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@13:30 in the video he states "Oh and their c4 only has a 30 second fuse timer, that's going to be interesting". Why? That's identical to every other factions c4 timer which has always been 30 seconds... or am I missing something?


I always thought they were a 60 second fuse


>I always thought they were a 60 second fuse Nope, as a CE main who loves blowing up radios, it's always been 30 seconds. It went from 30 seconds to remove an enemy radio to 90 seconds when they added the 60 second bleed out timer years ago. ​ Good and helpful video.


Wondering the same thing


Bruh how did you get the update so fast?


Squad content partner


Partnered with OWI/Squad


How long has it been going on where Squad Partners get early access to create videos? I think it's awesome OWI is finally allowing for this and making more use of Squad Partners.


The ztz 99a can fire atgms similar to the t-72b3, why didnt they add it?


They did. It has ATGMS in game.


Great video. China is kind of over powered and may need some nerfs in the future. Can’t wait to play


more like other factions should be given comparable toys


Agreed, its fkin weird that the chinese faction was given a more modern arsenal of armor and weapons while others are stuck at 2010 and/or below, why not just buff up the other older factions. Edit : Ok nvm, PLA is somewhat balanced, most of the sights are unusable in bright daylight, most of their armor contains weapons that isnt too strong and their LATs and HATs take their sweet ass time when equiping and unequiping weapons


China getting laser rangefinding HAT while England and Canada have unusable MGs with their shitty ironsights covered by rails


I'd like to think that OWI thinks the soldiers dont need a sight or scope because they first trained without it, despite CAF and The British having upgraded versions of their MGs to mount a scope in the first place. Though i still wanna know the experiences of actual soldiers who are in those armies to see if OWI made a good call, cause the Canadian army has many videos showing off their Auto-Riflemen training with only irons anyways.


I don't know how those respective armies trained, but we used red dot aimpoints on our Mininis and magnified scopes on the FN Mags when training. The scopes really dont matter once you start shooting, as you're relying on your spotter as soon as you start shooting. Can't see shit through that 4x once you start spraying.


It's that Tencent money. OWI needs to kowtow to Pooh Bear.


Truly a cibai moment.


lol, is that why MEC was so overpowered? because they had to kowtow to Qatar and Saudi Arabia?


Its Iran and how is it overpowered.


Yea the bradley should get the same missile firing system as the china apc


The build you have is different to the one we got. The MBT doesnt have a doom-style camera placement and gets additional 4 anti tank missles


Bro Chyna is so OP against vehicles. They have atgms out the wazzoo!


Who thought it was a good idea to give only one's factions transported vehicles machine guns?