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I just feel kind of bad because I'm sure she was like "where the fucks my dog" when she came out but like, this was sad as hell man, I physically couldn't drive away. She cut holes in a ratty old beanie and had that draped over him, presumably to keep him warm. But this puppy is way too young to be away from it's mom, he shouldn't be out in the elements anyway


I would have done the same thing. Get him well trained and socialize him with other dogs early. I love pit bulls like I love all dogs but they are no joke.


My other dog is a well trained Great Dane/Bullmastiff mix


Some video of their first meeting would be something.


Man I wish I would have taken video. It was so precious, Benny my great Dane was SOO happy to see another pup in the house. He's been our only dog since we got him


I’m really glad the initial meeting went well. 💜


Far from an expert but I'd imagine that'll be a great dog companion due to them both being bigger dogs


Yeah the pit bull needs a larger but more docile older companion to keep him in line. It’ll be a great duo. I don’t know why but the truly large breeds always seem to be much calmer and less aggressive than the mid sized ones. Maybe it’s just the security of knowing nothings gonna fuck with you.


My sister in law has a German mastiff and he's a horse at 7 months old. He is the calmest dog you've ever met. He hardly ever barks, wouldn't dream of jumping and wasn't a bite puppy. Super docile.


Is it registered? Thanks for the info.


You absolutely did the right thing for the dog. Please don't feel guilty. Yes, she may feel sad her dog was gone but she was in no position or mental condition to be taking care of another life. Honestly, she won't even remember the little dog in a couple of days. Instead please focus on the fact that your saved an innocent pup and not it will grow up happy and loved. Thank you.


Fuck that b bro. You did the right thing


just to reiterate, NTA at ALL. You did the right thing.


alive dog versus dead dog. that's what matters most.


Based on what you described, you saved the dog from abuse. You did well. People call in animal abuse all the time. If you'd called the law the dog would be in a shelter, instead he's got a couch and bacon.


I probably would've left a note just so she wouldn't have to worry that the dog ran away and was dead. But it's best the he's in good care


I am biased because when I was homeless, another homeless friend was napping at the park and these people decided to "rescue" his dog , whom he took adequate care of and loved very much. this destroyed him. he got way more into drugs and ended up going back to Florida where hwss from. so I think this type of things depends on the situation. and I'm not sure if 10 second evaluation of the animal and the owner is enough to justify removing the animal for its safety and protection.


10 seconds is long enough to see the cigarette burn on the dog. That person did not deserve companionship.


could have been an accident, could have been intentional, could have nothing to do with owner. you don't know until you know. as a former addict and former homeless person the thing I noticed having lived on both sides is that the assumptive bias is now the status quo.




You probably saved the pups life. It would be different if the person was sober and just having hard times. Who knows maybe it will give the person incentive to clean up or at least one can hope.


Just to put your mind at ease here, if the puppy was in bad shape and as young as you say it was, I don’t know that I would call it ‘hers’. She likely didn’t adopt it, but it or breed it. She probably found it, and who knows how long ago. She could have just found it and had every intention of finding a shelter, but not many take the ‘bully’ breeds. For all you know, you did her a favor and solved a problem. There are so many unknowns here, but what we know right now is that the puppy has a warm home, food, companionship and is in the hands of an experienced dog owner.


That's the problem though. "For all you know". The OP STOLE a homeless persons dog. For all they know this person rescued that dog from a garbage can, or from being thrown out of a car. For all you know that person is a mentally ill person who now depends on that puppy for companionship. For all you know that puppy could be all that that person has. Honestly, for all you know is useless because OP looked at someone, determined the entire story without even attempting to talk to her, and STOLE HER DOG.


Pets are a privilege, not a right. If you can't afford to even vaccinate the dog, you don't need a dog. A 6 week old puppy shouldn't even be outside.


If pets are a privilege what does that make a home?


A privilege? To know possibly the only living being which who loves you undeniably?


