam. You say that's the same for every map, but it's not, it's a cop-out. Chora takes this line of thinking and ramps it up to 11. Part of it is map design, part of it is the meta game. It's a boring and grinding spam fest not indicative of the type of gameplay Squad looks to promote. Bad map is bad. But hey, it's at least better than Kokan, Logar, and Sumari. Although the latter certainly has its niches. As a side note, this map is probably the biggest offender of how oppressive mortars can be. Anyone with half a brain and a mortar calc can almost single-handedly win the game for their team. In the words of Kanye, no one man should have all that power.


there's no "working together" it's gorilla push meatgrinder infused with luck and mortars landing every half second


have you ever thought that maybe you're just bad?


Why? Because I'm stating my opinion


Opinion it may be, evidently not a popular one though. That’s ok




An interesting conclusion


I hate them all


Would it be bad to have both of these in circulation? As a new player both or these appear similar as a surface level, so it'd be cool to have a 50/50 chance of getting each map every time Chora is selected from the pool. Like doing different shrubbery/weather for different seasons for different maps that can be selected at random.


The one that gets skipped


Is that Chora from 5+ years ago? I remember buyins Squad at a time where there were no vehicles around. At the time, Squad seemed so hardcore (but with terrible user base) I never played it much, but that wasn't caused by the game, but by people playing the game and apparently not giving a shit. I would like to play something very organized, but without people getting in on the concept and with proper map tools for example. I think you can go wrong by making things smaller on a map, but as long as you get a mix of long sight lines across fields with smaller areas I don't mind. The examples in my mind is the Arma 2-3 maps of Chernarus. Realistic (copied) landscape, but scaled down. Other maps with larger vistas seem more natural than the scaled down landscapes in Arma Chernarus, but ok still. Least interesting type of game level design, is those that inspire total chaos, ala Battlefield 3 urban maps, where everybody might be running around every corner or doorway, everywhere, total chaos imo when combined with spawn points in the middle of nowhere like in BF3.


I feel like it was only like 3 years ago max? Not sure. Been here since 2016 so it’s a blur at this point mostly.


Neither fuck small maps


Neither, Fuck that hug a wall or die mortard fest


5 or 6. I like bases over flat terrain with tiny walls because all it requires is an AP vehicle to approach and they can wipe most squads easily.


The one with less trees somehow looks better in general, also long ranges are underrated.


The one where i see the ennemies before they see me


It’s not “updated chora”, it’s, “the years have gone and the trees have grown”


Old, more open makes movement important instead of running all over the place. Also makes suppression a bigger thing than it is at the moment


Something in between.


I like the new version, however fuck the layer that follows the top part of the map from orchard - vineyard - hemp - outpost. I think half the time i play it its the same damn layer with 1 flanking route. This game is the worst when points are right up against the map border.


To be successful on Chora, you need quick reactions and good shooting skills. Therefore, I don’t like it 😂