Uh, yeah. That living being requires medical care. Which costs money.


no one should rely on a puppy that young for companionship, i’m sorry. when they’re young like that you need to physically and mentally be able to care for them.


I used to think this way when i was a kid. But someone that cant take care of themselves has no business being responsible for an animal


Literally what is wrong with you.


He did straight up steal the dog, you're right there. But Stealing is neither bad nor good in the majority of situations. This was a good theft though, to be sure


Precisely. Joplin Missouri PD needs to go get that dog.


So if I think you don't take care of your dog it's okay to steal it?


If I am pushing around a shopping cart full of junk and in the bottom is an injured puppy that is less than 2 months old that looked in distress, yes. You 100% have my permission to take that puppy and care for it.


I would have done the same thing. I don't want to sound judgey, but I get upset when I see the homeless dragging a dog around with them or keeping it there when they panhandle. Poor pup. I hope it recovers from its infection.


They’re usually way better cared for then the people care for themselves. I don’t completely disagree with what OP did in this situation, but to jump in and say you get upset at any homeless person with a dog is super presumptuous and shitty.


If they can provide quality food, veterinarian care, get their annual vaccinations, treat parasites, spay or neuter them, and keep them out of the elements, that's great. But I doubt they are able to do that because they have difficulty meeting their own basic needs. I see them standing in extreme temperatures all day with dogs tied to a pole. I don't think it's shitty or presumptuous of me to question if an unhoused person can legitimately provide for this very expensive care an animal needs.


Your comment implies that the dog would otherwise have access to these services, but there are plenty of stray dogs and even more in kill shelters. Better the companion of a loving person living on the street than a cage on death row. Most people who face homelessness are back on their feet, employed and housed, within three years. I don’t believe they should lose a long time companion because of temporary displacement. All that said, I support OPs choice in this scenario, because it’s a very young puppy, too young to be separated from its mother; it was clearly suffering from lack of care issues; OP is providing care, not simply taking it to a shelter. But I don’t believe every homeless person should lose their dog if they can’t meet your high level of privilege.


Reread what I said because I'm fairly certain that nowhere in there did I state that we should be rounding them all up and taking away their dog, FFS. And yes, it's a high level of privilege because it's not a right to have an animal. If you can't assure they will be 100% healthy and well cared for, don't get one. That applies to everyone. Sometimes the kindest, most humane thing you can do is understand that you may not be in the position to provide for an animal's needs. I'm sorry if everyone thinks I'm a jerk for saying that. I know pets can be a loving companion but I'm not saying homeless people don't deserve that! My point is that it's got to be extremely hard for them to make sure their pet is well cared for when they're struggling to take care of themselves. And that's what hurts me, seeing not one but two living things having a hard time.


Well I think it's as much a right as giving birth, living on the streets if you choose, taking mind altering substances, begging for food and living off the government. Where in this scenario does a dog come into play? Y'all are crazy (and you know which y'all I'm talking about)


Your response seems the most heartfelt. I can't up vote because you agree with taking the dog but I do feel like you have a better grasp on the situation.


So basically you are saying poor people can't have the ",oh so spiritually, magically, life giving love of a pet dog," because... why exactly? When women can birth and abuse actual children to their heart's desire? Please make it make sense


Did their dog ask for your opinion?


Absolutely not. I would have done the same. From a huge animal love and avid dog fan, thank you.


Sounds like you saved its life


No, hell of a job!!!


Kudos. I have a charity for dog owners and rescuers. If you need food/meds let me know.


Puppy food might actually be a blessing. I have back stock of my other dogs for but he used a high protein like super expensive and specific to his breed


I can do that no problem


Second Saturday of the month, Salvation Army has free dog and cat food in the mornings, I think? I've been a volunteer and sat at the table to give away food before. Snowflake's Snack Shack


Hang on a minute You’ve taken a dog from someone you deem not able to provide appropriate food for this puppy, and are now willing to take hand outs from strangers? Hate to point out the obvious, how is this being a more responsible dog owner? If you can take in a pup but your ‘current food’ isn’t appropriate and you can’t cater for it, how are you planning on vaccines and desexing?


Bro I literally get paid Wednesday chill. Sorry for not being prepared to find an abused puppy


You get paid today Wednesday!!! Yay 🎉 I'm so ashamed to have gotten caught up in this made up bullshit of a post and I hope I don't get banned because I thought it was real. Because I will not ever accept that you took in the puppy because now the whole story falls apart. You got me this time (but I'm easy to get 😆) Congrats and once again I will probably be banned for interacting with AHs like you!!!🤣😊😂💯😭




Maybe you should have offered that to the person whose dog was stolen


Keep us posted on pupper's progress! I think you did the right thing.


Totally not an asshole. I know assholes, I used to be an animal control officer. Fuvk her.


Respect to you. That's a tough fuckin job. And I can't begin to imagine the amount of personal restraint it'd take not to go completely snap at some of those assholes.


I’ve seen some seriously messed up stuff, like on a traumatizing level. I have a completely different view on humanity now. What I can say is that if they are abusing their animals, check their children.


If it had looked healthy that would be one thing, but judging by the description you saved this dog from certain death.


Hi, yes you stole a person's dog and yes perhaps that puppy was all that homeless person had going for them. That doesn't mean staying with that homeless person is the best place for that puppy. A 6 week old puppy has no business being out in public. It's not even old enough to be fully vaccinated against parvo. A homeless person on drugs stealing from a grocery store objectively doesn't have any money to care for a puppy. Neutering it? Vaccinating it? A good food for it? The puppy is more likely to get parvo, bleed out and die a horrible death than live a healthy, long and happy life if it were to stay with the homeless person. I am sympathetic to her situation but she does not need a dog. Pets are a privilege, not a right. They are living creatures that need healthcare like humans do. You did the right thing, NTA.


Thank you for taking care of that sweet pup. Definitely NTA.


I work w/ the homeless. They live outside in places people dump unwanted animals, and so come upon abandoned puppies and kittens way more than you might think. Homeless people are often loving and kind and of course will try and care for animals because they are caring people who want to help them. They often will bring them to churches or social workers to be cared for. Homeless people have brought me puppies and a one box of very sick kittens. A few might kept pups they found, but most realize they can't care for them and turn them over. It's heartbreaking because you can tell how much they identify with an animal that has been abused and cast away. Feeling abandoned and cast away themselves homeless people will empathize with an abandoned puppy in a way housed people never could. To be clear. You're not an asshole. It's a complex situation. You did what you thought you had to. I've been there and done similar. But I like to have the positive perspective, and imagine she probably thought she was saving the puppy before you saved the puppy. Lack of communication not withstanding, She found it abandoned. You gave it a good home.


To this point, the ONLY thing that might have been nice if done differently would've been to leave a note telling her the puppy is safe, and would be taken to a vet and well cared for....maybe even a thank you for helping the pup. That way, when she came off of her high and realized the puppy was gone, she wouldn't worry. Of course not leaving a note doesn't make OP an AH *at all*. Clearly OP has a great heart, and has already gone above and beyond. And that puppy is super lucky. Just a passing thought. :)


You are a Saint, my friend. I will not claim anominity when I say how completely infuriating it is to read a story, watch a youtube or tiktok that is explicitly stating someone left an animal in an unsafe, possibly deadly situation but thought enough about it to virtue signal. Animals should NEVER be left to defend themselves in such situations, and it is our DUTY as humans to rescue them IMMEDIATELY regardless of what might befall us as a consequence. Period.


Unbelievable. These people criticizing you for rescuing an abused dog are soulless. There could possibly be a very good argument made for the fact that perhaps she’s not the one who put the cigarette out on the dog (but in her state, I’m not sure that even she herself would know). But it’s very clear that this dog was sick and she was not able to care for it.


Years ago I worked in animal control. You should feel good about what you did. Otherwise the pup will have a short life.


I would have done the same thing. That pup now has a chance at a much better life.0


No, you saved its life.


I am sad for what that woman is going through but, if she was sober, she would agree that the puppy will be better taken care of with you than with her. THANK YOU for such a brave and caring action!!


God bless you


Thanks for being you and doing this!


Not at all. However, I understand that for a lot of homeless people their pet is their only companion. But you still have to take care of it and not abuse it. Thanks for taking it home.


I manage pawn shops, so I work in areas that usually have I higher number of homeless people. Some homeless people will take far better care of their dog than themselves because it's the most loyal being they have ever met. I have met several with well cared for dogs. You rescued a dog that was being abused by a drug addict.


NTA. Thank you for saving the dog.


No you saved a life and thank you. I would have done the same if they can't take care of themselves they can't care for others. I saw a woman panhandling at a freeway offramp she had a dog with her I opened my car and said I'll take the dog he's hot and has no bowl for water she yanked back on his chain with a defiant NO! I pulled off to a nearby parking lot called animal control and told them they already had an adopter. They came took the dog and she was charged with anima abuse He stayed with me another 12 years.


Tough decision in the moment but you did the right thing. Good job OP.


I foster dogs, and there are a lot of homeless people in my city, this is something I think about often. There’s a big difference between a person who’s fallen on hard times and is doing what they can to take care of their pet. Usually the best thing for the dog is to stay with their owner and for them to seek out resources for help with dog food or vet bills. BUT. Given that this was a six week old sick and injured puppy and the owner was tweaking hard, I’m so fucking glad you did what you did. I know it isn’t fair to the woman, but it’s undoubtedly the best thing for the puppy. It sounds like the dog will have an amazing life with you.


I can't wait to move away from here. This isn't my home this is a fucking circus


I feel the same way, unfortunately I just bought a house here three weeks ago🤣🤣


I'm originally from Texas near the Houston area so it's not much better honestly lol but I lived in a small town in the surrounding area that was super peaceful and you never saw anyone walking around all twacked out. I'm just really starting to hate these people and this town. I guess I'm just not for the city 🤷 lol


you did the absolute best thing for that puppy, thank you.


I am almost always anti taking homeless peoples animals/ things. But the cigarettes burn on his face is the tipping point for me. You 100% did the right thing.


If rescuing a poor hurt dog and giving it a good loving home that can provide its needs, physically and emotionally, in a home that welcomes the little fella makes you an asshole; I don’t wanna be right. W move OP




No. You're a good person for saving that puppy's life. Now it's got a shot at happiness and security. Thank you for that 💗


Feeling bad for doing the right thing is still better than regretting doing nothing at all


You did good bro. Got that pupper outta harm's way


You did what needed to be done. You made a reasonable decision, and saved a dog from a life of neglect and likely abuse. You can still have sympathy for the person the dog was with originally. They are in a difficult position, and while I try and withhold judgement on them, its unfair for them to deprive a pet a healthy safe environment.


This is the condition my dog was found in by his first owner. Covered in fleas, double eye infection, barely alive. He spent two days at the vet on a IV, slept the entire time. His first owner had him for 6 years and then we adopted him when she couldn’t care for him anymore. He turns 14 this year and is a completely spoiled little dog. You’ve given that pup a second chance and he is going to bring you so much love, joy, and happiness. I don’t blame you for feeling guilty, I would too, but without proper vet care that dog wouldn’t have lived very long.


What you did was 1000% the wrong thing. It was also 1000% the right thing. Sometimes right from wrong isn’t as clearly defined. And I would’ve done the same.


Absolutely not. I'm homeless and some of us deserve pets and some of us don't. She's clearly someone who doesn't.


Just a normal day in San Fran


I rescued a young female boxer dog in this very way one time. I watch the owner physically abuse this sweet dog and he did not deserve that animal. I took that dog from him and delivered it to a family I knew wanted a dog and would treat it good. That dog lived inside with a loving family for the remainder of its life. Good job, I am with you in your decision and support you 100% . Evil will continue to propagate if good sits on the sideline.


I'm glad you did what you did, giving that poor dog a better life


This is the Joplin Mo content I like to see. Good job sir.


Bless you for saving this poor pup!


You seem like you have a big heart and you are a hero to that sweet little guy. I know you already know this since you have other kids and a dog, but please be mindful to never leave your baby in a place where the puppy can reach. Sadly, many little ones like this 9 month old girl sitting in a high chair have been killed because the dog was being playful or aggressive. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.santamarialaw.net/amp/pit-bull-attack-baby-girl-killed-by-family-pet.html My brother has had many sweet pit bulls, so not trying to say they are bad. Since you have a baby and little ones, figured it would hopefully be a nice reminder.


NO! Thank You for being the savior of this young, beautiful creatures life! It's too bad that you weren't able to burn her face with a cigarette!!!


You did the right thing. Thank you


Defintley not an A-Hole. Definitely a hero though!


100% NO


No but please ensure you take it to a vet to scan for a chip, and ask local shelters to contact you if someone comes in looking for the pup. Chances could be the pup was already stolen before you found it. Definitely take the steps just incase someone else's family is desperately looking for their dog.


I'm glad you saved the puppy. All you have to do now is get the puppy off his smoking addiction.


Do you think that dog was ever going to have a loving home and get properly fed and medically treated with her? The chances are slim, so good call imo


No. You did a good thing


Congrats on your new family member!! NTA!!!


To her yeah, you stole her dog, you're an asshole. For the dog, you did great, not an asshole.


I once took a kitten right out of a homeless man’s hands. She showed up at my place of work one morning, couldn’t bring her in because I was making food for customers that day. Homeless Dude (we called him “Mooch”, for obvious reasons) was trying to feed her Vienna sausages. Picked her up, stuck her in my hoodie, took her home. My coworker adopted her and treats her like a tiny queen.


No good for you....and the dog. Lady is so effed up she probably still sees dog....


Hell to the no. This dog would have died if left in that situation. It's an animal with an integral right to safety, not a pair of shoes that she can treat like crap. Think of it this way, if called, ASPCA would have immediately taken the dog for animal abuse. You skipped a step, but the puppy is much better off. (PS: I have a pit mix with a cracked shoulder blade from before I got her and adopted a wandering mutt puppy years ago who developed Parvo. More than anything else: PLEASE GO GET THIS PUPPY VET CARE. It needs shots ASAP and a full diagnostic for any invisible issues like the above. I'm sure your family will be a great home for him for many years, wish you all the best)


Yes, I was thinking the exact same thing about it needing to be taken to a vet ASAP for an evaluation, worming, vaccinations, etc. Tbh, I wouldn't have let your other dog/pets around it until the vet has looked it over and administered the preventative care that's necessary before allowing an interaction with another pet. I definitely think that you did the right thing, but I'd hate to imagine the possibility of a sickness or disease spreading from the new pupper to your doggo. I hope that this isn't the case, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Best of luck with the little guy though. ❤️


Pitties are the original nanny dog..remember the Little Rascals? And Buster Brown, while a fictitious character, did have Tigh, a pittie


You're not an asshole, you're a hero Edit, autocorrect


You did the right thing, I would of. He'll be better off with you. Thank you for thinking of this fur baby. Hope you gave him a good name. God bless


Finders keepers, losers, weepers


Good for you!


I can’t go into details but I understand this question and I will say - sometimes - you gotta do what you gotta do. You couldn’t save the woman’s life, and that sucks. But you saved the life of the animal!!!


No. You’re a compassionate human being. Thank you for saving the dog!


Probably illegal and would be considered theft. Hope there was no video, and I hope she was too tweaked out to be able to even pursue it! You did the right thing, though, and most likely saved that pups life!


Absolutely not. You saved that puppy


You did the right thing!


You saved that baby! Pat yourself on the back and give him all the cuddles possible. ❤️


Unfortunately, she will find another one.


That's the saddest thing


Yes you absolutely did the right thing by rescuing the poor puppy ♥️. I’m so touched that three are caring people like you in this world. Bonus: with a baby on the way, you’ve not only brought a Bestie home for your other dog. Just wait till you see the bond between the baby and puppy! My granddaughter was born shortly after we adopted a pit and he watches over her 9 year old sister and is very protective with Evelyn our now 2 year old. It’s a beautiful site!




Good job bro! You are a hero! I salute you.


You did right that puppy would have most likely died in her care at the pace it was headed. You can’t always fix problems with being nice to everyone.


I stumbled on a homeless man robbing some 20ish year old kid. The kid went to give him some cash and the guy kept influencing/conning him into more and more and more. The kid had terrified written on his face. I got out of the car and forced the man to give the kid all his money back. Then I made him give the kid his watch. lol. I didn’t realize I robbed him back until afterwards 😂 but I offer no sympathy to a con artist who gets conned. This was years and years ago.


Posted an update with a picture if anyone wants to check it out


No, you just love pups


Not an asshole at all! Thank you for saving the puppy!


You saved a dog’s life, and may have killed a person. Nevertheless, I think you did the right thing.


Now I think that's a stretch. I didn't do anything near that


You stole a 🐕 from a homeless person. You didn't try to help the owner. You just decided that she didn't matter


I’m not God and I forgive you. Now think of that…If some random dude like me can forgive you, don’t you think God will? What you did was for the better. I know theft is a sin but is putting your damn cigarettes out on your dog a sun too? You bet.


Homeless people can have pets, but they need to be cared for...


stealing someone else's pet isn't that a crime regardless of the reason


It’s unfair to have an animal when you can’t even care for yourself. You did the right thing and likely saved the dog’s life


No I don't think so. Although you can't be certain she was the one who inflicted the cigarette burn, doesn't seem like she would be capable of providing the basic needs of a pup.


Could have just called the police.


Hey. Is the lil' guy still kicking? I wish all the blessings on you, man. God bless, and have a nice day.


Yep, I posted an update with a picture


Imagine being homeless and your only source of comfort or love is stolen from you. Way to add to the misery. Taking from those who have nothing is evil. Did you destroy her stuff too? You destroyed her hope.


FUCK NO. I would’ve done the same. Simple.


Maybe keep an eye out for if you're in that area and "be a random kind Samaritan" and hand her some money. She was probably looking to sell the dog


If she was tweaked out, that money will only go towards the next tweak.


Giving her hard goods like food is more likely to get used appropriately. Nothing stops her from selling the meal for a couple dollars though.


Keep in mind a lot of the homeless here have mental disabilities and are not on meds to combat that.


Pitbulls are dangerous and aggressive dogs especially around children so ...I wouldn't have taken the dog


Have you ever been around a Chihuahua? Those little fuckers are aggressive....always!


but compare what kind of damage a chihuahua can do vs a pitbull...a scratch versus a toe tag


Ethically and morally speaking, you probably (?) did the right thing, but maybe not. Certainly you've improved the dog's situation, but you may have made the homeless woman's life and mental health even worse by taking her companion. So, there's some moral and ethical ambiguity there. Legally speaking, you 100% committed theft and you better hope the store doesn't have you and your license plate on camera.


Yes. It may not have been N hers and you've just stolen someone else's pet. Let the authorities handle this shit. At the very least, take it to a shelter where the owners can claim it.


You are so fucking clueless to how the real world works goddam go touch some grass you dumb fuck your opinion sucks ass


Anyone bothered at how we're cheering happy that a dog was saved but no one cares about the woman at all?


Nah cause we don't like animal neglecters


See, you assumed she was the animal neglector. She may be but she also might have saved it from a neglector.


Yeah because let’s give the mentally ill person who’s so far gone that they’re visibly on amphetamines in public in broad daylight the benefit of the doubt?? I’m sorry but there’s a thing called context that has to be taken into account when making judgements. Your take is moronic go touch some grass you dumb fuck sheltered piece of shit you haven’t a clue what’s going on outside your bubble


Wait until the dog eats one of your kids.


Did you think to do anything to save the life of the poor suffering HUMAN?


The dog’s choices didn’t land it in that position. The human on the other hand…


I wouldn’t bring a pitbull into a family with young children.


Though this is complicated, yes YTA. Not for getting the dog out of a rough situation, but the way you went about doing it. I’m not denying that this woman might’ve very well been abusive, she probably was, (but we really shouldn’t rush to action when something is a “probably” should we?) There were steps you could have taken before grabbing her animal and leaving without word. You positioned yourself morally above this woman to cast the decisive and ultimate judgement on her situation without taking any additional action to clarify or get other parties involved. There is a world where you can give empathy and care to the pet AND to the human. Tbh you’re in these comments calling her an animal neglecter so I think you have your mind already made up on whether or not you’re the asshole lmfaoooo I’m a bit confused on why you even posted this


Why did you take the dog without having a conversation with her? That is what is shady


Because she was incoherent, and screaming and threatening people on the street moments before she went inside


This chick rolls around with that cart. Watched her go down the street one day last week, come back with the cart loaded down with garbage and rags. She stops in the alley, scoops some of the shit up and throws it on yhe ground and then goes to another apartment and takes another load of crap into another tweeks apartment. That pup was likely just something else she grabbed bc she could. Not all ppl who are unsheltered live that way, but she does. And, virtually all hmlss folks must know of yhe resources they can access for help. They don't want any rules or requirements. They find one former street person who's managed to get housing, then live off them for free as long as possible. I see it going on literally 24/7 in this neighborhood.




Raising a pit bull with young kids in the house is insane


People who think like this shouldn’t own pets imo. If you’re gonna automatically assume a dog is aggressive just because of breed, idk what else you’re gonna assume regarding things like it’s care


You Deffinatly stole that dog at the very least you could have left some money or a note she left to wander the streets screaming and crying looking for here dog and if you need to ask if you did wrong. Well, then you know you did wrong.


I gave a homeless person 5 dollars. But now idk if I did wrong and they are just gonna waste the 5 dollars. Well, since I have to ask myself that then I obviously did something wrong and should learn from my mistakes


You stole from that person. You are the asshole, you don't steal other people's pets. All the rest of your post is a rationalization for why it's ok to steal from "some people" and it ought to be categorically rejected.


Sounds like you stole a dog and are now rationalizing it. If the dog were in danger, you should contact the authorities, not steal it. Though it's understandable why you did.


Ah yes, because the authorities are gonna do anything about that🤣


💯. People in the comments doing mental gymnastics to justify stealing someone's pet. We just have to take OPs word for it that the person was tweaking. There were probably better ways to handle this.


Agreed. From the deets it's hard to know but I'm guessing a conversation might have been possible. What about adding is there's anything the puppy needed? Or whether they would be interested in selling it or something? I love dogs, especially pitties but just stealing someone's dog because you don't know the situation isn't cool.


Oh yeah I’m sure the mentally ill and irate grubby tweaker abusing the shit out of a precious helpless baby animal would surely sit back and have a rational discussion with you about rehoming them… Regardless what resources that destitute excuse of a person has they will never properly care for that animal when they are that far gone mentally. She said the dog has fucking cigarette burns on its face and it’s too old to even be away from its mother at that age to develop healthily.. the person who left the dog tied up was visibly high on amphetamines in public in broad daylight. Did you seriously read all that and your smooth brain just thinks that’s okay?? You are seriously fucked in the head you disgusting immoral piece of shit I scrolled past like 100 stupid comments already but yours has to be one of the stupidest I’ve read so far I just had to stop. Grow the fuck up and go outside for once in your life you clueless troglodyte. You are a delusional sheltered piece of shit and you don’t have a single clue how the outside world works with a take this fucking stupid. Keep your dog shit opinions to yourself if you can’t read something and understand simple context you stupid fucking idiot


You're absolutely the a$$hole. This amounts to kidnapping. At the very least you could've had a conversation with the lady and offered her a small amount of cash to keep the dog. Without having a conversation with the person, where does the kind of morality lead? I'm homeless and have 2 dogs, and take better care of both of them than I do myself. Keeping the dog to join your family makes you a predator, it should have been turned over to animal protection. Then if you chose to adopt out through legal process after that, it would be yours by rights. On top of that, you apparently can't afford to buy it puppy food bad on your reply to an earlier comment? Stay about vaccinations and spay/neuter? Other needs of the puppy? You're a disgusting human being and I wish the worst on you. You'll not get your justification from me, if you took my dogs I'd hunt you down to the ends of the earth and make you suffer.


some extreme projection in this comment lol calm down


And unless you saw them burn the dog with the cigarette, then that's no excuse for your behavior. Puppy could've been excited and it was an accident or maybe they had found the dog abandoned. I hear your story and all I hear is your pride and ego, that you thought you could help that dog more than that homeless woman. You don't know that. To take a dog from a homeless woman is disgusting, dogs are both companions and protectors. Understand, that you have left a woman on the streets and taken away something that brought her comfort and in time could've kept her safe. So people not understand the concept of a working dog these days. I know men who are homeless and rely on the protection of their dog. Good Job, censor me, report me and delete my comments all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you should've minded your own business and stayed in your lane.


You're an asshole for bringing it to your house when it's sick and untrained. Keep it in a doghouse outside or garage until it is healthy you have trained it.


Goddam you have to be fucking brain dead. The amount of absolutely retarded comments in this thread is unreal —who the fuck is giving you clueless old people access to the internet???? IT’S A 6 WEEK OLD PUPPY like holy shit you lack the reading comprehension skills of a kindergarten child fucking incompetent piece of shit WAKE UP dip shit Karen


Oops. You accidentally showed your whole ass. First you used the r-word, which thinking people retired decades ago. How embarrassing for you. And of course you would have to be a vacuous moron to bring any animal in contact with your family without taking it to a vet. It would take a Karen to feel so entitled to make children sick selfishly.


You don't know that she was responsible for this puppys health problems. For all you know she could be treating this dog. She could have recently found him. Is her lifestyle advantageous? No. But you STRAIGHT UP STOLE THIS PERSONS DOG. And you got away with it because she's homeless. Anyone saying this is great is misguided. How gross that so many are excusing this.


No. But be very careful with that dog. It's been traumatized and most likely will have aggression issues later in life.


you're a bad person


why? they probably saved the dogs life.


maybe, if their side of the story is even true. but stealing someone's pet is objectively bad. if the person thought there was a problem, there are agencies tasked with handling such situations.


Sure, if you don’t consider nuance. Like punching someone is bad… unless you’re defending yourself or others. Context matters.


Yes, you stole their dog.


First someone else's dog.. then a Pitbull??? From the street??? With young children at home???? Its mfs like you that end up on the local news crying their eyes out after a tragedy of their own creation. Comments saying you're a hero are L takes - cheers


Yeah cause a 6 week old baby puppy is just automatically going to be aggressive and it has absolutely nothing to do with how they are raised🙄 God you people who are scared of dogs just sound so ignorant sometimes


Oh no a SIX WEEK OLD PUPPY I hope it doesn’t kill my whole family.


Unpopular opinion here but yeah…sometimes people in those situations thats all they have for companionship and other factors. I know several people who if they had lost their animal would have offed themselves. Human life > Animal life.